



            Taemin silently walked across the campus to get to his class from the dorm. If this was a few years back, fans would be screaming and squealing left and right for even a chance to get a glimpse of Taemin. But no, he is no longer Taemin of SHINee but Taemin, someone who shared a name with half of the male population in Korea.  Slowly he walked over to the music department of the campus. Like many times this year, he was glad that the morning skies were so dark. They were able to successfully hide his silent tears. When he saw the entrance of the slowly dying music department, he wiped his tears to make sure no traces were left. The brightly lit entrance was a huge contrast from the dark outside. Relief washed through his body as he walked through the doors of the building. Music was his only escape since SHINee went on a hiatus like many other artists in Korea. He walked through the hallway, admiring the small details that most people will pass by and ignore.  Taemin finally reached his destination of the piano room. When he opened the door, he was attacked by a strong smell of wood and cleaning supplies. Apparently a classmate of his beat him to there.

          “Hello I-- I mean Jieun-ssi.” Taemin said to his classmate who shared his sad predicament. She was sitting upon a high chair with her signature acoustic guitar on her lap.

          “Hey Taemin-ssi. I cleaned the piano that you normally used.” Jieun said to her classmate. He thanked her with a slight nod and walked over to the white piano. He sat down and skimmed his fingers over the keys to get used to the feeling. For about a few minutes, he warmed his voice up. Afterwards, he began to play a piano version of one of his past hit songs, ‘Hello’. Jieun heard his and joined in on her guitar and sang along with him.

          The two stopped immediately when they heard a giant crash from the hallway. Their eyes looked at each other shakily, wondering what was out there to make such a loud sound. The gaze tore away from each other quickly when the door rattled slightly, indicating that that someone was trying to get it opened.

          “What’s with the long faces?” Jinki asked, formally known as Onew the Dubu leader of SHINee. Jinki still attended the University since he switched majors halfway into his old one. Jinki now majors in English in hopes of becoming an English teacher for a secure future.

          “Nothing Jinki Hyung. We were just scared of the loud sound you made when you fell” Taemin said to the older male. Even when they weren’t SHINee, Onew condition still prevailed in Jinki. Jinki just smiled his contagious smile of his and scratched his head. Jieun and Taemin just smiled at Jinki and got up from where they were sitting to help Onew pick up whatever he dropped in the hallways. When the two left the room, they saw that a huge pile of books, notebooks, binders, and many other school supplies were sitting in a huge mess of a pile. Sighing in defeat, they crouched down to help the ex-leader of SHINee pick up his fallen objects. After the three of them picked up the books, they set it gently on the ground in three neat stacks.

          “Geez, what are you doing with so many books Hyung?” Taemin asked to older male.

          “Nothing, just running some errands for a professor…then…well, you saw what happened” Jinki said to the younger male referencing to the loud fall. Taemin nodded and helped Jinki stack the books in his arm before he left. The two that were left behind just sighed and were about to head back to their instruments before they were interrupted again. Instead of a loud crash from outside, it was one of their dongsaeng slamming the door open.

          “Unnie! Oppa! Jonghyun oppa and Minjun-ssi are fighting outside!” 


Yay my first chapter! :D

Gosh, I shouldn't being writing this D; I need to study for finals instead.

But I love the fact that my first ever story got 3 subscribers with only the foreward :D

So happy :3 So I'll see you guys again when the next chapter is posted up!

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4th chapter is up! Please read :D


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Chapter 4: Please continue this story. :)
please update more .. Where is taemin-IU moment? :)
arsonists #3
Nice nice!
Cool. I was like the first person to get to read some hehe~ keep writing. Make it good.~^^
arsonists #5
I love the storyline! Imagination prevails!

Update soooooon!
stayuptonight #6
TaemU moment and Onew condition! *-*
Ahh I wonder what happened! ;o
stayuptonight #7
I'm so curious yeaahh ~~
Looking forward to the first chapter ;D