Chapter 9


                It had been two days since Sorotsu had gone on her date with Joon. It was a Saturday morning so she was still in bed at 11 in the morning. She had been keeping track of the blogs and tumblr, online. Her date was everywhere. She, of course, had saved some of the better pictures. Even the news and variety shows were talking about her. She hasn’t even attempted to go outside yet. Joon and the rest of MBLAQ were still quite busy on these shows. She stopped trying to watch them all. She was even being talked about on shows without a member of MBLAQ. Even Kai seemed to be getting questioned about her as well.

“Mamoritai, Bokutachi ga kawaa yakusoku Oh.”

Her phone started to ring. It was Daijoubou by MBLAQ. That Meant Joon was calling.

“You can believe, Daijoubu itsudemo, Tonari ni hiru yo”

                She rolled over to the edge of her bed and reached down to the floor where her phone was plugged into the charger. She smiled as she answered the phone. “Hey! Good Morning!” Joon laughed “Good morning? I’ve been up since 6am.” Sorotsu fake pouted “Aww I’m sorry, I just woke up though so it’s still a good morning for me.” Joon smiled “Well how about I make it an even better morning?” Sorotsu laid on her back smiling at the ceiling “How are you going to do that?” Joon laughed again “You will see. I am coming over to take you somewhere in about two hours or so.  So go get ready, and wear something casual. No skirts this time!”  She sat up smiling. “Alright! Where are we going?” Joon laughed “It’s a secret!” he said in an aegyo voice. Sorotsu scrunched her face, smiling. He was just too adorable. “I see, then I should probably go jump in the shower.” It sounded like Joon choked on something “Are you ok?” she asked. She could hear Seungho laughing in the background as Joon was still coughing. “Umm… Yeah. I just umm… swallowed my water wrong.” She could hear Seungho laughing even harder.

                Joon cleared his throat “Well I will be there around 1 so… yeah… you should go, umm… take a shower.” Sorotsu laughed at his sudden weirdness “Ok, I’ll see you soon. Bye.” Joon quickly said bye and hung up the phone.

                Seungho kept laughing at Joon. “Smooth.” Joon ran his hands through his hair. “Why would she tell me that she has to take a shower.” The leader of MBLAQ just looked at him shaking his head. “We say that to each other all the time. Its something everyone does before they go somewhere.” Joon messed up his hair and spazzed around in a circle. “Why am I like this?” Thunder came in and started laughing right away “Just got off the phone with Sorotsu?” Seungho nodded as Thunder sat next to him on the couch.  “He is flustered because she said she had to take a shower.” Thunder laughed but slowly turned away as a slight blush came to his face. He had unintentionally imagined it. Joon noticed “YAA! What are you thinking about!?! Don’t think those things about her!!”

                Thunder laughed awkwardly “It’s the same thing you imagined.” Joon grabbed a pillow from the couch and started to hit him with it. Mir came out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist and saw Joon beating the visuals with a pillow. He laughed and grabbed a pillow and started to help Joon. “Hyung? Why are we beating him?” he said laughing. Both Joon and Thunder stared at Mir. “Why aren’t you wearing pants?” Thunder asked confused. Mir looked down “I just got out of the shower.” The visual and the face of the group once again looked away turning red.

                “Seungho-hyung? What’s going on?” Mir asked since he wasn’t getting any answers from these two. “They are flustered because they imagined Sorotsu in the shower.” Mir looked over at them “I can see how that would get you flustered.” The two flustered ones started beating him with pillows now. Seungho just started to read something on his phone. Mir’s towel fell down revealing him to the other members. “OH GOD! Mir! Go put on pants!” Joon said holding a pillow in front of his face. Thunder hid behind Joon. Mir laughed as he grabbed the towel and put it over his shoulder instead of back around his waist.

                He walked out of the room towards the bedrooms and passed G.O who came in from the grocery store. He followed Mir with a confused gaze. “Why isn’t he wearing pants?” He said as he put the groceries on the counter. Seungho just laughed “Showers are a taboo subject at the moment. These two idiots keep getting flustered because of a certain girl who said she needed a shower over the phone causing Joon to choke on the air. Then this one,” he said motioning towards Thunder. “He went and imagined it and Joon got mad.” G.O smiled “Speaking of her, you should invite her over here tonight. We could make her dinner and we don’t have any schedule tomorrow either so she can stay as late as she wants.” Seungho nodded “Yeah, we can’t just keep eating her food and invading her house. Everyone knows her face already so it should be fine.” Thunder perked up “I think it’s a good idea too!” Joon hit him with a pillow again. “Yeah, I will bring her over here after we finish our date.” He said making sure to put emphasis on date while looking at Thunder who just grinned.

