our illegitimate first date

baby let's take it slow ♥

somewhere after maybe three hours of tv and an hour of sleep, i heard Seungri yell my name from outside of my house. my whole right side of my body was aching since I laid on the that side while I was sleeping. I looked up to my alarm clock to see that it was 6:46 pm. I pushed myself up from the bed and wearily walked to the balcony window and waved at him and began to exit my room and walk down the stairs. with only my sweater, jeans, and socks on, I put on my ugg slippers and waked out the door with Seungri in front of my house. the cold air instantly woke me up, it was just as bad as having water thrown at you! “brrrr~” I rubbed my arms together and walked towards Seungri as fast as I could. “Ri! it’s freezing, why aren’t you wearing a coat?!” he put his arms out to me and wrapped me around them, walking quickly towards his house. “I just woke up..” “ahh well let’s go inside quick, umma made a really warm dinner today.” Inside, Aunt Joon prepared three large bowls of bulgogi jungol and some warm drink on the side. the meal was steaming hot but it warmed me up really well. dinner with Seungri and Aunt Joon has become normal to me now, and as I said before, they were like a family to me. after dinner I stayed over to watch tv with them and talk, watched Seungri play video games in his room, and helped Aunt Joon clean up around the house (although she always insists me not to!). as usual I went back home around early nine and slumped back onto my bed as soon as I got home. the house was really chilly and the heat was on pretty low. i decided that if I got things done now, I would lie in bed in peace, so I rushed to get my teeth brushed and clothing changed and jumped back into my bed where I wrapped myself heavily underneath the layers of sheets and blankets. Today was a really long and exhausting day. too..tired..for tv.. I started drifting to sleep until I remembered: I’m hanging out with Youngbae tomorrow. I smiled to myself and closed my eyes shut, falling into a nice, warm, slumber…

“it’s so c-c-cold..” why am I crying..? and where am I ? all I see is snow, the blizzard is blurring everything. “yah!” where am I going? I kept on walking, to who-knows-where, yet I can’t see anything or anyone. “brrr..” It’s as if for every step I take, it just keeps on getting colder and colder. Looking down, my feet are bare, as well as my legs, all I have on is a white dress. why? what’s going on..? why am I drifting… what is that figure..? “HANRI!” why is it suddenly turning black?!

I suddenly jumped up from my bed, sweating but feeling horrifically cold at the same time. “that was..” the worst nightmare of my life. Why did that dream occur? Is it a sign..? no.. can’t be… whatever it was, I felt uneasy thinking about it. I looked around my room, and realized that it was still pretty dim and dark. My eyes were weary but I could see on my clock that it was seven in the morning. Why is it so dark? I sat up, closed my eyes for a second and thought. “oh!” I’ve forgotten that the winter solstice was supposed to start last night. There was no point in going back to sleep cause chances are I might oversleep, and also I don’t feel well after experiencing such a bad dream. I sighed and walked downstairs, making myself a cup of hot tea and waked back upstairs into my dark room, with the tv on. I started watching some Sunday morning news while sipping my tea on my bed. “Temperatures are going for a sharp drop is week so do dress very warm! We might even be expecting some snow by the end of November if the weather keeps on dropping. Til then, please stay tuned.~” I sighed and took another sip of my tea. I really liked and wanted snow, but it seems like it’s coming a little too soon for me. “jibe gajima baby~” my phone was ringing beside me, it was umma!


“hello hanri! I didn’t wake you up did it? it’s pretty early but I just wanted to check up on you, the weather’s getting really cold lately.”

“no you didn’t wake me up, I was up a while ago already.”

“ahh it’s good that you’re up early, are you doing anything today? I miss you so much~”

“umm well, I’m going to hang out with someone tod-”

“ohh! that’s nice, what’s her name?”

“uhh..well actually HIS name is Youngbae, umma…” I was getting kinda nervous telling her that I’m hanging out with a boy, not the mention my crush.

“A BOY? oooooh you better look good for him Hanri, hahahah, anyways have fun and get a little more rest okay?”

“haha, okay umma, love you.”

“love you too, bye!” and then she hung up.

I started thinking about what umma said, looking good for Youngbae. Well…I don’t know how to look good. I don’t have any makeup and I don’t have any new clothing. Anyways why should I look good for? It’s not like we’re on a date or..whatever… I sighed. I mean I like Youngbae and all…but what am I supposed to do? “no Hanri!” i yelled at myself. what if Youngbae just wants to be friends with me? then I’d look like a total idiot. I looked over at the clock and it was already 7:30. I guess I'll just find something the wear and take a shower...

