The next morning, Leeteuk and Yesung awoke first and went around the rooms to wake the others up. Unfortunately, however, they made the mistake of storming into Kangin's room first, and though Kibum was already awake and prepared, he merely watched with amusement as the hyungs tried to wrestle Kangin out of bed. In the end, Leeteuk and Yesung fled, deciding to wake the other members first and leave Kangin to last.

They moved on to the room across the hall, which turned out to be the three-member room, shared by Eunhyuk, Donghae, and Shindong. In contrast to Kangin and Kibum's room, this one was full of energy and spirit when Yesung and Leeteuk entered. The three were wide awake and--instead of preparing--having a pillow fight. Leeteuk was only able to keep them still for two minutes whilst he quickly reprimanded them for their unruly behavior and warning them that they might crash in the middle of the day at the rate they were going. He and Yesung exited the room in a shower of pillows plummeting onto their heads, after deciding that that room could not be "woken up" any further.

Unfortunately after that, it was not their luck to stumble into Heechul and Kyuhyun's room next door, because both had been facing off against each other on various (that's right, more than one) online games all last night, and because Heechul liked his beauty sleep--which apparently is what gives him "milky skin"--not to also mention Kyuhyun was a disobedient dongsaeng. They did, however, manage their mission by giving the two gamers the guarantee off a business class seat during the flight back home.

It was a relief that the Sungmin/Ryeowook and Hangeng/Siwon rooms were for the most part painless--except for the event where Ryeowook wanted to show his expertise at giving a "Thai massage" to Leeteuk, which really felt more like a Kangin-learned judo-move.

Leeteuk decided to drag all the other dongsaengs back to Kangin's room in hopes that they would act as back-up for him as he tackled the case. As it was, they all walked into the room and out, with half of the members still yawning, and Leeteuk sporting various bruises of which Yesung commented as "pretty flower tattoos"--but Kangin was awake, nevertheless.

"No thanks to you," Leeteuk growled to Yesung, on the fact that the other had merely watched and laughed as Leeteuk was roughed and tumbled around by not just Kangin but the dongsaengs from the other rooms as well. He darted a glare and pout at Yesung before turning around and proceeding to herd the sleepy lambs down to the hotel breakfast hall.

The haziness seemed to fade away as the aroma from the breakfast buffet wafted into their noses. Blinking sleep from their eyes, the boys automatically split off to ravage the food trays and about half an hour later, they were wide awake, fed, and ready for the day's schedule.

As it turned out, Leeteuk and Hangeng had them booked, that morning, for a private yacht ride around the coast of Macau. The boys traveled to the harbor via bus transport, hidden beneath a few layers of clothing, despite the warm sweltering weather, in case they were recognized by any fans around--their faces were quite popular, as Eunhyuk put it.

However, being the people they were, that somehow led to a rather heated discussion on exactly whose face was most popular. Shindong, Ryeowook, and Kibum felt that such pettiness was above them, and enjoyed watching the others bicker between themselves. Eunhyuk claimed that he was most popular because everyone would surely know him from the radio--until Kangin snarkily pointed out that radio DJing had nothing to do with the popularity of your face. On the other hand, Heechul felt that it was his face which was most known, seeing that his various acting ventures had made him quite popular. Leeteuk disagreed, saying that people watched variety shows much more often, so naturally, his MCing-face would be more recognized. Hangeng rebuked this by saying that the leader only ever did shows in Korea, and seeing as they were currently on Chinese soil, Hangeng ought to be most popular. Donghae insisted that he was the more popular because of his cute, successful commercial shoots--until Sungmin noted that those were mainly for Thailand, not China. Siwon attempted to suggest that his face should be the one to stand out, but Heechul remarked that even while his face and figure may turn heads, all those people would probably not know Siwon's name. Yesung also wanted to get a word in for his own pretty face, but the others' exchanges back and forth left him without an opening to speak in.

The riot was settled by Kibum, who made the wise suggestion that all of those in question remove their covers, stick their faces out the window, and see how many screams each elicited. They complied with the idea, which resulted in no fan-screaming at all--save for Kyuhyun's face, which mustered up one small squeal from a passing seven-year-old and her grandmother. They would have started a round of complaints about their sudden lack of fans, but--fortunately--the bus had arrived at their destination.

The boys got off, ruffling their hair and straightening their clothes as they surveyed their surroundings. the air was fresh and breezy and smelled of the wide open sea. They stretched and poked/punched/tickled/hugged/jabbed/tackled each other as a way to release their repressed energy of excitement and mingled about for awhile as the organizers--Leeteuk and Hangeng--went to secure their yacht ride. Luckily, the two were able to do so before the rest became too impatient and started. . . eating each other or something crazy like that.

