Away from the city (PART 1)

"Who are you? Are you a fan?" "No. I am their bodyguard. "

Took me forever to update. Gomen. ^.^V


Chapter 13

"YATTA! A week off from work. Pack your clothes, minna!" An excited and gleeful Aiba said.

"I know. I know. Please lower your voice and I am trying to have a nap here." Sho said


"Gomen Sho-san. I can't hide my excitement though. By the way, where's L?" Aiba asked



Then, an ear piercing was heard from the room of the mischievous brat.


"AAAAAAAAAH! You ert! Why am I here again?" L screamed as she accusingly pointed her finger to Nino's face.


"Ugh so loud in the morning. Can't you lover down the tone of your voice? I think my eardrums are bleeding." An annoyed Nino said


Aiba and Sho ran to Neen's bedroom to check what's happening.


"Woah. This is the second time you brought her to your room. You're really whipped, aren't you?" Sho said in a laughing manner.


"Urusai! I just brought her here because her bedroom was further than mine. By the way, what do you want?" Nino said


"Pack up your clothes, Nino-chan,. You too, L-chan. We are going to Okinawa for hot springs!" Aiba cheerfully said


(A/N: It's autumn this chapter)


L immediately left the room and packed her clothes. After zipping up her backpack she stepped out of the room and met Neen who also went outside to lock his room. They awkwardly staer at each other for 10 seconds.


"Neen, L! Are you ready?! Sho is in already in the driver's seat and he's ready to step on the gas. Hayaku!" Jun shouted from the front door.


"Hai! Chotto matte!" L said and walked away to the opposite direction of Neen.


When they got to the car, the front seat was occupied by Sho (driver) and Aiba and Jun and the bags were in the back row of the car. The middle row was unoccupied which meant for the two of them.


' Guess I have to sit here' They both thought

L and Nino sat together but a backpack which belongs to L made a  barricade between them. Their gazes are locked in their opposite direction so that they would not look on each other's eyes.


'Ugh. I can't remember anything that happened last night. Damn it. Why did I let myself doze off while he's there? Stupid me. Really stupid.' L thought


'Does she remember anything last night? God. Why do I always find myself with her in the most impossible places? That's the second time I brought her to my room. . Ninomiya, get a grip on yourself.' Nino thought.


The van stopped and Jun, Sho, Ohno and Aiba went out to get some breakfast because they did not have one awhile ago. L insisted to go with them but they said that it's okay because they are faraway from the city. So, that left L and Neen on the van.


"L." "Nino." They both said.


"Uhm, you go first." Said L as she looked away.

"Okay." Neen answered


"First of all, I want to say sorry that I brought you to my room last night." Neen said as L stiffened about the that fact.


Neen continued, "You were sleeping soundly against my shoulder and I can't wake you up in your precious sleep. I am giving you my deepest apologies about that."


L was stunned. She can't believe that the Ninomiya Kazunari just apologized to her. It was a different side of the brat that you are worthy to have seen it.


"Well, I am accepting your sorry and I am sorry too for the trouble I caused you by carrying me and by sleeping while you were talking. I bet I weighed a ton for you." She joked.


"Yeah. You should be on a diet. I really thought my body would not make it to put to the bed." Nino chided.


"It's just because you aren't working out. Hmp." L mocked him.


"Just say the truth that you're fat and you need a diet." Neen said.


Their gazes locked and stayed like that for several seconds and they laughed.


"I guess your back to normal, eh?" Jun said while smiling knowingly to the couple that was left inside the can.


"I guess you can say that." L answered.


"C'mon let's go! I want to go to the hot springs already." Neen said with enthusiasm as he smiled at L.


L looked away and suppressed the blush that was creeping to her cheeks.


'He is still the brat you know, L. Stop your girly hormones right now!' L scolded herself in her mind.


The engine was started and the group continued the trip to the hot springs.




Thank you for reading this chapter! I'm grateful to my readers who still support this story! <3









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Chapter 16: uwaa i missed this couple~ >w< I really love everything about this fic <3 // I also kinda of wonder where Ohno sit when they were in the car xD lolol
ilabya40 #2
Totiturtle #3
So sweet~
Update soon!
Chapter 14: Aww... Sad to see that there's no update yet. Hope you'll continue the story. Galingan mo ha! :)
Chapter 13: Awww how sweet L and Nino~
I dont like that Ciara girl... -_-
anyway...keep it up! I love this! ^_^
I love it!looking forward to the next chapter~can't wait>U<
I also post this thing in wattpad. :D