I just couldn't say it out

It's All A Lie

Play: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57wuZ8v2INs


Daehyun's POV


''Honestly, I'm not a good person. I'm a jerk. Why do you like me?'' I asked her.

''You don't need a reason to like someone.'' She replied.

At that time, I seriously thought our happiness will last long. But, I'm wrong.

Our relationship ended, because of me. Because I couldn't be a real man.

''Oppa, I love you.'' Jinnie said softly.

I don't know why but I just couldn't reply back to her words. Maybe because I'm a fool, a coward who doesn't dare to express his feelings.

Now, I think I finally know your love. Your love towards me. But, I'm late. I'm sorry.

I remember clearly what you said to me that night. That night..I got my first heartbreak.

''Oppa, let's break..up.'' She said.

My whole body froze. Did..did she just said that? I thought in disbelief.

''W...why?'' I asked softly.

''Because..you don't seems to love me. You look like you were being forced to be with me. I can't feel your love towards me..you rarely tell me..the three words I always wanted to hear from you.'' She said and burst into tears.


''Forget it oppa. You..you can go find someone you truly like. We..we're over.'' She said and ran off without giving me a chance to speak.

*We're over* Those were the words you said.

*I love you, I just couldn't say it out..*

I looked at her back slowly disappearing. I tried hard not to cry, but tears start to flow down my cheek. I cried because of her, the girl I truly love.

*It's okay. I..I'll forget you..* I thought sadly.



Now I know why Daehyun cried while recording this song T^T

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So sorry for not updating a few days >_


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Chapter 8: just finished!!! but, i really want to know, did Deahyun are really cry time their recording the song???
I love your fanfic!! So sweet!! :D I love it ^_^
Done reading this. I love the way u used Daehyun's POV and I love this story. They were just sweet. <3
ShinSeoRae #4
aww..daehyun is the sweetest thing here..hehehe :)
hyogyeong #5
awwww. it's so sweeet. i love it ;D great storyy <3 :D
Your story is great! Did Daehyun really cry @ the recording?
fightingme #7
awwww! It ended. but nice story btw, loved it :)
Awww.. It's soooo sweet! I luv it!!
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