Professor Crazy

My Girl, My Vampire

Your first class was uneventful. No one seemed to notice the extra body in the classroom, except for the teacher, who was just like the lady in the office, extremely nice and bubbly. Sooyoung also remained close to you even though you tried to keep her at a ‘safe’ distance. You realized that her personality was just the kind to remain close to people, which was going to be a problem for you. When you moved to your next class, it was a completely different story though. Sooyoung didn’t have the class with you, but she had warned about the teacher before hand.

“Pay extremely close attention in his class, because he will randomly ask you questions even if you weren’t raising your hand. He also puts kids on the spot if you don’t know the answer so be careful,” she warned. *She is probably overreacting.* you thought mentally rolling your eyes.

But you managed to nod, “Ok, I’ll keep that in mind.” When you go into the class you handed the teacher the slip from the office.

“Wait up here,” he said pointing to a spot. “Class. Class. Class!” he shouted slamming a ruler down on a nearby boy’s desk. The class quieted down and faced forward. “We have a new student today. Please introduce yourself,” he said, turning to you.

You swallowed and faced the class, “My name’s ~~~~~. Please take care of me,” you said, bowing quickly.

“Ok. Ok. Your seat is back there,” he said, pointing out an empty seat close to the window in the back row. You nodded and headed to the desk. The lecture began and you tried to pay attention, but everything he was saying made no sense. None of your old classes had anything to do with so many numbers, letters and formulas. Suddenly, the teacher spun on his heals. “~~~~~. What is your answer?”

“Um…” you looked down at your paper and couldn’t even find the problem. All the numbers and letters were jumbled together in one big mess. “I don’t know,” you mumbled.

“What?” he asked.

“I don’t know the answer,” you said louder so he could hear, but still remain polite.

“Maybe you would know if you were paying attention to my lecture,” he snapped.

“But I am…” you began.

He didn’t give you anytime to finish, “No you aren’t! Because if you were you would know!” You felt all eyes turn on you and you knew that your eyes were starting to change. You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down.

You opened your eyes and looked at the teacher, your voice remaining even, “I was paying attention to your lecture, but I do not understand why the variables are plugged into the formula in that way. I was trying to figure that out, that is why I do not know the answer. So if you are going to punish me, then you must punish me for trying to learn.” You tried to shut up but your royal blood made you continue speaking, because unlike normal vampires, your hatred for being looked down upon was amped up. All the students looked to the teacher, expecting him to yell back at you, but the teacher just stared at you. He finally opened his mouth right as the bell rung out, and you quickly fled the classroom. *Well I broke the not attracting attention rule.* You thought sulking down the halls.

“~~~~~-ah!” You looked up and saw Sooyoung running towards you. “How did it go? Did he call on you? Did you know the answer? I bet he freaked out at you,” Sooyoung rambled.

You bit your bottom lip to stop yourself from laughing, “He did call on me and I… talked back,” you admitted.

“No way! No one ever does that!” she exclaimed.

“I know,” you looked down, “But…”

“You are so brave! Every time he calls on me I feel like I am going to die from embarrassment.” A smile tugged at the corner of your lips.

You gave her a half smile and shook your head, “I probably would have if that class lasted any longer.” *And if I wasn’t a vampire.*

 “Well let’s go! You’re going to love this next teacher! She is so nice!” Sooyoung laughed, turning on her heals and skipping down the hall. You looked town and smiled, quickly catching yourself and closing your mouth. *This non-smiling thing is really going to get me. But at least I don’t have to worry about any of the other rules.*



The teacher is based off a teacher I had. I know everyone has had that one teacher and if you are unlucky you have had them more than once. OH WELL!! Y BEAST COMES IN NEXT CHAPTER! I hope you look forward to the next chapter. PLEASE COMMENT!

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jaejoongjaejae #1
Chapter 8: Update please!
Chapter 8: wow good story so far and can't wait for the next update
Shinee7 #3
Update soon!! I luv it!
This story is REALLYREALLYREALLY interesting and I LOVE IT :D
sole_nero #5
just read ch.7, it was an interesting first meeting, that's for sure!<br />
I really am curious to find out how/if they would ever get along.. <br />
<br />
update soon!<br />
Update sooonnnn! ^^
shawollicious4ever #7
awesome story^^ pls update soon cannot wait
The beginning is as awesome as always... please continue writing! You can't stop here and leave us with this hot "unknown" guy! ;)
ahhh that guy must be jjongie~~