Reasoning vs Feeling-Part 2(final)

Oneshot Banquet


Part 2 is up! (..i fell asleep yesterday...sorry.>.>)



“i..i’m glad then! I’ll..see you then. Bye Taemin” you quickly left and closed the door behind you before he could answer.

You were confused enough by his behavior tonight.



Your shower helped clean your body and clear your mind. You were on your bed thinking about the performance that was coming really soon and you drifted to sleep.

You were woken up by your loud and high pitched ringtone. You groaned slightly and, with your eyes still closed, reached for your phone. It was probably your mom, they came to visit once every two weeks and she probably was going to tell you to “clean the place darling, we’re coming”.

“mhewllo” you groaned into the receiver.

“Lynah..hello?” You jumped up throwing your covers over the side untangling yourself from your pillows. You were wide awake now because that wasn’t your mom’s voice; that was Taemin’s.

“Hello” you chipped trying to take your breath.

“did…did I wake you? Oh, sorry heh” he chuckled and looking at your alarm clock you hit your forehead with your free hand; it was almost 2 in the afternoon.

“no. no you didn’t heh,I was eh..i was eating!” you mentally gave yourself points for your smarts.

“oh sorry then. I was wondering if you had something to do this evening?”

“not really..” you said squinting your eyes in thought.

“Nice! I’ll be at the practice room at 5:30 to pick you up. There’s something you’ve gotta see” you could hear him smiling.

“sure. See you then Taemin.” You hung up and stretched.

It was odd that your mom didn’t come since they weren’t here last week either. You were about to call her when you saw that there was a voice message on your phone. You pushed the button and listened.

Lynah dear, it’s mom. We’re not going to be seeing you this weekend, Ms Sang’s daughter is getting married and I need to help her with everything. We’ll see you Friday though! I didn’t forget about it. Take care, eat well and clean your place!!”

That explained it. You chuckled at the end of her message. You were glad she didn’t forget about Friday; you knew she wouldn’t, your mother was proud of your skills and praised you to everyone.


You got up to shower, eat and get ready for later.


“Hi Lyn! Ready to go?” you stood there in awe; Taemin just pulled up in a car and he was the one driving.

“ye..yes..hi.” You stumbled to your feet and opened the passenger door.

You but the belt and looked at him, still in awe.

“i..didn’t know you drove.”

“I do! Heh. Well it hasn’t been that long but don’t worry, I’m a good and safe driver.” He gave you one of his cutest smiles and you smiled back.

The ride wasn’t long; he took the highway and you were back in that neighborhood from yesterday.

“are we going to your house again?”

“oh no. but it’s close to there. No, what you’re about to see is way better. It’s…hmm….really cool?”

You were even more curious since he didn’t mention if it was something or someone that you were about to see.

He led you to the back of a building and opened the safety exit door. You didn’t know those could be opened from outside but you saw a handle that looked stuck there.

It was darker inside but you could still make out your surroundings. The dim lights gave the space a nice lounge-like feeling. There was a stage far in and a bar with stools on your left. Some tables were scattered here and there in front of the stage. It looked like a handy underground café; like those secret poets cafes.

“Where are we Taem-”

“LYNAH!” You heard his voice a split second before you felt him crush you in a hug from behind.

“Jonghyun, get off her seriously” Taemin seemed slightly annoyed but it was too dark to see his face.

“aw come on Taem, no need to get all jealous on me, you know I wouldn-”

Jonghyun was cut by Taemin’s glare, and this you saw. You didn’t understand why Taemin was acting this way but it just hit you; they were a gang and maybe Jonghyun was dangerous. You inched near Taemin and almost held his arm when you realized this was probably a hangout spot for other gang members.

Taemin shook his head and dragged you to the bar. He sat on the stool next to you and reached for two cans of coke.

“Here…eh..there’s actually only soft drinks here.” He smiled scratching the back of his head.

“It’s alright. We’re still underage anyway.” You reminded him.


People started coming in and the tables filled up slowly. By 7 the place was full and the sound of chatter filled your ears. You and Taemin were talking about school and the dance that was coming soon when someone came up to see him.

“Taem, we have to get ready, we’re starting soon.” He said and then saw you.

