The Saviors(HIATUS)


We worked until around 9 pm and then we closed up.  I was alret the whole time we worked just in case anything happened.  Lillian had already gone home since she had to take her mom to the airport and I had sent Chanyeol and DO to go with her and then come back after they took her home.  After we locked up, we went home in groups or pairs.  Kris and I walked home together and he left after I walked into my house.  "Omma! I'm home!" I shouted.  "Ah, Kat, did you eat already?" She asked as she gave me a hug and she kissed my head.  "I already ate, but a small glass of milk after my shower wouldn't hurt." I said with a smile.  "Got it, go get cleaned up." She said, pushing me towards the bathroom.  I washed up quickly and she brought me a glass of milk.  After I went back to my room with my cup of milk, I tried to take the jewelry off.  Surprisngly, the bangle came off.  "This is too weird..." I mumbled.  I put them on my side table and sipped my milk as I did some of my homework.  At around 11:30, felt too tired and I decided to go to sleep.  


The next morning, I slept in because we didn't have school or work since it was Sunday.  I woke up from a knock on the door and I went to open the door.  "Yah! From now on since you can text, you better be ready to reply." Lillian said as she walked inside the house.  She was followed by the guys and they all made their selves comfy in the large living room.  "So what's up?" I asked as I sat down on one of the couches.  "I found out what my power is." she said quietly.  "Seriously?" Kai asked.  "Already?" I asked.  "I can heal people." She said.  "Remember that cut that I got from the explosion in the kitchen?" She asked Chanyeol.  He nodded slowly.  She pulled up her sweat pants to reveal her leg.  "Whoa, you can heal." He said.  The rest of us kind of sat around since we didn't really know.  "I had this huge cut on my leg right here." She pointed to a spot under her knee and then she traced down a small, barely visible scar.  "After I got home, I was looking at it and then I pressed my hand over part of it.  Then when I took it off, only the scar was left." She said.  "That's pretty cool..." Tao said quietly.  "Can you heal my cut here then?" I asked as I pointed to the cut that I had gotten yesterday.  "Let me try." She said.  She put her hand about half an inch above my cut and then it started to feel tingly.  I watched and there was golden dust flying around from her hand.  The cut turned gold and then it disappeared, leaving no scar.  "That was amazing..." I said as she pulled her hand away.


We talked a little more about the stuff that happened yesterday.  "Wait, did you guys leave the weapons in the attic yesterday?" I asked.  "Yeah, why?" Xiumin said.  "I just wanted to know because I was just wondering what happened to them." I said.  DO turned the TV on and since my mom had watched the news this morning, the channel was set to the news channel.  "According to our sources, there was an unidentified organism, more like three unidentified organisms that were spotted yesterday by people walking the streets of downtown.  No one knows what they were, but the place that they were at seems to be in perfect shape so people aren't very suspicious." Then there was a picture of the glop monsters from yesterday that showed up on the screen.  "What could these things be? Is this just photoshop or is it real?" The news lady said. I shut the TV off.  "We need to be careful about revealing ourselves..." Kai said.  "Are we supposed to like wear masks or something?" Chanyeol asked.  "I hadn't thought of that..." I said.  Then the middle of the room started to shimmer.  "Uh...What's going on?" Lillian asked.  Then the lady who had appeared in my room before stood before us and there was also a man.  The lady was dressed formally in a long gown and the man was wearing a suit.  "Hello again."  She said.  "Wait, again?" Chen asked.  "Well for one of you." She said, looking at me.  "What brings you here today?" I asked cautiously.  "I just saw the news broadcast and I wanted to help a little." She said.  "How would you do that?" I asked.  "Ajax, the bag please." She said.  The man next to her held out his hand and an old buckwheat back appeared.  He grabbed it before it fell and handed it to her.  She then handed it to me.  "And this would be..." I said.  "Open it and see for yourselves." She said.  I set the bag on the table and opened it.  "I am sorry, but my time here is up... I will try to send one of my helpers to give you guys more help." She said.  I turned back to look at her and she was starting to fade away.  "Wait, what is your name?" I asked.  "I am the goddess of the Moon, Selene." she said and then she completely faded away.  The man was gone too and we all stood and sat quietly.  "Let's see what's in the bag." Kris said as he walked over to me. 


