Park JungMin's story

Story Collection of ss501

 ( Your POV )

" Fine, whatever!" I scream.
" You come back here!!!" Joon's deep voice shouts threw the halls. His frim hand grips I shoulders.
" Get off of me!" I scream.
" No!" He screams back. I take full force with my back hand, and wack it across his cheek.
" I hate you!" I cried, and ran off. I kept on running util I found a couple of benches in the baseball feild. Nobody was out here, so I thought this would be a good time to cry. LeeJoon, the guy who had just been screaming at me, is my ex boyfriend. I guess you can call what just happened a break up, but I'm not sure. In my mind we are not together. Joon used to be sweet, friendly, and loyal. But now he is just a total jerk, and abusive. I was luckly that I got away after I slapped him. If I hadn't... well you get the point. Tears flowed out of my eyes, and my nose grows irretated, and itchy. I cry a little when I feel a gental tap on my shoulder. I sniff and look up. I see a guy about  my age, with dark blond hair, light brown eyes, and fair skin. He is wearing a  black T- shirt, that show off his brod structured arms, and chest. He has jeans on with normal shoes. is full lips purse in a concerning smile. I know this guy, his name is Park JungMin. We went to grade school together. And now I'm finally noticing him again. He is really good looking now. He looks nothing like he did in grade school. 

 " Why such a long face?" He asks.
" Its nothing." I lie.
" Really? Are you sure?" He asks sarcasticlly.
" No, really. I'm okay." I lie again.
"  '__', I don't know if you remeber me, but we went to elementry school together. Remember?" He asks. I remeber him. But then I remember more to him. The memory makes me shudder.
 I was walking home from school one day, when my wrost enemy Son DamBi was right behind me. This is when we were in sixth grade. I was much smaller than her, she was like a mountain. 
 " Hey! You!" She screams. I turn my head, and see her and two of her other bulky friends. I roll my eyes, and keep walking.
" look at me!" She screams. I ignore her, and pick up my pace. Then I feel a sharp hand, pull a fist full of my hair. I scream out in pain.
" You look at me when I am talking to you." She growls. I fight back my tears of anger, and fear.
" Now, your gonna get it." She snickers. Then just about when she and her massive friends, were about to beat me, a voice crys out.
" Stop!" The voice crys. 
" What the hell?" One of DamBi's friend says.
" Get the hell out of here! Or I'll be calling the cops, and giving your a beating." Jungmin says. I reconize his voice from class. DamBi and her friends exchange a nervous glance, then run off. JungMin's taller, and his not so muscular body helps me up.
" Are you okay?" He asks.
" Um, yeah thanks." I say. He nods, and blushes, then walks off.
" Hey!" I cry. But he keeps walking. I shake my head, and keep walking in the opposite direction. 
" Oh, yes. I remeber you." I blush. He said something, but I didn't hear him, because I was so lost in his pretty brown eyes.
" Well?" He asks.
" Oh, wait. What?" I ask.
" I said, are you going to tell me about it?" He asks, with a cute boy smile.
" Oh yeah I guess," I say, I really did need somebody to talk to, and JungMin was here, so why not? " My boyfriend and I just broke up."
" Oh I'm sorry." He aplogizes.
" Its fine." I say.
" I can go kick his !" He suggests, with a laugh.
" Haha, no, no. Thats okay." I smile.
" Hey, cheer up. It will be okay." He says rubbing my shoulders. I look at him longingly.
" JungMin-ah?" I ask. I didn't relize how close we are.
" Hmm?" He says.
" Thankyou." I thank.
" For what?" He asks.
" For saving me that day. Back in the sixth grade." I say. He smiles, inching closer.
" I'll always be there for you." He says. His hands grab my waist carefully. I hitch my hands around his neck, and pull him closer to me. Are lips a neraly brushing together, but were not quite kissing yet.
" Will you kiss me?" I ask like an idot, not relizing how overly romantic I sound.
" Anytime." He replies, pressing his lips against mine. Are kissing grows more passionate. Then I stop him.
" JungMin-shi?" I ask again.
" mmm?" He moans.
" I love you." I admit, relizing that I have felt like this the whole time.
" I love you too. I always have." he says.
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