its fun to have u around!!!!!

iF U aRe tHe anGel, I aM tHe deVil

reporters are grouping themselves outside the SM  building... media statement will be released in a few minutes... the manager are calming minho inside the waiting room.....

when it started, reporters are asking tons of question about the latest events...

"everyone please calm down.... we  did  not involve in the telecasting the last song live concert..   (actually even if we want to no body can do it - the manager is talking with himself....)...

we are helping the police investigation and gave full cooperation (and this is not the first time)......

we suspect some groups of really fanatic fans of minho is trying to promote the star (no way a man can do this... must be dozen of them)

we hope that the fans will understand that this kind of action can effect the star... please be careful in the future (this is great... a free package advertising to the whole world.... hehehhe)


"minho, do u know anyone suspicious enough to do this?"

"i m really honored actually, i dont know that there fans who would do everything for me"  (that ert stalker!!!!!... )

"we heard rumors that someone is calling u before the concert and it may be them?

"there is a phone call, but it is from my friend, to wish me happy birthday "   (and make me mad for half an hour)

"what do u want to say to your fanatic fans out there?

"thanks for be my fans.. but please restrain urself from violating the law .. especially international law"  (im going to hang him!!!)


everything start a year ago... i really bored that night.. so i surf the net.... i type my own name and google it ....

i never know there are many things about me are on the net.....

some are true and some are rubbish..... when i read more and more.... i became angry at the ignorance people who spread false rumors...

so i disguised to be one of them... little by little i tried to gave the true pictures

i succeed in some cases and failed in some.... i used my own name as the nickname... because no one will guest it

then i found out that fans really like to write fanfictions..... i read some of them.. and they are really good..its fun... so i start to write my own fanfiction...

usingme as the main character... hehehhe....  few weeks later... i m become really famous among the readers and the gossipers....  i also really

active in my fan club .... there are cases like the dying fans who had cancers or kids who said that they really want to go to my concert, but they

cannt... so usually i will go and visit them... under disguise... even the manager did not know about all my visiting.... he just only knew a few....


then one day...

one of my die hard fan  for many months from japan is saying that he really want to come to my concert.... but he cant because he didnt have enough

money... that fan is always there at the fan club homepage and look like he is having a really big problem.... so i asked his account no and address..

and sent him the ticket for concert and flight and some expenses money... i said it was from the fanclub in korea...

few days after that....

that ert started to call me


"hello... i am the japanese fan... thanks for the tickets and money... i really appreciate it"

"we just have extra money from our fan club... so we gave it to u because we think u are in bad shape over there... may be it can make u happy"

"hahahhaha..... i am really happy and touched!!!! ...... u are the Choi Minho right?"

"no it is just my nickname in the net..."

"i really like u... choi minho... will u go out on a date with me?"

"i said i m not the choi minho... and i am not gay...i really like girls "

"but what to do.... i like u ... so the girls and others are out of tha picture..... "

"wait for a minute.... who are u actually? ..."

"choi minho.... i am ur future boyfriend... and dont bother to deny... let see...." 

and he read my current address, my ip address, my account number, my password for account, my car license number, my parents and sibling

names, their address and their status, my manager address and information, my student no while in high school and all....  some of what he read...

even me myself didnt know....

"yah!!!! are u a stalker or something?"

"no... like i said.. i am ur future boyfriend"


after that .... he will call at least once a day... he said i am the source of his "happiness" - did that means that he really bored and had nothing else to do...

i change everything... even move to other house.... but he still  know....

that ert stalker.... i wonder where he is...... i really want to  chop him to pieces....


minho iphone blinking

the sms - "it is really FUN to have u around, u are the source of my LAUGHTER"

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Chapter 8: When you will updating this again???
Chapter 8: Hi... When you will updating this again??? You not abandon this story right???
hi.. please update soon... Really wanted more...
dominant Key n cutie Minho are so funny... :D
Hahahahaha... Key really can't stop to make minho have a heart attact and key is full with surprise...
skyabove #6
tq for all the readers.. i m sorry things a little bit slow becoz the final exam is approaching, tq again, tried to complete all my stories :)
hahahahaha..... key you make minho stress out with your action and right now minho just get by key.. ckckckckck... Key is really devil...
Hahahahahha..... Kibum really make me scare... He can doing anything to have what he wanted.... Poor minnie.... ^^
Hahhahaha.... Key really a man full with surprise he always can make minho surprise and he like to kidnap minho.. Poor minho he must tired with key action but i think he like that too... Update soon...
skyabove #10
tq!!! i i though no one like this story... that s didnt update it for so long, tq again... will update soon :)