You looked up and were dazed once again; if this guy was in his kingka group you wouldn’t be surprise. His jade black hair hid one of his eyes and had red strips in it. His eyes, or eye rather, was catlike and seemed to draw you in. His smirk was what got you though.

“hello, I’m Key” he bowed taking your hand in his about to kiss it. But before his lips met the back of your hand Taemin snatched your wrist and scowled at him.

“I’ll be there soon. I’ll meet you there.” You turned to see Taemin shooting daggers at the newly arrived Key who reluctantly turned around. This was the first time you saw Taemin like this and, the pounding of your heart removed your doubts, you were scared.

“ let go.” You were trying to get your hand out of his grasp.

He turned to you and it took him a few seconds to realize he was still holding your wrist. When he saw that, he let go faster than you could process and looked down. He seemed, shy?

“well, that…that was Key” he sighed. “I have to go get ready so, come, I’ll find you a seat.” You didn’t know what he needed to be ready for but you followed him still a bit dazed by what happened.

He found a table in the middle front and sat you there with some girls he introduced as Jonghyun and Onew’s girlfriends. You introduced yourself and the three of you started conversing while Taemin made his way to the back. You found the girls to be quite nice and wondered what they were doing with gang members when they could get whoever they wanted.

“Is this your first time coming?” Jong’s girlfriend asked. You nodded and she gasped.

“girl!! Well you better be ready to see the best show of your life then!” Onew’s girlfriend chimed.

You still didn’t know what it was you were going to witness but you didn’t get the chance to ask as the lights dimmed even more and music started. You faced the stage and, as spotlights lit it, you barely managed to not fall off from your chair.

Before your eyes, five people were standing on the stage; the people you had least expected to see and the first one being Taemin.

Minho was wearing a sleeveless button down shirt with normal pants. Jonghyun had large trousers, a lace top and a vest on. He also had a small cap on. Key had fit trousers on with what looked like a halter neck shirt and a large but light coat. A boy you hadn’t met yet, but who you guessed was Onew, was the only one who looked normal; he was wearing a slightly oversized suit made of linen with a black skinny tie. But the one who took your breath away was Taemin. You even brought up your hand to your open mouth in a silent gasp. He was wearing a dungaree over a large tank top. You could clearly see his collarbones and his muscled and veiny arms. His hair was styled with gel to the side and it made him look even fiercer. They were all in white like angels, but the way they held themselves and their facial expression were devilish. You almost forgot to breathe. And then the real song started.

You literally couldn’t take your eyes off of Taemin and, deep down you didn’t mind; he was your friend here and at this moment, looking at him dancing on that stage acclaimed by everyone, you felt really proud to know him. You also felt something else but you didn’t really know what so you brushed it and decided to concentrate on his dancing; not that you needed to concentrate, you were entranced. His movements were sharp yet seemed to flow with ease. The way his arms glided with grace yet full of power at the same time; you were hypnotized. The cherry on top had to be his body wave that ended the dance; you had no words to describe how mesmerizing it was or how it made you feel.

When the lights were back on, Taemin locked eyes with you and smiled. You couldn’t hear the loud applause over the sound of your pounding heart and you didn’t have enough strength to move, you were stuck on your chair and it seemed as if the rush of feelings that were coming upon you were pinning you to your seat even more.

It just dawned on you that, for several months, you had been believing a lie; a lie that you had made up by yourself. For several weeks, you held up on a friendship because of this lie, but most importantly, you had held up on your feelings; feelings that were now taking you by surprise. But you didn’t know. It wasn’t entirely your fault was it. All this time, you had seen Taemin as a dangerous gang member, as someone who had friends that could potentially hurt you. Never once did it cross your mind to ask him or even mention it because you were so scared. You felt absolutely horrible for having judged him, and all his friends, for having believed and let yourself live in your lie.

“Lyn how was it? Did you like? Are you surprised?” you looked up to see Taemin in front of you but you couldn’t make out his face, your tears blurred everything. You took a big breath, got up and quickly headed for the door. It slammed shut as you let out a loud sob.


You slid down the wall crying as Taemin burst through the door a horrified look painting his face.

