The Saviors(HIATUS)

From Foreword:

I raced down the stairs as fast as I could and my breaths were short and fast.   I didn’t want to look back and see that monster that was following me, making horrible screeches and yelling at the top of its lungs.  I got to the bottom floor and almost ran straight through the door but I remembered to turn the knob and open it.  I swung it shut, locked it and ran down the street towards an alleyway.  I turned a sharp corner and I practically face planted behind three dumpsters.  If the monster found me here I would be done for, but it was worth a try for me.  I felt the thing’s weight pounding down the street close to the alleyway and then it stopped abruptly.  I didn’t hear anything, only silence, and that wasn’t exactly what I wanted to hear.  I slowly looked up and I saw the monster dissolving into the air as golden dust and then it completely vanished leaving behind a small charm.  I looked around and saw no one, so I decided to grab the charm from the street.  I picked it up and saw that it had turned into a complicated design that couldn’t possibly be replicated.   I put the weird charm into my pocket and hurried back home. 


            My name is Kathrynne Oscar and I just started high school at Arion High.  I live in Seoul, South Korea and I always have.  I know the city like I know my house.  My mom works day and night all the time so she lets me just do whatever I want as long as it don’t cause trouble, get arrested or spend a big amount of money and leave a dent in our savings.  I usually just hang around everywhere with my large group of friends: Baekhyun, Sehun, Kai, D.O, Suho, Chanyeol, Kris, Lay, Chen, Xiumin, Tao, Luhan and Lillian.  Lillian and I have been best friends since we were ‘born’ and we met the guys in elementary school.  Lillian and her family always supported us when times got tough for my mom and I, like when my father died ten years ago.  I was the only one in our group who had lost a family member that was very close to them so they didn’t quite understand what I was going through, but I loved them for the sympathy that I needed.  Lillian’s mother and my mom were best friends as well so that is why we were so close together.   We were technically family.  So two days before that ‘incident’ I was happily going to school with my friends.


2 Days earlier:


"Wake up Kat!" I heard Lillian say as she walked into my room and flipped the light switch.  The lights flickered a couple times then .  I pulled the covers over my head and shooed her away with my hand unconsciously.  She whipped the covers off and pulled me out of my bed until I fell of the bed and bruised my side.  "Thanks for waking me up and giving me a bruise Lil." I said as I got up off the floor and walked to my closet.  A knock came from the otherwise of the front door and Lillian went to open it.


I heard the guys walk in and they started getting food ready for breakfast.  I was glad I woke up before they got here or else they would have tortured me until I woke up.  I grabbed some jean shorts and a thin white blouse and went into the bathroom to change.  I brushed my teeth and put on some eyeliner and my special strawberry lip gloss.  I put my hair up in a ponytail and made my bangs slightly go to the right side more than the middle.  I went back to my room and I grabbed my messenger bag that had my school stuff inside it.  I put my bus pass in my pocket and my cell in the other.  I put my converse shoes on and went to the dining room to eat with them. 


We ate for five minutes and then headed to the bus stop.  We just talked about our assignments and everything about school being boring and stuff.  We arrived at our stop after about twenty minutes of being on the bus.  We walked towards the school and went to our lockers which all happened to be in the same hallway and in a row.  I put away my volleyball shoes, knee pads, clothes, my English textbook, biology textbook, and history textbook.  My schedule was algebra 2, Japanese, biology, world history, English, and then volleyball.  I couldn’t wait to play in the new gym that was made at our school.  The new gym was totally new and we were the first team able to play on it.  We got our own team room and everything had the ‘new’ smell to it which made everything even better.  The guys are all on the boy’s volleyball team so they come to our practices and they have our class as their P.E class and they still get credits.  They come with us to our away games at the other schools as well. 


