The Saviors(HIATUS)

After we finished them off, we hurried to the palace.  "That wasn't normal, Thanatos aren't supposed to be able to enter the celestial grounds, we just reenforced the protection spell..." L said.  "Thana-what?" I asked.  "Did you teach them anything Luna?" L asked.  "I didn't have time..." she said, rubbing her neck.  L sighed.  "Thanatos is the name that we came up with to describe those monsters that keep showing up.  We don't know how much variety there is of them, but we know that there are definitely a lot of them." He explained.  We landed on the first terrace of the palace and the pegasi flew back to the stables.  We walked into the palace and it was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen.  There were thousands of flowers surrounding the entrance of the palace, the interior was so extremely detailed that you had look at it really closely to see all the details.  There were many paintings and other art pieces.  L and Luna led me to a large room and the others were there waiting as well as the ones that were most likely the gods' helpers. 


There was a dragon, unicorn, a huge scorpian, a girl wizard, Holos' other helpers, a golem, a white and gold tiger, a phoenix, a mermaid, an ice serpent, a griffin, and three other men.  When we walked in, Lillian let out a sigh of relief and I looked around carefully at all of the creatures and people in the room.  "So, now that we are all here, let us introduce our selves." One of Holos' helpers said.  Luna stayed in her winged animal form and L joined the other helpers of Holos.  I stood near Lillian and Tao.  Each of the helpers said their names, all of which were exotic and hard to remember.  There was: Zokal the dragon, helper of Auron; Jou the wizard, helper of Jakalo; Shoi the mermaid, helper of Tsuma; Forai the scorpian, helper of Zari; Moa the unicorn, helper of Loreal; Yumo the tiger, helper of Hanbus; Loki the griffin, helper of Cora; Ral the ice serpent, helper of Mansate; Warith the golem, helper of Pokal; Luis the time controller, helper of Grau; Joel the teleporter, helper of Vitar; Flor the phoenix, helper of Cyri; Lance the telekinesis master, helper of Jayron.  Then there was Luna the shape-shifting moon cat, helper of Selene; and the seven guys called Infinite, helpers of Holos. 


I tried to remember all of the names, but it was hard taking in so many names at once.  "Now that you guys all know who is who's helper, we must explain more." Zokal said.  Before anyone could say anything else, Selene's hologram showed up.  She looked even weaker than before and the hologram was faded already.  "I see you guys have progressed quickly." She said.  "Please be wary of your surroundings at all times, it doesn't matter if you are on Earth or if you are here in Lena.  Watch out for the Thanatos because they will definitely take any chance they get to try and stop you guys." She said weakly. I could see Luna's pained face to see her mentor so weak and helpless.  The other creatures looked grim as well.  "Do you have any idea about where we can find you?" I asked.  "I can not tell you or else I will be killed on the spot my darling.  If you regain your memory soon enough you will remember where to go.  Remember the forbidden place that you were never allowed to go to." She said.  And then she started to completely fade away again. 


"Their memories were lost?" Lance asked.  "Yes, they wouldn't have been able to survive the trip to Earth if they had known about Lena." Zokal said.  "You guys can take your time with the memories, they will all come back eventually." Warith said.  I sighed and looked around the room.  "It is about time for you guys to go now, but we can send you guys back from here." Loki said.  We nodded and Luna changed back into her kitten form.  We were sent back by the helpers and we landed in my living room.  "That was almost too much for me to handle..." I said as I slumped down onto the couch.  We all crashed for a little while and then started our homework.  I made dinner for everyone and we ate as we talked about stuff.  Everyone went home at around 8 and Luna came with me to my room.  "What are you going to do to help me train?" I asked her.  "Selene doesn't really have much abilities, she just has a lot of status, so there isn't much to teach you.  But there is something that is neccessary for any Selene follower, you must learn how to chanel the moon's energy and use it in some way." She explained.  She tried to teach me but I failed miserably since I was too tired.  We decided to call it a night and I fell asleep quickly.  


