
An Unexpected Love

You sat there frozen. Staring at the text. Your mind goes blank. You didn't know what to do. You yelled for the nurse, she rush over to you and asked, "Are you feeling worse? Let me take you to the hospital." She came over to help you up but you stop her by saying, "Anio, I want to go home." She stares at you and then started blinking. blink~ blink~

"You're kidding me right? You just woke up and just a while ago you told me your stomach is still hurting, now yo..." Doesn't care about her answer, you stomp out of the nurse room with only your phone and the medicine box in your hands.

You ran out the school trying to catch a taxi but there wasn't any taxi. Aisssh! Why isn’t there any taxi? You ended up taking the bus. Your stomach is not getting any better but even worse. The pain is hurting you more and more. You bit your bottom lips holding in your pains.

Suddenly you felt a figure next to you. You turn and see a guy was sitting next to you and next to him there's another guy standing. They look familiar but you weren’t sure. "What?" You asked them, "You should drink this with that." The guy sit next offer you the water bottle and pointed to your medicine box. "I can tell you're in pain so mind as well just take your medicine." He said and then smiles. You just stare at him. Creeppyy. You didn't know if you should take it or not. Suddenly he grabs your hand and places the water bottle on it. "Here, I didn't poison it so don't worry!" 

" Tha-Thank you.... -shi?" You didn't know how what to call him. "I'm kyungsoo, people call me D.O. and this is Suho." Then you remember, EXO members, they're the one inside your classroom, and you never notice them though. "Thank you kyungsoo-shi." Then D.O and Suho walk back to their seat, which is the seat across from you.  Why are they taking a bus? They're not scare that their fans gonna go all crazy?

You then open the water bottle and drink another medicine so the pain can subside. That was really weird and creepy, but they seem nice. The bus finally stop and you got out. Your house is still far away, but this is the nearest bus stop to your house. Not wasting any minute, you started running. You run as fast as you could to your house. When you reach your house, you ring the doorbell. You stood there waiting for the maid to open the gate while trying to catch your breath. click . The sound of the gate, you then walk inside.

The maids was greeting you while you scans through them. "Where's the ahjumma?" You asked for the head maid. She came out from the kitchen, "Ne?" You walk over to her and asked, "There was a bread inside my room this morning, who put it there?" You ask her, "I believe it was Soojin, your personal maids." She smile at you and you widened your eyes, "She's back? I thought she wouldn’t be back until next month?"  Ahjumma just nodded.

Soojin was your personal maids since when you was little. She had a little accident awhile ago so she was off for 6 months. She was your maid but also your friends. "Annyeong miss, it's been a really long time." Soojin came from behind the ahjumma and greets you. You smile at her and open your arms for a hug.

"Welcome back Soojinah." You said as you hug her, and then you let go of her, "Anyways, I have things I need to ask you." She nods her head, telling you to go on. "The sweet bread, where did you got it?" You said as you walk over to the living room and sat down. "Oh, there was a pastry box in front of the doorstep last night with your name written on it." You eyes widened. "Pastry box?" you asked, things are getting strange, "Ne, but the box was ripped when I saw it so I just took the sweet bread and placed it inside your room. There also a letter, I placed it on your desk, next to the computer. You didn't see it?" You shook your head and said, "Arasso, I’ll just go up to my room and check it, go back to what you're doing."

You stood up and started walking to the stair but you suddenly fell to the ground. You were still conscious but your body is extremely weak. "Miss, are you okay?" Soojin help you up while other maids came running towards you. One of the maid place her hand on your forehead and gasped, "She's having a fever" Soojin look over to you and place her hand on your forehead, "Quick help me get miss ___ to her room, and others, please get me a small tub of water and a towel. Hurry!" Soojin said while she and the other maid help you get to your room. They lay you down on your bed once they reach your room. "Just sleep for a bit, I'll take care of you." Soojin said and with that, you let your eyes close and fall asleep.

The next morning, the sun was up and the light of it was going through your window, making your room all bright and sunny. You stir and then open your eyes slowly. The light was too bright for your morning eyes. You start rubbing it and yawns. I slept since yesterday more than 10 hours. Now my fever is gone. You got off the bed and went to get ready for school. When you headed downstairs, everyone was already seated except you. You walk over to your seat and take a glance at your parents.

Your dad is reading the newspaper while your mom is eating. "How do you feel now?" Your dad question makes you jump lightly, but then you feel happy. "My fever have gone down, my stomach is still hurting but it's be fine at the end of the day." You smile at him and start eating.

"Alright, remember to take some medicine and we're going to Sehun's house today." You froze on your spot. What the hell is this? I don't wanna go to his house. "Wae?" You ask your dad,

"It's Friday, we told you that this Friday they’re coming over remember, but since Sehun's father got sick, they can't visit us so we have to make a visit to their house." Your dad said while folding the newspaper. You stare at your breakfast plate, speechless. Hell to the no, I ain't going there, he always tease me and give me headache & I don't even have the strength to fight with him.

