In the distance lies my heart

Wu Dynasty [Six love stories]

A/N: The story takes place in the months Xiuxiu and Lulu were in Silla. Lulu is 22, Sehun is 17. This is all fiction, everything told here is my own (crappy) imagination, even if the kingdoms have eventually existed.





The wind blew violently here in Silla and additionaly to that cold rain drenched the two princes completely. In addition to that small tremors shocked the group of journeymen in irregular time spans.

Luhan and Xiumin, the second and the third princes of the empire Wu were sent on this difficult journey by their oldest brother Wufan and they were both asked to speak to the king of Silla Suho because the latter wished for an alliance with th empire. Wufan was a kind enough man to personally send two princes to the small kingdom ('Curse you, gege', is what both trembling princes thought) and let them live there for about half a year. Xiumin's and Luhan's task was it to inspect the small kindom and it's customs so that their older brother could decide if such a contract was worth the trouble.

It was a troublesome journey and to speak the truth, neither of them expected much as a result. As sudden as the rain had poured before it suddenly stopped and also the vioilent wind which threatened to hurl Xiumin of his horse faded completely. The sun's light broke through the clouds, it was unimagineably (is this a word? author-sshi declares this a a new word XD) bright. The little earthquakes also ceased and the clouds dissolved showing the gret blue of the sky to the chinese men.

"Strange weather", Luhan mumbled. The older prince just gave a nod as agreement but didn't bother to regard the terms of weather any longer.

"Lu, look over there", he pointed towards a small town which seemingly existed in the middle of nowhere. Great fields and other numerous villages surrounded the town, they glowed in the rich colours of nature.

"Impressive, this small kingdom", Luhan had to admit. The enviroment here seemed untouched by the heavy storm whick raged before.

'As is if the storm was a defense......', was the third prince's thought.

Upon approaching the town the chinese men had to realize that it was everything but small. It was gigantic, its defence walls almost as great as the great wall back home....almost. When both princes and their men arrived at the gates of Silla's capital the golden gates seemed to open up themselves.

"Woooah, amazing!", Xiumin gawked in awe. As they entered an amazing flock of servants rushed towards them, offering them gifts, blankets, food.....

"Is it always like this?", Luhan asked Xiumin who in return shrugged.

"Not always, but you two are special to this kingdom", a voice said and when both turned to look there was a young (boy) man standing in the midst of all the servants giving Xiumin and Luhan a kind, welcoming smile.

"Welcome to the United Kingdom of Silla! I am Baekhyun, first prince of Baekje, one of the three kingdoms of which Silla consists. It is a humble pleasure to meet you, prince Xiumin and prince Luhan of Wu", he completed his formal greeting with a 90° bow. "Now, you must be very tired, my princes, you should be lead to your quarters and rest. I will come visit in the evening and shall guide you around."

Baekhyun waved to some maids and eunuchs, a signal for them to accompany the two chinese men to their chambers in Silla's main castle.

"Baekhyun seems nice, Lu, and the surroundings have changed nicely, too. What do you think?", the older of the two Chinese asked his younger brother.

"Well, you can't judge a book by its cover, I guess. It's beautiful here. The people are all humble and elegant. But let's see how things develop."

Both nodded to each other before following the servants to their destined housings.




True to his words Baekhyun later came to fetch them and guided them through Silla's capital.

"Wow, it's nice", Luhan complimented.

"Yes, it is the most glorious town of all the three kingdoms. Not too long ago Silla was poor, but thanks to our present king the whole country has prospered", Baekhyun informed. "Why, prince Luhan and prince Xiumin, would you like something to eat? I am sure you must be very hungry. It is a pleasure for me to treat you to a meal. Please taste Silla's local speciality: Kimchi Jijigae."

Baekhyun lead them to a cozy inn and gestured them to go inside. The place was small but already stuffed. And it smelled good, too.

