The shocking encounter

A Summer in LA... ON HIATUS

Janet, Coral and Nathalie went to LA because they got tickets to watch a SMTown concert, and where staying at the Disneyland resort. It was 12:00 p.m. and they got hungry so they went to the hotel’s restaurant to eat. After ordering the food Nathalie had the urge to use the lady’s room and excused herself from the dining table, on the way to the restroom she received a text message from Lee Hyun-Ae, when Nathalie entered the restroom she look in front of her and saw DongHae peeing because of the shock she drop her phone(Nathalie’s’ face was like this: *,*), DongHae heard something fell toward the doors direction and has soon as he saw Nathalie he scream his lungs out and Nathalie left the bathroom running forgetting she had to use the lady’s room, when Nathalie was rushing back to the table Leeteuk and the manager where rushing to the bathroom because of DongHaes’ scream.

Leeteuk and Manager: What happened?

DongHae: The…te…he…

Leeteuk: Ya get yourself together!!!!!!!!!! *shaking hae by is shoulders*

DongHae: therewasagirlatthedoor!!!!!!!!

Manager: What can u speak slowly?

DongHae: There was a girl at the door and she saw me peeing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leeteuk and Manager: O.O

 Manager: what’s this? *grabs something from the floor*


On the dining hall

Janet: Nathalie what was that girly scream and why do look so pale?

Nathalie: no…nothing there was a rat in the lady’s room

Coral: whaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttt? O.O


Back at the bathroom

Leeteuk: can u hurry up hyung

Manager: I can’t it has a password

DongHae: Aish this is driving me crazy

Manager: forget it at least we have her phone so if she took pictures she can’t share them online, let’s go back to the dining hall

Leeteuk and DongHae: Arraso hyung


After dinner everyone went to their rooms with their tummy’s full. The next day Janet woke up really early and decided to head to eat breakfast, Janet was waiting for the elevator and when the doors opened she saw DongHae and Eunhyuk making out and Leeteuk with an annoyed face as soon as Leeteuk noticed Janets shock face he step in front of Eunhae to block her view from the make out session s where having, Janet entered the elevator and whispered to Leeteuk that he doesn’t need to worry because she isn’t going to tell anyone the doors to the elevator opened and Janet gets off and Leeteuk screams a Thankyu to her.




Janet was waiting for her breakfast when a waiter passed by her and she heard:

Stranger: Omo aren’t u the girl from the elevator?

Janet: Ne annyeonghaseyo Leeteuk-Shi

Leeteuk: can we have breakfast with you I don’t want to eat alone with this two

Janet: Sure why not, I don’t want to eat alone anyways

Leeteuk: thankyu, are you here alone?

Janet: No I came here with two of my friends

Leeteuk: really then why’re you eating by yourself?

Janet: They are still sleeping

*Janet’s phone starts ringing*

Janet: sorry I have to get this

Leeteuk: go ahead


Janet’s phones conversation

Janet: Hello

Unnie where are u?

Janet: having breakfast come down and eat

No it’s alright we ordered room service

Janet: what!!!!!?????

We ordered food service and we already ate so hurry up so we can go play we’ll wait for you at the lobby

Janet: Ya wait Ya ya

*line went dead*


Leeteuk: is everything alright?

Janet: oh yes that was my friends, sorry I have to go, waiter can I have my bill

The waiter takes the bill to Janet, she pays and both she and the waiter take their leave

Leeteuk: *looking at her fainting figure* *waah :-L she’s so beautiful* aish I forgot to ask her name


Janet, Nathalie and Coral went to have fun and returned really late and tired so they decided to go straight to bed.


The next day Coral was pacing back and forth at the lobby when she suddenly bumped into someone.

Coral: I’m so sorry *bowing with her eyes close*

Stranger: It’s alright you didn’t get hurt did you?

Coral: no I’m fine and you *looking to the floor with eyes close because of embarrassment*

Stranger: Are you sure?

Coral: yes I’m sure *omo that voice sounds so familiar*

Coral looks up and sees the strangers face to find no other but Eunhyuk standing in front of her.

Eunhyuk: well since you’re all right I’ll be leaving Bye now

Because of the shock Coral stays there standing without moving a single muscle processing to her brain what just happened, on the other hand Janet met Leeteuk by “coincidence” and Leeteuk invited her out,  after Janet outing with Leeteuk, they went back to the hotel and before parting Leeteuk gave 3 backstage tickets for the SS4 to Janet.


After the first Showcase of the SS4 backstage


Leeteuk: I want to introduce a friend of mine to everyone and please be nice to her

All: okayyyyyy


On their way backstage

Nathalie: u…un…unnie do I really have to go with you guys?

Coral & Janet: yes didn’t you want to meet the Super Junior members?

Nathalie: Yes but…

Coral: but nothing now’s your chance…

Janet: and we aren’t going to let you waste it.


The girls arrived at the waiting room

Hyung is she pretty?

Leeteuk:  yes really pretty

What about her friends’ hyung?

Leeteuk: molla I haven’t met them yet

*knock Knock*

All: coming

Janet, Nathalie and Coral: Annyeonghaseyo!!!!!!

Leeteuk: everyone stops what you’re doing I want you to meet my friend Janet

All: annyeong Janet-shi

Janet: annyeong

Leeteuk: now let me introduce the members to you

Janet: oh don’t worry about that I already know who they are, let better introduce my friends

Leeteuk: oh right go ahead

Janet: this is Coral, and this is Nathalie

Coral: *hiding behind Janet* Annyeong I’m Coral it’s a pleasure to meet you all

Nathalie: *hiding behind Janet and Coral* annyeong I’m Nathalie

Janet: ya stop hiding it’s not like they aren’t going to eat you guys

*they stop hiding* when all of a sudden

Eunhyuk: Ya u’re the girl from the lobby

All: …*what’s wrong with anchovy did he eat something spoil?*

Donghae: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you’re the girl from the bathroom

All: O.O what Bathroom!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!




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waaah!! it amazing! keep writing~!!!! ^^
Dyliana #2
Ahhh!! U use the pic!!! :)
:D i cant wait for the next chapter!!