R+P Showcase (Part Two)

A Bond Stronger Than Anything; Rush+Petal

Rush had finished performing and came backstage one by one.  All of Petal stood up and clapped for Rush.  They had all changed into gold rompers with black detailing at the sides and gold stilletos.  

Ceci smiled"You guys were amazing!"

Yuri nodded"Mhmm!  The stage presence, dance, vocals, everything just looked...perfect!"  

Jade smiled at them"Oh my god, thanks guys!"

All of Rush was rushed over to the changing rooms to get there dresses on and make up done.  Right now, they were showing a slideshow of Rush + Petal.  In what seemed like seconds Rush was once again reunited with the members of Petal.  The girls of Rush wore short black rompers with gold detailing and black stilletos.  

"Girls gather around!"Jade called everyone over.  

Everyone walked towards Jade and she said"Let's do a hwaiting!"

They piled there hands starting with Jade then ending with Jaekyung they shouted,"We are Rush+Petal!  Carry us with the wind, let us go with the flow, but don't expect us to back down!"  They clapped and cheered.

Yuki smiled"Alright guys this is it!  This is the last performance of the showcase! Everyone ready?"

"More than ever"Jaekyung smirked.  "Of course!"Yuri smiled.  

Younghae nodded smiling.  Rita did a twirl and smiled"Yup!"  Hana gave a thumbs up sign.  

Min Ah smiled sheepishly"Yeah,"

rian and Annie smiled looking up to prove they're ready.  Everything started to head out to the stage when Sora yelled out

"Wait!"All eyes tured to her and she popped a jelly bean in and smiled"Now I'm ready!"  Jade burst into laughter and Ceci smiled.  

Yuri smiled"Let's do this!"

The lights were off when the members walked onto the stage.  It was a little diffcult but they got to their positions in the darkness.  Slowly the light brightened .  R+P's back was facing the crowd.  One by one each member turned to the audience making them erupt into screams.

The performance went smoothly.  They delivered the dance professionally with a hint of iness.  The song itself was heaven to people's ear.  Especially the strong but at the same time, delicate vocals of Petal and the fierce voices of Rush left the audiece wanting more.  As the song ended the lights were turned off again.  

They suddenly and Rush+Petal were facing them.  They held eachother's hads and bowed in sync.  

"Hi everyone!"Rian spoke into the mike causing the crowd to go delirious.  Rian chuckled and continued"Thank you for joining us in such a special stage.  It's our first stage and honestly I think none of us epected such a large audience! Did we?"She looked at the members.

The members odded their heads and Younghae took the mic"Ah ne,  I hope you guys keep on supporting us and keep on showing us love!"

The showcase had finally ended and the member's headed backstage.  The majority of the girls looked like they would collapse any moment but i their minds they believed it was all worthwhile.  

Their manager-oppa rushed in smiling"Girls! Guess what?"

"What?"They said i unison

"Rush+Petal will be getting their own reailty show!"

Yuri who was drinking a bottle of water did a spit take"WHAT?"

Yay! Succesful showcase!


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'Tis confirmed lovelies


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hey, i just want to notify you that i was BUNNYXWARRIOR aka Ailyn Carmie Chae's creator, and that my username has been changed. =]
LOL. I came from a long HIATUS and I just checked the updates. I missed so much, even our duo names! But it's alright. Hehhehe. Nice updates author-nim. Update soon! :D I'll be waiting for more~! :DD
go ahead and make another apply fic if you like. =]
btw, i can make you a graphic, just let me know the details. ^^V
my shop: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/172880/
buh anyways, all the duo names are awesome!!
ahaha Luhan+Jade & Sehun+Sora are mathematics terms. xD
will PM you soon. :D
A mission! Can't wait for the game to start. AAAAwwwwww, Taemin is blushing beside Yuri.
@bunnyxwarrior : You don't have to but if you do just tell me which one you want them to end up having.
haha poor Taemin, always getting ignored by Yuri~
but at least they sang together.
and Taemin was blushing. :D
oh... so does that mean you would like me to give you two other names? i'll PM you~
anyways, can't wait for it to start!!
lol, the EXO moments...
but poor Minah, she's not used to tall people... and there's like 5 that are 180cm and up. :O
and aww Taemin was neglected by Yuri *huggles*
and i can't wait for all 26 of them to have their moments and can't wait for the duet between the pairs too. :D
Boyfriendsujusnsd9 #9
Haha,it was so cute.I.did watch the new mv it was awesome!^_~