The Saviors(HIATUS)


  What in the world is this supposed to mean? Gods of the Milky Way? Mother Universe?  There were too many questions that I didn’t have answers to.  I took my phone out and took a picture of the paper just in case it disintegrated, like I thought it would, if I picked it up.  I picked it up and then there was a loud crash from down stairs.  I heard screeching that hurt my ears so much I had to cover them.  I ring started to glow and I could feel power surging through my body.  “What is going on?” I said as I ran down stairs at the speed of light.  In my living room there was a huge blob.  That was the only way to describe it; a blob.  There was some symbol on it where I would think the forehead would be if it was regularly shaped.  I was surprised when it moved quickly towards me and almost devoured me in goop.  I jumped out of the way and ran towards the front door.  I burst outside, not bothering to look back and see the monster.  After that, you pretty much know the story.


My house was perfectly fine when I got back and it seemed as though the people in the streets didn’t see or hear the weird monster thing that had followed me.  When I got back to my room someone was in there.  “Who are you?” I said trying to sound brave and I hid as much of my nervousness as I could.  The person turned around and I saw the prettiest woman I had ever seen.  She had long ringlets of blond hair and she was wearing something an ancient Roman or Greek would wear.  She had a long golden staff and angel wings if I had forgotten to mention that.  Her eyes were golden and there were little flashes of color every time she blinked.  “Let's just say I'm someone important; I see you have just encountered your first monster. You should have won that match instead of run away, little hunter.” She said.  “Wait do you have something to do with that old piece of paper?” I asked.  “That isn’t just some old piece of paper, little hunter. That paper was the Prophecy of the Milky Way. You are the chosen child that must fulfill the prophecy and awaken not only your own powers, but also your friend’s powers.” She said.  “What are you talking about? You mean that thing I just saw was real? What in the world is going on?” I said and I could feel my voice rise as I spoke.  “Calm down little hunter.  You have been chosen by the Gods of the Milky Way to complete a very important task and if you do not fulfill your destiny, then the whole universe will suffer.” She said with a stern voice.  “Oh my god” I started to day but she finished it with the word goddess instead of god.  “This is all a dream isn’t it? I’m actually crashed out on my bed from a tiring day at the Café.” I said and then I let out a nervous laugh.  “You must listen to me, little hunter. You must fulfill this or else the world will fall into chaos and you know this isn’t a dream.” The lady said.  She started to fade away and she shouted, “Find the Land of Dreams and save the Gods of the Milky Way. It is YOUR destiny!”


            Then she was gone and the golden staff that she was holding was now in my hands.  I twirled it around and it turned into a bangle.  “That was too weird.” I said quietly.  I did know that it wasn’t a dream; I just absolutely didn’t understand what it all meant.  The lady had said something about the Prophecy of the Milky Way.  I put the bangle on my desk next to the charm bracelet which I had put the weird charm on.  Then I crashed on my bed and fell asleep. 


            I woke up the next morning at around seven which was early for a Sunday, since the Café didn’t open until ten on Sundays.  I looked at the bangle which had magically gotten onto my arm and it fit snuggly on my bicep instead of around my wrist.  I put the charm bracelet on and changed into some sweats and a t-shirt.  I went into the bathroom and washed off yesterday’s makeup and applied some new eyeliner and a little bit of mascara.  I turned the water on and then I noticed it without me turning the faucet knob.  I just watched as the perfect temperature water was coming out of the faucet and going down the drain.  I thought about it turning off and it did.  I gasped and almost fainted at the realization that I really just did.  “Whoa, that was pretty cool actually.” I said to myself.  I made water appear in a cup that I had in the bathroom and started to make it form into different shapes.  The first one was the high-tech cell phone I had always wanted and then I tried to see if it would become real and it actually did.  “Oh my goddess.” I said remembering how the lady had finished my sentence last night.  The phone was an iPhone I caught the phone before it fell into the cup of water and turned it on.  It worked and I could use all the applications without having to pay anything which was totally awesome. 


