i miss you

baby let's take it slow ♥

i shut my door as i was been pulled out of my house by Aunt Joon. we made our way to her wooden porch and to the front door where she was unlocking it. "now Hanri, don't hesitate to say or do anything, please make yourself at home!" Aunt Joon gestured me to walk in as she opened the door. make myself at home? ha! i'm not even used to my new house yet! the moment i stepped foot into the house it all came back to me. the sweet smell of vanilla, the dim yellow lights down the hallway. it was as if i'm reliving my childhood again. i remember every day going home from school and having my mom drop me off at Aunt Joon's doing nothing but watch her cook and play with ... him. i'm really hoping my Seungri isn't the super popular Seungri in school. i slip off my ugg slippers, revealing my hellp kitty socks. what? can't a girl love hello kitty? i'm passing down the hallway and on the walls are many photos of Aunt Joon and a little boy with huge glasses. yep, that's Seungri alright. there was one picture that really caught my eye. it was Seungri holding a bear and hugging a little girl that had a plush bunny. they looked like they were laughing. that girl...that girl was ME. i remember that bunny! i wanted Seungri's bear so we traded each other's toys! i just looked at it bursted out laughing. "Hanri, what's that you're laughing about dear?" Aunt Joon turned around only to laugh with me as well. "oh you two were so precious! you were practically his little sister!" she was right. he was a brother to me, he was everything a brother could be: fun, protective, understanding.

Aunt Joon led me to the kitchen where the irresistable scent of food overpowered me. Aunt Joon was an amazing cook. i'm not saying that my mom wasn't a good cook, but Aunt Joon was always making dinner for me and most of the time brough food ever for my family. "ooh, i'm sorry that it's a little messy here Hanri! i rushed home to get everything ready for tonight, you can say this is our 'welcome back' party." Aunt Joon said to me worriedly but in a playful way. i don't even know why she thought it was messy, there was barely anything on the table. Aunt Joon opened a few cabinets and took out three bowls and three pairs of chopsicks. i thought she might've needed help since she was struggling to reach for the bowls. why'd she put it so far up anyways? "here, let me help you Aunt Joon." i smiled at her and tip toed to get the bowls. "thank you sweetie, i'm getting so old now, i'm shrinking!" she laughed and set the bowls down on the table, "why don't you go upstairs and surprise Seungri?" what. did she really just ask me that? it's not that i don't want to do it, it's just...so weird. Aunt Joon just finished placing huge plates full of food, i couldn't help my feast my eyes on that delicious bulgogi she made. i swear, she makes the most heavenly food ever. i snapped back to reality when Aunt Joon spoke to me, "actually don't worry about hun, i'll do it, he's been in his room all day since he got home. just wait here, yes? do you mind putting some rice in each of the bowls, too please?" she smiled at me pleadingly. oh Aunt Joon, why are you so sweet and kind? i seriously miss this woman so much. "of course Aunt Joon! i don't mind at all." i clasped her hands as a sign of assurance. Aunt Joon patted my cheek and rushed off down the hallway and up the staircase. this is happening pretty fast all in one day. i took each bowl and filled it with rice, patting on it to form a round surface. you can hear Aunt Joon's footsteps upstairs, and moments later i heard her quite loud voice say "SEUNGRI! it's dinner time! i have a HUGE surprise for you, look neat and fresh hun." i heard her rush back down the stairs, followed by another set of footsteps following her. although i'm not facing the hallway, i can hear the two approach me. i finished up patting the last bowl of rice, and stayed in that direction. why can't i move? i felt heat all over my body (and it's not cause the kitchen was warm!), i think it was the realization that i was finally meeting my old best friend again. "Seungri, guess who it issssss!~" Aunt Joon's cheerful voice broke the silence. as i turned around i could feel my stomach churning with nervousness and excitement.

