사랑 (salang, love) was the Cause of EVERYTHING

A Summer in LA... ON HIATUS


After eating all the food that could fill their tummies, Uncle Boston called the maids and asked them to take everyone to their rooms and give them so clothes to change to after bathing that’s when Super Juniors manager

Manager: excuse me before showing Leeteuk, Coral, Janet, Donghae, Nathalie, Eunhyuk & I our rooms can we use your office we need to talk about something.

Uncle Boston: Sure, Blondie(Nathalie) take them there since u already know the way

Nathalie: Ya don’t call me that babo uncle, come follow me

Nathalie leaded the way to the office and then Leeteuk asked Nathalie & Donghae in a very serious tone what happened when they were send to look for Coral & Eunhyuk.


NaHae: well well we we went went…

Janet: one at the time Nathalie you first

Nathalie: well we went to get them and when we arrived to the bathroom they were having a make out session in front of the bathroom I was gonna call them when all of a sudden Donghae-shi grab my hand and drag me outside, when we got outside he started crying, I gave him a back hug to comfort him but since people where starting to stare I pulled him somewhere with less people and after a while out of nowhere he started laughing like a manic so I asked him what was wrong and he said that now he didn’t have to worry about hurting Eunhyuk-shi, when I asked him what he meant by that he said what I mean is this and he suddenly kissed me, I tried and tried to push him away but he was too strong for me so I had no option but to give up and I also liked him so I couldn’t resist any longer but after parting he told me to  pretend nothing happened when I asked him why he said because this is crazy and I don’t like u, so I got mad, frustrated and heartbroken and told him then why did u kiss me u freaking jerk pabo Fish I hate u and I hope u fall to the deepest of hell, and ran away.

Leeteuk: *Looks at Donghae* is it true?

Donghae: Yes is true *looks to the floor ashamed of himself*

LeeNet: Coral & Eunhyuk what’s going on between the two of you as far as we know Eunhyuk is Donghaes boyfriend

Coral: well remember a few days ago when Nathalie and I went to play around we met Donghae & Eunhyuk by coincidence so we decided to go around together everyone wanted to ride the roller coaster except Nathalie so Eunhyuk was forcing her to get on when Nathalie bit him and stomped on his feet them Eunhyuk was going to slap her but Donghae got in between and got slap instead after getting slap he grabbed Nathalie by the hand and without her noticing he ran toward the roller coaster, after that Eunhyuk wouldn’t stop crying saying that Donghae is gonna hate him now and no matter how many times I tried to console him he wouldn’t stop so I kiss him to shut him up but I liked it and couldn’t get him out of my mind, after a few weeks the day Leeteuk & Janet went on a date and Nathalie went shopping with Sungmin Eunhyuk called me and told me to meet him at his room since he wanted to speak to me so I went we ate Ramen and played video games when I was about to leave he stopped me to tell me what he was gonna tell me.

Eunhyuk: So I stopped her and told her that I love her and not to tell anyone because I needed to think on how I should break it to Hae and that’s what got us into this mess.

Eunral: We’re sorry Donghae we didn’t mean to cheat on u like that

Donghae: Anyo you guys don’t have to apologize it’s ok like Nathalie said earlier I’m happy since I don’t have to hurt monkey, Coral take good care of him and I should be the one to apologize to Nathalie I’m sorry I didn’t mean to say what I said earlier I really like you a lot more than anything in this world it’s just that if you’re with me I won’t be able to spend time with you or protect you. jeongmal jeongmal jeongmal mianhae nal yongseohagilo hago & nae yeoja chingugadoeeo jullae? (I’m really really really sorry would you forgive me and be my girlfriend?)


Nathalie: Of course I forgive you oppa and u don’t have to worry about not having time to spend with me I understand that you’re a very busy person and about protecting me I’m a really strong person and I have Janet, Coral unnie and all my other unnies back home to protect me right unnies.

JanCo: right

So they finish discussing about what happened and everything was solved without anyone getting hurt. Nathalie called for the maids and the maids showed them their rooms the next morning when everyone woke up everyone from SM was at Uncle Boston mansion with all their belonging including SuJus’ and their managers it turns out that uncle Boston told his people to bring everyone together with the girls belongings to his mansion so they didn’t have to keep wasting money on a hotel. Like that days passed and it was time to say goodbye because the boys needed to go back to South Korea and the girls back home with their families but they promised to keep in contact with each other.


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waaah!! it amazing! keep writing~!!!! ^^
Dyliana #2
Ahhh!! U use the pic!!! :)
:D i cant wait for the next chapter!!