Chapter 10


                Mir grinned and put the bottles on the table. G.O and Seungho looked over at Thunder then back to Mir. Thunder had a look on his face like he was going to be sick. Mir ran and grabbed their shot glasses. “Sorotsu, we only have five shot glasses. You will have to share.” Thunder scooted over to the table. “I will share with Joon so that she doesn’t have to share. That way I won’t drink as much either.” Seungho grabbed his shoulder, “That’s a great idea!”

                Sorotsu looked up at Joon who had an odd expression on his face. “Do you want to drink?” he asked her concerned. He had no idea if she could handle her liquor or even drank for that matter. She smiled and nodded “I can handle my liquor.” She laughed “I drank with people in America a few times.” Her fathers’ friends’ kids would often invite her to parties when she came to visit but she never really socialized there, they weren’t her kind of people. The members smiled at her and Mir came and dragged her over to the table and sat her down next to Thunder and Joon came and sat on the other side of her.

                Seungho passed the shot glasses around and Mir poured the Soju. “Joon you get to drink first. Thunder, don’t drink too much. You know you get sick.” Thunder nodded. G.O the stereo and plugged in his iPod and put it on shuffle. He turned it to a volume where it was just background noise. He sat down next to Seungho across from Joon. Mir sat across from Thunder on the other side of Seungho. Mir grinned and held up his shot “ONE SHOT!” he laughed and everyone except Thunder took it all in one shot. Everyone except Mir and Sorotsu made a crinkled face. Mir started pouring the shots again.

                “You really are good at drinking.” G.O laughed. “She didn’t even crinkle her face.” Joon smiled “Her face is too adorable to crinkle. We probably couldn’t handle it if she did the whole crinkle and ‘ahh’ thing.” They all laughed and Sorotsu just smiled. She picked up her shot glass and laughed “You mean like this?” she said drinking it all down then crinkling her nose “Ahhhh!” she said closing her eyes smiling.

                Everyone stared and Joon and Mir wiggled around in their seats giggling. Thunder turned red and took his shot, trying not to notice. Seungho laughed and clapped his hands “Oh my god! That was so cute! Mir, why did you make her wear that? She is going to kill us all.” G.O covered his mouth, laughing hysterically.  She sat there laughing.

                They sat there and kept drinking. After about five shots each, 3 for Thunder, the boys were starting to feel it. She sat there smiling, the only indication that she had been drinking is that her cheeks were a little red. G.O started apologizing for a lot of random things that didn’t need to be apologized for. Sorotsu kept trying to cheer him up. Joon was starting to yawn. Mir was laughing really loud with Seungho. Thunder wasn’t talking that much but was still laughing at everything.

                Seungho looked over at Sorotsu “One more?” she smiled and nodded. Mir laughed and looked at her “Are you sure you can handle this much?” She put her fists up in the ‘fighting’ pose and grinned “I can do it!” They all laughed and Joon leaned on her shoulder. “You are cute.” He said kissing her cheek. She blushed, but they couldn’t tell because her cheeks were already red from the Soju. They took another round of shots, with Thunder this time instead of Joon.

                The song Bubble Pop came on the stereo and Joon lit up “OOH!” He got up and started dancing to it like Hyuna. He grabbed Mir and made him dance with him. Everyone turned around and watched them laughing. Mir gave up on the dancing quickly and just resorted to singing along. Sorotsu covered her face with her sleeves as Joon started ‘Bubble popping’ towards her mouthing the words. He sat down exhausted when the song ended. “Ahh… I’m so tired now!” Seungho laughed “You always get tired when you drink.” He shushed him “I do not!” G.O laughed. Mir looked at Thunder “So how are you holding up, hyung?” Thunder smiled and nodded. “I’m still good.”

                They took another round of shots, with Joon. He leaned on the table and yawned. He looked at Sorotsu and grinned “I’m getting kind of sleepy.” He rested his head on the table. Seungho poured another round. “Joon? You up for one more before you pass out?” Mir grinned and grabbed his glass. Joon nodded and sat up and handed Sorotsu her glass and grabbed his. G.O held his glass out and everyone clinked them together. They drank and Joon smiled and got up and grabbed an extra blanket and pillow from the closet. He put them on the couch for Sorotsu. He wanted to share his bed with her but the other members didn’t know that they have done that already, let alone more then once.

