Chapter 2

The Power of Baking

After the rest of the school day went by without a hitch, I found myself ringing the doorbell of the house with the address Kevin had written me on the back of a take home test. The decent sized house was a light yellow color with a cute little deck overlooking the neatly kept lawn. Small flower pots lined the windows. I had no idea why I had even showed up. This whole situation was just plain weird, but Kevin had seemed really true in his intentions and it was too late to go back home. I found myself staring into Kevin's big almond eyes as he opened the door.

"Eliiiii! You found me!" Kevin exclaimed with a large gesture as he noted for me to come in. Excitement was dripping from him like a faucet. "I was afraid you'd get lost or something. Thanks for coming over."

I stared gapingly at the inside of Kevin's house. All of the walls were painted different shades of pink and purple. The entry way led to the living room, where not so much to my surprise, was filled with unpacked boxes, and the couch against the wall was decorated with various Hello Kitty stuffed animals and cutesy pillows. I noticed pictures of an overly happy family spread around the room. So this is where Kevin gets his feminine quality from. I thought to myself. "You have a very...cute house." I said with a smile.

"Hah, thanks. My appa doesn't live with us so my umma, noona, and I can decorate the house however we want. I picked that out." Kevin pointed to a large stuffed pink bunny with an "I love you" sign across its chest. It seemed like something Siena would have picked out. She was a er for anything cute or made out of plush.

I just stared blankly at this boy who didn't seem the least like a guy. "I like it." was all I managed to say before Kevin jumped in again.

"My room is this way." he said as he motioned for me to follow. "You can help me unpack the rest of my boxes then we can make cookies. I just bought a new cake making kit so I'll make you any kind of cake you like too." Kevin seemed like quite the baker as he lead me down a short hallway to a closed white door. "This is my room." Kevin said as he opened the door. The room that lay in front of me was definitely not that of an eighteen year old boy. The somewhat sparkly pink walls were decorated with many pictures of him and who I guessed to be his noona in various poses. His twin sized bed was pushed against the far wall  and had a yellow bear comforter and was accompanied by too many stuffed animals to count. The ones that didn't make to cut lay placed around the rest of Kevin's room.

"Wow," I responded as I scanned the rest of Kevin's room. It was really...clean, (minus the stacks of boxes throughout the room) much like you'd expect a girl's to be. It smelled faintly of vanilla and I could feel an all around warm and cozy vibe coming from his room. "You must like stuffed animals, huh?" I asked him.

"Absolutely! I love them! Well, I love anything cute." he replied winking. "Haha, well anyway, these boxes aren't going to unpack themselves!" Kevin exclaimed as we set to work unpacking the piles of boxes.



Ahh, I feel like these chapters are really short...hmmm...anyway, I hope you like the story so far~ We must wait for Elvin to bond and the love will come later on!^^


Hmmm, I wonder who else has been in Kevin's room...


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Seoblove #2
you should totally write a sequel to this!!!!
TheShinyWobbuffet #3
I LOVE THIS!!!! HURRY AND WRITE NEW STORIES! OR EVEN A SEQUEL!!!! This story is tooooo short!
AWWWWWW, it's the ending =( But! I loved it! I loved it I loved it I loved it <3

Can't wait to read your future stories ^^
Terandot16 #5
Hope you guys have enjoyed~^^

Awwwwww, it's already almost over??? Awww, I really like this story *pout*
Well, update soon :))
Wow, so Kevin kissed back huh? Sweet~
Oh my gosh! The wrestling team started to walk in! That ain't good! =P

Update soon ^^
I was a bit shocked when I read that Kevin's a bit taller than Eli, hehehe. I don't mean as it is bad, I was just kinda..surprised =p
They are seriously so cute together, they should really be together :))
Update soon ^^
It's good that Eli's forgetting her in his mind, he has to move on no matter what anyway. :)

Update soon ^^