my eyes were wide open, i was left speechless. the Seungri that i knew when i was a child, the little boy who had huge glasses and looked like kid einstein, transformed into the fully grown handsome man. i can't believe it's Seungri, and i'm not believing it either. this young man was tall, handsome, even though he wore a white t-shirt and blue plaid pjs, he looked way too handsome, didn't have glasses, and did i mention he was handsome? i just stood there muted. this isn't Seungri. it wasn't him until our eyes met. he stared at me back with awe and shock. actually i couldn't even read his face, so scratch that. but it was the look in his eyes, that made me realize, this is MY Seungri. before i opened my mouth to echo his name, he was the first to speak, "H-H-HANRI?! IS THAT REALLY YOU?" he took a step back for a second with his hands on his head, mouth wide open. "i-i-" i cut him off by replying back to him, "yes, it's really me. now, are you really MY Seungri?" i asked him back with a shy smile. i didn't even notice Aunt Joon was in the middle of this tense and emotional reunion. like she was seriously standing in between us on the side, watching us as if she was watching one of her dramas again. her expression was priceless, it was like the expression you make when you see cute animals and you die of cuteness overload. "awww, this is so precious and emotional!" she was really into the moment, but we both ignored her (i don't mean in a disrespectful way of course). "it's really me Ri! don't you remember?!" he ran up to me and hugged me so tightly. i hugged him back tightly and stayed like that too. yes i do remember Seungri. he was the only person who ever called me Ri, and it just broke my barriers when i heard 'Ri,' especially from Seungri. at first i felt really shy, but i didn't care anymore. this was actually the greatest day ever. besides school, i finally met my best friendd after so many years. i closed my eyes, still hugging him and whispered to his ear, "i miss you so much oppa." at that point he hugged my even tighter, i didn't care if it hurt, i was so into the moment. he whispered back to me, "i miss you too Ri."

so yeah, that's how the first five minutes of out reunion went. "so what are you two turtle doves waiting for? it's time to eat!" Seungri and i looked at each other and laughed, "umma, Ri is my sister!" Seungri said to her with his . all Aunt Joon did was giggle and proceeded with towering each of our bowls with food. we both took our seats, across from each other. i could feel him looking at me, i looked at him back and gave him a small smile, although inside i'm probably the happiest girl on earth. "Seungri, can you join me and properly welcome Hanri?" Aunt Joon asked Seungri, he replied back with a smile and nod. "welcome back Hanri!~" they both said happily. i felt so accepted for once, so loved, so welcomed. i blushed heavily and could feel my eyes watering. oh no! not those emotional teary moments again! i forced my self to back the tears up and laughed, bowing my head to both of them, "kamsahamnida!" we all ate and for a few minutes there was a silence between Seungri and i other than Aunt Joon's constant chatter. most of the time Seungri and i would just look at each other and smile. i realized that i looked like a mess when i couldn't find a strand of hair to tug on when i'm nervous. my hair was in a messy bun and all i wore was a cardigan over a v-neck and sweats. how embarrassing, great way to put up your first impression Hanri. "sooo Hanri, what happened after you left?" Seungri finally spoke up.

"hm? oh, well after i left, guess things just changed. i moved all over the place and transferred to a lot of schools. didn't really have friends whatsoever." i replied, not looking up to him and continuing to eat my food. not that i don't have any manners to not eye contact, but this food was just too good.

"oh, umm are you staying here for good?" he hesitantly asked me. he was looking at me, i could feel it.

i stopped eating and decided to look at him. "hopefully. once my mom gets back from japan, she'll discuss about it. but for now i guess so." i smiled and assured him. i wasn't sure what he mumbled but it sounded like an "i hope so too."


so how do you like it so far? now you know their not-so-secret past ! :3 school has been taking up so much time so please forgive me for barely updating. please comment as well, i love it when my readers comment! it keeps me motivated! <3

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Leanneconway1 #1
Chapter 11: Omo chapter 11 , ahhhh❤
purpleswaggGlam #2
Chapter 10: He is such a gentelman.
aawww... I'm waiting forever for an update.!!!! Update soon..!!!
Chap 2. Lol GD fashion police
Chap 1. Yay afriend
What's next? <br />
awww, you finally updated! ^_^ great update!
wtf_24 #8
awww~ we'll wait don't worry ^_^ good luck as well <3
yayyy taeyang!