Reality Show

A Bond Stronger Than Anything; Rush+Petal

The reality show was supposed to start right after Rush+Petal's four week promotion ended.  Those four weeks went by extremely quickly and the girls of Rush+Petal were now leaving their dorm.  They were going to live in another house for about four months with twelve other males.  Each of them were paired up with someone and by the end of three months they were expected to write a debut song.  The girls still didn't know who they would be paired with.

Jade,Yuri,Yuki,Ceci,Sora and Minah were all in one car.  While Younghae,Rita,Jaekyung,Rian,Annie and Hana were packed into another car.  The manager unni sat with the first group argueing with manager oppa, who was in the other car.  

Yuri was playing pokemon on her nintendo DS.  Her eyes were glued to the screen as she was attempting to catch Kyurem.  Sora and Yuki were chatting amongst eachother.  Minah was watching Yuri play pokemon.  She gave her helpful hints and eventually Yuri caught Kyurem.  Jade and Ceci were checking their schedules and well being leaderly.  

Meanwhile in the other car...

Jaekyung's head was on maknae Rita's shoulder.  She was sound asleep and if anyone were to dare wake her up they would surely face her wrath today.  Annie was scribbling some notes of sheet paper.  Hana and Younghae had an earbud in each ear and were listening to music.  

The ride was an hour long and the girls were told they would be living in a mansion in the countryside.  Finally both cars reached their destination and everyone but the driver s poured out to get some fresh air.  Yuri was smiling victoriously at her win and Jaekyung was giving Rita daggers for waking her up. Their two managers stood in front of them to give them some ground rules.  The girls weren't really listening and manager oppa did a facepalm.

"Living net to thirteen females was hell...I wonder what living with twenty four teenagers would be like"He muttered to himself.  Manager unni patted his shoulder in sympathy.  However she didn't know that she was part of the headache.

The PD came in late and smiled.

It all started now.

Sorry if it's a bit short guys D;

I'm busy with my other story and on top of that I have a fever  so I'll try my best to update!

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'Tis confirmed lovelies


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hey, i just want to notify you that i was BUNNYXWARRIOR aka Ailyn Carmie Chae's creator, and that my username has been changed. =]
LOL. I came from a long HIATUS and I just checked the updates. I missed so much, even our duo names! But it's alright. Hehhehe. Nice updates author-nim. Update soon! :D I'll be waiting for more~! :DD
go ahead and make another apply fic if you like. =]
btw, i can make you a graphic, just let me know the details. ^^V
my shop:
buh anyways, all the duo names are awesome!!
ahaha Luhan+Jade & Sehun+Sora are mathematics terms. xD
will PM you soon. :D
A mission! Can't wait for the game to start. AAAAwwwwww, Taemin is blushing beside Yuri.
@bunnyxwarrior : You don't have to but if you do just tell me which one you want them to end up having.
haha poor Taemin, always getting ignored by Yuri~
but at least they sang together.
and Taemin was blushing. :D
oh... so does that mean you would like me to give you two other names? i'll PM you~
anyways, can't wait for it to start!!
lol, the EXO moments...
but poor Minah, she's not used to tall people... and there's like 5 that are 180cm and up. :O
and aww Taemin was neglected by Yuri *huggles*
and i can't wait for all 26 of them to have their moments and can't wait for the duet between the pairs too. :D
Boyfriendsujusnsd9 #9
Haha,it was so cute.I.did watch the new mv it was awesome!^_~