                Sorotsu got out of the shower and stared at her closet. “Hmmm…. Something casual and no skirts…” she smiled as she pulled out a gray and green horizontal striped shirt and a pair of worn dark gray jeans. She got dressed and put on a belt that looked like green checkered seatbelt. She blow dried her hair and brushed it out. She didn’t really like putting her hair up, so she just left it brushed down.  She still had about half an hour left to wait. She grabbed a bowl of cereal and sat in front of the TV. EXO was performing on whatever show this was. She sat there giggling whenever she saw Kai and Chanyeol. She finished eating her cereal and kept the spoon in as she walked over to the sink and rinsed the bowl. She was putting the bowl in the dishwasher as there was a knock on the door. She answered it not realizing she still had a spoon in .

                Joon was standing there smiling and laughed when he saw the spoon. He reached out and gently pulled the spoon out of . She turned red and stared at the spoon like it developed magical teleporting powers. “You are so adorable!” he said pulling her into a big hug. Joon walked over the open dishwasher and put the spoon in and closed it. He looked at the TV and saw them interviewing EXO. Kai kept getting asked questions about Sorotsu, but he wasn’t really answering most of them. Chanyeol just kept grinning over at Kai. “So, Kai is even getting asked about you as well. You are really popular now you know.” He said kissing her forehead. She smiled.

                “So where are we going this time?” Joon smiled and bit his lower lip. “Somewhere that’s public but still private.” She looked at him confused. “Let’s go!” He said turning the TV off and grabbing her hand. He had a cab waiting for them. “To the museum.” He said as he sat next to Sorotsu. “We are going to the museum?” Joon nodded. “They have an outdoor garden I want to go to. It doesn’t usually have many people.”

                They got there and once again Joon insisted on opening her door for her. He paid the driver and led her into the museum. Instead of going inside the building he walked her around back where there was a huge garden. It had all sorts of trees and even a pond full of ducks. Joon started smiling ear to ear. He squeezed her hand and turned to face her. He was smiling so big that it caused Sorotsu to smile even more. “You want to play hide and seek?!” Joon asked excitedly. She started laughing really hard. So this was why he wanted her to wear casual clothes. He wanted to run around today. She nodded “Let’s do it!” He danced around. “You hide first!!” He said as he ran over to a tree by the pond. He started using the ducks in the pond to count.

                Sorotsu ran to find a hiding spot. She found a bush with a hollowed out area and hid in that watching Joon count the ducks through the leaves. He finished counting them; well more like gave up because they kept moving. She was smiling trying not to laugh. Joon started looking around the different trees and bushes he came across. He started getting closer to the bush she was hiding behind. She stared intently and decided to make a run for it towards the tree where Joon was counting. She waited for Joon to turn away from her and she stood up and started to back away from the bush slowly then took off running. Joon saw her run out of the corner of his eye. He pretended not to notice.

                She stood behind the tree and peeked around it to where she thought Joon was. He wasn’t there. She couldn’t see him anywhere in the direction she came from. The sun shone through the tree she was standing next to and it hit her face. She stared up at the sky and closed her eyes. Suddenly there were arms around her from behind. “You look so pretty in the sunlight.” Joon whispered in her ear. She smiled and put her arms over his and sighed. “You found me.” She laughed.  He turned her around and looked at her. The wind blew through his hair as he smiled “You’re the only one for me.” She stared at him with a slight blush on her face. It was like looking at a real life anime scene. She leaned towards him and softly placed her lips against his. The butterflies were back in full force.

                She pulled back smiling. Joon opened his eyes slowly and then danced around. “It’s like butterflies!” he said as he picked her up and swung her around. She kept laughing. “Speaking of butterflies, they should have a butterfly house here.” He said as he put her down. He held her hand swinging it back and forth as he looked around excitedly for the butterfly house.

They found it on the other end of the museum. They opened the door to this giant glass building and a few butterflies fluttered away from the door. Sorotsu walked inside with a look of amazement on her face. She had never been in one before. Joon closed the door behind them. The ground was covered in flowers and a few trees. There were grass walkways through the flowers.

