"see you tomorrow!"

baby let's take it slow ♥


as we got on the elevator it went up by four floors and we were the only ones left in the elevator. When the elevator door opened on the fifth floor, all there was was a dim and long hallway with red velvet walls and a carpeted floor. down the hallway were closed white doors with gold fancy doorknobs. We both got off the elevator and just stood there. “umm, where are we oppa?” and again he didn’t answer, just smiled. this was really starting to bother me. I really don’t like it when I don’t know what’s going on! It’s making me go insane just thinking about what it was. I completely had no idea and couldn’t think of where he would even bring me to. I pouted, standing here, but Sengri took my hand and we started walking towards the door. Right when we reached the door he looked at me and smiled, “are you hungry?” “huh?” he opened the door and before our eyes was a really bright room. the first thing I saw was a … waiter? “hello, table for..?” “two please.” Seungri said, he still hasn’t looked at me yet, but he was still holding my hand. “please follow me.” the waiter directed us, and we did. as I looked around, I realized that this place was a restaurant, and the best part was, it was completely built on glass, except for the floor which was carpeted. I was so amazed, in all my life I have never seen any place like this. you could see the sky but just looking up and the view outside of the mall was just amazing. we were led to a table right by the window, where you could see the river past the highway and the parking lots. in surprise the table and chair was made of glass too! “woah…” I just kept on looking around. Seungri sat down and I did too, but this time I just looked at him shocked with my mouth wide open. “wha…what is this oppa!” I covered my mouth with my sleeves and stared at him. lifting his eyes up from the tale, he grinned at me and chuckled, “this is lunch ri!” woah…something was so different when he did that. that look…his..smile. why do I feel so, weird? I couldn’t help myself but stare at him again. there was just something so different and and…attractive about his smile and look this time. what’s wrong with you ri…? “so what do you want to eat?” I snapped out of my daydream when Seungri asked me. “oh um…” I took a look at the menu, but I had trouble seeing the small script, so I took out my glasses and put them on. “much better!” I mumbled to myself. “ri, you’re just so cute!” Seungri said looking up from his menu. I blushed and looked down. I ended up getting soup while he got steak…for lunch. I couldn’t help but giggle when I saw the huge plate come up. I covered my mouth since I really didn’t like to show my laughter. “let’s eat, I’m starving!” I was too, we didn’t have breakfast at all. While I was eating, I heard a click and a snap and look up: it was Seungri taking a picture of me. “hey! why’d you take a picture of me?” he looked at the picture once more, smiled, and then put it back in his pocket, “so I can start piling up pictures of us whenever we hang out again! I wouldn’t wanna forget a day with you Ri!” he looked at me and smiled, then stuffed his face with more food. I smiled back and blushed, I didn’t know why, but I felt really happy when he said that. by the end of our meals, obviously Seungri paid everything and even left tips, and we both got back onto the first floor of the mall.  when the elevator door opened, I was really shocked to see who was right in front of me. “Seungri oppa? what are you doing here?” Eunha said in a fake high voice. she glared over at me and gave me a dirty look, which I think Seungri noticed. “oh hey Eunha! I’m just here with Ri.” he put is arms over my shoulder and smiled at her. We both walked out of the elevator door before it closed. Eunha’s eyes raged with anger and hate, but she tried to hide it when a crooked smile, “Ri? oh you mean, that new girl?” both she and Hana who was behind her looked at me up and down. I just stood there, staring back. “Ri happens to be my best friend! I love her to death.” Seungri smiled at them, with his arms still around me. oh no, Eunha looks like she’s gonna jump me any second now… Eunha’s eyes widened but she tried to keep her cool, “oh really? well anywaaays, I’ll see you later oppa, how bout we chill monday? okay? okay.” she grinned at him and walked into the next elevator. I glared at her as she walked away with her Hana following her like a puppy. “haha, we ra into a lot of people today!” Seungri said chuckling as we walked towards the exit. I didn’t say anything, I don’t think he knows that Eunha hates the living guts out of me. oh right, she hates me even more now since I’m with Seungri. great, just great… before we exited the mall, I adjusted my hat and buttoned my coat up until I heard another snap, “hey!” Seungri only giggled and took my hand and walked out together. I didn’t know why he was holding my hand, but I didn’t know why I didn’t let go either. this feeling, of holding my hand, was beyond different than just being around him in general. I really liked this feeling, but what exactly is it? we finally reached the car and drove home quietly, without a word except for smiles.