We made our way to our little hang out place near our first class since we all had the exact same schedule.  “So, can you guys wait to play in the new gym?” I asked them enthusiastically.  “Well duh! Who wouldn’t be excited?” Lillian said.  She was also our team’s setter.  She can set the best out of every volleyball player I have ever watched and met.  “What about you guys?” I asked the boys.  “Well of course, like Lil said, who wouldn’t be?” Kris said with a tone that sounded uninterested and bored.  “Well thanks for restating the obvious…” I said waving him off.  “Well whatever, we are all totally excited and we are going to win on Monday!” I exclaimed.  Lillian, and the guys started laughing and Kris had a smile on his face that showed he was trying not to laugh.  The bell rang and we walked slowly to our class so we weren’t early.  We walked in when the class was almost all there, sat in our seats and then the bell rang.  The whole time, Lillian and I passed notes the whole time and just absorbed half of the stuff the teacher was talking about.  When the bell rang we headed to Ryo-sensei’s class for Japanese.  This was the second favorite of my classes and I always listened and paid attention.  I felt like I was in a different world when I was in the class and in my favorite class which was volleyball. 


During our morning break we went to our hang out place and snacked on some of the food we had.  Then something caught my eye when I went to the vending machine nearby.  I saw something shining from inside the place where you took your food from when I fell from the slot and decided to grab it.  “What you got there?” Luhan asked as he looked over my shoulder.  It was a ring and it looked totally elegant and pretty. 

“Whoa, where did you get that?” Sehun asked popping up behind me as well.  “Why are you so surprised? I got it over the weekend.” I lied.  “Oh, well it just looked so expensive so I was wondering if you had put a dent in your bank account.” He said as he stepped in front of me and got something from the machine.  I pushed him out of the way when he got his cookies from the machine, so I could get a brownie.  I slipped the ring on my finger and it fit perfectly in a weird way because I wasn’t expecting it to fit.  I walked back with then and the bell rang. 


We went through biology, history and English slowly, but we made it through the boringness that those classes brought.  Finally we got to my favorite class of the day, volleyball.  The junior varsity team and the varsity team walked into the team room and we got changed.  I put my shoes on inside the gym because they didn’t want us to walk on the new floor with our outside shoes or else we would ruin the new floor already.  The nets were already set up and the air conditioning was on full blast.  When I went inside I immediately ran to the center of the gym where there was a picture of our mascot, Arion the horse, and I plopped down onto the floor and laid there.  The team came in a couple at a time, and so did the boys.  When Chen walked in we practiced for a little, until everyone came in and we all got over the beautiful new gym.  “All jewelry off girls and some of you guys.” The coach said.  I remembered I still had the ring on my hand so I quickly went to my bag that I put down in the bleachers and put it away.  “Hey, Kat.” Suho said as I grabbed some water after putting the ring away in my bag and before the coach called us in to start practice.  “Hey oppa, are you going to practice with us today?” I said after I took a little gulp of water.  “I think so, I can’t wait to see you guys try and slide on this floor.” He said jokingly.  “The floor really hasn’t been used before.” I said looking at it.  “Yup, and you guys are going to try diving for the ball and stop right when you hit the floor.” He said laughing.  The coach called us in and we walked over to where she was standing. 


Today Kris, Luhan, Kai, Chen, D.O, and Sehun practiced with us.  We served, played so six on six, and then we had hitting lines.  School actually ends at around three o’clock but we leave school at around four or five o’clock depending on what day of the week.  Since it was Friday already, we go to leave at four thirty so we could watch the football game.  Lillian and I took a quick shower in the new showers that they put in the regular girl’s locker room and then we got changed.  We walked out with the others who were going to go watch the game and our coach got us in for free.  “Who is varsity playing today?” I asked Luhan.  “It looks like they are playing maybe Rowan Peirce High today, I think.” He said as we walked up the bleachers to a good spot.  I remembered the ring was in my backpack and decided to put it back on.  When I took it out, it seemed as if someone was watching my every move.  I looked around cautiously, but no one was looking at me so I just assumed it was my imagination.  I slipped it on my finger again and kept on watching the game. 


