Chapter One

Trying Times



My phone started ringing and without even attempting to answer it I put my pillow over my head. Why were people bothering me at… I looked at the clock… 1.00am. I pushed my head further into the mattress until I heard my phone stop. Sighing with relief I removed the pillow.

I didn’t have to be up until 6 when my manager would rudely awaken me by banging on my front door causing me to wander out of bed, make me stagger down the stairs and in my sleepy haze blindly open the front door. I’d do all this without a single complaint leaving my lips whilst inside my mind I’d be cursing everyone and their mother. Begging for at least 5 more minutes of rest.

I’d just gotten back from New York after doing a huge promotional tour for my album so the room looked exactly how I felt. A mess. My suitcases lay open on the floor, still packed. Clothes that were in my suitcase were now on the other side of my room after my attempt to find clean ones this morning. My make up was spilled all over my dressing table with as much organization as a garage sale. Even objects that have been there since I moved in were looking a bit melancholy then usual. Photos of me and members of the family looked out of place like something wasn’t right.

I lay there for a bit looking at the ceiling before realizing how dry my throat was. The bathroom being so far away I was trying to justify the journey just for a glass of water.

But when I finally decided it was worth it my phone started ringing on the bedside cabinet again.

Who the hell desperately wants to get hold of me at this time?

I picked it up and looked at the caller ID


Of course it was him. He has the tendency to start drinking and then phone me at stupid o’clock in the morning.


‘Jamie you need to get to the hospital ASAP’ his breathing was frantic and I heard loads of commotion in the background… definitely at a party.

‘Listen Yongguk I have to be up-‘

‘Jamie I’m not joking. You have to do as I say right now’ his voice grew a little more serious but I’ve had this happen in the past.

‘No Yong-‘

‘Yunjae’ he caught me off guard by using my real name ‘I’m not ing joking! Get to the hospital right now!’

I nodded and then remembered he couldn’t see me.

‘Ok yeah. Eermm… I’ll be right there’ my voice came out in a whisper when I realized how serious the situation was. He actually did want me to go to the hospital.

‘Kay see you there’ his voice was low and then the phone went dead.

I immediately started searching round for a jacket, any jacket. My hands were shaking and I couldn’t think straight. Where did I last leave my jacket?

There’s one downstairs on the kitchen table. I knew that because Daehyun had left it and I kept meaning to give it him back. I thought if I could constantly see it I’d always be reminded to return it.

I ran down the stairs taking as many of them at a time as I could without falling down and grabbed the jacket, which was where I left it. But as I grabbed my car keys off the side and ran out of the house into the dark only one thing was on my mind.


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I never really thought of anything to write after where i ended it so i'd have to think of a storyline before i even attempted a sequel.


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OnewChic #1
zelo TTwTT
ouh T__T so sad... Zelo can't remember her at all...

i want a sequell! he should remember!
Asdfghjkl the ending is really sadddddd!!! RAWRRRR I FREAKING WANT A SEQUEL!!
SEQUEL, i mean common, don't let it be on THIS point, this ending is not closed T.T
awww :'( sequeeelll i want him to rememberrr TTwTT
krazykezi #6
BAPMatoki #7
OMG you cant end it here! SEQUEL.
Silvercastle #8
NOO zelo shes your cousin!! sequel please..
DdazzlingZYX #9
Its end already?? .. omo.. sequel pls..
what is she going to say to him?? :O i really want to know!! please update soon!!