"Oh!!! Prince Baekhyun!!! What gives us the honor for you to visit again, although you are so busy? And who are those handsome men?", a nice old lady with kind twinkling eyes asked. She hugged the prince of Baekje and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

Baekhyun laughed.

"Ahjumma, these are the two princes of Wu. They both traveled from afar and had a troublesome journey. Please show them our hospitality and make some good Kimchi Jijigae for them."

"My, of course~ please, my princes, make yourself comfortable!", she shooed some young boys away who were gawking at the chinese princes. Baekhyun then gestured Xiumin and Luhan to follow him and all three of them went into a quieter corner of the inn.

"Please sit, my princes."

Luhan and Xiumin took a seat, then Luhan spoke up: "No need to be so formal Baekhyun."

He gave the shorter man a gentle smile. "We are all princes, are we not? Just call me Luhan and him Xiumin."

The latter smiled in return. "Alright, if you wish, Luhan."

The meal was brought by the nice lady and they ate while friendly conversing with each other. It was quiet comfortable and peaceful and Baekhyun was really sympatic.

'Another positive point added', the 3rd prince of Wu thought.




After the men have stuffed themselves (Xiumin said that he was about to burst from all the good food) they continued their tour through the town. Just like home this kingdom was very lively and nice, but like every other country had its own dark history.

"The natural catastrophes almost destroyed the whole country. The people were poor because their harvest had been destroyed, hunger and violence reigned everywhere. Our young king Suho saw a chance to rebuild the kingdom by trading with the far empire Nippon. It was a sucessful pact and today we still hold good relations with Nippon."

"Why is it that you seek us for an alliance?", Xiumin asked. Baekhyun gave a thoughtful smile before replying.

"You see, Nippon and the northern Kingdom Balhae are often bound to have conflicts. But we wish to remain neutral, therefore we seek an alliance with the great empire Wu, so that if the case of war is confirmed we, Silla, can count on a strong partner to maintain our neutrality."

Both princes of Wu gave a nod as their understanding. As they walked around Luhan noticed two young, handsome men looking at them. They seemed to be of importance because they were surounded by a group of people who were adulating them. The young prince of Baekje noticed where Luhan's gaze was directed to and he gave Xiumin a cheeky smile.

"Looks like prince Kai and prince Sehun have caught the attention of Luhan, don't you think?", he elbowed Xiumin who responded with a snicker. Luhan turned around upon hearing this and slightly blushed. "Hey...."

This did it to the both shorter men and they burst out laughing and joking about how adoreable the third prince was when embarassed. It wasn't until someone tapped Baekje's prince on the shoulder that is laughters died down.

"Seems like you are having the time of your life without me, I feel cheated on", an incredible tall guy with a girlish face and an absolutely not fitting deep baritone voice said while pouting. Baekhyun's laughter stopped instantly and he became flustered. Coughing to regain some seriousness he looked on the ground. "Yah, you talk nonsense, Chanyeol...."

"Why? It seems true to me. Don't you love me anymore, Hyun?", the taller joked. The smaller man just gave the other a hit on the shoulder.

"Now", Baekje's prince turned back to the chinese men. "Let me introduce him. This is Chanyeol, second prince of Silla. He is a dork, but he is nice. I'm sorry for his childish behavior."

"Oh, no hard feelings, Baekhyunnie. You both seem close", Luhan stated. It made the other blush slightly. Xiumin snickered. Chanyeol laid an arm around his friend's shoulder and held him possesively close. "Yeee~p, we are pretty close. Nice to meet you by the way."

The tall prince offered Xiumin and Luhan his free hand as a greeting. Both sons of Wu took it and shook it.

"The pleasure is all ours. I am Luhan, the third prince of Wu."

"My name is Xiumin, I am Wu's second prince."

"Oh wow, we have some VIP guests here. So, has Baekkie been nice to you? He didn't bother you with weird things now, did he?"

When Chanyeol said that he earned himself another hit from the shorter prince. "Yah, don't talk like I am the weird one....", Baekhyun cutely muttered. Both Luhan and Xiumin just smiled.