I poured out the contents of the bag onto the rug floor and there were 14 accessories.  They all glowed for a second and then they went back to normal.  There were only 13 of them though and I felt the bangle on my arm heat up a little bit.  I pulled it off my arm from it's spot on my upper arm and I set it on the floor as well.  I noticed that it had an interesting symbol on it like all the other ones did.  Lillian picked up a necklace and she held it up at eye level.  The others all picked out an accessory for them self.  No one picked the same one nor did anyone want the other's piece.  Kris, Baekhyun, and Tao chose bracelet type accessories; Kai, Luhan, Lay, Xiumin, and Suho chose badges; Chanyeol, DO, and Chen chose rings, and Sehun chose a belt.  They all had interesting symbols (see foreword picture) on them and they suited them nicely.  "Do these have something to do with our powers?" Chen asked.  "Who knows..." I said. 


We chilled around at my house for while and then we decided to go to the pier to take our minds off this whole thing for a little while.  I got changed into this outfit since we would be by the sea and it was supposed to get a little colder that evening.  Lillian was wearing this and the guy were wearing this.  When I was ready, we left the house and I made sure to lock the door.  The pier was really close to my house, but my house was on a hill so we took the trolley down instead of walking the whole way.  We filled the entire trolley since there were 14 of us and I held onto the bar so I could feel the nice ocean air as we got closer to the sea.  "You just love the ocean don't you?" Lillian said.  "Of course! It's my favorite place to be." I said.  "Well I can kind of understand now since you can make pretty much anything from water..." Luhan said.  I nodded and smiled as we got even closer to the ocean.  We jumped off and headed to the entrance of the pier.



It was crowded as we walked through the entrance and made our way to our favorite spot by the merry-go-round.  Lillian went with Suho, D.O, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Kai, and Sehun to get some drinks for us and we waited at the spot.  As we waited, I felt something brush by my ankle and I looked down.  I saw a small white cat with a large white ribbon on the back of it's collar.  "What are you doing here?" I said in a cute voice as I lowered myself and picked up the cat.  "Awww, it's a kitty!" Luhan said excitedly as he bent down as well and pet the cat.  "Why is there a cat here?" Tao asked.  "I don't know, maybe it's from one of the houses over there." I said pointing to the beach houses.  "Hmmm, what does it's collar say?" Chen asked.  I looked at the cat and it raised it's head so I could see the collar.  "Whoa, it's like it understands what we're saying..." Luhan said.  "Of course I understand what you're saying, why wouldn't I?" someone said.  We all froze. 

"...........................................Did the cat just talk?" I asked.  "I have a name..." the voice said again.  "It's mouth did't open though, Lay, are you playing some tricks?" Kris said.  "It isn't me!" Lay said.  We all looked at the cat again.  "I can communicate with you guys by telepathy, cool right?" The cat said.  It jumped out of my grasp and sat down in front of me.  "My name is Luna, I am one of Selene's helpers." She said.  "You're one of Selene's helpers? But you're a cat." Xiumin said.  "So?" She said with a little tone of attitude.  I laughed and held my hand out.  "Nice to meet you Luna." I said.  She put her paw on my hand and I shook it with a smile.  "So I guess you'll be joining us." I said as I picked her up.  She was small enough that she could rest on my shoulders and I put my hair up in a ponytail so it would be more comfortable for her.  "Aren't there supposed to be 7 more of you guys?" She asked.  "Yeah, but they're getting drinks." Kris said.  "Here they come." I said.  The others walked up to us and Lillian was the first one to notice Luna.  "Did you guys go and buy a cat?" She asked as she pet it's head.  "She's one of Selene's helpers." Xiumin said.  "But it's a cat..." Kai said.  "What am I supposed to be? A phoenix??" Luna blurted in our minds.  The seven who already met Luna burst out laughing and the other seven stood there shocked.  "Let's go play the booth games!" I said excitedly and that made them come back from their momentary shock. 


