Newcomer and an accident

Miracles do happen when you believe.

December - She's gone (




“Baekhyun oppa!” You waved him over. Baekhyun ran towards you grinning widely. “The plant is growing! Look, I can see its sprout!” You giggled.


During class, the teacher had held an activity for all of you to plant your own flower. Of course you and Baekhyun had paired up together. “I really can’t wait to see how the flower would turn out to be.” You mused.


Baekhyun gazed at you before he tenderly curled a strand of your hair behind your ear. “It’ll be as pretty as you.” You looked at him and chuckled.


“Class today we’ll be welcoming a new student. Make sure you make him feel at home and welcomed okay?” The teacher announced but you and Baekhyun were too caught up in your own conversation to listen.




“Aniyo Baekhyun oppa I want guksu!” You pushed the spoon away. “Arasso but first have some dakgalbi.” He persuaded you. You pressed your lips into a thin line and shook your head. “Hana yah.” You clamped your hands over your mouth and blinked at him.


“Aigoo you are so headstrong.” Baekhyun sighed and placed the spoon down. He grabbed the noodles and passed it to you. You clapped your hands in joy as you reached out to take the bowl. You happily slurped your noodles and smiled in content.


“Hana, will you feed me some?” Baekhyun opened his mouth. You twirled the noodles around the fork. “Oppa saw ahhhhh.” Baekhyun imitated you as you fed him. “Delicious?” You asked. “Mmhm, because Hana fed me.” He smiled cheekily.


Lunch was over in a few minutes. Strangely, the girls in the orphanage kept squealing today, including Hyerin the witch but you didn’t know why. “Yah Baekhyun oppa,” you tugged his sleeve. Baekhyun craned his neck and looked at you. “Why are all the girls behaving like that? Don’t you think it’s creepy?”


Baekhyun scrutinized them carefully. After a while, he diverted back his attention to you. “Beats me.” He shrugged. You pursed your lips and let the matter pass by you.


You decided to have a walk around the orphanage while Baekhyun had to help the teachers. From afar, you heard a distant sobbing. ‘Eh? Who’s that crying?’ You wondered as you pocked your head from the wall.


“And take your doll with you.” A guy with loose clothing and baggy pants threw a teddy bear at her. ‘Isn’t that one of Hyerin’s friends?’ You mustered up courage and stepped out from your hiding spot.


“Yah!” You shouted at him. Both of them turned to look at you. “Saejung go, hurry.” The girl clumsily scrambled away. The guy looked at her running figure. “That’s not very nice of you.” You eyed him. “Don’t mingle in other people’s business. You have no right to tell me anything.” He snorted.


‘Oh what a brat.’ You looked at him in distaste. ‘Hasn’t his parents taught him any- oh.’ You suddenly recalled why he was sent here. You placed your hands on your hips. “Whatever it is, you should go apologize.” You turned to walk away but he yanked you back by your collar.


“Let go!” You struggled. “You’re younger than me!” He gasped in shock. You gave a final tug and he finally released you. “Well sorry I made you seem old.” You huffed. There was an awkward silence as he intensely gazed at you. “What did you do to Saejung?” You suddenly confronted him.


“Nothing. She was just being annoying.” He said nonchalantly. “You shouldn’t make girls cry. It’s not very manly.” He raised an eyebrow. “Fancy an ugly one saying that.” “I’m not ugly, I’m a flower.” You pointed out his mistake.


He scoffed. ‘Did I hear her right?’ He was about to make a comeback when he halted. “Hana!” Baekhyun shouted from across. You spun around, your eyes wide and filled with excitement when you recognized his voice.


“Oppa~!” You squealed. Baekhyun motioned you to follow him. You ran but turned to look back halfway. “Apologize arasso?” You smiled then went to catch up with Baekhyun.


He stood there speechless and motionless. A few seconds later, he placed his hands into his pocket as he casually walked away. ‘Hana? Is that her name?’


Meanwhile, you and Baekhyun were busy at the swings. He was pushing you and you were laughing as you sailed up into the air and sink back down to the floor. Your head started to spin so you had to stop. “That was fun!” You shouted. Your sudden outburst earned looks.


“Too bad you had to stop.” Baekhyun smiled teasingly. “Yeah it .” You pouted. You reached out to touch his hair. “Wah it’s so soft.” You giggled. A mischievous smile formed on your face. “Hair-bending!” You messed up Baekhyun’s hair and ran away laughing.


“Yah come back here! Do you think you’re aang? Hana!” Baekhyun chased you around the playground. You were shrieking as you tried to run away from being caught by him. “Ani! Baekhyun oppa is the furry yellow monster! RUN!” You chortled and continued running.


But you didn’t see the step in front of you and you accidentally tripped. Your knee cracked open and blood was seeping out from the wound. Your eyes widened. You hated the sight of blood. “O-oppa! Baekhyun oppa!” You started wailing loudly.


Baekhyun came rushing and his eyes enlarged. Instinctively, he carried you onto his back and brought you to the living room. Baekhyun tried to calm you down but you didn’t stop crying. He pulled out a few tissues and pressed it onto your knee.


“Hana hold this.” You held the tissue with shaking hands. Baekhyun grabbed the first aid box and took out a bottle of medicine. Cautiously, he cleared the cut, applied the medication and placed a bandage on your knee. Then he softly blew on it. “There all done.” He comforted you.


You wiped away your tears and hugged him. “T-thank k-you Baekhyun op-pa.” You hiccupped. “Shhhh.” Baekhyun rubbed your back and patted it softly. “Don’t scare me like that ever again arasso?” He hugged you tighter. You nodded and snuggled into his chest.


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ExoLux #1
Chapter 7: Update soon please this is sooooo superrrr good!!!!
mustaches #2
will you continue this? :c
Pandas_and_bacon #3
Update soon~
Good luck on your exams~
I love your story!!! ;A;
Hwaiting~ =^.^=
EunKyung90 #4
I can't wait for them to grow up^^ So sweet~ Baekhun is so caring! Update soon pwease~~
Whata sweet & cute story ^^
Please grow up~^^ it's so sweet :)
This is sooooo sweet :') I can't wait till they grow up!
Such a sweet story! Update soon!
_Seul-Ki #9
this is so cute omg omgomgogmogomgogmogmogmg c:
Telissa #10