

Fair warning to the very pure eyed readers out there, I use the f-word in here. But only once! 

I hope you enjoy this chapter!



           Minji was the one who delivered the news to the two in the music room. Minji is still the maknae of 2NE1 but she still hadn’t given up and went on to major in dance in college. Jieun and Taemin gave each other a worried glance before they followed Minji out into the courtyard of the school. The trio pushed themselves to the front of the crowd that had encircled the two that were fighting. In front of them was the main vocalist of SHINee and one of the top students at the school.

            “So you think you’re better than the rest just because you get better grades than the rest of us!? What are grades going to prove?!” Jonghyun yelled to the other guy. The other guy was Kim Minjun, the top-placing student on all of the tests he has so far taken in this school year. Despite being noticeably less fit than Jonghyun, he was not at all close to be intimidated or peeing his pants.

            “Why in fact I do! You think you can waltz around here acting you own the place?! So what if you were part of a famous Hallyu group?! You think K-pop is still popular?! Get rid of those childish thoughts and find a legit job.” Minjun spat at Jonghyun and looked him, and the rest of the onlookers, with a smug expression on his face. The crowd looked at Jonghyun to see what he will do next. Each of them saw in his eyes that he just snapped. Just snapped. Taemin rushed forwards to tackle Jonghyun as he began to rush towards Minjun. At this point, Minjun was slowly walking away from Jonghyun and did in fact look like he would pee his pants. Or worse. The two females that were accompanying Taemin rushed to help Jonghyun calmed down. Jonghyun calmed down, at least, not before yelling at Minjun one last time.

            “I sure as hell don’t act like I own the place like you! But I know for a fact that K-pop from come back and regain its throne! Just you wait you little er!” Jonghyun yelled at the retreating figure that was scampering for his life. Taemin sighed and scolded his hyung.

            “Hyung! You shouldn’t pick fights like that! You know his parents have the money to do whatever they want! Who knows what they might do to you now!” Taemin said scared for his hyung. Minji, on the other hand, thought completely differently.

            “Oppa that was so cool! You should have been a little faster though. I would have loved to see you give him a black eye and a broken nose to that know-it-all.” Minji said excitedly. Taemin glared at Minji as he was trying to scold his hyung rather than praise him. Sadly it didn’t work out for either of him as Minji decided to stare back at Taemin. The staring contest between the two maknaes wasn’t very effective since their supposedly ‘intimidating’ glare was extremely cute. Especially Jieun and Jonghyun who looked questionably at the two maknaes. Then the two who were glaring at each other whipped their head at Jieun and loudly asked her the same question.

            “Who’s right?!” The two shouted to the only other female there. Jieun was shocked. She looked at Jonghyun and pleaded for help with her eyes. Jonghyun gave looked at Jieun, held his hands up, and gave her a look that said ‘I’m not getting into this’.

            “Well… eh…. You see… Between the two of yo— Oh look at the time!” Jieun said to the group and held out her phone, “It’s time for me to get to my first period class! See you guys after school!” Jieun ran off, hoping the two maknaes wouldn’t pester her on who was right and who was wrong. Jonghyun looked at the direction of Jieun’s retreating figure and gave her a ‘not bad’ face as she easily ran away from the situation. But then the Dino male felt his blood run cold as he turned around only to see his maknae’s ‘intimidating’ glare, boring holes through his head. Jonghyun sighed in defeat when he heard Taemin take in a lung for of air, probably to scolding him with.

            “But Hyung! Even if you do start fights, which you totally shouldn’t, try to pick out people who can’t possibly ruin your life! You know Minjun hyung has connections to the staff here. Not only that but his grandfather owns this place!” Taemin said to his hyung. Jonghyun just scoffed at the very thought of having to do everything that Minjun said so.

            “Like that’ll ever happened,” Jonghyun said under his breath. But to his dismay, Taemin heard that.

            “Hyung! Just…Just ignore him from now on okay?” Taemin said, hoping his hyung would listen to reason for once.

            “Not my fault! He was the one who started it! I just walked past him and he called me a reject! I put my foot out just to trip him. Then he over reacts and said that I had to pay the medical bills because I supposedly broke one of his ribs! Seriously, The nerve of that prick!” Jonghyun said, ranting everything he had pent up for the day onto his dongsaeng. After a minute, Jonghyun finally stopped ranting and looked around. He noticed a certain figure missing.

            “Ne Taemin? Where did Minji-ah go to?” Jonghyun asked the maknae.

            “Minji-ah? She is righ--” Taemin started before the answer held a tray of drinks in front of the group. In Minji’s tray were three banana milks, one for each of them. Taemin rushed and grabbed the first one and happily drank it. The other two chuckled at his antics but went to a nearby table to drink the banana milk. The trio sat down and Minji scolded Jonghyun, but for a completely different reason.

            “Seriously Jonghyun, you’ve been getting kind of weak lately. You were able to get stopped by Taemin of all people in the middle of a fight. You look like you came straight out of Dragon Ball Z those muscles. Taemin? He looks like he can barely win a fight with a stick.” Minji said Jonghyun.

            “Yeah I know, I was planning to head out to the gym later this week.” Jonghyun said, feeling a tad bit on the mopey side when Minji pointed out that Taemin could stop him. On the other, Taemin acted pouty towards the two. How dare they think that Taemin was just cute and had no muscles! He was just about to protest to the two before they got up from the table and pushed their chairs in.

            “Sorry Taemin, our classes about to start. See you later!” Minji said and waved at Taemin before leaving. Jonghyun did the same and went towards the opposite as Minji had gone. Taemin sighed as the two left him behind. He tried to take another sip of banana milk but noticed that he had drunk all of it. He got up from the table as well and went to throw away the now empty carton. When he threw it away, his discontent face looked around and at the ground. Taemin, eyes now closed, and started to walk away from the trashcan. His eyes flashed open as he bumped into someone.

            “I’m so sorry!” Taemin bowed to the unknown person without looking up to him or her.

            “I didn’t break anything and whatnot right?” Taemin asked immediately after the apology.

            “Don’t sweat it Taemin,” the unknown person said to him. The voice was oddly familiar sounding to Taemin. He furrowed his eyebrows together to think of who it was but couldn’t put his tongue on it. He mentally gave up on trying to put a name to that voice and look up to see a very familiar face.

            “It’s been a long time right?”


Oh, I wonder who the mysterious person is! :o

For a little hint, the person isn't in a company that any of the already introduced characters!

Better note, finals are over and I came back from New York City~

So much fun :D

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4th chapter is up! Please read :D


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Chapter 4: Please continue this story. :)
please update more .. Where is taemin-IU moment? :)
arsonists #3
Nice nice!
Cool. I was like the first person to get to read some hehe~ keep writing. Make it good.~^^
arsonists #5
I love the storyline! Imagination prevails!

Update soooooon!
stayuptonight #6
TaemU moment and Onew condition! *-*
Ahh I wonder what happened! ;o
stayuptonight #7
I'm so curious yeaahh ~~
Looking forward to the first chapter ;D