“Lynah are you alright. Omg what’s wrong? You’re cryi-” And without hesitating he sat down next to you hugging you to his chest.

You sobbed for another five minutes before you finally calmed down. Somewhere during your sobbing you had reached for his shoulder and clutched him closer.

“i…I’m so sorry..Tae..Taemin” you managed to hiccup.

“What? Lynah why are you apologizing and why were you crying? Wait here. I’m going to get you some water” and he got back in the lounge to fetch a bottle.

You drank some water and took a big breath shuddering.

“are you better?” You nodded.

“alright, go ahead and tell me what happened.” He had an arm wrapped around your shoulders again.

“i..i don’t” You didn’t even know what to say. Were you about to confess that this whole time you were afraid of him? That you had fit him in a lie?  You started sobbing again.

“alright. I’ll drive you home and you can tell me in the car ok?” He got back inside to get the keys.

You had been in the car for 10 minutes already but you still hadn’t spoken. You took a deep breath and tried to start.

“Taemin, there…there has been a…a very big misunderstanding. I…I didn’t know i…I didn’t know that you were a dancer” you whispered the last part.

You looked at him but his eyes were on the road. You almost broke in tears again but you held it in.

“I…i thought that…Kurayami No Chō was one of those biker gangs. I …I thought that you and your friends… them… I ...I’m so sorry” your voice was barely above a whisper. You felt tears stream down your face again.

You realized how much you held back on your friendship with Taemin because of what you thought was the truth and it hurt; it hurt because you could see how much Taemin meant to you. You two had become much closer because of the play and you knew him better. He was cute and adorable when he was with you but you also knew how caring and manly he was. You became less scared of him and you were used to his presence every day. Knowing that you could have given more to this friendship but didn’t, because of a silly lie that your mind made up made you really sad.

“Lyn, please stop crying.” He turned to look at you while taking your hand. “I am not blaming you for anything. Actually, I should blame myself for not telling you; I should have at least told you not to believe in those rumors.”

He parked the car in front of your door and turned to look at you, your hand was still in his.

“I know we live in a shady neighborhood and there are many gangs around here so you thinking that Kurayami No Chō is a gang isn’t surprising. But I wish you had told me earlier, I would have told you the truth and…I guess …well we wouldn’t be in this situation” he looked down.

“I’m so sorry” you whispered again.

 “Were you….were you scared of me?” he had hesitated before saying this, as if he dreaded your answer.

You looked up with an apologetic expression and he understood. The pained expression on his face made you feel even worst about your silly doings.

“Lyn it’s-”

“I’m gonna get go-”

You both talked at the same time.

“I’m…I’m gonna get going Taemin. I’m really sorry. I’m so sorry” you said not looking at him.

You reluctantly let go of his hand and got out of the car without looking at him. It was a good idea because you didn’t see his tears.


Sunday was usually your favorite day of the week, you could relax and when your parents were here you had picnics or walks on the beach. But today, it was a very bad day. First, you couldn’t sleep last night after Taemin dropped you off. He hadn’t texted or called you and you didn’t know what to do. After dozing off around 5am, you woke up at 9 feeling sick; tomorrow you would see Taemin and you still didn’t know how you would face him after you told him that. You spent the rest of the morning tormenting yourself. In the afternoon, you decided to do some cleaning just to keep yourself from thinking.

It worked, it was barely 9’o’clock and you felt extremely tired from all the cleaning. You showered pretty fast and snuggled in your covers before quickly drifting to sleep.


The first thing you noticed on Monday morning was Taemin’s absence. He would usually wait for you at your locker and you’d both have breakfast together since you both had the same morning classes. You wondered if what happened Saturday was the cause but you brushed it off as the bell rang; maybe he was just late, after all he spent the weekend with the guys. The next morning the same thing happened and you started to worry; what if he was sick? But you felt relieved as you saw him enter the classroom. Your relief quickly changed back to confusion as Taemin sat down in front instead of coming to his usual seat right in front of you; he hadn’t even looked at you when he got in class. You didn’t know what to do and you couldn’t get up and talk to him as the teacher came in and greeted the students.