                Joon hugged her from behind again and whispered in her ear, “If you are slow and quiet in here, then the butterflies won’t fly around. Watch this.” He let go and ran down one of the pathways and butterflies flew all over. She stared at them with a smile on her face that felt like it was never going to leave. Joon stopped suddenly and yelled to her. “Now it’s your turn! Run over there!” he said pointing to the other path. She laughed and ran down the other path watching all the butterflies fly away. Joon ran over to her and put a finger up to his lips. They walked slowly to a grass circle under a tree. He sat down and motioned for her to join him. He leaned over and whispered “Now we wait for a few minutes.”

                They sat there looking at the butterflies slowly coming back to the flowers to rest. Joon sighed and laid on the ground resting his head on Sorotsu’s lap. “Even with all these flowers, I can only see you.” He said as he reached up and cupped her cheek with the palm of his hand. She smiled and put her hand on the back of his. Joon put his hand down and stared at the leaves above them. Sorotsu kissed him on the forehead and laughed to herself.

                Joon looked up at her smiling. “What’s so funny?” She smiled “That’s the first time I kissed you on the forehead. I usually can’t reach it.” He laughed as he ruffled up her bangs. “You are too cute for your own good. Oh yeah! The guys wanted me to bring you home for dinner tonight. We don’t have any schedule tomorrow so you can stay as long as you want. Keep your space from Thunder though.” He glared off to the side “That boy has impure thoughts.” Of course he wasn’t going to admit that he had the same exact thoughts. Sorotsu laughed. “You don’t have to worry about me. I only want you.” hearing that he sat up and smiled, “Well then! Let’s go back to the dorm! I hope they cleaned up, and I hope Mir put on pants.”

                They arrived at the dorm building and Joon told her to wait in the cab for a minute as he called G.O. “Hey, We are here. There are cameras and Sorotsu and I can’t walk in just the two of us. Send someone or come down here.” He hung up and stared at the door anxiously. Mir and Thunder came running out almost wrestling over who could come out the front door first. Joon covered his face and sighed. The photographers automatically started taking pictures of the two being silly. Joon got out of the cab and she followed him. Mir saw them get out and waved and ran over to her.

                He hugged her. “You’re here! It’s been forever since I saw you last!” She laughed “Mir-ssi, it’s only been a week.”  Thunder came running over and hugged her and Mir “Sorotsu! We missed you!” She laughed awkwardly and could hear camera’s clicking around them. “Thunder-oppa, Mir-ssi, we should go inside now. People are taking our photos.” She laughed awkwardly. Joon reached in and tried to free his girlfriend from his friends grasps. They let go and each grabbed a hand and pulled her as she looked to Joon for help. Joon just laughed. If cameras weren’t around he would have pushed Thunder away.

                Once inside the lobby, they were waiting for the elevator. Joon hugged Sorotsu from behind. “You guys can let go now.” He said glaring at Thunder who automatically let go grinning. Mir pouted and hesitated. “Mir, it’s good to see you put pants on.” Joon laughed causing him to pout even more and let go of her hand. He smiled at the both of them as the elevator opened. Seungho almost walked into them. “Oh, you’re here. I came because it was taking a long time.” Joon rested his head on Sorotsu’s head. “These two idiots wouldn’t stop hugging her outside. There are now photos of them being stupid with her.” Seungho sighed and covered his face with his hand. They all stepped into the elevator. Joon refused to let go of her until she squirmed. He blushed after he realized what he was doing.

                The elevator opened and Mir ran out first to go open the dorm door. Seungho followed and went in first. Thunder was about to offer his hand to Sorotsu but Joon stared at him so he just smiled and followed Seungho. Joon grabbed her hand and smiled and led her inside. Mir came in last grinning. The dorm smelled really good. G.O was cooking in the kitchen. Joon led her into the living room and had her sit on the couch as he went to go see what was cooking in the kitchen. Seungho sat on the other end of the couch and smiled at her as he turned the TV on. Pororo was on. Mir heard it from the kitchen and came out and sat on a pillow on the floor. He loved Pororo. Seungho laughed “See Sorotsu, they are just like children.” She smiled and nodded. She already knew a lot about each of them. She has always been a fan of MBLAQ. Thunder came in and sat on the floor with his back against the couch about a foot away from Sorotsu’s leg. He kept looking up at her smiling and he tried to wink once but Seungho kicked him.

