Chapter 4

The Power of Baking

As the months passed by, Kevin and I continued to hang out together most days after school, except for days I had non stop wrestling practice. We became best friends in a very short amount of time, rarely leaving each other's sides as we found ourselves telling each other everything. Because of Kevin, I also became exceptionally skilled at making desserts since we would make them together so often. Today was another day I found myself in Kevin's kitchen with my usual apron on, trying to tackle making triple chocolate cupcakes, completely homemade.

"Whose idea was it to have baking be so messy?" I asked Kevin, laughing as I got even more chocolate on my apron and the counter in front of me.

"I'm pretty sure it's just you that's messy!" Kevin replied to me, giggling as he gently wiped chocolate from my cheek. "You're like a three year old in the mud!" He said, pointing to my stained apron.

"Oh, really?" I said to him as I pulled him into a big hug, my arms around his waist; his resting gently on my shoulders. He felt extremely delicate against my muscular frame. Kevin was a little taller than me so I rested my head on his slender shoulder. We stayed in each other's arms for a few moments. "Thanks for being there for me Kevin. Things haven't been easy for the past year but you've made everything that's happened easier." I confessed to him. I was a little shocked at my own confession so I looked up at Kevin to see his reaction.

He was all smiles as usual as he flicked flour onto my face. "That's what I'm here for!" he bellowed, a mischievous glint in his eyes. I had half a mind to hit him and the other half wanted to kiss him. Wait, what?! Was I beginning to have feelings for Kevin? I asked myself. We were both boys, so that wouldn't be right...and I wasn't gay either. Or at least I didn't think I was. I had had girlfriends in the past, and I was positive I had never felt like this towards a boy before. But then again, I had never met someone like Kevin before. Someone so perfect, it was unreal. Lost in my thought, Kevin tried to get my attention.

"Anyone home?" he asked, knocking on my head gently with his fist. Slight concern showing in his deep dark eyes.

"Huh, what?" I said, lost to reality.

"Are you okay?" Kevin asked, this time I could hear the concern in his voice but a small smile still adorned his perfect face.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine, just spacing out" I replied to him shyly, embarrassed with myself for seeing Kevin as more than just my best friend. I realized then, that I still had my arms around Kevin's waist. I dropped them quickly. "We should finish this batch of cupcakes soon. I have homework..." I felt bad for obviously lying to him, but I needed time away from Kevin to clear my head. I couldn't just go around thinking about kissing my best guy friend!

Kevin's eyes still showed slight concern. "You're silly." he said, dabbing my nose with flour. "We can finish these up soon. Do you need help with your homework?" he asked me.

"Nah, I can do it by myself." I said hastily. Kevin held my gaze for a moment longer before averting his attention back to the chocolate concoction at hand. We finished baking the cupcakes all too slowly and after cleaning up our mess, I rushed out of Kevin's house as quickly as I could. I said goodbye as I bustled out the door. I had almost driven halfway home before I realized I was still wearing Kevin's apron. It was covered in chocolate and flour from our previous "flour battle". I would have to return the apron after I washed it. That means I would definitely have to see Kevin again soon. I remembered that Kevin and I had planned to make sugar cookies tomorrow so I only had tonight to think to myself.

As I arrived home, I immediately headed for my room and face planted onto my bed. It even smelled like Kevin because of all the times we had hung out on my bed and talked about anything and everything. What was wrong with me? Why did I feel like I was falling in love with Kevin? Why am I so confused?! I sighed deeply as I tried to arrange my thoughts. Okay, so 1.) I had feelings for my best friend. A boy. 2.) I need to know how Kevin feels about me. 3.) Crap! I forgot about the wrestling team! How are they going to react when they find out their captain is some boy loving ? This needs to stop. I can't like Kevin. I need to end this.



AH! Eli just admit you love Kevin!!! You guys are so cute together~^^

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Seoblove #2
you should totally write a sequel to this!!!!
TheShinyWobbuffet #3
I LOVE THIS!!!! HURRY AND WRITE NEW STORIES! OR EVEN A SEQUEL!!!! This story is tooooo short!
AWWWWWW, it's the ending =( But! I loved it! I loved it I loved it I loved it <3

Can't wait to read your future stories ^^
Terandot16 #5
Hope you guys have enjoyed~^^

Awwwwww, it's already almost over??? Awww, I really like this story *pout*
Well, update soon :))
Wow, so Kevin kissed back huh? Sweet~
Oh my gosh! The wrestling team started to walk in! That ain't good! =P

Update soon ^^
I was a bit shocked when I read that Kevin's a bit taller than Eli, hehehe. I don't mean as it is bad, I was just kinda..surprised =p
They are seriously so cute together, they should really be together :))
Update soon ^^
It's good that Eli's forgetting her in his mind, he has to move on no matter what anyway. :)

Update soon ^^