The awaited day and the wish

Miracles do happen when you believe.

EXO-K - What is love (




It was the 5th of July and it seemed like any normal day. You woke up as usual and went to wash up. Your other roommates were still sleeping soundly in their own beds. You happily skipped over to Baekhyun’s room. However, he was nowhere in sight. ‘Eh? Where could oppa be?’ you wondered.


Still not giving up, you went about in the orphanage in search for him. You were about to turn the corner when you bumped into someone. This time, you landed hard on your as a soft ‘oof’ escaped from your lips.


“Yah! Watch where you’re going ugly!” Hyerin, who was older than you by 2 years and also known as the prettiest girl in the orphanage, shouted at you. “Eunbyul is not ugly you dodo bird.” You uttered.


No matter how pretty and popular she is as compared to you, you still felt that it wasn’t right of her to say that in your face. Then again, that’s when you realized, you stepping in to declare justice, was just not a good thing to do.


“What did you say?!” she shrieked. “I’m the prettiest girl here and if there was to be a dodo bird, it’d be you. Funny how you’re still here since dodo birds are now extinct!” She hissed as she flipped her hair. You weren’t going to cry because you were trying hard not to be affected by her words.


You stood up, about to leave when Hyerin grabbed you by your blouse. “Listen here ugly. I know how close you are to Baekhyun oppa. To make it worse, you’re so chubby and fat and I don’t see why he likes hanging around you so much. If you in any way tell Baekhyun about this, I will-”


“You will what?” A sudden voice interrupted Hyerin’s death threat. Hyerin immediately let go of your blouse, feigning innocence when she saw Baekhyun glaring at her. “Ani, we were just joking around oppa. Heh, right Eunbyul?” Hyerin socked her ribs. “Ow!” You yelped.


“Hana, come here.” Baekhyun ordered you firmly but kindly. Hyerin’s eyes widened. ‘No way, who’s Hana?!’ You uncertainly looked at Hyerin then Baekhyun then back at Hyerin.


Hyerin was giving you the if-you-dare-move-you’ll-die-brat face. You cowered in fear but Baekhyun immediately walked over and pulled you towards him.


“Yah witch.” Baekhyun said emotionlessly at Hyerin. She spun around, horrified at the new nickname Baekhyun had just given her. “Don’t you dare threaten Hana anymore arasso? Go and play with your other friends.” Baekhyun rolled his eyes. Hyerin stood there as she scoffed unbelievably at what had just happened.


You and Baekhyun went to the reading corner at the side of the class. You guessed that Baekhyun wanted some peace time so you sat there and did your own quiet reading too. However, Baekhyun was silent during lunch and dinner time too. You wondered if the incident earlier had made him angry.


Is it because you didn’t know how to stand up for yourself? Or is it because you did stand up for yourself but failed miserably and ended up getting bullied? You didn’t understand and was dying to know.


You were released to do whatever you liked for the evening. Baekhyun decided to go to the garden so you followed suit.


You looked at him then looked at the black inky sky. There were lots of stars today. “Yeppeo~” Baekhyun kept quiet the entire time when you suddenly felt a gust of cold wind. You sneezed once and shivered. “Eheh, Eunbyul forgot her jacket.” You rubbed your cold nose.


A sweater was suddenly wrapped around you. You flinched, only to realize that it was Baekhyun.


“As your oppa, I really don’t want you to get into trouble. I don’t like the idea of seeing my Hana injured physically or emotionally. Instead, oppa would feel troubled and worried about you.” You looked at him. He softened as he touched your head affectionately.


“If you need help, oppa would always be here. Don’t keep it to yourself arasso?” You understandingly nodded. “Oh, about that birthday,” His eyes sparkled. At that split second, the grandfather clock in the orphanage chimed. “Happy birthday Hana~” Baekhyun slid a flower next to your ear.


Your eyes widened. ‘It’s Eunbyul’s birthday?” You cupped his gift in awe. “Yeap, I decided to make it today. The 6th of July. Now we have the same date but different months for our birthday.” Baekhyun flashed you his sweet smile. “Wah, a pretty Hana for my Hana.” He lightly chuckled. You felt really touched as your eyes started to tear.


Then Baekhyun held out a dandelion. “On the count of three we make a wish okay?” You nodded.




I wish




That I would always be




Next to my Baekhyun oppa.


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ExoLux #1
Chapter 7: Update soon please this is sooooo superrrr good!!!!
mustaches #2
will you continue this? :c
Pandas_and_bacon #3
Update soon~
Good luck on your exams~
I love your story!!! ;A;
Hwaiting~ =^.^=
EunKyung90 #4
I can't wait for them to grow up^^ So sweet~ Baekhun is so caring! Update soon pwease~~
Whata sweet & cute story ^^
Please grow up~^^ it's so sweet :)
This is sooooo sweet :') I can't wait till they grow up!
Such a sweet story! Update soon!
_Seul-Ki #9
this is so cute omg omgomgogmogomgogmogmogmg c:
Telissa #10