
A Bond Stronger Than Anything; Rush+Petal

The girls sat around the living room of the big mansion cracking jokes with each other and becoming extremely comfortable with the atmosphere.  They were natural reality show stars and were showing their true personaloty.  Nothing they were doing was scripted and averyone preferred it that way.  Once in a while they would play a game or two but after formally introducing themselves the real show began.  Each of the girls were handed an envelope with directions to where there pair would be.  

Yuri inspected every angle of the card"Bwo? So you want us to scatter around town and find our partner?"  

The pd nodded.  "Wahh,  But I don't want to leave unni's side!"  Min Ah grabbed onto Yuri and gave the camera extreme aegyo.

Yuri patted Min Ah's head"There there child, once this mission is finished, unni will show you how to play Modern Warfare three!"  

Ceci sighed and told the camera"Our main vocalist Yuri is a bad influence upon innocent children."  

With that said the girls all huddled together outside.  After promising eachother they'll return in one piece they all headed their different ways.  (They all recieved their own selcas)

Min Ah

I walked towards the town square and into a coffee shop called Choco Latte.  Apparently this is where my partner would be.  In the card it also said to look out for someone wearing a bright red scarf.  I searched around everywhere but still I never found a red scarf.

"Ah, have you seen anyone with a red scarf here?"  I asked one of the baristas.  they shook their heads.  I kept on asking and they all had the same response.

 I was about to give up when I felt someone tap my shoulder.  I turned around and saw Teen Top's Changjo, wearing a blinding red scarf.


I was told to go to some really old noodle shop in the outskirts of town.  My legs were aching and I wanted some food and maybe a video game right about now.  I stumbled inside the noodle shop and collapsed onto a seat.  

"Aigo, My legs are aching,"I made a frowning face with my selca.  

"Ahjushhi~ Can I get a bowl of ramyun?"  I called out to the store owner who smiled in delight seeing a young customer.  I was told to look for someone with graceful moves.  I rolled my eyes looking at the envelope."In a noodle shop? Really?"  

"Miss here you go!"  A boy slightly older than(He looked oddly familiar) came walking with a really large bowl of ramyun, and right whenn he was about to drop it he regained balance by doing a spin.  And here I was face to face with Lee Taemin.


After seperating I found myself inside a public library.  My camera and face garnered a lot of attention.  People suddenly noticed that I was the leader of Petal and I could almost hear them whipping out their phones.  Meanwhile, I had a job I had to do.  I  had to find my partner.  In the envelope it told me he was around 188 centimeters so I figured he would be easy to spot.  Boy was i wrong.

I looked everywhere or I thought I did.  Little did I know he was following me the whole time.  I began to turn around and The first thing I noticed was Kris of Exo M staring down at me.


My directions led me to a park not too far from the mansion.  It wasn't that hot out(thank the lord).  Instead there was a cool breeze  On a day like this children don't often come to the park.  The park was empty except for a few old men and a homeless man siitting on the bench.  I looked at the card and saw read it aloud,"The hint is guitar.."I wonder..

Soon enough I heard the chords to Lee Moon Sae's "Old Love".  


Now all the things I miss, I’ll keep it in my heart

Just as I let it be whenever you come to my mind


I followed my ears and I was led to the homeless man who really didn't look like a hobo up close.  He took off the bedraggled hat and grinned.  Right then I noticed I was facing Park Chanyeol.


I ran to the nearest subway sation as I was told to.  I wasn't supposed to board the train but instead I was supposed to wait for my partner here.  I read the hint to myself.  He was supposed to attract a really large crowd.  I leaned on the wall and sighed.

"This is boring" I pouted.  Suddenly I heard a lot of shrieking,squealing female voices coming towards me.  

"Ah, You must be Jade!"  The boy who was extremely oblivious to all of this asked me.  

"Ah yes,"I smiled greeting him.

"I'm Lu Han, from Exo -M"

It felt like those girls were ready to either kidnap Luhan and take him to god knows where or pounce on me.  Either one would have gotten all of them arrested.


I tapped my foot impatiently waiting for my partner.  I was in front of some boutique and everyone was eyeing me.  Before i got to bored I pulled out a batman comic and a bag of jelly beans.  I read it intently and didn't even look up when I saw a tall shadow hover over me.  It got a bit annoying after a while and I closed the comic and looked up.  My eyes widened.

"YAH OH SEHUN, What the hell are you doing here?" I said.

"What else," he smiled innocently, reaching over for a jelly bean"Partner?"

My hand is cramping like  hell right now Dx

The  other six will be put up in a little while or tomorrow <3

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'Tis confirmed lovelies


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hey, i just want to notify you that i was BUNNYXWARRIOR aka Ailyn Carmie Chae's creator, and that my username has been changed. =]
LOL. I came from a long HIATUS and I just checked the updates. I missed so much, even our duo names! But it's alright. Hehhehe. Nice updates author-nim. Update soon! :D I'll be waiting for more~! :DD
go ahead and make another apply fic if you like. =]
btw, i can make you a graphic, just let me know the details. ^^V
my shop:
buh anyways, all the duo names are awesome!!
ahaha Luhan+Jade & Sehun+Sora are mathematics terms. xD
will PM you soon. :D
A mission! Can't wait for the game to start. AAAAwwwwww, Taemin is blushing beside Yuri.
@bunnyxwarrior : You don't have to but if you do just tell me which one you want them to end up having.
haha poor Taemin, always getting ignored by Yuri~
but at least they sang together.
and Taemin was blushing. :D
oh... so does that mean you would like me to give you two other names? i'll PM you~
anyways, can't wait for it to start!!
lol, the EXO moments...
but poor Minah, she's not used to tall people... and there's like 5 that are 180cm and up. :O
and aww Taemin was neglected by Yuri *huggles*
and i can't wait for all 26 of them to have their moments and can't wait for the duet between the pairs too. :D
Boyfriendsujusnsd9 #9
Haha,it was so cute.I.did watch the new mv it was awesome!^_~