            I put my contacts from my old phone that my mom had gotten for me five years ago and I tried texting.  The old phone that I had was ancient with only calling features and a camera.  I sent the picture of the prophecy to my new phone as well and I was surprised I still had the same number.  Lillian always wanted me to get a new phone and she would be so surprised that when she got a text from me.    I put the phone away and grabbed my bag so I could head to Kris’s house.  I sent out a message to everyone so that we could meet up at the Café a little bit early.   


Right when I received the first message back, every two seconds until I got eight messages one of my friends replied.  Lillian was the first to reply:


Since when did u hav a fone with txt? U never told me this!!! O, and when shud we meet at da Café?

I sent her a text back saying:

It’s a looonng story; let’s meet in like ten minutes I have a lot to tell you guys.


I sent the same text back to everyone since they pretty much asked the same thing.  I arrived at Kris’s house and when I got there he was already sitting out on his porch.  “What’s going on? And when did you get a phone like that?” he asked immediately.  “I’ll tell you when we get to the Café; just deal with not knowing until everyone gets there.” I said and we hurried off to the Café on foot.  We arrived at the same time everyone else did and everyone gave me questioning looks.  We walked in and I told everyone to sit.  I went into the kitchen for a glass cup so I could show everyone what I had tried.  I hurried back to the table and set the cup down.  I sat down and calmly explained to them all the events that had happened without answering any questions along the way.  I talked about what had happened last night and about the charm bracelet, the bangle which I couldn’t get to come off anymore, and the ring.  They just started at me and when I finally finished talking, Lillian spoke up.  “So, you’re saying that you think we have some sort of weird powers that have to do with an old scroll that you found on your bed and that there was some crazy goo monster that attacked you?” she said putting an optimistic tone in her voice.  “You have got to believe me guys. Let me show you what I can do.” I told them.  I put the cup in the middle of the table and thought about it being filled to the rim with ice cold water.  Then I heard Lillian gasp and when I looked, I knew I had proven my point.  The guys had wide eyes and John even had his mouth open in awe.  “Close your mouth or you’ll eat flies.” I said.  He closed his mouth with a slightly embarrassed face expression.  “Now do you believe me?” I asked.  I made the water follow the motions of my hands and I formed it into a bowl of pasta; and then there was pasta.  “Oh my” they started to say and I decided to feel like the lady and finished their sentence with “goddess.”  We decided to finish talking about this stuff later because we had to prepare the shop. 


Lillian took pictures of us and I was practically sparkling from happiness in the pictures for some reason.  “I always knew you were someone with amazing powers, Kat. That is why you are such a great friend.” She said when I took my break and she showed me some of the pictures.  “I don’t know what I’ve gotten myself into and I don’t know if I want to find out anytime soon, but I have a feeling something big is about to happen.” I said as I stood up and headed back to serve my customers their breakfast. 


When we closed for our lunch break Lillian told me she would cook today and I waited with the guys while she cooked.  Tao sat quietly, Xiumin tried to use his aegyo to have Kris buy him something that he wanted, Chen and Lay played rock paper scissors, Sehun and Luhan were on the iPad that we had in the store, Kai was practicing some of his dance moves with Baekhyun, D.O and Chanyeol had went to help Lillian with the food, and Suho was resting behind the counter.  Soon the guys came back and they gave the food to the kitchen people.  “DUCK!” I heard D.O shout from the kitchen and then there was a loud crash.  “Holy crap, what was that?” I shouted as I ran to the kitchen.  Then I saw it, three huge glop monsters like the one before in the backyard of the Café.  “Oh, god… THE ??” Kris shouted.  I summoned water from the sink and created a bow and quiver with endless arrows since I was pretty good at archery as well.  “Give us something to use too!” Luhan shouted.  I randomly came up with weapons and everyone got one.  Chanyeol had taken Lillian to wash the blood off from the broken glass scratches.  “Let’s see how this goes…” I said and I jumped out the broken window of the now wrecked kitchen.  The guys followed after me and we started to attack the monsters.  “Dude this is kind of fun…” Tao said as we became back to back.  I pulled three arrows at once and let them go.  I watched as they pierced the monster. 