                Mir saw what Joon was doing and laughed “Why don’t we all sleep out here like at a real pajama party?” Thunder looked at him with an odd expression on his face. G.O laughed “That’s all up to if Sorotsu would feel comfortable sleeping in a room with five guys.” Sorotsu laughed and looked at Joon who was smiling sleepily. “It’s alright with me.” She laughed. Mir danced around and dragged a sleepy Joon up into his dancing and ran into each bedroom grabbing everyone’s pillows and blankets. Joon plopped down on the floor on top of the blankets that he brought out for Sorotsu and rolled over “Guys, I can’t stay awake any longer, be nice to Sorotsu. God help me if you guys try anything funny…” he said lazily glaring at Thunder who was looking down at the table with a grimace on his face. Seungho laughed “I will protect her from Thunder and Mir. Don’t worry about her.” Sorotsu turned and smiled at Joon.

                She crawled over to him and kissed his forehead. “I’ll be alright. Just sleep.” He smiled and pulled her close and held her for about a minute. His grip slowly loosened as she laid there in an awkward position and his bottom arm slumped to the floor. He fell asleep. She smiled and kissed him again and slid out of his arms. She put the pillow under his head and covered him with the blanket and Mir set up all of the other blankets. She saw that there was one ‘bed’ set up in the middle and the rest were surrounding it. She laughed and went back over to the table. G.O was apologizing to Seungho for something and he was trying to explain to him that he didn’t have anything to apologize for. Thunder was still staring at the table.

                “Thunder-oppa? Are you alright?” He looked at her face for the first time in a few hours and smiled awkwardly. “Drinking makes me feel a little sick, but I’m alright.” She smiled at him, relieved. He sighed and smiled back. He really did think she was really adorable. He kind of wished that he could have met her first but he had come in behind Joon, once again. He loved him like a brother but he was always the lucky one of the group. He started feeling bad for thinking things like that and poured himself and everyone else another shot. He just smiled at everyone and drank it. Everyone followed.

Seungho and G.O continued talking to each other. Mir was singing and dancing along to the stereo. Joon was passed out and Sorotsu was getting increasingly worried over Thunder. He looked like he was going to get sick soon. “If it makes you sick, how come you keep drinking?” She asked quietly and put her hand on his shoulder. He turned and looked at her with a small smile. “You don’t have to worry about me. I’ll be fine.” He said trying to make her feel better. She nodded and smiled. She understood that he was trying to hide it.

Mir started singing louder so everyone started watching him laughing. Thunder got up and walked quickly towards the bathroom. Seungho and G.O glanced at him and sighed but went back to watching Mir. Thunder got sick every time they drank so they weren’t that worried about it. Sorotsu didn’t see him leave the room because he walked behind the older members of the group.

The song ended and Mir plopped down on his Pororo blanket and was breathing hard and laughing. He crawled over all of the blankets sprawled over the floor and sat back at the table. She looked around and didn’t see Thunder. She thought that maybe he decided to sleep in his bed since he didn’t feel good. She smiled at everyone “I’ll be right back. I got to use the restroom.” She said getting up. They smiled at her and nodded while Mir poured more soju.

She walked down the hall and the door was open a little bit. She assumed that no one was in there. She pushed the door open and it hit something. “Ow!” she heard Thunders voice from behind the door. She had hit his knee with the door. She quickly looked around the door and saw him sitting there “Oh no! Thunder-Oppa! Are you alright?” He sat there rubbing his knee and nodded. “How come you’re sitting here?” she asked bending down to his level. “I got sick, but it’s ok now. I’m just waiting for my stomach to settle.” She smiled and sat next to him. “Can I get you anything? Like water or something?” He smiled and looked at her. He reached out and touched the ears on her hood and pulled it down off of her head.

He grabbed some of her hair and played with it between his fingers “Joon really is the lucky one…” he said trailing off and zoning out looking at her hair. She smiled and laughed a little bit “Are you sure you don’t want any water? It’s good for when you get sick, it adds more to your stomach so you don’t hurt yourself.” He nodded. She got up and saw a stack of paper cups next to the sink. She grabbed one and started to fill it with water. She could hear him getting sick again. She kept the water running until he finished and then turned around and handed him the cup. He drank all of it and sighed. She smiled and filled it up again and handed it back.

