Chapter 3; First Day Part 3.

A Campus Life.


I sat on the toilet, just sat there. I had finished peeing, but I didn't want to go out. Facing embarrassment? No thanks. I decided, since I sat in here for 30 minutes, maybe I should go out and finish packing off. He might not care anyway. I walked outside quietly, and the room was empty.. Not even Amber was here. I walked back, and let out a phew. I continued packing, and then suddenly, BOO! I jumped on my bed scared like crazy and turned around, it was L. I was embarrassed. He asked me, "So, what are you going to do? After seeing me all and everything... I'm sure you feel like you're in debt... right?"

I quickly apologized and added "It wasnt intentional! I won't tell anyone!" His response made me confused... He kept talking and then suddenly I let out a "WAIT WHAT?!" I repeated his words in my head. *The dorm told everyone... That you saw me completely , as a joke. I guess that means we might have to be boyfriend and girlfriend soon? Just so that they know we're not doing anything suspicious.* I guess there's nothing I can say to argue that. I agree, but also add in that we can't do anything past a hug. He agrees with my conditions. I guess from here on out, I'm considered as his girlfriend. L's girlfriend.

I can’t believe it came to this, but no matter what I can’t let my parents find out that I am supposably dating someone, otherwise they would rage like crazy, and I could die. So I decided to keep it a secret from any relatives and parents. Secretly, I’m happy about this. I’m happy about everything; the 3 hot and popular guys in my dorm, me having to actually fake date one of them. It’s actually probably the best thing that’s happened to me all year!

So, after discussing the plan, we decide to go eat at a restaurant to start our ‘fake’ dates. I swear everyone followed us and took photos… But I guess it’s normal, since he's really popular and all. We walk outside to the restaurant, and he held my hand. On the way back to the dorm, we talk about almost anything we could think of. From our parents to our schooling life. I guess he now knows to not tell anyone that’s related to me too. We got back to the dorm, and there’s so many people outside. L excused himself with a quick: “Hey, could you wait here for a bit? I  need to go to the toilet.” So, I wait outside.

Suddenly, all those girls start runnng towards me, cussing me. They pulled my har and slaped me. I can’t believe it. I started to cry, out of frustration, and start fighting back.The tears rolled over my face, while hitting some. I managed to scratch some of them as well. I heard someone shouting. It was Onew’s shout. I hadn’t actually spoke to him a lot, but he ran to me. Pushing all the girls away. He shouted out, “You dare touch this girl again, and I’ll never forgive you.”

The girls backed away, and he suddnely hugs me. His hug was warm, really warm, but I still cried. He comforts me, and lets me cry on his shoulder. I hear footsteps coming closer, so I stood straight, wiped my tears and check who it was. L. I try to decipher what his face was saying. It looked sad, yet angry and a hint of jealousy? I quickly run towards him and start to hug him, since there were a lot of girls . He stops my hug, bends down, and guess what? He kisses me. 


A/N: I didnt realise the first day could be so long. sorry >.< I promise this is the last one, hopefully :)

Beta: New beta here. I shall edit anything that is out of place but if there's anything that's incorrect, do say so in the comment box. I shall try my best to edit thos story. Thank you.

- angelzs2

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i just wanted to comment.. LOL. nice!
This story is very interesting update soon
HAHAHAH omg thanks. Yeah, it was originally for her, but I decided to change the names after I reached chapter 2. So you can see how i got confused in there xD
OH THANKS FOR POINTING THEM OUT LOL i have to re-read this then i guess.
Bro! It's you know who. ;D You went from Sarah to Desiree. DUDE! Is it the Desiree we know? I swear, 'cause I put her name EXACTLY like that!
and there's a few typos in chapter 1. Just thought I'll tell you that.