"No, no, he was a wonderful company. He is so nice and gentle."

"Oh, really now? To me he never is." Chanyeol pouted and turned towards Baekhyun. "That's sooo mean! If I didn't know you love me I'd think that you really hate me!" His cute face made the other pinch Chanyeol's cheek.

"Dork, I wouldn't."

Both would have continued with their friendly (lovey dovey) act but another deep voice cut in.

"Hyung, you both are a major embarassment for our kingdom. You cannot scare our guests away."

The voice belonged to one of the tall and handsome boys that had been observing this group before. It was one of the princes Baekhyun mentioned.

"Kai, you cheeky brat!", Chanyeol spatted. "I was enjoying myself, you know."

'Kai it was', Luhan engraved into his mind. Kai just rolled his eyes at his big brother's childish antics and turned to the foreign princes. "It is a pleasure to meet you, I am Kai, fourth prince of Silla", he gestured towards the other prince. "And this is Sehun, the youngest prince of Silla."

"Nice to meet you", Sehun answered. He had a lisp and somehow Luhan couldn't help himself but think that it was pretty cute. Once again both chinese princes were about to introduce themselves but Chanyeol disturbed their greeting.

"Yeah, whatever Kai. This are the high princes Luhan and Xiumin", he gestured from the third prince to the second prince, "and they are waaaay more important than you, so stop being so brash."

"Speak for yourself, hyung."

Kai stuck out his tongue and Chanyeol almost clawed the younger's eyes out. Baekhyun luckily interferred. "Nooooow, it is time to meet the king, riiight, Sehun?"

The youngest gave a nod. Baekje's prince just sighed in relief. At least there was SOMEONE sane besides him. "All right! Let's go! Luhan, Xiumin, if you would follow me please."

The group of royality (including Kai and Chanyeol) began to move again in the direction of the palace.




"I welcome you to the United kingdom of Silla, prince Xiumin and prince Luhan of Wu. I am this kingdom's third king, you may just call me Suho, formalities aside", the king named Suho heartily greeted his two foreign guests. Luhan and Xiumin smiled.

"It is a humble pleasure to meet you, king." They bowed to show their respects. Then Suho gestured to the man sitting on the throne beside him. "And this is my lovely wife Kyungsoo, he is also the second prince of Goguryeo, a part of the kingdom"


Luhan and Xiumin spluttered which caused Baekhyun and Chanyeol to break into great laughter. In the end the older chinese prince asked. "W-what do you mean by wife? Aren't you both men?"

Suho gave them an amused smile. "Well, yes, we are, but does gender truly matter if you love someone?"

"Uh...", both foreign men were wordless.

"And if you wonder how we will determine an heir......well, we could always adopt a child. Why, is it that strange?", the king of Silla wondered. Not wanting to insult him Luhan said nothing. 'Oh, well......who am I to judge because my brothers are also kind of......into each other.'

"Oh, well, those things aside. What is your first impression of this kingdom?", Suho changed the subject. He must've noticed how awkward the foreign men were regarding his marriage with prince Kyungsoo.

"Oh, it's really beautiful here. Everybody was very kind and polite. We are looking forward to the time we spend here", Xiumin took over the role and answered. Luhan gave his agreement by nodding.

"That is wonderful to hear! We too are happy that you'll stay with us, dear princes."




The next few weeks were pleasureable (Luhan got the chance to participate in Sillian festives together with Xiumin and many other things). Both sons of Wu also gradually grew closer to the royality in this kingdom. Kai wasn't as bratty and brash as he first seemed. Due to his young age (he was only 17!! Luhan couldn't believe it) he was often spoiled, but he had a really kind heart.

'He reminds me of Taozi, that cutie.'

Then there was Baekhyun, whose personality was as sweet as his smile. He was the second oldest with his delicate 20 years (holy....he looked like a baby to Luhan). He was cheerful, polite, and gentle. He was also best friends with Chanyeol.

Chanyeol was the third oldest out of the six princes. He was a quirly person, but he was really nice. Sometimes he would be all dorky and idiotic but if one of his friends got into trouble you could always count on him as a backup because he valued friendship (and love) over everything as he always liked to state.

'I'd compare him to Xiu-ge, haha.'

Only that Xiumin was cuter.

Well, Suho was the oldest and the king of this country. He was a kind and just king. Many people respected him even though he was into men (to be more specific he was only into Kyungsoo). Luhan thought that Suho was really cool because he would never waver down eventhough life was hard sometimes. But then again he could always count on his brothers.

'I wish Wu-ge would see that too. Then he wouldn't stress himself too much...I'm worried.'

Speaking of Kyungsoo, the boy was pretty cute. On first sight he seemed gruff and bold but if you get to know him better he is a very shy person with a default O_O face which was adoreable. Also he liked to hide his true feelings (unsucessful) when embarassed or touched. He  was the type someone would call tsundere. Suho often mocked the prince of Goguryeo just to coax a shy reaction from the younger boy.

'Damn, I'm jealous', the third prince of Wu pouted.

At last but not least there was Sehun. Luhan would die to have him as a younger brother. He was so loveable with his lisp and shroom hairstyle and dorkiness and shyness and difficulty to express his feelings and clumsiness and and and..... well, you get the picture. Sehun was simply said sugar. Sweet and addictive. And sometimes the older couldn't help but feel a little bit more than just friendship for the youngest member of the house Silla.

"Sehunnie~", the chinese cheerfully called.

"Neh, hyung?"

"Do you want to go out and play 'Kick-the-ball' (aka soccer) with hyung?"

"Yup!", the younger smiled and Luhan glomped him in return and pinched his cheeks.

"Ah, aah, hyung, stooop~!!", the youngern struggled to get out of Luhan's hold but the shorter man was surprisingly strong.

"Hahahaha, don't even try Hunnie, not even my youngest brother can beat my iron grip, and he has trained wushu since he was six!"


The struggling continued until the prince of Wu decided that it was enough teasing. He reculantly let go of his didi and took a silkball.

"Come on, Sehun, let's go play!", he called and walked out to the inner court of Silla's palace. The fourth prince of Silla scrambled after his hyung.

"Wait up!"




Soon friendship and affection grew deeper, letting the chinese man wonder if such a feeling was true and possible. Sehun was attractive, even for a man, but Luhan has never regarded himself as someone to fall for someone else, especially no man. To be honest the young 3rd prince of Silla never really developed any love interest at all. He was a bold man, simple things made him happy and complicated feelings such as love weren't crossing his mind at all. So to say the thruth Luhan felt stressed and confused about his new discovery. Nowadays the young man would rather draw back from any company other than his brother's (hard to ignore him) and rather brood in his chambers. Of course such a behaviour wasn't unnoticed by the hosts.

"Luhan-hyung, how are you?", Baekje's prince Baekhyun one day asked as he entered the bedroom of their guest.

Luhan who had been playing with some leaves of a orange tree that grew near his porch turned around slightly surprised.

"I am fine, Baekhyun. How about yourself? What honor brings you to my chambers?", he gave the younger male a welcoming smile and beckoned the korean male to sit beside him on the bench of his porch.

"Thank you, hyung, I am also feeling quiet fine today. We have not seen each other for a while, why not go out so often anymore? Are you feeling sick?"

" Haha, no I'm alright. But Baekie", the third son of Silla timidly turned to face his host. "H-how is it to be in love?"

His eyes were widening to saucer size as Baekje's prince gaped like a fish. Flustered he stuttered. "I-I think it's the most beautiful sensation in the world. A-and the most painful one. W-why do you ask? Do you happen to l-like someone?"


"Asajlkhka............... Ö-Ö!"

"It's Sehun-ah."

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", the younger man's eyes were nearly falling out of their sockets. Luhan couldn't help but snicker at the other's cute reaction. In contrast to Baekhyun's eyes widening his face changed colour to a deep red blush while he unconsciously fidgeted with his fingertips. He also his lips before biting onto the bottom one and letting his eyes drift to the ground in embarassment.

"D-do you plan to tell him?"

"Well, yes. But I am not sure if this can really be called love, you know. I never experienced it before", Luhan frowned.

" do you feel for him then, if I may ask? Heart fluttering?"

"Hmm it's hard to decribe", the older made grabbing motions with his hand as if to get a hold of the feeling. "I.....whenever he is near my mind won't work, my thoughts would leave before I can form coherent sentences.....also yes, heart fluttering and my stomach somehow....churns....."

Baekhyun's heart melted at the lost puppy look that was displayed on his guest's face. Ruffling the taller man's hair reasuring he answered.

"Don't worry, Lulu-hyung, I think you can pretty much call this love."

"Really? Wow, thank you so much, Hyun! How do you know such things? You are sooo wise!", Luhan naively cocked his head to one side.

The blush that adorned Baekhyun's face before crept back and deepened (if possible). "Uh- Uh! It's what Kyungsoo told me!! YEP!! EVERY DETAIL!!"

"Oooooh, I see~ alright! I am going to tell Sehun then!"

"W-what?! So soon?"

"Yes. Is it a bad idea?"

"W-well, not exactly bad........but aren't you kind of hasty if you suddenly burst out your feelings?"

"Hmm you are right...but....then what should I do?"

"I don't know."

"This is more difficult than I ever imagined..."

"Want me to help you out?", a third voice asked. Both Baekje's prince and Wu's prince turned around looking like deers caught in the headlight (aka like Kyungsoo). It was Kai who was cooly leaning against the doorframe of Luhan's chambers. Both older prince's sighed in relief after seeing who the intruder was.

"Oh my poor heart", the shortes dramatically clutched his chest. Kai however just gracefully pushed himself up into a standing psition and calmly walked towards the two older men. "Kai, don't do this anymore! What if one of us dies from a heartattack one day?!"

"Don't be delusional, hyung. As if that ever happens." Kai turned his attention to the oldest in this room. "Luhan-hyung, I think I could help you if you come with me."

Both the older men looked at their dongsaeng. "Where to?"

"Don't worry about that, just follow me. Baekhyun-hyung, Chanyeol-hyung is looking for you."

Baekje's first prince blinked at that and bid Luhan goodbye before leaving the room. "Now...please follow me, hyung." With that said Kai also exited Luhan's chambers. The third son of Wu hurriedly followed after Silla's prince. They have walked for a while when suddenly the younger came to a stop somewhere in the palace's garden. Kai turned around to face the doe-eyed guest. "Hyung....tell me the you feeling for Sehun sincere?"

His eyes were expressing worry when he asked and Luhan wondered what Kai was up to.

"Yes", the Chinese honestly answered. Kai just sighed at that.

"Alright." He pointed to a hill at the end of the garden where a gigantic Wisteria tree grew. "That tree, we call it tree of life, go to that tree, hyung. There is someone waiting for you."

Luhan was throughoutly confused but did as Kai ordered. When he reached the top of said hill he was surprised to find Sehun sleeping under the tree. Silently Luhan approached Silla's youngest royal family member and sat besides the sleeping beauty. He remained like this until he felt a hand gently kneading his own digits. It was Sehun.

" do you feel for me?"

"I like you. Maybe love you."

"...I do too,hyung", a reasuring tightening of the grip on Luhan's hand. Although Sehun confessed and everything should be fine something tense laid between them. It was Sehun who decided to speak things out.

"You leave in a week.....right?"

Realization dawned when the older man heard Sehun's spoken words. 'How could I forget?'

The younger male pulled Luhan down onto his chest. "Hyung, please...don't leave..."

Sehun sounded so heartbroken that the chinese prince lost his own will to speak. 'I don't want to leave.....'




Eventually all pleading and begging (to Xiumin) was hopeless. The emperor of Wu himself awaited his sons' return and there was no way arguing with him. The day of departing came nearer and Luhan and Sehun began spending each day together, from dawn to midnight. The new found lovers were nearly inseperatable.

Well, that was until the dreaded day arrived.

"So this is it? We won't see each other anymore?", Sehun whispered into his hyungs ear while hugging Luhan from behind. He was trembling from the effort of holding back his tears. The older of the two also felt drained out and weak. He turned around and hugged his dongsaeng and lover back.

"Oh, Sehun. Don't look at me like that....please.....even if we can not see each other anymore....I am you are mine....", he slowly pulled out of the younger man's embrace. "Remember.............even if I am not with you.......I  will leave my heart here", he gently placed his trembing hand onto the taller's chest, right above his heart. "It belongs to you now..."

Both men broke into tears, not able to hold back the pain and sorrow anymore. As if the weather was reacting to their fate it began to pour onto the earth. The warm spray of summer rain drenched them but they didn't care. There was nothing left to care about anymore. In the distance Kai stood behind an orange tree and quietly observed his brother and his guest.




...two months after reaching Silla.....


Luhan has never been the same after that anymore. His brothers were greatly worried about him but he didn't care. When asked he would just say that he was fine. Of course nobody believed him but he let them think what they wanted. 'Because nothing else matters anymore...'


The third prince turned around only to meet the extremly worried gaze of his younger brother Yixing. The shorter man approached his older brother, reaching out a hand to gently lay it onto Luhan's shoulder.

"Luhan-ge, you haven't eaten anything in days aside from the little things Wufan made you eat. Please...", he offered his gege a bowl of simple white rice. "At least eat this if you don't feel like eating something."

Luhan silently took the bowl and sat on is bed. He regarded the simple white grains.

'I have no appetite at all.....', he thought. 'But for the sake of Yixing...'

Slowly Wu's third son began eating the cooked white grains. The simple, tasteless meal started to warm his body and stomach. It felt so much like the love he held for Sehun. Luhan broke into tears, the first time after two months.

"Ge, what's wrong?", Yixing asked a bit alarmed. The older just shook his head in response but Lay was persistent. "You can tell me, you know..."

The fourth prince of Wu sat besides his brother and slowly rubbed calming circles on the other's back. He decided to give Luhan time and sat there silently while comforting his beloved brother. Eventually Luhan began to speak in between his sobs.

" hurts so hurst so much to be apart fro him...", another wave of tears welled up in the pretty prince's eyes and rolled down his marble white cheeks. Luhan felt so empty, so incomplete without Sehun but he knew that they won't see each other anymore and that hurt. What hurt even more was the thought of Sehun forgetting about him. Sehun was young, he was attractive. What if someone else becomes more important than Luhan? Luhan could never compare to a woman or any other man. And he couldn't hold back Sehun either. But even if he had the chance to he wouldn't. Because he loved the young Sillian prince too much. Heartbroken he sobbed out some more tears although his eyes already stinged from crying. He grabbed the bowl tighter as if to give himself some halt from falling into bottomless despair.

Yixing who was closely observing his brother felt helpless. Luhan had obviously fallen in love with someone in Silla (the fact that it must be a man didn't surprise him).

"He will come for you......just believe it and it will happen......", the young prince whispered like a mantra to sooth the other's pain. And it somehow helped.




Little did he know how true his younger brother's words were until one day a group of Sillian journey men were announced to arrive. It was a windy day and the warm summer breeze blew the trees leaves around making them dance in the air. Luhan and Chen were sitting in the outer court's garden resting while regarding the nature. Luhan was at peace for once. He slowly closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It was then that he felt something tickle his nose so he decided to ask. "Chen?"

A low chuckle responded. He knew that voice too well. Afraid that it was again an illusion he opened his eyes. But it was no dream, no illusion and over him stood Sehun holding the blade of a gras. "Sehun!"

"Hyung", the younger man smiled down at him. He moved to sit beside Luhan. "Hyung I've missed you...."

With that he embraced the older man. Luhan was startled and giddy at the same time. He had to make sure that this was real, that Sehun was really hugging him. He grabbed the Korean's shoulder and looked him in the eyes. Dark brown orbs met his own large ones. It was Sehun, indeed.

"Hyung, I came for you because I couldn't bear being apart. I have longed for you so long...", the taller once again locked his arms around his lover's petite frame and kissed Luhan on the forehead causing the other to tear up.

"B-but how...?"

"Wufan and Silla's king agreed to send this young man and his brother Kai to our kingdom for education", Chen, the forgotten prince spoke up. He gave the lovebirds a kind smile before standing up. "I'll leave you two then", he giggled before going back into the palace. Sehun turned back to Luhan. A smile began to shape on both their faces.

"Finally...", Luhan pulled the younger closer and let their lips meet, sealing their love once again with this sweet reunion.




"You sure love your brother much, Kai", Chen smiled to said prince. Kai had once again been observing the couple from afar, this time visibly relieved.

"Why is that?", he turned around to the chinese prince.

"Haha, I know how much you begged your brother to let you study here in Wu just so that Sehun could meet Luhan again~ Wufan told me~~", the fifth son of Wu cheerfully mocked. Kai just snorted in response.

"Well that good for nothing brother can't take care of himself, so as the older one this was my duty, wasn't it?"

"I guess you are right, haha. I would've done the same....everything that makes them happy, right?"

Both men began laughing merrily.






I hope you like it >~< And sorry for taking so long @-@

Actually I had this finished before but when I reread this chapter in hospital the ending was stupid (I planned to make it a sad ending T-T but my own conscience wouldn't let me hahaha)

SO I REWROTE EVERYTHING AGAIN!!! AND MADE IT MUCH MUCH LONGER!!! not beta'ed all mistakes are my own :/

next chapter will be chenris again!! stay tuned!!!

oh oh and please comment and suscribe! I love you readers!!! I WUB U!!!!!!!




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Chapter 5 is up :DD (edited)


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-dem0ns #1
Chapter 4: WOW
Chapter 6: are you going to continue this story? :)
Yuki0710 #3
Chapter 6: OMG! I really tought that Tao died there T0T but I'm happy that he is not :)...
please, update soon!
Yeaaaa!! Tao is alive...n minseokmsaved him!! Yeaa!!!
see, in your writing, you have this really cutesy style going on, and it makes it a fun read ^^;
hehehehehee, then we have tao trying to be superhero but xiumin comes in and saves him instead.
LOL. oh god, the irony.
All those dumplings that Mandu eats must be going somewhere right :D Can Xiumin top just once so that Tao can rest D: Tao, calm your big ego down and become Peach Princess for one night >:D I loved the Chenyeol moment, but then Kris just had to come up trolling them just to show the camera his name D< Is Chen secretly a rapper? Maybe it's the reason why he can hang around with the two main rappers :] Have fun on your English test and you better pass >:D or else Chen Chen is never going to cross dress!
mikazuki_angel #7
Holy Krisus! I loved this update! Yay! Finally Xiumin got his chance to shine! Of course he's the strongest out of the members!! Haha!

Uh oh! Chen cross dressing!! That is way too cute!!! Kris was probably dying inside...I know he wanted to take Chen somewhere secluded and vent out his emotions to Sweet Chen!! *wink wink*

Good luck with the English test! Update when possible! ^^ All the best!
starkey #8

Oh, Xiupao is a hero there, I wuf him so bad... >.<

Good luck on your english test!!
WOW ^^
Chen are so so cute !!
Gah i need moooooooooorrrreeeeee....... !!!

finally an updated !! G.o.o.d Luck !! Fighting !!
thank you ^^
woots!!! update more!! i like dis..hahahaha