She forgot that she had to pee and was completely concentrated on trying to make sure Thunder was alright. “Thunder-oppa? Are you feeling better now?” he nodded. “Please, call me Sanghyun instead of Thunder. I think I would like it if you called me by my real name instead of Thunder when it’s just the two of us. I would like if you called me that all the time but the other members wouldn’t like it.” She knew that he was talking about Joon. She smiled and nodded. She wondered when Joon was going to ask her to call him by his real name or even any of the other members.

“Sanghyun-oppa? Are you alright now?” he blushed but grinned at her. “Yeah, I feel much better.” She smiled and stood up “Well that’s good, because I need to use the restroom.” Thunder opened his eyes wide and turned bright red “Oh! I’m Sorry!” he said quickly standing up. He stood up to quick and got light headed. He almost fell on top of Sorotsu but he caught himself on the counter. She was in between his arms with her eyes shut tight, expecting him to crash into her. She opened her eyes slowly when she realized he wasn’t falling on her. His face was about two or three inches from her face. He was staring at her face first with a look of shock then his expression changed. His face went blank and he took this chance to really look at her face. He knew he wouldn’t ever get another chance like this. She stared back and smiled softly. “Sanghyun-oppa?” she managed to get out before he cut her off by placing his lips softly against hers.

She opened her eyes wide in shock. He quickly pulled back and covered his face. “I’m sorry!” he said as he quickly left the bathroom and went back to the living room. She stood there staring at the door. She slowly closed the door and sat there for longer then she needed. She was in shock. Another idol just kissed her. She had no idea what to do. This was one of the members of Joons’ own group. They were like brothers. She had no idea if she should tell Joon or not.

She finally decided to come out of the bathroom. Thunder was lying on the blankets in front of the TV. Joon was on the blankets in front of the couch and the only blanket next to him was in between him and Thunder. She was going to end up sleeping between the two of them. Seungho had moved his blankets to the couch because there wasn’t that much space. There was about 2 people worth of space between Joon and Thunder and that’s where she was sleeping and G.O and Mir were going to have to have one sleep by her head and the other by her feet.

She smiled at everyone and sat on the floor between Joon and Thunder. Thunder was facing the TV, probably trying to hide from her. Seungho put all of the glasses and the Soju back in the kitchen. Mir put the table back into the closet so the he could put his blanket down by where Sorotsu’s feet were, which meant that G.O was going to sleep by her head. She smiled. Even with what just happened, she felt really safe getting to sleep in the same room with all of MBLAQ.

She laid down on her back and covered up. She turned to look at Joon and smiled. She grabbed his hand and pulled slightly to let him know where she was. He sighed in his sleep and moved closer to her. There was only about 6 inches between them. Thunder had pushed himself as close to the entertainment center as possible and that left about two feet between them. If he laid on his back instead of his side, he would be about the same distance away from her as Joon. G.O laid down by her head and smiled at her laying on his stomach hugging his pillow. Mir turned off the stereo and hid under his Pororo blanket as Seungho laid on the couch. “Good night Sorotsu.” Seungho said smiling. Mir laughed “Good night!!” he added. “Good night, everyone.” She said grinning. G.O patted her on the head and everyone settled in for the night.

Everyone fell asleep pretty quickly. Joon had scooted closer to Sorotsu and had his arm across her chest. In his sleep, Thunder had rolled over facing her and his hand was resting on her forearm. She wasn’t aware of any of this, and neither was he.

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fruitimoodi #1
THis is amazing!
Chapter 34: awww!! and LMAO!! CHANYEOL AND HIS WHITE FLOWER AHAHAHAHH I laughed pretty hard at that part.
Chapter 32: awww this is cute. question though, how long did her father live in america?
Chapter 32: 21P
ok thats me marking my spot. i wish aff had like a place holder option or something.

anyways im falling aasssllleeepp and i need to get up at a reasonable time tomorrow. I'M GOING TO THE FAIIIRR hhahha.

i lol'd at the part where he shook cheondungs hand saying he was most attractive hahha
Chapter 32: ok im back again
Chapter 32: 4am is not night!!
Chapter 31: aww that was really cute. lol.
Chapter 31: ok i lol'd at the scene hahaha
Chapter 31: lol OF COURSE dara was behind her sitting between cheondung and baeky!!BAHHAHAHAHAH i love dara
Chapter 31: hahhaha ok so chanyeol is really cracking me up hahah. still had his pillow at breakfast bahahhaha