It got boring after a while so I decided to go to the snack shack that we had and grabbed something to eat.  Lillian came with me and we brought back some food for the guys too.  “You know all the guys are always looking at you during practices right?” Lillian said.  “They’re all my friends, and I am the BEST.” I said jokingly making a funny snobbish face on.  She laughed.  “Okay then, so do you have to work at the Café this weekend?” she asked.  “Yeah of course, and I skipped out on today’s shift because I wanted the day off to rest.” I said and then I sighed.  We got back to the bleachers and distributed the food and sat down.  “Oh, because I was wondering if we could all go to the pier, I mean it has been outrageously hot all week.” She said.  “Yeah, it has! It was raining last week too.  This weather here is so bipolar.” I said.  She laughed and we just kept on watching the game until it ended at six thirty. 


“That was relaxing!” I said stretching as we headed away from the school after we exited the football field.  “What do you mean by relaxing? That game was intense! I was surprised our team even won.” Baekhyun said waving his arms around.  I laughed a little and said, “Well I don’t even understand football, so I just kind of zoned out and knocked out.” He had tried to explain football to me a while ago and I still don’t understand it.  We got to the bus stop just in time and the bus came right to the stop.  We got on and headed home. 


When I got home I immediately changed into my pajamas and crashed in my bed.  I fell asleep instantly and I was sent to dream land.  I heard faint tinkling noises coming from somewhere and then they stopped abruptly and then I heard a clang.  It surprised me so much I woke up.  But right before I woke up I saw and shadow of a creature with wings, long flowing hair, and a sword.  I sat up and I could tell that I just started sweating.  “What the heck was that?” I said quietly.  I looked at my digital clock and it said it was 11:40 p.m.  I went over to my bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth.  Then I went back to my room and there was something shining on my bed.  It was a charm bracelet that had no charms on it.  “Where the frick did this come from?” I said quietly.  My window was closed and my door was closed so I didn’t understand how it had gotten there.  I put the bracelet on my desk and went back to sleep. 



The next morning I woke up at around 9 and decided to see what Lillian and the guys were up to.  I put on an outfit, put my hair up in a ponytail again and grabbed my cell.  I needed to trim my bangs a little bit sometime soon because they were getting kind of long.  I went back into my room to grab my wallet and saw the bracelet on my desk.  I picked it up, put it on and went over to Kris’s house.  I walked out into the mid-morning, late summer heat and walked leisurely towards his house.  I knocked on the door and his mom opened the door.  “Good morning, Kat. Kris is upstairs; I’ve been trying to wake him up for twenty minutes already.” She said.  Then she whispered in my ear, “Use your secret weapon.”  We both laughed and I went into the kitchen to prepare my secret weapon. 


I cooked my famous (well in our fourteen families it is famous) buttermilk pancakes that I make all the time for everyone.  I put a couple on a plate and put some syrup on it as well, and walked slowly up the stairs so I could let the smell of the pancakes get to his nose and make him easier to wake up.  I opened his door and he was on the floor with only pajama pants on.  His body features were significantly noticeable, but I was used to seeing him shirtless because I’m here all the time which is kind of weird.  I set the pancakes on his desk which was cleared for once and bent down to poke his face, but as I bent down he opened his eyes and pulled me down onto the floor.  “Whoa, good morning to you too.” I laughed as we play wrestled on the floor until he pinned me on the floor.  “Get off of me so we can eat our pancakes!!” I said trying to push him off.  He just looked at me and said, “Good morning.” Then he slid down and rested back on the floor.  “Oh my gosh, he was asleep.” I said quietly.  I poked his face and when he didn’t wake up I resorted to my last, and funniest, choice.  I turned him over and slapped his .  He yelped and jumped up.  “What was that for?” he shouted.  I burst out laughing and my stomach started hurting from his outburst.  “I have a feeling some revenge is about to take place.” He said mischievously.  “I made you pancakes so we’re even!” I exclaimed before he could grab me and tickle me.  Yes, I am ticklish and it is the weakness that only Lillian and the guys know of.  It’s still embarrassing for someone like me to have a weakness like that, and they always use that as revenge.  “No wonder I smelled syrup.” He said, stopping short in his tracks looking towards the pancakes on his desk.  I started to relax and then he jumped at me and he started tickling me all over.  I couldn't talk because I was laughing and my stomach was starting to hurt.  “Okay, I surrender!!!” I managed to say.  I slumped down to the floor to catch my breath as he laughed hysterically and he sat down on his chair next to his desk so he could eat his pancakes.  “Oh, you’re so going to pay for that.” I said as I stood up and grabbed his plate of pancakes and rushed down the stairs.  “Hey!!! Give me my pancakes!” he shouted as he hurried after me still in only a shirt and pants.  “Kris! Put some real clothes on and then you can eat the pancakes that she made.” His mom told him as he almost ran smack into her trying to go down the stairs.  “But…” he started.  “Change!” she said, and he glared at me as I stuck my tongue out at him. 


