"Who are you? Are you a fan?" "No. I am their bodyguard. "

"Who are you? Are you a fan?" "No. I am their bodyguard. "

Chapter 7







Its the third day of get together and I make sure that I will not be late again. So I woke up early so that I will not be a nuisane to Aiba-san.


I quickly showered and waer my casual clothes because he said that we are going to the zoo.





I went out of my room and I saw the five of them are happy together. But I always wonder how they make their own breakfast.




"Uhm.. Good Morning." I greeted them.



"Good Morning too L! Are you ready? Aiba asked.



"Yes. I'm perfectly ready. "



"Okay! Let's go! "






We went to a zoo and explored the features of it. We strolled where there are rare species.




I enjoyed talking with him because he is a good and cheerful person. But his eyes are always averted to the sight where a girl takes pictures with the animals.




"Who are you looking at?" I asked while eating a cotton candy we bought awhile ago.




"Huh? Nande monai!" I see his face blushed. Cute! XD




"I saw you looking at that girl! What's the reason?"



"Ssssshhh! Your voice is so loud! She might hear you!"




"Okay." I whispered.




"The truth is, I always see that girl here. And i think she likes taking pictures."



"Why don't you ask her out?"




"Another truth is, she already has a boyfriend."




I saw Aiba's cheerful face became sad.




"It's okay. You will find someone who will appreciate you better." I patted his back.




"Is that true?"




"Of course! Besides----"




"Aiba-san! How are you?"



I was interrupted by a man who is older than me and Aiba.



"Ah! Shintaro-san! I'm alright! How is the zoo business?"


Oh. They were acquaintances.



"It's alright since you came and advertised this zoo. Thanks to you, the business has gone larger. And who is this fair lady? Is she your girlfriend?"



"NO!" We both said.



"We are just friends." I simply explained.




"Don't worry. It will grow into a deeper relationship." This old man is crazy.



"Ah! Before I forget, would you want to have dinner with us? Since its getting dark."




"It's okay. " I answered so Aiba-san will not ask me.



We went to a oom with tables, chairs and food. Every member of the staff always greet Aiba-san. The night ended with a feast.




End of chapter 7


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Chapter 16: uwaa i missed this couple~ >w< I really love everything about this fic <3 // I also kinda of wonder where Ohno sit when they were in the car xD lolol
ilabya40 #2
Totiturtle #3
So sweet~
Update soon!
Chapter 14: Aww... Sad to see that there's no update yet. Hope you'll continue the story. Galingan mo ha! :)
Chapter 13: Awww how sweet L and Nino~
I dont like that Ciara girl... -_-
anyway...keep it up! I love this! ^_^
I love it!looking forward to the next chapter~can't wait>U<
I also post this thing in wattpad. :D