his way

iF U aRe tHe anGel, I aM tHe deVil

I m busied myself.. answering questions at the fans websites… the usual routine I ll do.. to occupy my time… they are rumours about the royal wedding… but I tried to make it disappear.. saying that I am somewhere else at that day…. if they know it is me… then more questions will come for example with whom I go and so on… and I really don’t want people to know that the president son who is gay is trying to catch me… it will cause really big scandal…


I didn’t see him for two days… don’t want to ask where he went… he didn’t tell me either… sms or calls..mmm he like to do things by himself…. I walk into the kitchen… hungry… my manager just go back.. the recording time had finished.. so after this is the launching of the albums… and other tiring activities…


my phone… it vibrating…


‘yah!! who is ur dear..where are u?? it has been 2 days!!  I ….”

“ah… so u worried about me…”

“who said I m worried!! I m not”

“hahahaha…. u are really cute when u are angry… dear… I ll be back in half an hour… we will go out, I want to buy u a dinner”

“I don’t want to!!”

“I know u are hungry.. “


“ur manager just called me, saying u are worried about me..”

“aish… that  guy… “

“mmm….night is still early… what do u wanna eat?”

“I don’t want to go out with u!!”

“then it is set, I ll pick the place.. just wait there.. “

“do u hear me or not…i…”

“and u better dress up… if not.. I ll dress u myself.. “


aish… that guy.. why he always force me??... I better get dress… he will just do what he said… I waited for him to show up… mmm… I m getting more hungry


“sorry.. I take longer  to arrive..”

“yah!! I m not going.. “

“mm.. u said u are not going… but u dress up.. hehehe…. naughty.. now lets go..”

“u never hear what I said didn’t u?”

“what?... u want me to kiss u?”

“yah!! .. no more jokes.. I am hungry..”

“then lets go..”  and he is smiling.. he win again..


he drive me to one of the tall building in seoul….

“key… are we going to eat here? but there is no restaurant here..”

“mm.. just follow..”


he took my hand… and pull me into the elevator… no one around.. there are only us …. he didn’t release my hand.. and he keep pulling me to his body… ah… I really hate when he do this.. whenever we are alone outdoor.. he like to do this.. or hugging me from behind… it s become his habit…


when we reach the top floor… there is a helicopter waiting for us… he pull me along .. we ride it.. and arrive at Busan half an hour after that.. he booked the restaurant at the Busan Tower… mm… this is what I get when I date a president son? … deep in my heart .. I felt happy.. he always do things to make me like him…


just to of us… the candle light dinner… at the Busan Tower.. while looking at the city view… the lights are all over the city… and the beach… mmm….


after dinner… he took me to the beach and we walk while hearing the wave… ah…. this is relaxing… he stopped and look at me.. he lifted me… I struggle trying to free myself from him..but I felf dizzy… and weak…


next thing I know is… its morning… and I am laying here under the blanket.. with him..

“morning dear..”

“yah!!!!... w..w..what happened?”

“mm… what do u think happened?”

“how should I know”

“mmm… are u feeling ok… down there?”

“what!!??.. “ ah… he said it… my is hurt… and my body. my back… all hurting.. there is blood on the sheet… “

“I m sorry.. I cannot wait till the wedding… ah… to just hug u every night… mmm .. I think the tension build up.. I am a little rough last night sorry”

“what!!!... u..u…..”

“mm… I never know u are a for sure, hehehhe….. “


“I am very honoured to be the first….. “ he whisper to me…


that crazy guy just drag me almost 400km from seoul, drug me, and make love to me… and I didn’t even have a chance to say no….

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Chapter 8: When you will updating this again???
Chapter 8: Hi... When you will updating this again??? You not abandon this story right???
hi.. please update soon... Really wanted more...
dominant Key n cutie Minho are so funny... :D
Hahahahaha... Key really can't stop to make minho have a heart attact and key is full with surprise...
skyabove #6
tq for all the readers.. i m sorry things a little bit slow becoz the final exam is approaching, tq again, tried to complete all my stories :)
hahahahaha..... key you make minho stress out with your action and right now minho just get by key.. ckckckckck... Key is really devil...
Hahahahahha..... Kibum really make me scare... He can doing anything to have what he wanted.... Poor minnie.... ^^
Hahhahaha.... Key really a man full with surprise he always can make minho surprise and he like to kidnap minho.. Poor minho he must tired with key action but i think he like that too... Update soon...
skyabove #10
tq!!! i i though no one like this story... that s didnt update it for so long, tq again... will update soon :)