Seungri parked his car right in front of his house this time, and he walked me to my front foor. “hmm, I wonder how did you climb to my balcony?” I asked, looking up. “well, I, umm…” Seungri tried to think of an answer but I just laughed, I didn’t really need to know how he got up there. “would you like to come in?” I asked, I wasn’t sure if he was just gonna walk me to my door and walk back or wanted to come in. “sure!” we walked in my house and both of us kicked off our shoes, walking with only our socks on. While Seungri was looking around the first floor of my house, I went straight into the kitchen, “oppa would you like anything to drink?” from another room, I heard him yell, “water is fine!” I took a bottle of water and walked around, looking for him. he was on the other side of house, in my mom’s office. “here oppa,” I handed him the water and he said thanks, while observing the room. “so this is your mom’s office?” the room was fairly large, on the south end was a large window of the from lawn view, and to the right was a large panel of windows that viewed Seungri’s left side of the house. at the center of the room was a large black desk, topped with a lamp, two white chairs, and a few boxes around the room. umma was too busy to unpack all her office things in here. by the windows the right was also a really long couch. “yeah, but she’s barely in here since she’s most of the time never home.” Seungri’s face looked so serious as he nodded, but he turned to me and gave me a warm smile. “let’s go upstairs!” we both went upstairs, where the first place I went to was my room. I hung my coat behind my door and placed the forever21 bag on my neatly made bed. I took out the clothing that was in the bag and sought hangers in my closet so I could hang them. before putting the dress in my closet, I took another look at it. this dress sure is gorgeous… “I really like that dress.” Seungri said, leaning on my door. I looked up to him and smiled, “I do too!” I hung it and slumped on my bed, turning on the tv and flickering through the channels. Seungri laid beside me with his arms crossed behind his head. “ooh coffee prince reruns!” “oh, umma watches this sometimes haha.” Seungri said, watching cp with me. “ohh Hangyul is so handsome..~” I mumbled to myself hugging totoro. Seungri got up and looked at me as if I were some crazy lady, “what? I am so much much MUCH more handsome than that old guy!” he got up from the bed, “look how old he is, psssht, look at my features, so sharp, so goodlooking, girls faint when they see me!” I’ve never heard him boast so much about himself before, but I started laughing like crazy. he gave me a smile of satisfaction and sat back down in bed with me and leaned on my tiny shoulder. “ah, Ri, you’re so innocent and, and..yeah innocent hehe” I looked at him and giggled, “what? what do you mean? and you’re not?” he leaned up from my shoulder and leaned in the bed, “no, i mean, not exactly…yah! I’ll tell you later.” I laughed and just laid my head onto his shoulder this time. “boy~ I need a boy~” my phone in my pocket began ringing. Is this really happening? I checked my phone to see that it was Youngbae calling me. oh no! what do I do what do I do?!? out of instinct I lowered the volume and hid it back in my pocket. “who was that Ri?” Seungri asked, still watching tv. “oh n-no one! just my alarm..!” ugh what a horrible lie! stupid stupid Ri! why’d you do that Ri?! I sighed and felt really uneasy now. I fussed with my hair and frowned throughout the whole time, hoping that Seungri won’t notice. “that’s a cute ringtone you have, do you ‘need a boy’ ri? haha..” I didn’t even look up to him cause I was so upset and said no with no tone. “oh..i was just kidding hehe…” it was almost 3pm and Seungri and I were still watching tv together. “bzzt bzzt!” there was a vibration under my arm, but it wasn’t my phone, it was Seungri’s. “ooh, umm, I need to go and do some errands for umma now, but I’ll be back later tonight okay Ri?” he slowly got up, still reading the text Aunt Joon sent him. “okay then, do you want me to come with you and help?” Seungri looked at me and smiled, “no, it’s okay Ri, thanks though!” he was getting his coat and about to leave my room until I called for him. “oppa! thanks for today, thankyou so much, you really made my day.” he smiled even wider and came to hug me, “anything for you Ri.” his words were so sincere and so warming, it made me smile wide too. “see ya later Ri!” and then he left my room and in a few seconds I heard my front door close. i smiled to myself and slowly slouched back onto my bed and thought. you know, I realized that I’m really lucky to have someone like Seungri. he’s more than a friend to me, he’s like a brother. after all these years of being separated, it’s like as if we just started back where we left off. even though there was a great distance between us, and that we haven’t seen each other for more than ten years, it’s like every time I see him now I’ll never forget him. while other people have awkward relationships after being apart for so long, Seungri and I have only grown even closer. I looked at my totoro and burrowed my eyebrows, “totoro, why do I feel other emotions that I’ve never felt before towards..Seungri?” why did i? I don’t know what it is, but somehow…I really like it.