They filed onto the wooden dock, brightly staring around at the various yachts parked there, but were slightly disappointed when they saw which one was to be theirs; it was of medium size, white, and plain. However, no one could complain after they had all boarded the boat and shipped out into the open waters, for they were all of a sudden left breathless. And after that, there was one word in all of their minds: refreshing.

The sky was sunny, bright, and stark blue. The breeze coolly brushed their skin and ruffled their clothes and hair and the water sprayed and lapped up against the hull of the ship with playful vigor. The horizon stretched far beyond the peripheral sweep of their eyes.

One boy took a deep breath, which filled his lungs with fresh, clean air until he felt as if he could lift up up, up, and away, to fly with the birds between the high clouds way above there. Two others decided to fly in their own way, rushing to the bow of the yacht and spreading their arms wide as the boat drove forward, splitting the air and water before it to produce a fine, misty spray for the joy of the two Titanic lovers. Someone else took on the wheel, proclaiming himself "Captain" as another boy stood beside him, observing with slight jealousy at the former's position of power and desperately waiting to try out the role behind the wheel, as well. Four others climbed to the top roof of the yacht, only to find that it was rather difficult to keep your balance on the moving boat, but had fun falling on top of and rolling all over each other anyway. One other was in the midst of filming a self-camera with full, excited plans to post it up on Twitter soon. The remaining three were unfamiliar with what exactly one does--or is supposed to do, for they suspected that the rest of the group weren't doing things properly either--on a luxury yacht ride, and resorted to running up and down, back and forth, round and about the deck, yelling inaudibly from sheer hyperness.

It was a thrilling experience. And regardless of how impossible it was supposed to be to please everyone, everyone was indeed pleased. They were all disappointed to have the sailing trip come to an end, but got off with high spirits and wide grins, chatting and joking and absolutely unable to get mad at anyone. And when Teuk announced that they had booked a luncheon at a nearby restaurant, there was not a single muttered complaint.

The restaurant was in a comfortable sunlit building, given a fresh feel by the presence of pastel colors on the walls and floral decorations. There was an ample room before the main restaurant, where they waited, basking in the bright sunlight which was allowed to freely stream through the tall, glass walls.

Hangeng sat down in a chair, made of bamboo and cushioned with a floral-patterned pillow, and sighed contentedly. "Ah, I'm so happy. I'm home. Everything here is mine."

Heechul plopped down next to him. "Since Hangeng is mine, everything here is mine, too," he declared with a smirk. He looked around. "Hehe, don't we look like a couple on vacation together? A husband and wife. . ."

They proceeded to act out a small scenario, in which Hangeng was scolded by Heechul for using a high-pitched tone despite the fact that the former was supposed to be the man in the relationship.

That stirred up a "the best Super Junior couple" competition. However, before they were able to finish figuring out how exactly they ought to couple up an odd number of people, they were called in to begin their meal.

The lunch was quite delisch, but problems arose when Shindong realized that he was running low on money--no doubt mostly due to the amount he spent on wireless internet on the plane. He blamed Heechul (never a good thing to do) for making him spend the money on wi-fi instead of food, causing Heechul to immediately recall all debts Shindong had to him. Before the situation could get out of hand, however, Kibum quickly lept in and agreed to lend Shindong money for the rest of the trip if the latter needed it, and Siwon helped calm Heechul down.

After the relatively pleasant lunch, they brainstormed out what to do next. Some of them wanted to go to the wide open fields and maybe try out some horseback riding while others were drawn towards the idea of strolling around town. They decided to split into groups and planned to meet later for dinner. After determining their place of meeting and venue for dinner, Sungmin, Kibum, Ryeowook, and Siwon went to the city outskirts while the rest went into the city itself--Kyuhyun, Eunhyuk, Shindong, and Hangeng to one side of town and Donghae, Yesung, Leeteuk, Kangin, and Heechul to another area. The rest of the day seemed promising.

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Great story! LOL if Suju went on vacation, this is probably what would really happen XD Awesome writing style, too! :D
XxDej4Vu #2
Men's bathroom? that's probably the best thing I've ever heard in my life! XD
This is fun and chaotic. Just like the super junior I know xD

Love it ^^
XxDej4Vu #4
cool story so far. I've read chapters one and two and I'll read the rest tomorrow. ;D