Chapter 1

The Power of Baking

It had only been six months since Siena was taken from my life. The days since the accident had seemed to drag on much longer than should have been possible, like the days after a battle, and I often found myself thinking abount how much I missed her...that was, until I met Kevin.

The day had started like any other. I was just sitting in English class, praying for the bell to ring to free me from the miserable existense that is that of a high school student. Fiddling with my pencil, I looked up to find a warm smile greeting me.

"Hi! I'm Kevin, I'm new. I just moved here from San Francisco." he said with a slight lisp and a large grin. I was confused as to why he chose to talk to me, for I sat near the back of the class, earphones playing softly and my face was slightly covered with my dark hair and the hoodie I was wearing. I pretty much thought that showed I was labeled as "unapproachable".

"Um, hi." I replied lamely. I found myself at a loss for words as he stared at me with a sweet and genuine look painted on his face. He had dark brown eyes like mine, but they seemed to be filled with much more life than mine had in a long while. His hair was dyed a dirty blonde and fell delicately on his neck that led to his narrow shoulders. He wore a simple button up sweater over a plain t-shirt and jeans, but still managed to look like he stepped out of a fashion catalog. His voice was light and sweet, much to be expected to come from such a small and slender frame. By the way he was looking at me I couldn't help but remember how I had felt whenever I was with Siena. She would often stare at me wordlessly with her fawn-like eyes as I tried and failed to think up a conversation.

"What's your name?" Kevin asked me brightly. I knew it was a pretty generic question, but I was suddenly stumped. What was my name again? I felt my cheeks start to tingle from my blush rising.

"Oh, it's uh, Eli. Why are you talking to me?" I hadn't meant to come off as rude, but I'm afraid that's how I came off. "Oh, um, I didn't mean it like that. Never mind." The embarrassment was starting to eat at my gut so I broke away from Kevin's gaze.

"Haha," he giggled. "Don't worry about it. The teacher told me I should become friends with you because she said you have been feeling down lately. I hope we can be great friends." Kevin's sincerity caught me off guard. It's not like I didn't want to make friends (plus this situation seemed...weird), it just seemed to me that Kevin was, well, really girly. Being captain of the taekwondo team, the wrestling team, and the weightlifting club, he didn't seem to be apart of my clique of friends. As I thought to myself silently, I noticed Kevin was still staring at me. "Do you want to come to my house after school today? I'm still new and haven't really gotten settled in yet. It would be nice to have someone to help me unpack my things." Kevin said, his smile not faltering once.

This kid was to the point. He didn't miss a beat. I liked that type of bluntness I had been missing since Siena had died. She always found a way to say exactly what was on her mind without sounding harsh or pushy. In a moment of weakness I blurted "Sure," forgetting I barely knew this kid and had no idea where he lived.

"Great!" he said in response. Kevin smiled back at me as he turned to take his seat near the front of the class.




Elvin~~~ Such cuties~

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Seoblove #2
you should totally write a sequel to this!!!!
TheShinyWobbuffet #3
I LOVE THIS!!!! HURRY AND WRITE NEW STORIES! OR EVEN A SEQUEL!!!! This story is tooooo short!
AWWWWWW, it's the ending =( But! I loved it! I loved it I loved it I loved it <3

Can't wait to read your future stories ^^
Terandot16 #5
Hope you guys have enjoyed~^^

Awwwwww, it's already almost over??? Awww, I really like this story *pout*
Well, update soon :))
Wow, so Kevin kissed back huh? Sweet~
Oh my gosh! The wrestling team started to walk in! That ain't good! =P

Update soon ^^
I was a bit shocked when I read that Kevin's a bit taller than Eli, hehehe. I don't mean as it is bad, I was just kinda..surprised =p
They are seriously so cute together, they should really be together :))
Update soon ^^
It's good that Eli's forgetting her in his mind, he has to move on no matter what anyway. :)

Update soon ^^