Skinny Love


Every 12th day of May each year since it happened, I lose more of myself, or my mind, whichever term is more correct because I mostly only exist in my mind now.


The real world is just an echo of the past I once belonged to when I was still someone and was clinically sane. Not that I am insane now. I find it absurd and the me then would have agreed. This isn’t crazy. This is me coping. I’m just not all in my head most of the time. I’m mostly revisiting the past, and her, and how things could have ended differently.


I don’t have any regrets and I don’t think she has any either. But I miss her. And the emptiness doesn’t get easier each year; it just gets longer. If a mathematical equation could be used to explain what I feel then imagine the emptiness and missing her to diminish in half-life each year. You’d be duped to think it gets smaller and smaller by half and that’s better but actually it lasts longer by infinite halves.


In my head, I go back to 10 years when we first met.







I was Dr. Kwon Jiyong, a resident in Psychiatry at a private hospital. I studied Medicine from a distinguished school, graduated at the upper 10th percentile of my class and passed the board exams on my first try.


Others tease me for taking up Psychiatry saying it was a soft course, nothing really medical about it all just talk and drugs. That it wasn’t as concrete and solid as Internal medicine or Surgery but full of the abstract, crazy and unpredictable.


But maybe that was what attracted me to it. The study of the mind seemed like a good way to study life itself.


In my first year, I was tasked to do daily rounds of patients, noting their activities and mood for the day. If they were showing signs of improvement or were falling deeper into their neuroses. Since I was new, I was mostly assigned to the easy cases- delusions, eating disorders, bipolars, substance abuse, schizophrenics. As we gain experience and knowledge, we get to handle more difficult cases -  depressive disorders with suicidal tendencies, schizophrenics with violent streaks, multiple personality disorders, ual disorders and the other high profile cases.






In my second year of residency, after a particularly harrowing conversation with a teenage boy who claims his thoughts and actions were broadcasted in the internet, (which seems oddly synonymous to every social networking site to me except they weren’t directly transmitted from his brain nor do they include dirty conversations with a guy named Phil), I went to the walled garden outside the building, and sat on a bench under the shade of a tree.


I was feeling sorry for the teenage boy, how he was losing his mind at a young age and how he would depend on drugs for most of his life, when I heard someone speak.


“I love the sun.” she said, her voice melodious.


I turned to my left and saw a frail looking girl in a white dress with hair falling past her shoulders standing under a stream of sunlight. She was pale and thin but still it did not deduct from the fact that she was still the prettiest girl I’ve seen. I could only imagine how she must have looked more beautiful before. Before what I wonder? She had dark circles under her eyes with hollowed out cheeks and the body of someone who was clearly underweight.


I had the impression that she must be another patient with an eating disorder, when I saw my senior resident arriving with the owner of the hospital. She went to them and they left together.


It was then that I remembered the whispers of the hospital staff about the hospital being built for the daughter of the owner.






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TOPalmond #1
Chapter 6: Damn tears still flowing through even though this is not my 1st nor 2nd times reading thia story. It just breaks me everytime i read it. And ever since then, when i heard Birdy's skinny love, my minda recalling this story all over again. I must confess, this story and Maybe In Time probably my favorite fic from you.
Thank you for all your words, unnie..
RitzLeija #2
CassieJYJlhyn #3
Chapter 6: whoooa....very sad!!
peppiwelsh1 #4
Chapter 6: SAD but I still love how you put everything in place. Can you please write a longer story because I really love reading your stories.
chen_free #5
Chapter 6: I love this story so much. So very much..
Chapter 6: This is superb! I really love the way you write. In a short story you make a magnificent story. Love the lines and everything! Continue to write and inspire!
Chapter 6: My friend is always chasing Love. Keeping to find it. Dreaming to have it. I never knew why she's fond of it but reading all your works made me do what she does. How ironic it is, seeing myself trying to focus on something, my career but finding the other one which is love.
xxxsweet #8
Chapter 6: This is probably one of the most touching story I've ever read. Knowing that love can possibly exist and happen for anyone. It's true, love is love. Everyone deserves it. It's just sad that not all of us have the endings we want. Gosh. Daragon keeps on haunting me. It makes me realize how good is love is. >.<
Influenced_1796 #9
Chapter 6: How can you be this well-versed in terms of love? How could you possibly think of such a situation where love could actually exist? Words love you for some reason that you do understand how to put them together in such a magnificent way... :)