Chapter 6

B.A.P's Little Babies~

"Yay! We're going to the zoo!" Sophia cheered as B.A.P settled into their van. Tristan sat on Youngjae's lap and played with Yongguk's hair. He giggled as he formed a fishtail.

"Yah." Daehyun said, gently putting down Tristan's hand. "Don't do that. Yongguk appa will get mad."

"Unless you want me to cry, don't tell me what to do."

Daehyun's eyes widened. "Wow. What a rude baby." He said. "You should just keep quiet forever." Tristan stuck his tongue out at Daehyun and pouted towards Youngjae.

"Umma~Appa said I should always shut my mouth~he's being mean."

Youngjae gave a glare to Daehyun. "Jung Daehyun. How could you? He's only 4." Daehyun let out a dramatic hand gesture and pointed to Tristan.

"What? Did you not hear what this baby said to me?!"

"Shush. He's only 4. You need to know your own age, Daehyun." Youngjae said before turning to the window. Daehyun glared at Tristan who was just giggling silent.

"It's not over, Tristan."

"Bring it on, Appa."

What an evil baby.


"We're here!" Tristan said, jumping out the car. "Noona, let's go look at the pandas!" Sophia nodded and the two walked off hand in hand.

"Hey! Don't go off alone!" Zelo shouted as he followed him, behind him, Jongup. "Aish, those kids are fast."

The band walked for a while. They past the entrance and was heading to the monkeys. Ashton began to struggle as he looked at a baby monkey. "I don't think he likes them." Himchan said, trying to settle down Ashton. "Yongguk, I'm going to the penguins, arraso?"

"Wait, I'll come with you."

Meanwhile, Tristan and Sophia were having a staring contest with a monkey that looked about the same size as the two. "Hey! Don't run away! We're not done yet!" Tristan shouted but the monkey already went up the tree.

"Tristan, forget him." Sohpia said and dragged the boy away. "Let's go with Himchan umma." They followed Himchan and looked at the penguins. "They're so cute!"

"Let's take a closer look." Youngguk said, picking up Tristan. He held the boy high and seat him on the steel bar.

"Penguins are cool." Tristan said. He looked at one particular penguin that sat on the rock. It had a black spot on the middle of its belly. "Appa, look! I want that penguin!"

"Tris, we can't buy that penguin."

"But I want it! I WANT IT! GIVE ME IT!"

"Tris, we can't."



Finally, Tristan broke and tears streamed out his eyes. He called for Himchan umma and Himchan handed Ashton to Yongguk to hold Tristan.

"There, there." Himchan comforted, patting Tristan back. "Tristan, we can't keep that penguin because it'll miss its appa and umma. And penguins love to stay near cold places, or else something bad will happen to it."

"But why can't we just put it in the freezer?" Tristan asked oh so innocently.

"Honey, then it can't breath. It will miss its mommy and daddy. Like you would if you didn't have us right?"

Tristan sniffled and nodded. He hugged onto his umma. Himchan smiled and glared at Yongguk. "How dare you yell at this adorable baby?!" He whispered. "Geez, Yongguk, such a man."


In Himchan's arms, Tristan smirked to himself. "Two done, one more to go." He said, directly looking at Jongup who was playing with Sophia.


After a while, the group entered a small coffeeshop for lunch. They sat near the end at the sofa seats. "Howon, what do you want to eat?" Youngjae asked the four year old boy.

On the other side of the table, Jongup looked completely confused and blinked several times. "Wait, who's Howon?"

"That's Tristan's Korean name. They all have Korean names."

"Really? How come I never knew that?"

"Because you're Jongup."

"...Oh yeah...I forgot. :D"

"For a second, I thought you were calling Infinite's Howon..."

"Just order already!!!" Daehyun suddenly shouted. "I want mah cheesecake." By now he was banging on the table, totally not noticing the stare from Ashton.

The youngest baby spoken gibberish words as he stabbed the table with the spoon. "Hub ba~" He added and giggled at Himchan umma.

It was long while when they started ordering due to the fact that Daehyun basically ordered everything on the menu. It's really a wonder how he's still so skinny.

"Sunghee, say ah~" Himchan said, pointing a soft waffle towards the baby in his arms. Ashton smiled and engulfed the whole treat in one bite.

"Since when did we start calling them by their Korean names?"

"I don't know. They're Korean after all. The only thing about them is that they're born in America."

"And yet, they're not all siblings."

"Shut up and eat your food."


"Jongup appa." Tristan tugged the older boy's sleeve. "Can you take me to the bathroom???"

"Sure." He said before holding Tristan's hand. "Hyungs, I'll be back. Tristan needs to use the bathoom." The others just nodded and went back to eating their food.


After a while, when Youngjae was scolding Daehyun for stealing crying Sophia's food, Tristan came to Zelo, his shirt and hair soaked with water.

Zelo gasped. "Howon! What happened?!"

Tristan sobbed, his fists covering his eyes. "Jongup appa...Jongup appa..."

"Jongup appa? What about him?"



Just then, Jongup came running in, out of breath. "Guys I---"

"Moon Jongup!" Zelo shouted, holding Tristan. "How can you drop Howon in the toilet?! What kind of appa are you?!" He glared at the innocent boy as he wiped Tristan's wet hair. "I swear, when we get home, say goodbye to all your Chris Brown CDs!!!"

"Wait, what?!"

"Hmph. Howon ah, it's alright. Zelo appa's going to buy you news clothes, arraso?"

Tristan let out another sob before nodding. He went into Zelo's arms, facing Jongup and smirked. Jongup was left mouth gapped.

The main dancer sat down next to Daehyun and Yongguk who just sighed. "You got into his trick too, right?" Yongguk said and earned a slow nod from Jongup.

Daehyun nodded in approvement. "Yeah, I know how you feel. That baby is evil."

Meanwhile, Tristan was eating happily in Zelo's arms, ignoring his appas' evil stares. "Mission complete~" He thought to himself and took a bite of Daehyun's cheesecake.

"My cake!"

"Don't yell at him, Jung Daehyun!" Youngjae demanded.

The main vocalist just growled and glared at the younger boy. "When the cameras' are off...I will get my revenge, Yoo Youngjae."

And that's when Youngjae felt a cold shiver run up his body.

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chanbaekiloveu #1
Chapter 6: Are you going to update... Someday?
Anyway I love your story ⌒.⌒
vero0703 #2
Chapter 6: ....... :( daejae?
Chapter 4: Mother's Day is near and I just have to re-read this chapter... authornim,when will you update this story?? I just want to read more appa dae and umma jae :)...
Chapter 6: Hey new subbie here ! ^^
Whoa two cute little babies and one evil little monster ! XD
Love it love it ! ♥
The best scene so far is.. The banghim moment when the cameras off ofc ! Because banghim is my fave otp :p
Poor appas, I wonder what will they plan to get their revenge *evillaugh*
Chapter 6: what will daehyunnie do to youngjae umma ?

update :D
MishaRen #6
Chapter 6: Hehe I love this story so much ^^
pychify #7
Chapter 6: Lol evil tristan and the jongup part! Cuz you are jongup.. oh yeah I forgot lol! I lovehow you include the emoticons xD

The very last line ohgawd so excited for nxt chap
pychify #8
Chapter 5: Whut the explosion lol?! Ohgash you're killing me with all the banghim moments in this cap!
pychify #9
Chapter 4: Ohh my banghim feels...

And why am I getting an idea that gukkie's rope was to be used.. for chanchan..
pychify #10
Chapter 3: Lol why is uppie soo cute xD sophia is even more mature than him!! And lol daejae forever in love