
The Exaggerated Adventures Of Scholars Abroad

Dara POV


“Ma’am, here is the tomato juice you requested. Would you like to have a vegetarian or non-vegetarian meal?” The air-hostess asked me, eyeing Min Ho at the same time. I smothered a laugh and the end result was a rather squeak like cough.




“The vegetarian meal please. For both of us.” Seungri interrupted as I tried hard to prevent the uncomfortable ‘squeak cough’ again.


Min Ho’s eyes widened in surprise. “Seungri and you are vegetarian?”


“Yupp!” I replied cheerfully.


“Have you been vegetarians since birth or by choice over time?” Min Ho asked, curiosity edging his question.


“Haha, we’ve been vegetarians since we were born. Our parents used to eat meat and fish but they stopped when they got married.” I realised he wanted a lengthier explanation so I continued. “They both love reading and are health freaks. I know it’s nerdy, but they actually fell in love at a library. They both came across a book which listed all the benefits of being vegetarian. So basically, three things happened due to the book. Firstly they fell in love, secondly they became vegetarians and thirdly Seungri and I exist. So I actually owe a lot to that book.” I joked.


“Haha! That’s really cool. My parents had an arranged marriage. My grandparents were the really traditional and strict type of people. Fortunately they fell in love after marriage.” Min Ho told me.


“Awwww! That’s really romantic too! I think falling in love after marriage is cool too! But it can be risky sometimes…”


Min Ho nodded in agreement then said “It’s true. I saw my mom’s sister’s wedding break down. It was really sad. My cousins were heartbroken at their parents’ divorce. I never knew what to say to them, even now I don’t. ”


At this I felt that the conversation was becoming quite emotional, wanting to light up the mood I quickly said “We digressed! So basically my parents gave Seungri and I the chance to make a decision on whether we wanted to stay vegetarian or not. We chose to remain. It’s not that bad. We eat mock items when we want see how non-vegetarian food tastes like. The mock items are normally made of tofu and other vegetables. Apparently they taste exactly like the real things! They are not that healthy though. Loads of preservatives and …”


“Shut Up Dara! Let that poor guy eat. Do you know how boring it is to hear you drone on and on?” Seungri commented.


I wanted to retort rudely but just kept my mouth shut knowing that my irritating ‘smart-alec’ brother would just say something else to embarrass me in front of Min Ho.


“Hahaha, its ok Seungri. She’s interesting to talk to.” Min Ho said supporting me.


“See! He likes talking to me Oppa!”


“Ya ya, whatever.” Seungri replied back lazily.


Dinner continued with me arguing with my brother about who would get the bigger room at our hostel at Balliol College. We could not come to an agreement. Soon after, all the trays were cleared and lights were dimmed. Silence enveloped the plane. I could hear the whirr of the engines. Seungri and Min Ho had both fallen asleep. I can never sleep while travelling. I let out a huge sigh and continued reading my book hoping to reach our destination soon.




Hi everyone!! Haha, yeah, I wrote this when I was hungry = the reason for the whole thing being about food. :P

I hope it wasn't too boring! 

So far the chapters have been quite short. From chapter three onwards they will be getting longer. :DD

I hope you are enjoying the story so far. Please comment and subscribe!!! Your comments will be appreciated. <333


Btw, Do check out my other fanfics too! ^^



Expect The Unexpected



Don't Kiss And Tell ( Coauthoring Michiusa )

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Promise to start writing and updating again by next week! Sorry for the long wait you lovely people!


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nia_arphiyanti #1
update soon please.......authornim
Chapter 7: This is a crack up!!!
Chapter 8: Authornim?? What's taking you so long??
xxAiX009xx #4
Wow an update!! It toOk you so l0ng:'( anyWeiz. . I love the st0ry!