When the bell rang signaling the end of the morning classes you rushed to pick up your things and ran after Taemin as he quickly left the classroom. You caught him near his locker and stood there for a while taking your breath. Luckily the hall wasn’t too crowded seeing as it was lunch time.

“Taemin……about?” you said gasping for air.

He turned to look at you with a sad expression you had never seen on his face. You prayed in your mind that you weren’t the cause of such sadness but you could only hope. He stood there silently just looking down.

“let’s go for a walk” he said pulling you by your wrist and heading for the school gardens.

“sit” he gestured when you were near the stone bench near the small pond. Little birds were chirping here and there and the smell of freshly bloomed flowers filled your senses. You closed your eyes for a moment in a silent wish that things between you and Taemin wouldn’t take a bad turn.

“I’ve been thinking a lot since Saturday and…” he turned to look at you. “I have a question to ask.”

He waited for you and you nodded once gesturing for him to continue.

“so you said…you said you were scared of me and-”

“NO. No Taemin, I wasn’t scared of you” you looked at him with tears about to fall from your eyes. “I used to keep my distance when we didn’t know each other but since we teamed up and worked together there was no fear. I…I was a bit afraid when I met the guys though” you said looking down.

It is true that you had once thought of Taemin as a scary fellow but it’s as if you never did because now you knew him.

“alright. And…and the show…our performance what did you think of it.” He asked a bit embarrassed.

You beamed and gave him a wide smile. The rush of feelings you’d felt upon seeing him on stage was still fresh in your memory. You were surprised, happy and proud all at once. You were mesmerized by his skills and you felt special being able to witness them; he had told you that he never brought anyone from school there and that was one more proof of the bond you and him shared.

“it was absolutely wonderful Taemin. You were wonderful and…and I felt really lucky being there, watching you.” You lowered your voice. You were shy to admit that.

He took your hand and entwined your fingers with his. You felt your heart rate speed up and a blush heat your face and you looked down.

“no. look at me.” His voice was deep and you almost swooned. You slowly raised your head and met his eyes.

“alright. Well. Ok. Ok.” He was panicking and it was so cute you couldn’t help but chuckle. He pouted and it made him even cuter. He took a deep breath and squeezed your hand.

“Lyn, i…know this might sound silly but I really like you and this even since before we had to team up for the play but working together just made my feelings grow for you and I know this is really cheesy and you might not even feel the same but I would like to say it and I’m taking a chance and if you’d like we could get together more often and be more than friendly and yeah.”

He had said all that in one breath and so fast that you weren’t sure of what you heard. You sat dazed for a second, blinking at him.


He ruffled his hair with his free hand and shook his head.

“Lynah, I want you to be my girlfriend.”

It felt so unreal to hear those words. You felt as if you were falling from a great distance but it was a good kind of feeling. It felt exhilarating but dizzying at the same time . You tried to speak but you were too overwhelmed to do so. You could only smile. You bit your lower lip, nodded and tightened your grip on his hand; it was the only answer he needed.

And as you felt tears of joy trickle down your cheeks, and as the birds chirped louder in the pond, Taemin’s lips met yours as you both smiled in the delightful kiss that defined your friendship,  your new relation with Taemin and that relieved you of your sorrow.


Friday came by faster than you had ever wished and there were only a few minutes before the play would start. Taemin was getting ready and was being handled by the makeup artist. You were done and decided to sit and try to relax before your performance.

As the curtains were rising you could see how full the auditorium was and it made you nervous again. But as the spotlight was lit and it’s bright white light hit your face you couldn’t see the crowd and you felt better. You turned to smile at Taemin as the group dance that opened the show started.

It was already the end of the play. The last dance, the one that would close the show, was a couple dance that you and Taemin were to perform without backup dancers. It was on the jazzy and slightly slow ‘Fly me to the Moon’, the Jazzamor version. The story was that of two lovers that met through dance but didn’t trust their feelings because for them they weren’t logical and they didn’t make sense and so they didn’t tell each other how they truly felt. Later on they found out how they truly felt for one another and the play ended with them getting together.