The next morning, I actually woke up to my alarm clock insted of having someone wake me up.  I put my uniform on and headed down stairs before everyone arrived at my house.  When Lillian unlocked the door and walked inside, I was on the couch watching TV.  "You're up early Kat." She said.  I smiled and the others arrived.  "Whoa, she's awake." Chanyeol said as he ruffled my hair.  "Not the hair." I said, swatting his hand away playfully.  D.O went to make breakfast while the rest of us played around as we waited.  After we ate, we left for school.  That day during lunch, L stopped by.  "What are you doing here?" Kris asked as L walked up to us.  "When does your school break start?" He asked immediately after he arrived at our tree.  "This weekend." I said.  "Good.  Your power training will start tomorrow night." L said.  "Power training?" I asked.  "Yeah, power training.  So that you guys will be prepared." Luna said.  "Really? How does this training thing work?" Luhan asked.  "You guys will be learing how to control you powers better under the mentoring of the god's helper.  You will be taught according to who your god's helper is." L said.  We just oh-ed and nodded our heads.  L looked lookd at his watch and sighed.  "Well it's time for me to go, I'll see you guys tomorrow after your sports practices." He said.  "Bye~" We said. 


School went by and it was the end of the day.  I suddenly saw ten figures flying towards the school from the sky.  I looked at Luna.  "Go to the 'bathroom', it's in front of the school..." She said.  "Mr. Lee, may I go to the bathroom?" I asked.  He nodded and I rushed out of the room.  "You guys won't all be able to get out, but I'll try my best to keep the monsters busy until the bell rings." I said when I passed by Lillian.  She nodded.  I went to the bathroom which was thankfully empty and I transformed.  Luna shifted into her little cat appearance and we escaped through the window.  I jumped down from the third story of the building and Luna transformed and caught me on her back.  She flew around the school and around the buildings, catching the eyes of students.  "Thank goodness for these disguises." I mumbled.  We arrived on the roof of the main building and we could see ten monsters making their way from the sky to the school.  "What are those things?!" I asked.  Five of the monsters were the glop monsters, two were wolf monsters, two were a strange humanoid type of monster with long reaper sickles and black capes, and there was a monster in the front and it was huge bear monsters with nasty looking fangs, long claws, and red eys; there was nothing cute about this bear...  "It's just more variety of the Thanatos, I've never seen those humanoid monsters though." Luna said.  I pulled my arrows out and shot five at a time towards the monsters.  I kept on shooting until they reached the soccer field and they landed with thumps on the floor.  They were all completely unfazed from my shootings and I got off of Luna and stood on the roof. 


I could hear students screaming from inside the school and suddenly, Kai appeared next to me.  "Ah! You scared me..." I said in surprise.  "Let's kick some monster ." He said with a smirk.  I ditched my bow and arrow and created two twin swords and I twirled them in my hands.  I jumped from the roof and landed switfly on my feet which was sort of surprising, but cool at the same time.  I ran towards the first humanoid monster and swung the swords skillfully at the monster.  Luna tackled the other humanoid monster and clawed at it's face.  "Students please stay calm, we are having an emergency evacuation, please file out of your classrooms in a neat and calm fashion.  Then proceed to the back parking lots and exit from there. Stay with your teachers and be calm." I heard the principal say over the P.A system.  "He's freaking stupid! He just told the monsters where they were going to evacuated from." Kai said as he appeared next to me.  "Let's just hope our reenforcements come quickly." I said with a shrug.  I swung my swords at the humanoid monster again and I hit the monster's heel.  It suddenly disintegrated into the air.  "Luna! Achilles' heel!" I shouted.  She pounced backwards and then clawed at the monster's heel and it disintegrated.  As I was watching Luna, the bear came up behind me and grabbed me from behind.  I screamed in surprise.  It's hand fit around my upper body and waist, where it held on like it was holding on for dear life, and I felt like I was being crushed in it's grasp. 


I dropped my swords and I tried to get out of the bear monster's grasp, but it just wouldn't budge.  "Kai! Luna!" I shouted.  Kai was fighting a glop monster and when he turned to my direction, he was flung to the school's wall by the monster.  I gasped aloud and Luna was also flung.  It was starting to get harder to breathe and I had resorted to a stupid choice, biting the stupid thing.  I bit it and it just squished me tighter.  "Crap..." I managed to say.  I started to black out from the lack of oxygen and the last thing I saw was the bear's huge fangs.

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Nice description & story! - Yuki