            When we all finished eating our food and Kris was properly dressed, we headed out to the Café.  The Café is pretty big since they owner remodeled it this last summer.  There are four outdoor tables and there are a ton of tables inside.  Some people just come and buy the pastries, but some people come for the food and they sit and eat with their friends and families.  This place has the family and friends feeling to it all the time.  Sometimes we open the back yard during the summer for people to enjoy the garden as well.  A lot of young girls come here as well to fawn over the guys and they all respect me for some weird reason as well.  I would think they would have wanted to run me over with a tractor because I spend so much time with them.  But, since they don’t or at least I hope they don’t want to run me over with a tractor I am perfectly okay with it.  Some boys come here as well and Lillian says that all the boys who come here stare at me as much as the girls fawn over the guys.  She says it’s almost like a host club some times, besides the tables with elders and families.  Lillian loves photography so she’s always taking pictures of us serving and cooking.  There are display counters in the front so that people can look at the food and choose some things they might want to buy.  Inside, there are the tables and two counters.  One has a display case built into it and behind it are the assorted drink ingredients on shelves so we can just make the drinks for our customers there instead of in the busy kitchen.  The other one is where the cash register, candy, menus, and takeout area are.  There is a hallway that leads to the main kitchen and just further down the hall is the bathrooms and the exit to the backyard garden.


“I can’t believe I’m working this early in the morning.” Kris said as he yawned.  “Well you better wake up, because you know there are a lot of customers in the morning at the Café.” I said.  He yawned again, which made me yawn as well and then we got to the bus stop.  We rode to the Café which was only about five minutes away, but we were too lazy to walk there.  Everyone else was already there and changed into their work uniforms by the time we arrived.  “Why are you guys so late?” Suho asked as we headed to the changing rooms.  “Someone wouldn’t wake up until I slapped his this morning.” I said giving Kris an accusatory glance.  “Again?” Chanyeol asked from behind the counter while he was counting change.  “Yup. And he pinned me down in his sleep; I mean who does that?” I said.  I stepped into my own little area that was enclosed by a curtain because I was the only girl who worked here at the Café.  I changed into my white blouse and dark red jeans that had holes on the knees from playing volleyball and forgetting I wasn’t wearing knee pads.  I put my little bag that I had brought with me, into my little locker and put my phone in my pocket.  I went back to the main part of the Café and grabbed my black apron from the hangar.  I tied the apron and headed into the kitchen to grab the fresh pastries. 


The guys take turns working in the kitchen, but since I have some specialties in the shop I work in there sometimes as well.  I brought out the croissants, macaroons, ham and cheese sandwiches, and fruit salads all at once and then from behind, Kris and Baekhyun each took two of the trays from me.  I could sense they were shooting daggers from their eyes at each other, but I tried to ignore it and I took the trays back from them.  I set them in the front display cases because I thought that was the best place to put those.   Lay put the other more breakfast type things in the other front display cases since it was still pretty early in the morning.  The Café doesn’t open until 8 A.M. and I always make a drink for everyone depending on the weather and my mood.  Sometimes it’s a smoothie; it could be hot chocolate or maybe just water if I’m tired. 