The waltz you and Taemin had practiced for hours had become so natural for you. And tonight you appreciated how close to his body the moves brought you. He twirled and turned you around in his arms, your white dress’s frills flying with your movements. Your eyes were closed because that was your way; that was the way you danced with passion and perfected your dances. The last moves of the dance brought you close to him again. He holds you close to his chest, your back facing him, his arms around your waist and your hands on his. You both swayed to the last notes, his head on your left shoulder. As it ended, he whispered in sync with the song an “I love you” that you’ll never forget.

As the crowd erupted in applause and the curtains were falling, Taemin kissed you softly on the cheek. You were still in his arms.

“I love you” you whispered and leaned back on him. He answered by nuzzling your neck and kissing you there, you could feel the smile on his lips.

You reflected on how you kept holding back on your feelings for him, telling yourself it was alright because of the reason your mind had made up. That was probably the worst decision of your life but you learned; reasoning and feeling both have their own way and should never be in conflict, you would think when you had to but it won’t stop you from living your feelings anymore.





it's over! hopefully the ending was good and enjoyable. again, my apologies if any typos are still there.

oh!! i have some..clarifications(?) to make. anyway; i chose to put Jong, Key and Minho in RDD era because it's my fave for them.

also, the clothes they were wearing at the performance were the ones from the Ceci Photoshoot. (message me and i'll link you!)

and finally, if you want to hear the song just let me know and i'll link you!

thank you for reading and let me know if you enjoyed!

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ChoNanami #1
Chapter 8: Oh so many typos in my comments, sorry haha
ChoNanami #2
Chapter 8: Though about some grammar now: What really confused me was reading something like: Il prit la main de Mimi et l’embrassa. I have never heard of using a verb like this (l'embrassa) with the a as an ending. Is this because it's like talking about like the it in he, she it like.... uh I at explaining. You know what I mean right? Well anyway, it was quite confusing as I never heard of it and it didn't sound French well bc I wasn't used to it. But yeah I figured it might be because you talk about us in no one's pov. And we have never done that in French class – at least not that I know.
Anyway! Thank you so so so so so much for helping me out and writing a One Shot! I TRULY LOVED IT ASDFGHJ>KL as you may have noticed on my intense spamming. Okay now I need to write a chap for my story so excuse me wile I fangirl some more before I get to work!
Thank you dearest! <3 Love~
ChoNanami #3
Chapter 8: AND THEN RIGHT THERE YOU KILL ME AGAIN LIKE WHY DID YOU HAVE TO LET HIM SAY I LOOK BEAUTIFUL WHEN I BLUSH LIKE WHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY THIS IS SOO OH MY GOD I'M DEAD LIKE REALLY. (Because I've read he really likes girls who blush and I used this in one of my stories too and really I can so imagine him being like this and I so do love if he is and asdfghjkl wait whut) IT WAS TAKING MY LAST BREATH. Officially dead.

And now I tell him I love him. I LOVE YOU LEE TAEMIN YOU HEAR ME I LOVE YOU.
I'm the best he can have he said. HE LOVES ME TOO HE SAID.
Okay done. Dead. Thank you, you killed me.
ChoNanami #4

Now let's get this streight right here. I love you. Like, oh my god ASRTH why are you doing this to me. You killed me multiple times over. With what? DRIPPING WET NEKKID TAEMIN WITH ONLY A TOWEL THAT IS AND I'M WALKING IN LIKE DAYUMN TSODFÜGROKSF THANK YOU I ENJOYED THAT. I CAN SO IMAGINE HIS LOOK ON HIS FACE, HIS AMUSED GRIN AS HE'S SEEING ME BLUSHING HAHAHA I SO LOVE IT.
ChoNanami #5
Chapter 8: Uh wow okay I kind of fainted. Only reading cutesy fluff killed me right there PLUS IT'S A TAEMIN OS SO I KIND OF WANT TO SHOOT MYSELF BECAUSE ASDFGHJKL WOW THANK YOU.
Okay so I really had to google a lot, first because there's new vocabulary, second because there's vocabulary that looked new to me but I kind of learned them before, and third because I wasn't always sure if what I remembered on my own was really right and I wanted to understand what's going on so I had to spent a lot time on Google. Plus, Google translator is not always that good. BUT I UNDERSTOOD AND I REALLY TRIED TO DO IT ON MY OWN AND IT WAS HARD BUT I WAS SUCCESFULL AT SOME POINTS! AND I'M GOING TO READ IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN, THUS I WILL LEARN NEW FRENCH VOCABULARY AND ALSO BETTER MY GRAMMAR OF COURSE AND GET MORE BACK INTO IT. I'm still so thankful that you're helping me out that much. AND, NOW TO THE ACTUAL POINT, THE ONE SHOT WAS SOOOOO CUTE AND ASDFGHJKL I'M SCREAMING. WE LIVE TOGETHER. AND WE HAVE A CAT. (I'm not going to translate it again to comment so I guess I have to stick with what I know on French and what I remember and as I know chat means cat so) I LOVE CATS SO MUCH AND WE HAVE A CAT YEAH.
ChoNanami #6
ChoNanami #7
Chapter 7: The "beginning" of the second part is great too! Just the same reason as for the first part actually!