"Let's switch targets on the count of 3? Sound good?" I asked.  "Sure, why not?" he said.  "1, 2, 3." We said at the same time and we spun around, switching monsters.  ""Dude that was cool!" Xiumin shouted from our left.  "Shut up and fight Xiumin!" Chen shouted.  I supressed a laugh and continued to shoot at the monster.  Slowly I moved away from Tao and I ended up near Kai.  "Hey, have you noticed those wierd symbols that all three of them have?" He asked.  "Yeah, I was about to ask you the same thing." I said.  "Try aiming at it." He told me.  I pulled an arrow back and aimed at the moving symbol on the monster near us.  "Keep it still, it's moving too much for me to hit the symbol correctly." I said calmly.  He used the spears that I had made for hime to keep the monster in place and I aimed at the monster's symbol again.  The arrow flew and hit the monster straight on the symbol and the monster cried out in pain.  "Nice work." Kai said with a smile.  "Thanks." I said.  "Okay guys, aim at the symbols!" I shouted.  They all worked together and I assisted so that none of them would get hurt badly. 


As the last monster dissolved, a shiny charm fell to the floor with a more complex symbol than the last one. I picked it up and we all started to fix up the backyard.  I fixed up the kitchen with my powers and the guys helped me while Lillian tended to wounds.  We all walked into the Cafe out of breath and sweat beads were rolling down the sides of my face.  I was exhausted from using my power too much.  Kris pulled up a stool for me and I thankfully sat on it.  Sehun dabbed the sweat from my face while Lillian examined my cuts and bruises.  She cleaned them up and she moved onto the others.  After she was all done with us, she said that she and Chanyeol would watch over the Cafe while we rested. 


We all went up to our little spots in our large attic lounge and instantly fell asleep, well at least I did.  "Kat...Kat...." Baekhyun said as he poked my face and tried to wake me up.  I squirmed and ended up falling on the floor.  "ow..." I said as I rubbed my hip that had hit the floor.  Baekhyun stiffled a laugh helped me up from the floor.  I looked around and no one else was in the room.  "Where did everyone go?" I asked as I rubbed my tired eyes.  "They got up a while ago, but you didn't want to wake up. So, we let you sleep a little longer." He said as we walked back down to the main part of the Cafe.  "Wait, what time is it?" I asked.  "4:37." He said after he checked his watch.  "I slept for three hours?" I asked.  He nodded and I sighed.  "Thank Chanyeol and Lillian for keeping things under control while we rested." He said as he went into the kitchen.  I walked to the bathroom and washed my face to refreshen a little bit.  I walked back out and headed towards the kitchen.  "Are we staying open for dinner today?" Lillian asked as I walked into the busy kitchen.  "Can you guys handle it?" I asked as I wrapped a white apron around my waist.  They all smiled and we agreed. 


We worked until around 9 pm and then we closed up.  I was alret the whole time we worked just in case anything happened.  Lillian had already gone home since she had to take her mom to the airport and I had sent Chanyeol and DO to go with her and then come back after they took her home.  After we locked up, we went home in groups or pairs.  Kris and I walked home together and he left after I walked into my house.  "Omma! I'm home!" I shouted.  "Ah, Kat, did you eat already?" She asked as she gave me a hug and she kissed my head.  "I already ate, but a small glass of milk after my shower wouldn't hurt." I said with a smile.  "Got it, go get cleaned up." She said, pushing me towards the bathroom.  I washed up quickly and she brought me a glass of milk.  After I went back to my room with my cup of milk, I tried to take the jewelry off.  Surprisngly, the bangle came off.  "This is too weird..." I mumbled.  I put them on my side table and sipped my milk as I did some of my homework.  At around 11:30, felt too tired and I decided to go to sleep.  




Sorry this chap is a bit short... but yeah... Please subscribe and comment :D


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Nice description & story! - Yuki