"hmm~" I was humming to myself as I was finishing up drying my hair. It was already a quarter to ten. I was able to make myself a small breakfast. as it got closer to ten i started feeling this weird but good feeling in the stomach. wow, what's this feeling in my tummy..? what's that word..oh right, butterflies in my stomach! I looked at the mirror one more time to make sure that I look good. my hair was naturally wavy, and I wore a grey hoodie with matching form-fitting sweats. "do i look..okay? maybe i'll cha-" and then the bell rung. I was a little surprised and all of a sudden I felt so nervous. get the door Ri! My conscience was yelling at me! I instantly ran downstairs and stood right at the door. Deep breathe...I opened the door to see that it was an angel. Okay not really an angel but it was Youngbae, looking so fresh, so..good looking. he wore a white hoodie with a peacoat over it, and white sneakers. He was looking down on the floor before I opened but when I did he gave my the largest smile ever. "G-Goodmorning Hanri!" The urge to look down and blush came over me! I couldn't control my shyness! "Hi Youngbae.." I said quietly. I noticed that both his hands were behind his back. I wonder why.... "oh, umm..I got something for you," and from his back, there was a rose in his hand, "just a little gift, ya know...I-I hope you like it!" I spoke too soon. he handed the rose to me. I was frozen, and wide eyed. a million things were trying to process in my head right now, but my first instinct was to take the rose, "oh, thank you Youngbae, you didn't have to haha.." he just smiled at me although not looking at my eyes. Then again I can't look at his eyes without looking so dumbfounded! "um..let me put this in a vase for a sec..oh come in too!" Youngbee hesitantly walked inside my house, observing it. "s-sorry for making you wait a little, let me just put this away and get my coat." "nah, it's cool." I swiftly walked into my kitchen and looked under the sink to find one of my mom's vases. she loved having the house filled with flowers. I found a small narrow vase and filled it with water, then placed the rose in it. Wow...it's so beautiful. Youngbae, why'd you give this to me? I sighed and walked back to where Youngbae was still standing, "let me just get my coat." I ran back upstairs to take a peacoat and my cross body bag wear there was still money from yesterday. I threw in my phone and an back downstairs, wear I was greeted again by the lovely Youngbae. "so, um, ya ready?" I nodded shyly and we both left my house. we were silently walking to the sidewalk, I guess he was leading me to his car, if he had one. and of course he did when I heard him take out his car keys to unlock the car at a distance. "soooo....how was your morning Hanri?" his question broke the silence, "It was okay, I woke up very early because..of a bad dream but it was okay, thank you. What about your morning?" I asked back. We got closer to this slick black car, and Youngbae opened the passenger door for me. I managed to whisper him a 'thankyou' before we closed the door and got in the driver's seat. His car looked so luxurious inside, maybe even more than Seungri's! and it smelled lightly of cologne, the same scent as Youngbae. "my morning was great actually. woke up early, went to church, and I'm hanging out with his cool girl today." he was starting his car and began driving down the block. "oh that's nice," was all I managed to say. I guess I'm just a friend if he's hanging out with another girl today. "hahaa, it really is. I think she's great, even though I don't know her much yet." I didn't know what to say or how to reply. I was about to say something but Youngbae wasn't done. "do you know her? She's really uh..p-pretty." I looked at him and tilted my head, "who?" he chucked and smiled, "her name's Hanri, I think you might know her haha." Huh? But my name is Hanri! "wait..." OH I GET IT! I started to laugh and Youngbae laughed along with me. I feel so slow! I was starting to think about what Youngbae said about me, and I began to blush and look at out at the view. Than I thought to myself, where are we going anyways? Right when I was about to ask Youngbae where we were going, he said " I forgot to tell y-you, that we're going ice skating..that is, if you don't mind of course." "oh I don't mind at all, but, it's just that, I kinda don't know how to ice skate.." I heard Youngbae laugh, "don't worry, I'll teach you!" 


After about 20 minutes of driving...