And now to the ending, it really seems rushed but it's fine.

So this took me a long time again (as in getting myself to reread and give you a nice long comment) but here I am. ;a; I hope you like my criticism-ish-comment. (:
ChoNanami #8
Chapter 7: YOU REALLY CONFUSED ME WITH JONGHYUN YOU KNOW. But first, I like the beginning very much (especially because it's really similiar like this in my class. Just that I don't get out with a smile but a poker face, haha but who am I telling, nevermind this) So I really liked it. You described it really good, not too much, nothing missing.
Since it's a long OS, I'm trying keep myself from commenting every sentence. So I'll wrap it up. I IN LOVED HER CONVO'S WITH JONGHYUN ASDFGHJKL SO SASSY. I love him like this, like the way you portrayed him, and again ASDFGHJKL like YOU ROCK YOU KNOW. (You, not Jonghyun). Yo totally fooled me. I was like, wait, uh, isn't this a Minho OS? Yeah well, nevermind, let's see. You fooled me big times.


Gladly she's not like me. I would have hoped for him to kiss me, just to know how it is, but okay if I'd hate him like that, I guess things would change. But seriously I like how deeply she hates him because usually I've never seen someone writing it THIS way. I mean, there are often stories where she hates the bad boy type, but either not good or not realistic enough (for my like). What I mean is, she reeeeeally hates him. It's super realistic. Gosh I don't know how to say it. She bursts out and this is what I never saw. I feel like the writers don't want to "hurt" the other even though it's supposed to. But yeah.
And Minho came again whoo~ I kind of new this would happen. Earlier I thought about how thex would probably meet again and this was one way I figured OOOOR in the library.
ChoNanami #9
Chapter 7: I'm reading this while I'm on my phone since I'm still in bed so once I get back on my laptop, I will give you a nice, long comment! THERE IS JUST SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT.
ChoNanami #10
Chapter 5: I was a little bit confused as to why she is sitting in only her undergagements but hey whatever suits you. ;D I would really appreciate if I would dare to do this. Especially if I know my man is coming home and he's all like his. NOT AFFECTED AT ALL AS IT SEEMS.
I really enjoyed this one. I do love all of your writings, but this one, I dunno, I really loved the plot if it. It was super short ( T^T ) but it was reeeeally good. I guess I like the "what are they even talking about, what is this what he/she isn't going to tell" part in storylines the most anyway, so I guess let this be the reason.
The sudden change of subjet was nice too! Just now they were talking about bullets, wounds and whatsoever and just in the other second she's asking for something and it brings up my curiousity (if that's even a word) and I want to know what's going on! This is what brings a story to the interesting parts that makes someone continue reading. And you did great with this!
When the last sentence came I was surprised it was about his name! ;D Yet again this is soooo short. ;a;
And I've never watched any Bond films so this isn't really familiar with me. And I don't recognize the song either! But I really like this OS. But, as you said, it's supposed to be short and it will help you to get back in writing! GET BECK NOW BECAUSE I MISS IT AND WANT TO READ MORE OKAY GET ON YOUR CHAIR AND SIT BEHIND YOUR SCREEN TO WRITE SO I'M HAPPY! Thank you. (: