"Who are you? Are you a fan?" "No. I am their bodyguard. "

"Who are you? Are you a fan?" "No. I am their bodyguard. "


Chapter 11 



"I have another mission for you. Search all the things about Arashi, their biodata, life and including their girl friends. I want every single detail about them especially Ninomiya Kazunari."


The girl named Ciara asked her personal agent to search about Arashi. She was an obsessed fan girl. Of course, she was rich that is why she can buy all concert tickets so she can see Arashi.


All she want was the so-called brat of Arashi.-- Ninomiya Kazunari.


"Ah. My Kazunari-sama!" She said while she was holding a picture of him.


"Do not worry, soon, we will get maried."






"Hey do not put many vegetables in it!" An angry Kazunari said.


"I have too! Or else your skinny body will not grow! Look at Sho's body. Its perfectly built right?" L said while looking at Sho's poster in the grocery.


"So you like Sho now?"


"Eh?" L suddenly blushed and turned her face away from him. "Of course not!"


"Spill it~"


"Why should I?"


Then, a can of goods fell suddenly behind them.


"Did you see that?" They both asked.


"It looks like someone is following us." L said.


"I am gonna check it. Wait." She added.


When she inspected the place, she saw no one.


"I guess someone just hit this pile of goods."


"Let's just go."




Chapter 12 preview:


"I saw a girl with your idol."


"Eh? Her girlfriend?"


"No. She is more of the protective type."


"Search about her and kill her."



A/N: How is minna? :)))) 

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Chapter 16: uwaa i missed this couple~ >w< I really love everything about this fic <3 // I also kinda of wonder where Ohno sit when they were in the car xD lolol
ilabya40 #2
Totiturtle #3
So sweet~
Update soon!
Chapter 14: Aww... Sad to see that there's no update yet. Hope you'll continue the story. Galingan mo ha! :)
Chapter 13: Awww how sweet L and Nino~
I dont like that Ciara girl... -_-
anyway...keep it up! I love this! ^_^
I love it!looking forward to the next chapter~can't wait>U<
I also post this thing in wattpad. :D