                She sat cross legged on the couch watching TV. Joon came back in to the living room and sat next to her. He seemed pleased that no one was bothering her. “G.O said the food will be done soon. Mir, you should get the table.” Mir got up and went to the closet while trying not to look away from the show. He pulled the table out from the bottom and placed it on the floor and laid on his stomach hugging the pillow staring at the TV. G.O called Seungho into the kitchen and they started putting the food out on the table. Sorotsu looked over interested and got up and offered to help. G.O smiled and handed her the plates. She set them out on the table and smiled, which caused giddy reactions from all the members, besides G.O who couldn’t see her. She looked around and smiled at Joon who had such a big smile on his face that his eye smile showed. She felt at home here.

                Seungho hugged her. “Joon can we just adopt her?” This was the first time he showed this kind of affection towards her. She laughed and blushed. “I think I’m a little to old to be adopted.” Joon laughed from the couch. Thunder and Mir were still watching Pororo. G.O came out from the kitchen. “It’s time to eat!” That caused Mir and Thunder to snap their attention away from the TV. Mir turned the TV off as they all settled around the table and Joon made sure that Sorotsu sat between him and G.O. They all ate and talked and laughed. Everyone kept feeding her. She was careful not to let her lips touch any of their fingers. This was probably the best dinner she ever had.

                They finished all of the food. Sorotsu helped G.O pick up the dishes as Mir ran to the TV and an Xbox 360. The only game they had was Halo 3. Usually they would play PC games but they got this so they could play multiplayer with each other. Mir and Thunder each grabbed a controller and they started a match with each other. Sorotsu and G.O could hear them yelling at each other about cheating and screen looking. She laughed and handed G.O the last of the dishes as he rinsed them off and put them in the dishwasher. “Seungho was right. We should adopt you. You are more helpful then those two.” He said smiling. Joon came in a hugged her. G.O laughed. “Take care of him for us.” He said poking Joon on the shoulder.

                She smiled and nodded as Joon led her back to the living room and back to their spots on the couch. She lit up as she saw that they were playing Halo 3. “Can I play next!?” she sounded so excited that Thunder, Joon and Seungho all looked at her in unison. Mir looked back slowly. She smiled cutely. They all grinned and Mir and Joon wiggled around. Mir laughed “You can play winner!” Thunder looked like he wasn’t breathing. “You can play now.” He said smiling and handing his controller to her. She took it and automatically laid on the floor next to Mir and looked very concentrated. Thunder was about 5 kills behind Mir. She quickly caught up and was soon beating him.

                The boys all looked at her in amazement as she stared intently at the screen, biting her bottom lip. Thunder laid on the floor on the other side of her, “You are really good at this.” She nodded “I play this when I go visit my dad in America. They play a lot of console games there.” Thunder lit up. “So you can speak English too?” she nodded. He looked over at Mir. “She is even more talented then you are Mir.” Mir stuck out his bottom lip, trying to catch up to Sorotsu’s score. She shook her head but still kept staring at the screen “You guys are all talented. I don’t really have any useful talents.” Joon got up off the couch and sat in the gap between Sorotsu’s hip and Thunders hip. Thunder was lying diagonal across the floor. “You’re wrong! Sorotsu, you can alter clothes, I saw some of them myself when I was looking at your clothes. You also get paid to write don’t you?” She blushed. “Yeah but I only write descriptions for an online mall. That isn’t very hard or creative. Any one can do that.”

                Joon kissed the top of her head. “You also have the talent of being overly cute. I mean just look around you, you have all of MBLAQ in the palm of your hand.” She turned to face Joon. Mir shot her and finally tied her score. “WOOO!!!” Mir yelled. She looked around and the boys were all smiling at her. She smiled and her eyes welled up. Joon saw this and immediately hugged her head to his chest. “NO! Don’t cry!” He said as the other members suddenly became worried. Mir immediately dropped the controller and wrapped his arms around both her and Joon. Thunder did the same. Seungho and G.O smiled at each other and laughed as they joined in the group hug too. She started crying because she was so happy, but now she had all five members of MBLAQ hugging her against the floor. As happy as she was, she was still smaller then all of them and couldn’t breathe.

