chapter 5

She's lovely

"I'm really sorry about the trouble"seohyun said and bowed 90 degrees to both taeyeon and tiffany. 

"girl stand up, it's okay"tiffany said. "yeah it's okay"taeyeon said. 

"and here's the money"seohyun said. 

"keep it, girl being in college is hard we know you also need that"tiffany said. 

'you two are really nice"seohyun said. "well if that's how you say it"tiffany said. 

seohyun went to class after that event. 

"yah I have a new idea about our club"taeyeon said as they ate at the cafeteria. 

"omg, if that's one of those carnation/rose/tulips/or anything flowers count me out"tiffany said. "no were doing charity work to promote out club"taeyeon said. "we might need a little bit of approval but I think it would be approve"taeyeon smile. 

"seriously your making me excited about your plan if I know it's gonna be a messed again.."tiffany said. "watch me"taeyeon said. 

after lunch taeyeon headed to the dean's office. 

seohyun and tiffany waited for her outside, she went outside with a smile on his face. 

"how was it?"seohyun said. "approved but were going to be with another club who has the same idea as us."taeyeon said. 

"okay now what's your plan?"tiffany said. "were gonna do a charity work in the country side for a few days"taeyeon said. 

"by that you mean no hotel right?"tiffany said. "exactly"taeyeon said. "where are we gonna stay?"tiffany said. "don't worry about it everything is settled."a voice from no where said. seohyun turned around it was kim jaeseop.

"count me out"seohyun said. "no your going with us"taeyeon said. "but..but"seohyun said. "no buts"tiffany smile at seohyun. 

the next day everyone were all prepared and waiting for the bus.

seohyun didn't talk nor look on jaeseop until they finally arrived at the place.

"when did you became the student council president?"seohyun said. 

"just this year, as you can see everyone loves me"jaeseop bragged. "I voted for him"taeyeon said as she raise his hands. 

"no one asked you"tiffany said. "I'm just saying"taeyeon said. "you two it's okay"seohyun said. 

"let's start the work then"jaeseop said. 

after few hours of working jaeseop stop. 

"I need to rest"jaeseop said. "yeah sure you can."taeyeon said. "tell him to rest in peace."seohyun said who is happen to be cleaning next to taeyeon. 

"sigh seohyun your so mean towards him."taeyeon said. 

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Poor seo ...nice jaeseop!!!!
Eycha_sk11 #2
Seobaby don't be so mean to jaeseop... Update update !
llllooovveeee it!!!!
woooww!! I'm in love with this fic already!! Please update soon! ASAP!
Eycha_sk11 #5
Oh that the reasons why seobaby hate jaeseop . Update update ! Love it !
Woooooooo love it soo far
i want more! please update soon!
Eycha_sk11 #9
Oh they know each other ?! Loveeee it ! Update update !