Chapter 2

Trying Times

I ran into A&E and up to the first person I saw.

‘Hi I’ve been called by someone. I think there’s been a… errmm’ I couldn’t bring myself to say it.

‘Accident?’ she finished for me and I smiled.

‘Yes’ I bowed.

‘If you go to the front desk and give your name, they can tell you what you want’ she smiled sincerely at me before bowing and walking down the corridor looking at a clipboard.

‘Ok. The front desk’ I scanned the area and saw a lady sitting quietly in a small room with a wide window.

‘Hello can I help you dear?’ she smiled up at me.

Honestly I didn’t actually know what I needed. What do I say? Yongguk had told me nothing.

‘Eerrmm…’ I tried smiling as tears started falling from my eyes.

‘It’s ok sweetheart. Are you family of someone whose come in?’ her voice was calming and I was able to control the urge to fall to the floor and cry more.

‘I got a call from someone saying I needed to come but they didn’t state why. They seemed worried but I don’t know what to do now’ I smiled feeling embarrassed for wasting this women’s time and was about to give up when I heard a familiar voice behind me.


I span around and looked directly at Yongguk who was walking towards me clutching his left arm. He had blood on his forehead and right shoulder.

‘OMG what the ?’ I cupped his face in my hands and looked at his injuries.

The rest of the guys came in behind him, each clutching one body part or another. All of them apart from Himchan who was helping Jongup into a wheelchair.

I looked round at them and then at Yongguk. The side of his face was bruised and his lip was bleeding. I felt my heart tug when I saw his eyes fill up.

‘What happened?’

‘Someone hit us, listen Yunjae, you need to sit down’

I looked at him in confusion. He was standing there bleeding with an obviously broken arm and he was telling me to sit down.

‘Yongguk I’m fine here you should sit down’

He grabbed my arm hard and I flinched as I felt his nails dig into my skin.

‘Yongguk you’re hurting me. What’s wrong?’ I looked at him with wild eyes.

‘Yunjae this isn’t the worse of it’ he pointed at his arm and looked deep into my eyes.

‘I know I saw Jongup’ I nodded trying to calm him down.

He shook his head and wiped tears away that were now coming fast.

‘Worse then that. Yunjae I’m so sorry’

‘Why… what are…?’ that’s when I looked up and saw all five of them.

Five… not six.

‘Yongguk why is no one helping you’ I asked with my eyes wide.

‘Because… because they’re working on Zelo’ he looked down as more tears came.

‘What do you mean ‘working’ on Zelo’ a mixture of fear and anger crept through my bones.

Fear of what was coming next and anger at how slow Yongguk was being with the details.

‘I need that shot of adrenaline now! Someone stop that bleeding!’ I looked up as a rush of paramedic’s entered the room pushing someone on a stretch. I looked at Yongguk as the realization set in.

‘What did you do? Zelo!’ I pushed past him and tried to keep up with the doctors.

‘He’s not responding. We need to get that cut closed before it causes anymore damage’

‘What do you mean? What’s wrong with him? Tell me’

They pushed him down corridor after corridor and then finally into a room where I wasn’t allowed to enter. I watched from the doorway as the paramedics made way for the doctor and I caught a glimpse of my cousin.

His eyes were closed and his hands lay limp at his sides. There was a huge cut on his forehead that two nurses were working on and had now stopped a lot of the blood from flowing. His skin didn’t have that normal glow but a grayish coat. It didn’t look like Zelo at all.

I covered my mouth with my hand when I let out a cry.

‘Why is he not moving. What’s happened?’ I looked at the doctors but they ignored me.

‘Can someone remove this girl please’ they called out to the nurse as though I wasn’t even there. I was about to protest when someone grabbed my arms pulling me away

‘Wait, please I can’t leave him. I said I’d never leave him’ the door closed so I could no longer see what was going on. Whether it was good news or bad news I was blind.

‘Miss I need you to calm down. The doctors are doing everything they can’

‘No that’s not Zelo. It can’t be. There must be some mistake. That’s my cousin!’ I screamed down the corridor at the women and fell to the floor crying.

‘I’m so sorry Yunjae’ Yongguks cries of apology filled my ears and he dropped to his knees in front of me still clutching his right arm. A women tried to get him to stand back up but he refused until I looked at him. When I did I felt anger take over.

My hands lashed out at every part of him even his broken arm. I don’t know what angered me more, the fact that I probably wasn’t even physically hurting him or the fact that he wasn’t fighting back. As far as he was concerned this was his fault and he was being punished for it.

I slapped his face and dropped my hands breathing heavily. He looked up at me and I slapped him again. His eyes were still crying but it wasn’t effecting me like it normally did when I saw him upset. Normally I felt the need to comfort him, to hold him. Whenever I looked at Yongguk I just wanted to hug and kiss him and he knew that. He’d known it for 3months now. No one even knew we were dating except Himchan. Since the day I met him all I wanted to do was take care of him. It had always been that way but right now I didn’t even wanna look at him.

‘I’m sorry, the guy was coming at us to fast and I couldn’t-‘

‘I hate you’ it came out before I could stop myself and I felt a satisfaction at saying the words.

‘I hate you’ I said it louder and again felt relief.

‘ Yunjae…?’ he looked at me through his tears and his bottom lip trembled.

‘I can’t stand the sight of you anymore. My cousin is lying motionless in the next room and it’s all your fault. I would be happy if I never had to look at you again. I hate you!’ I screamed the words at him and fresh tears fell down his face.

I turned away and sat against the wall.

He tried explaining what happened but I didn’t want to know. I clamped my hands over my ears choosing to sit in silence then listen to someone I thought I cared about.

‘Just leave me alone’ I whispered and covered my head as I began crying again.

I heard him apologize one last time before he was lead into a room at the end of the corridor.

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I never really thought of anything to write after where i ended it so i'd have to think of a storyline before i even attempted a sequel.


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OnewChic #1
zelo TTwTT
ouh T__T so sad... Zelo can't remember her at all...

i want a sequell! he should remember!
Asdfghjkl the ending is really sadddddd!!! RAWRRRR I FREAKING WANT A SEQUEL!!
SEQUEL, i mean common, don't let it be on THIS point, this ending is not closed T.T
awww :'( sequeeelll i want him to rememberrr TTwTT
krazykezi #6
BAPMatoki #7
OMG you cant end it here! SEQUEL.
Silvercastle #8
NOO zelo shes your cousin!! sequel please..
DdazzlingZYX #9
Its end already?? .. omo.. sequel pls..
what is she going to say to him?? :O i really want to know!! please update soon!!