                Since Joon was hugging her head to his chest she sounded muffled. “Guys…. I can’t breathe…” they didn’t hear her so in English she yelled “AIR!!” Thunder automatically let go and pushed everyone apart. She gasped for air and laid on the ground on her back laughing and breathing. “Th… Thank you.” She said in English again. Thunder grinned at her. Speaking Korean again she explained “I couldn’t breathe.” They all looked worried. She smiled at all of them and sat up. “Thank you, guys. I’m sorry I cried. I just lived by myself for such a long time and Kai went off for training before I lived alone so I never really had anyone around. Now I get all of you guys and you are all so nice…” she said trailing off as her eyes started to tear up again. She looked directly at Joon. “Thank you.” She said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

                Joon grabbed her hand and pulled her onto his lap and held her close with her pressing her face against his chest. She was so happy that she couldn’t stop the tears. Joon slid back with her so his back was against the couch. Seungho nodded at Mir and Thunder so they slowly turned around and started a new match on the game. They kept looking back. Seungho watched them play and G.O took out his laptop and sat at the table with it. They were just going to let her cry for as long as she needed. Joon held her in his strong arms and smiled softly as she tried to stop crying.

                After a few minutes she wiped her face off and smiled up at Joon who kissed her forehead. “I’m good now.” She said quietly. Joon loosened his grip on her and she faced forwards but still sat between his legs. She rested back against his chest. G.O looked up from his laptop and smiled at Seungho who checked his phone and nodded. “Sorotsu? We think you should stay the night here tonight.” Mir and Thunder spun around with huge grins on their faces. “Please stay over!” Mir begged her with a puppy dog face. She looked up at Joon who was smiling ear to ear. She nodded “If its ok, I will.”

                Mir and Thunder stood up excitedly and danced around. Mir ran to his room humming something. He came back out wearing pajamas and holding a kigurumi that looked like a red panda. He threw it at Sorotsu “You don’t have pajamas with you so you can wear this!” He started humming again. She recognized the song this time and laughed. She grabbed the kigurumi and walked to the bathroom and put it on and washed her face. She folded her clothes and put them on the floor next to the couch. Mir was the only one in the living room now. The other members must have gotten his hint as well and went to go put on their pajamas. Mir was now dancing around the living room singing instead of humming Pajama party by Super Junior H.

                She put the hood up. This was the first time she wore one of these. She laughed and Mir turned to look at her and just stood there staring. Seungho and Thunder came in and could only see Sorotsu from behind and laughed a little. They noticed Mir as they walked past her to get into the living room. Seungho laughed “What is the pajama party o…ver…” he stopped talking as he turned to see her from the front. Thunder turned red and his mouth opened a little.  Seungho smiled and G.O and Joon came in. “Look.” He said motioning for them to come over by them and look at her. G.O’s eyes opened wide and Joon looked like he was about to explode.

                Sorotsu felt really awkward and she pulled her fingers into the sleeves and looked down at herself. She moved her arms a little. “Does it look that bad?” she said tilting her head slightly. That was the last Joon could handle he danced around and grabbed her “How can someone be soooooo adorable!?” he said squeezing the bajeezus out of her. The other members started a mixture of flailing and laughing. She immediately recognized these as fan reactions. MBLAQ had just fangasmed over her. She started laughing as Joon set her down.

                She sat down cross-legged in front of the couch. “So Mir-ssi, what kind of pajama party are we having?” The members, besides Joon who was dancing around still, were standing awkwardly in the middle of the living room. G.O laughed and sat back down by his computer. Seungho leaned on Mir, who was still staring, “Mir!” he sang in to his hear which snapped him out of it. Thunder was avoiding looking at her now. He hadn’t calmed his face down yet. It was still red. Joon finally calmed down enough to sit on the couch behind her. Mir ran into the kitchen and they could hear him fumbling around. Seungho sat at the edge of the couch and Thunder just sat where he was standing and stared at the floor.

                Mir came running out of the kitchen with 3 bottles and grinned. “We have Soju!”

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fruitimoodi #1
THis is amazing!
Chapter 34: awww!! and LMAO!! CHANYEOL AND HIS WHITE FLOWER AHAHAHAHH I laughed pretty hard at that part.
Chapter 32: awww this is cute. question though, how long did her father live in america?
Chapter 32: 21P
ok thats me marking my spot. i wish aff had like a place holder option or something.

anyways im falling aasssllleeepp and i need to get up at a reasonable time tomorrow. I'M GOING TO THE FAIIIRR hhahha.

i lol'd at the part where he shook cheondungs hand saying he was most attractive hahha
Chapter 32: ok im back again
Chapter 32: 4am is not night!!
Chapter 31: aww that was really cute. lol.
Chapter 31: ok i lol'd at the scene hahaha
Chapter 31: lol OF COURSE dara was behind her sitting between cheondung and baeky!!BAHHAHAHAHAH i love dara
Chapter 31: hahhaha ok so chanyeol is really cracking me up hahah. still had his pillow at breakfast bahahhaha