Your dad notices your space out face, and clear his throat, "If you don't listen to me tonight, tomorrow, the death anniversary. Don't even think about it. ARASSO?" He yelled at the last part making you jump. Tomorrow is a really important day to you, but going to his house is a disaster. There is no choice. "Ne" After hearing your answer, your dad stood up and left for work, your mom followed him. You were left with Yoona and Gikwang. "Eat" Gikwang said as he point to your plate. You complies and started eating. As soon as you finish, one of your mom's assistant drove you at school.

Everyone's eyes were on you when you enter the classroom. Ignoring them you just went to your seat. You notice Jiyoon and Minji was already here. They smile at you as you sit down, "Here is your bag and the other stuff you left behind yesterday." Minji said and hand you your bag. "You scare us, we was really scare when we went to the nurse room afterschool and your body wasn't there." Jiyoon said as she look at you and make puppy eyes. " I'm fine, I have good health, yesterday was just some incident. Don't worry." You gave them a smile telling them you're okay.

Baekhyun and Sehun enter the classroom with D.O, Kris, Kai and Luhan. You were watching them along with Minji and Jiyoon. Oh that's kyungsoo, the guy from yesterday. When Sehun and Baekhyun notice your presence, they didn't look away, they watch your every move. You look away from them when the teacher enter the room, "Okay kids, before we start the class for today, Lee ____, and Oh Sehun please get out."

"WAE?" you and sehun both yell at the same time, making the echo sound inside the classroom

"Because you guys need to go choose the song for the talent show, come back after you get the song,” the teacher said while looking at you guys, her brows furrow. Sehun stood up and walk out of the classroom, and you follow behind him. When you get to theater, you walk over the front row and sit down; Sehun followed you and sit beside you. You glare at him and he just smirk at you, "Why do you have to sit next to me?" You roll your eyes.

"Because since we're partner, we should stick together." He said without looking at you. He was giving all his attention towards the teacher. You notice it's Mr.Park, and Ms.Kim.

"Hi kids" Mr.Park said

"Today, it's the day to choose your song. Aren't you guys excited?" He was saying in an excited tone. "Let's Ms.Kim here tell you how this going to work." He grins and hand Ms.Kim the microphone.

"Hi guys, so today, you guys is going to get your song, you have to draw out your song from that box." She pointed to the box Mr.Park is holding. "So, every couple will pick 2 songs. You will get to decide which one you want to dance and which one to sing. If the song didn't come out the way you wanted, then too bad guys, it up. You can't exchange it." Ms.Kim was moving her index finger side to side, showing a no no.

"And guys, REMEMBER, you can't tell the other class your songs, the people that should know is your teacher us and you guys. Last but not least, this is a very important point, through your performance; you have to describe the emotion, the feelings and the song. Make us understand and feels it through your singing and dancing skills. Arrasso?" She ask the crow and they scream, "NE"

"Okay get in line guys and come up here." Ms.Kim put away the microphone and hold the box. While Mr.Park is holding a paper, writing down the couple name and their songs. It was a long line but you got through it. Sehun was standing beside you the whole time he say nothing. It was your turn, and you march towards the box, you was about to put your hand in and draw a paper out but Sehun was so fast, he did it before you can even touch the box.

You were amazed by his act; you give him a death glare. You watch his expression as he look at the paper. It turn out different than what you expected, you took the paper from his hand and look at it. "Can't I Love You” You gave Mr.Park the paper while chuckling, "Aigooo, what's with your expression? The song is really cute you know?" You .

He rolls his eyes and then was about to draw out another paper, but you put your hand inside the box and take out a piece of paper before he did. On the paper it was, "Should've kissed you" Your expression was priceless, Sehun notice the look on your face, and he takes a look at the paper and ended up laughing so hard that he was choking. "Look at your face, why is it so ugly?"

You give him a death glare before turning to the teacher, "We can go now right?" they nodded and you took off, he was right behind you, annoying the crap out of you. "I can teach you how to dance, move along with the music. You can learn from me. YAH, are you listening?" He won't stop talking and when you reach the classroom, "Well, since you've been talking this whole time, NONSTOP, I guess it's okay if you tell seonsangnim about the songs." Before he could even answer, you walk into the classroom and rest your head on your table and shut your eyes.

School went by really fast and it's time you have to go home. I don't want to go home, should I just lie and pretend to faint again? ugrh. No I can't or else I can't go to the cetemety tomorrow. Your dad pick you up, it was an awkward ride for you. You and your dad was never like this, he would always joke around with you and adore you, but since this arranged marriage thing happens. You and your dad wasn't the same anymore.