I drowned in my thoughts in bed until I felt another vibration in my pocket. who could it be? My eyes widened and I instantly sat up. it was a text message from Youngbae. I was so nervous and scared, wondering what he was about to say, but I opened it:

annyeong hanri!~ ^^

it was a simple hello from Youngbae. Youngbae, texted ME and said hello! I squealed in excitement and began bouncing on my bed. “omo, should I text back right away or should I wait??” I was so nervous. yes, I’m really shy even if it’s through the phone. I waited a minute and decided to text him back:

annyeong youngbae! ^^

I felt so pathetic for not being able to send him anything more than a ‘hello.’ I felt so tense now and waiting for a reply felt like a century. wait Ri… why am I feeling so hyper and nuts and all excited about…about a boy? is this what having a crush really feels like? I thought it myself for a while and smiled, “I think, I like this feeling…a lot.” I couldn’t help but giggle to myself like a fool. I waited for my phone to vibrate again to see what Youngbae said this time, but instead, my phone began ringing! “boy~ I need a boy~” omo I began panicking and staring at my phone helplessly. my own conscience was yelling at me, “Ri, pick it up! you didn’t pick up the first time he called and it would be rude if you don’t pick up now! come on girl, do it!” i stuffed my head under my pillow and gave in to my conscience. I picked up the phone.

“yoboseyo..?” my voice was all shaky and mumbly since I was under the pillow.

“oh, hello Hanri! whats good?” Youngbae said through the other line. his voice was so heavenly, yes, even through the phone.

omo..what does ‘whats good’ mean?! oh Ri just say something! umm..umm….“n-nothing, I’m watching coffee prince in my r-room right now…” oh dear I felt so worried and scared that I might make myself sound like an idiot!

“oh cool me too! umm..i’m sorry if i-interrupted you or something a while ago because I kinda called and y-you didn’t pick up…” Youngbae’s voice sounded a little shaky and low when he said that.

somehow I felt so happy inside when he said that but I had to think of a lie cause you know, I didn’t pick up on purpose, “oh no, it’s okay. I was taking a shower and I didn’t hear.” please please please I hope I don’t screw up this convo!

“okay…uh..umm..” there was a slight pause when Youngbae was speaking, “I was just wondering…would you, l-like to hang out with m-me tomorrow..?”

I paused for a second and just stared at my phone. DID YOUNGBAE….JUST ASK ME TO HANG OUT WITH HIM?! i looked at my phone again and began to silently scream and jump on my bed, “r-r-really?!” I was stuttering so hard due to my uncontrollable happiness. this feels like a dream.

“yes!” he replied back, sounding a little happier. does he really want me to hang out with him?!

those words made me squeal inside my head, “oh sure, why n-not!” I couldn’t stop myself from giggling, but I didn’t want him to hear me so I tried my best by biting my knuckles.

“really?!? oh, I’ll come to your house at ten then! I mean..if that’s okay with you of course..”

why wouldn’t it be okay?! oh dear I feel like fainting, this feeling, my heartbeat racing, the excitement! “that’s fine! umm, so see you tomorrow..?”

“yeah, um t-thanks! bye hanri..!~”

“bye Youngbae!” I hung up and just laid on my bed, staring straight at the ceiling. “weeeeeeeeee!~” I started squealing and jumped up and down on my bed. I still can’t believe it, I took my totoro and started strangling it, “TOTORO YOUNGBAE ASKED ME TO HAND OUT WITH HIM!” I was out of control, but it was okay, cause the boy of my dreams asked me to hang out with him. after being breathless from screaming and jumping, I sat on my bed and finally took a breath and smiled to myself. can today get any better?


hello guys! i'm sorry for the short update and the long wait, i have to keep up with my summer jobs and readind too! thanks so much for commenting, it makes me really happy. thank you guys! 

please do continue to comment! weeeeeeeee~ love you guys!

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Leanneconway1 #1
Chapter 11: Omo chapter 11 , ahhhh❤
purpleswaggGlam #2
Chapter 10: He is such a gentelman.
aawww... I'm waiting forever for an update.!!!! Update soon..!!!
Chap 2. Lol GD fashion police
Chap 1. Yay afriend
What's next? <br />
awww, you finally updated! ^_^ great update!
wtf_24 #8
awww~ we'll wait don't worry ^_^ good luck as well <3
yayyy taeyang!