Birthday Aftermath

Not another Sappy Love Story

Last night was the best night of my life. I went to bed, having a lot of dreams of what could've happened between me and Ken, and a lot of other stupid impossible dreams. At least we're on the same terms. No more secrets. (I still can't believe how weird Okaasan was acting. Maybe she really wants me and Ken to be together, that's why she pushes me so hard now.) I got dressed and went downstairs to fix breakfast, only to find Ken sitting with Okaasan in the living room. What are you doing here, Ken; what are doing up so early Okaasan? Okaasan invited me here for breakfast. She says that she wants to talk about your future. Okaasan, we've already talked about this. We already planned out everything. No, Kiyoko. This is serious, and I really need to tell you.... What's this about, Okaasan? Well.. When Eun-yi and I were... What? This isn't easy for to say... Me and Ken are going out. You're kidding, right? You wouldn't lie to me, would you Okaasan? Ken? Well.... This is actually really complicated.. No, it's not complicated. Both of lied to me! How long has this "charade" been going on? A month. We meant to tell you sooner..

We can mean to tell a lot of things. Like how you MEANT to tell me that both of you had a relationship. You forgot to tell me, didn't you?.... Kiyoko, the only reason we never told you, is because we didn't wanna hurt you. You've would have

been better off telling me the truth and risking my trust.... That's what you would've done if you REALLY cared about me....

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