
Trying Times

Hey so this is the last chapter. I told you it was really short and boring haha.

I hoped you liked it though. Kamsamnida xxx


‘What?! He’s awake?’ I ran from the room and followed the doctor into Zelo’s room. The guys pushed they’re way through the door after me and surrounded the bed.

Zelo was sat up now and looked at us smiling. I grabbed Yongguk’s arm and smiled at him.

‘Told you everything would be ok?’ I said and laughed.

He laughed and looked down at Zelo.

‘Hey jello. What’s up? You really had us worried. Yunjae’s been here all night’ Yongguk smiled at him and patted his arm.

‘Aww I feel like crap. My head’ he lifted his hand up and touched the bandage that surrounded his head, ‘what happened?’ he asked.

‘It doesn’t matter. All that we’re bothered about is that your feeling great’ Himchan laughed.

I couldn’t help smiling, I could feel tears falling down my face but not one part of me felt sad. I was just so happy he was awake. I looked down at him and he was smiling so I guess everything was going to be ok.

‘Dude we were so worried and Yunjae been pulling her hair out’

‘How long have I been out?’

‘A few hours’ Youngjae informed him.

He wiped his eyes and yawned. Everyone laughed

‘You really had me scared little man’ I said and moved his hair out of his face.

He moved his head slightly at my touch and I removed my hand.

‘Zelo what’s wrong?’ Yongguk asked placing a hand on his shoulder.

‘I don’t want to sound rude but who are you?’ he looked directly at me and I felt a pain in my chest.

‘Zelo that’s not funny. Stop it man. Yunjae’s been worried’

‘Whose Yunjae? Why do you keep saying her name?’ Zelo started getting irritated and tried to shift in his seat. He was leaning further and further away from me.

‘Zelo, come on calm down. You know her’ Yongguk tired to keep the worry out of his voice but I heard it loud and clear.

‘I don’t think he does’ I said the words out loud and the doctor pushed in front of me. He shone a light in his eyes and started asking him questions.

‘Zelo can you tell me what day it is?’

‘It’ll be Tuesday’

‘Good and can you tell me your full name?’

‘Choi Jun Hong’

‘And where are your parents?’

‘They died about 3 years ago’

‘And where have you been living since then’

‘I live with these’ he pointed at the guys surrounding the bed.

They all looked at each other in concern and the growing fear inside me took over.

‘And can you tell me who this girl is to you?’ the doctor stood back and watched him carefully.

‘Sorry I can’t. Should I know?’

‘So you don’t remember this girl at all’

The doctor pointed to me and shook his head.

Tears started falling from my eyes as I stood behind Yongguk and I ran from the room when he answered.

‘I’ve never seen her before in my life’

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I never really thought of anything to write after where i ended it so i'd have to think of a storyline before i even attempted a sequel.


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OnewChic #1
zelo TTwTT
ouh T__T so sad... Zelo can't remember her at all...

i want a sequell! he should remember!
Asdfghjkl the ending is really sadddddd!!! RAWRRRR I FREAKING WANT A SEQUEL!!
SEQUEL, i mean common, don't let it be on THIS point, this ending is not closed T.T
awww :'( sequeeelll i want him to rememberrr TTwTT
krazykezi #6
BAPMatoki #7
OMG you cant end it here! SEQUEL.
Silvercastle #8
NOO zelo shes your cousin!! sequel please..
DdazzlingZYX #9
Its end already?? .. omo.. sequel pls..
what is she going to say to him?? :O i really want to know!! please update soon!!