I decided to try something new today.  I decided to make Café Au Chocolat since I felt like giving a power boost to everyone.  I made it and when everyone was done preparing for the morning, we all sat down at some of the tables and I gave everyone a cup to try.  “So, how is it?” I asked them.  “Whoa, this is actually pretty good for something that has coffee in it.” D.O said.  I knew he didn’t really like the coffee taste so I made his with a little bit less coffee so he would like it.  Chen on the other hand didn’t like chocolate as much as he did coffee so I put more coffee in his so he would like it.  I also added some cinnamon in Xiumin’s because he liked cinnamon.  I added a little something to please each of them and it worked. 


            We opened up shop and I wrote down today’s specials for breakfast and as soon as I finished, people started pouring in.  I was glad we had so many people working here to manage all the customers and there were so many regular customers I knew some of them because they came so often.  We all worked busily around each other in sync and with swift movements we looked like we staged the way we served our customers.  The amount of customers lowered little by little until only a few customers were in at a time.  It was already eleven by the time the amount of customers lowered, and I could already hear my stomach rumbling.  “Is there anything in the fridge that I could eat?” I asked anyone who was listening as I walked by the kitchen.  “Xuimin, Lay, Chen, Tao, Kris and Luhan went to grocery store, you could ask them to pick up something for you to eat, because there is nothing in the fridge.” Chanyeol said.  I sighed and thanked him as I walked back to the counter.  I took my phone out and called Xiumin and asked him to buy a sandwich or something before they left the market. 


            When they got back I started making lunch for the others with some of the ingredients they had gotten and some of the other stuff I remembered was in the storage.  I made them all some pasta and garlic bread and we closed for a lunch break; I ate my sandwich while they ate the pasta.  We went through the rest of the day, the same and then I went home. 


            This is when we come back to reality.  So, I was walking home with Kris and he walked me to my house then left and went to his.  I went up to my room and when I walked into my room there was something on my bed.  It was a piece of old parchment that looked like it would disintegrate if I picked it up.  I read it easily in English, but it seemed as though it was written in a different language.  The parchment paper said:


The mother of the universe

 Has turned against us humans

For polluting her child, Earth.


The way that she takes revenge

Is by sealing away the

Gods of the Milky Way.

She has created many obstacles for the chosen ones to pass.


The Gods shall sleep until

The ones who share their godly powers

Awaken and rise to fight.


They must find the hidden

Lands of dreams before

Mother Universe releases

Her deadly children.


The one who shares two powers

Shall shine brighter than all.

That child will triumph above all.


Those who share the powers

Of the Gods must unite to fight.

But first the children’s powers

Must awaken from their sleep as well.


            What in the world is this supposed to mean? Gods of the Milky Way? Mother Universe?  There were too many questions that I didn’t have answers to.  I took my phone out and took a picture of the paper just in case it disintegrated, like I thought it would, if I picked it up.  I picked it up and then there was a loud crash from down stairs.  I heard screeching that hurt my ears so much I had to cover them.  I ring started to glow and I could feel power surging through my body.  “What is going on?” I said as I ran down stairs at the speed of light.  In my living room there was a huge blob.  That was the only way to describe it; a blob.  There was some symbol on it where I would think the forehead would be if it was regularly shaped.  I was surprised when it moved quickly towards me and almost devoured me in goop.  I jumped out of the way and ran towards the front door.  I burst outside, not bothering to look back and see the monster.  After that, you pretty much know the story.






Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?? How was it?? Please give me feed back and tell me if there are any mistakes or anything... Subscribe and comment, I will love you very much, but silent readers are allowed... i guess jkjk xD



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Nice description & story! - Yuki