We played games until around 5 and we decided to take a break and go on the merry-go-round.  "So Luna, what exactly are you going to help us with?" I asked her as I sat on a horse next to Kris and Suho.  "Duck." She said.  Instinctively I ducked and so did the guys.  I heard something whoosh by my head and when I looked up, there was an arrow head on the wall of the merry-go-round core.  "Holy crap..." I said.  "It's over there, everyone get off now, and transform." She said.  "Transform?" I asked.  "Selene didn't tell you?" She asked in surprise.  I shook my head and she made a sighing sound.  "Press on the symbol on your charm and you will get a disguise that will help shield your idnentities in situations like these." She explained.  "Go behind that tent over there first." The ride suddenly stopped and we rushed off to go behind and try it out.  I started to hear screams and when I peeked out from behind the tent I saw five large, midnight black wolves with blood red eyes and they were at least 12 feet tall.  "Hurry and transform before they eat someone." Luna shouted in our minds.  I put my finger on the symbol and then there was a bright light and I closed my eyes.  I opened my eyes and I felt a masquerade mask covering the parts around my eyes and above my nose.  "Whoa, that was cool." Lillian said.  Lillian and the guys did the same thing and there was a bright light once again.  Lillian was wearing the same outfit as me but in white and the guys were wearing quite shiny outfits as well.  They each had a weapon of their own after they transformed.  I had my bow and quiver of endless arrows as well as gloves and Lillian had a staff.  Kris had a long sword with his symbol engraved on the handle, Chanyeol had a battle ax, and Baekhyun had knife whip

(right to left: Tao, Chen, Lay, Kai, Suho, Xiumin, Luhan, Sehun, and D.O)


We were all wearing masks and Luna had disappeared.  "Luna?" I asked.  "Here." She said.  I looked to our left and I saw this:

"Is that you Luna?" I asked as I looked at the large 6 foot tall, winged animal.  "Duh, do you think I'd help as a tiny little cat when I can turn into this?" She asked.  "I guess not." I said.  There was a loud growl and we hurried out from behind the tent.  There were still a lot of people in the area and they were rushing to get away.  "Lillian, Kai, D.O, Xiumin, and Lay, go help the people get out of here first and then come back." I said.  They spread out and herded the people onto the mainland so that the pier was unoccupied while the rest of us started to attack.  "My baby!!" a woman shouted as she ran back to one of the tents.  I saw a little baby girl with cute pigtails, crying on the floor by one of the wolves.  "Damn it.  Kris, make sure she doesn't go over there." I said.  The wolf had caught sight of the baby and started to get closer to it on all fours.  It's mouth opened over the baby, but before it got to it, I jumped and grabbed the baby.  But I wasn't quick enough and it's teeth caught onto part of my lower leg and I got deeply cut.  "Crap..." I said as I gritted my teeth.  I ran with a limp over to the lady and handed her the baby girl.  "Kris get her out of here now." I said.  He just nodded and they made their way around the tents so that they weren't in the wolves' sight.  The pier was now all cleared except for us and the five wolves.  Kris came back, but I noticed he was coming back really quickly, and he wasn't on the floor; he was in the air.  "How are you doing that?" I asked as he landed in front of me.  "I guess I found out my power." He said with a shrug.  "Hey I've got an idea." I said.  "Fly me up there so I can find the symbol." I said.  We had split up into groups and there were three to one wolf.  Me, Luna, and Kris; Lillian, Chanyeol, and D.O; Kai, Sehun, and Baekhyun; Lay, Chen, and Xiumin; and Suho, Tao, and Luhan.  Kris grabbed me by my waist and he shot up into the sky.  We circled around our wolf as it watched us with it's blood red eyes.  My leg still hurt, and it was bleeding, but I'd take care of it later.  "Where the hell is that symbol?!" Kris shouted.  I looked all over from our circling spot in the sky, but I couldn't find it. 