Youngbae parked his car at this lot before a huge park. It looked almost like a forest. “Where are we? Where’s the rink?” I asked him since I didn’t know my way around Seoul. “You’ll see.” Youngbae led the way into a path in the park. About 3 minutes of walking I started hearing the sound of children’s laughter. A few steps later Youngbae and I walked into this huge area in the park, and in the center was an ice skating rink filled with happy people. “woah..” I looked in amazement. “Nice right? Come on!” I felt Youngbae tug on my sleeve where he led me to a booth. “Two ice skates please.” He said to the young woman behind the counter. I heard the lady ask for size and looked at me. “Oh, um, six.” A few moments later we both received our skates. “Hanri, why don’t you sit down in the bench and put your skates on? I’ll be right back.” I nodded and walked to the bench. Before I started to take off my shoes, I looked over to Youngbae. The lady was saying something to him and looked at me…and smiled? what are they saying..? I also saw Youngbae pay some money to the lady. ”Oh darn, I forgot to pay for my skates!” Right when I was about to get up, Youngbae walked to me. “Is there anything wrong Hanri?” He asked me. “I forgot to give you some money to pay for my skates!” He laughed at me and sat beside me, starting to put on his skates, “Nah, it’s okay Hanri. You’re chilling with me today so no worries, I’ll pay for everything.” He gave me a reassuring smile. I couldn’t help but just doze off looking at his flawless smile. For a second, I couldn’t move. And at the moment, he looked into my eyes. His eyes…his lips…everything about him is just so, perf- “Aha, umm, l-lets go skating now!” Youngbae was scratching the back of his head, looking away. Wow, what was that?! I’m really starting to believe that…that I’m falling for him. Don’t let your guard down Ri… that’s what one side of my head said, but another side just made me like Youngbae a little bit more. Anyways, after putting out shoes in our locker, Youngbae was the first to get on the ice. “You’re next Hanri.” He stood on the ice with his hands reached out. “I-I can’t do it!” I was already feeling nauseous looking at the ice. Youngbae skated closer to the railings and put his hand in mine. “I won’t let you fall Hanri. I promise.” When I looked at him, his expression was so sure, so promising. His words…I can tell, I don’t know how, but I just know that he kept his word. “okay…” From that moment on, I gave him my trust.


So after two hours of constant falling on my , dragging Youngbae down to the ice with me, and struggling to learn how to skate, Youngbae and I finally called it quits and walked back to our lockers. “You were doing great Hanri, just a little more practice ahah!” Youngbae said as he took off his skates and out his shoes back on. I the same, replied to him, “I don’t think I can ice skate at all..” He returned both of our skates to the counter with the same lady. I saw her smiling at him, and he the same. As we both walked passed the counter I heard the lady whisper to me, “You’re a lucky one,” and smiled. Lucky one? When we got back in the car we sat there silently for about a minute or so. I finally had the courage to look over at him, and surprisingly, he was looking back at me. I bit my lip to refrain myself to smiling too hard. His expression was so calm, and suddenly his lips smiled at me. “Ahhhhh!” Youngbae playfully yelled as he looked away and covered his face with both of his hands. “Y-Youngbae..are you okay?” I was a little worried. Did I do something? “Yeah I’m okay, there’s just so many things in my head right now, I just don’t know what to do!” He looked at me again and gave me a reassuring smile. I felt so hot all over my face, his smile just makes me melt. “let’s head for lunch!” Youngbae took me to this small shack nearby the park. It was like a mini Korean barbeque restaurant. We both ate our lunch there quietly, very few words were said. And while I insisted to pay the check, as usual he paid. I hate it when people pay stuff for me, I feel like I’m wasting money. By the time we finished lunch, it was already two o’clock. Since the park was nearby, we decided to just take a small walk together.

“Ya know, Hanri, I think you’re a really great person. Although you may come off as shy and quiet, you’re actually really fun.” Youngbae said, with both his hands in his pocket.

“Oh, t-thanks Youngbae. You’re a really nice person too. thank you for bringing me today, I’ve never had this much fun before.” I blushed, looking down to the ground as we walked.

“Hehe, your welcome. I just uhh, I just wanted to get to know you a little better.”

I smiled, I didn’t know what to say, but then I thought about earlier. “Were you okay a while ago? You seemed a little stress.”

“oh it’s nothing, I was just thinking if it should do something or not. But, but I think I made my choice already.” this time I was looking up to sky smiling.

I don’t know what his choice was but anything to see that smile of his.

We ended up taking a an hour walk to and from the park. It was already three-ish when we got back in the car. The ride back home was really quiet and calm. Youngbae and I didn’t talk much since there was music playing. On our way home, Youngbae broke the silence. “So Hanri, umm, have y-you heard of the winter formal coming up in about two weeks?” His voice sounded a little shaky all of a sudden. I wonder why..? “Yeah, Bom told me about, I don’t know if I’m going to it though. Maybe I will, not sure yet…” I was starting to think of ridiculous things. Things like…him going to formal with me. Things that would never happen of course. Youngbae only replied back with an “oh.” 


I hope this chapter is good! i haven't been writing for so long. thank you guys for understanding =) 

as always, please comment! what do you guys want to happen? ;D

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Leanneconway1 #1
Chapter 11: Omo chapter 11 , ahhhh❤
purpleswaggGlam #2
Chapter 10: He is such a gentelman.
aawww... I'm waiting forever for an update.!!!! Update soon..!!!
Chap 2. Lol GD fashion police
Chap 1. Yay afriend
What's next? <br />
awww, you finally updated! ^_^ great update!
wtf_24 #8
awww~ we'll wait don't worry ^_^ good luck as well <3
yayyy taeyang!