When you got home, the maid was greeting you and your dad at the door. "Go change and come downstairs." Your dad said as he walk pass you. You sigh and went upstairs to your room. You notice your phone was ringing on the table. I left my phone at home the whole day? I didn't even know that. You went over to your phone and check the caller ID. It was a block number again. You knew it's time to face it; you pick it up, "What do you want?"

"Oh my, don't be so tough, I didn't know you have this tough side." That person was chuckling which pissed you off. It was that guy voice again, the same guy voice you heard last time.

"If you don't have anything to say then I shouldn't waste my time talking to you." Your finger reaches for the end button but it stop when that person starts speaking again.

"Don't hang up on me, because I don't know what I’ll do to your family when I get mad." The voice become more serious and it gives you goosebumps, "So how's the sweet bread, you know, you shouldn't eat things you don't know where it come from. & Did you see my letter? I thought of you when I wrote that letter and make you that bread. I think I’m done for today, okay, annyeong" Then he hang up and the phone started going beep beep.

You remember about the letter Soojin told you. You went over to your computer and look for it but there wasn't any letter. You start looking around throwing stuff everywhere. You stop when you hear a knock. You open your door and see Soojin standing in front of you. "Miss, are you done changing? The master said you guys need to go now." You look down at your clothes, still in your uniform. "Tell my dad to wait, I’ll change and head downstairs right away." You walk over to your computer and look for the letter one more time but you couldn't find it. I'll just look for it when I get back. Then you went inside your closet.  You randomly put on a yellow shirt and a floral mini skirt, and it turns out nice.


You head downstairs and your parents were waiting for you. As soon as they saw you at the stair, they head outside, into the car first and you follow them. "Remember to be respectful today, because your dad is really serious about this." Your mom gripped your hand tight on your lap and then let go. You nods to her, and she turns her gaze back to the window.

Soon later, your car arrives at a mansion. I was big, like yours. You hate to call it a mansion, that's why you always call your mansion a "house". His house was really pretty; even you have to admit it. The maids greet your family once you enter their house. You look around his house and you notice he have a lot of maids, more than your family. This is even more than Boys over Flower! You greet Sehun's parents as soon as you see them. They smile and hug you. You look around but there was no sight of Sehun.

Sehun's parents lead you and your parents into the living room and the maid starts serving tea. You sat there awkwardly staring at the empty sofa infront of you. "Oh right, Sehun is still sleeping, since he just got home from practice an hour ago." Sehun's mom said and grins. "____-ah, would you mind going upstair and wake him up for me?" She asks you, giving you such a hard question to answer.

"Ehh..." You didn't know how to answer, Sehun's mom was still looking at you smiling, you turn to your mom and she nodded, you sigh and said, "Ne, I’ll go. Where’s is his room?" She points upstairs, "3rd floor, the room on the right side." You bow to the adults and walk upstairs. This is troublesome, why can't the maids do this?

You walk to the third floor and look over to the right; there was a room with a white door. You walk towards it, you didn't know why but your heart was racing. What is this? Did the pain from my stomach go up to my heart? You place your hand on your chest, trying to calm your heartbeat down. You grip onto the doorknob and begin turning it, slowly and slowly. You open his door and walk inside. It was a huge room like yours.

His room was pretty plain like what you expected the guy room would be, but there's a lot of music stuff. You spot Sehun laying on the bed. You walk over to his bed and stood there. You were looking down at him sleeping. I have to admit but he hace such a baby face, and his skin is even prettier than mine. You kneel down to take a better look at him. He has such a flawless skin and he looks so tired. He has panda eyes. You put out your index finger, and as you were about to poke his cheeks to wake him up, a voice stopped you.

"What are you doing?" You turn and see a little boy standing behind you with his hand on his hips staring at you with his fierce eyes. You were in an awkward position, your hand was still in the position to poke Sehun's cheeks and you're still on the ground. " I.. I... I was ju..." You stiffens as you felt a hand is gripping your hand, you turn around you see Sehun looking right straight at you with his tired face. Oh god, what is this? Why is this happening to me?





A/N - Hi guise, Chapter 9 is here! (: It's crazy long, but keep reading guys & next chapter is going to be more excited, we're going to dig in YOUR past & your little prince from the past. :D Not spoiling you anymore. here's some pictures ~

They're so cute! <3


& look at Sehun (:  cute cute ^_^ I WiLL GET THAT NECKLACE<3



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Sorry for the long wait guys, I've been busy with my AP homeworks, i will update a new chapter when i'm done with everything. Please be patience ! C:


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ElleoraPanda #1
Chapter 13: awesome story so far!!!!!!!
Chapter 13: AHHHHHHH! FINALLY! An update! Woohoo! But it's a sad one! :( I feel so sorry for them all >______<
update soon ~
oh i'm curious yeah! your story is good, update soooooooooon!
wow , i <3 ur poster ~ cute ~
SHINee_Key #6
Sehun's lil bro :D