"Let's go back down." I said.  He flew us down lower, but the wolf quickly advanced to where we were going to land and it swatted the air.  We dogded it's paws and we landed on top of the main entrance building.  Kris went to distract it while I stayed on the building and aimed my arrows at the wolf.  Luna flew over and distracted it as well.  I was balancing on the little top part of the building and if I took one step to either side, front or back, I would fall off the building.  The people could see me since we were at the entrance and I could hear police car sirens as well as cheering.  I pulled the arrow back some more and aimed for it's heart since it was standing on two legs now.  "The neck!" Kris said he flew in front of it and he caught a glimpse of the symbol which was hidden under the black fur.  I put my arrow down and squinted to see it, but it was there.  I pulled the arrow back again and I shot it straight at the neck, but I missed the symbol by a foot since it kept on moving.  "Keep it in place for god's sake, I can't get a clear shot if it keeps moving!" I shouted.  It's arm flew by my face and I lost my balance, having to take a step back.  I could hear the people gasp in unison as I started to fall.  Then, a hand caught mine and I heard cheering.  "Kai? How the heck did you get here so quickly?" I asked as he pulled me up and wrapped an arm around my shoulder so that we would bo the fit on the small area.  "I have no idea, I think I just teleported..." he said.  "That's insane..." I said.  "Kat, are you okay?" Luna asked as she flew down towards us.  "Yeah, I'm fine." I said.  "Shall I give you a ride?" She asked.  "Are you sure?" I asked.  She nodded her head and Kai helped my get onto her back.  Then he disappeared and he was back to his group, fighting off one of the other wolves.  Luna took off into the air and we got closer to the neck of the wolf.  I pulled three arrows back and sent them flying right at the symbol.  It screamed in pain and started to disintegrate.  Luna landed on top of another building and Kris landed next to her.  I caught the charm in mid air and put it in my pocket. 


I watched as Xiumin froze one wolf in place and Chen sent a lightning bolt towards the wolf's neck.  Lay was holding endlessly long vines and I could also see that the wolf had been held down with vines as well.  Kai teleported to one side of the wolf and then to the other, distracting it, while Sehun held the wolf inside a vortex of wind.  Baekhyun created some sort of light ball and sent it towards the wolf's neck as well.  Suho had trapped his wolf in a huge ball of ocean water and Tao suddenly froze wolf and it stopped moving, like time had stopped.  Luhan moved his hand with his eyes closed and I could see the wolf's neck break.  D.O held the wolf's feet on the floor with cement rocks and it wasn't able to move.  Chanyeol sent balls of fire at Lillian's staff and she aimed it at the wolf's neck.  The wolves disintegrated at the same time and we all gathered in the middle of the deserted pier. 


Luna changed back into a little cat and hopped onto my shoulders.  "You guys have to get out of here before the people come here and find you.  "I have an idea, Tao, you can stop time right?" I asked.  He nodded silently.  "Can you stop time around the people and we'll go back over there and pretend to be part of the crowd." I said.  "Nice idea." Luna said.  We walked back and stayed in the main entrance building while Tao stopped time.  We transformed back and ran through the frozen crowd together.  When we made it to the back of the crowd, Tao unfroze time and all of the people continued to talk loudly.  I could see news trucks, police cars, fire trucks, ambulances, and a lot of people.  "Let's go..." I said.  We walked away from the scene as the police started to enter the pier.  My leg started to hurt as I remembered the cut I had gotten and I started to loose balance and black spots clouded my vision.  "Kat!" Luna shouted and everyone panicked.  "Lillian, Lay, heal her leg, she got a deep cut while saving that baby." Luna explained.  "I totally forgot about it." she added.  Kris caught me before I fell and Lillian and Lay hurried over.  My vision started to clear as Lay massaged my temples and Lillian placed her hand above my leg.  Lillian was sweating as she concentrated on the wound and Lay went over to assist.  After they finished with my leg, Lillian and Lay made sure that no one else was badly injured.  I had fallen asleep and Kris gave me a piggy back ride. 




Hey guyss :D plz comment and tell me if you like the story so far and hopefully I'll be able to finish some of my other ones soon....



time for an EXO SPAMMMM


Dude i'm in LA and I didn't know SM was coming here... how idk but I saw pictures on fb and i was like WUT?????!!!!! I probably cud've gone if i had known UGHHHH :'( so saddd

I was seriously like Exo is in LA...WHATTTTTTTTTTTT????

why was i not notified of this... -___-

im so mad...

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Nice description & story! - Yuki