a date???

iF U aRe tHe anGel, I aM tHe deVil

the phone is vibrating again…



I ignore it


“dear.. “

ah who is  ur dear.. crazy… just ignore it


“I am really sorry ok… , I promise I will not do it again.. ok… please..”

I just read it..


“minho… come on… please forgive me… “

ignore it


“dear… if u didn’t answer this one I ll put it on the advertisement board outside ur company tomorrow”


with the sms … I called him..


“Yah!!!! u are blackmailing me!!”

“I am really sorry but u don’t want to respond, so … “

“Ok.. what do u want  this time?”

“hehehe…. don’t be so mad… I just want to go out on the date with u… “

“Why should I do that??? “

“Because I want to.. “

“How about me.. I don’t want to date some crazy rich ert..”

“hahahaa… that is really a compliment… “

“See … u gave me headache.. really… dot u have anyone else u want to play with?”

“But minho… I am not playing with u… if I am playing with u.. then I will not included  family and my dad inside it too”


Ah….. he got me there… it is true… a week before… I have spent my holiday at the president house… the president of South korea… mmm something that I never imaging I will do…  but why he want me that bad… I really cannot understand…


“So… minho… can I have ur time this weekend?”


“A date?”


“is that means … ok??? “

“yea.. yea… just don’t sms and call me again after this… my message box is full of ur sms..”

“really… ah.. I am honoured to hear that”

“key!!!... u… “

“so u remember ur boyfriend s name… hahahhaha… see u this weekend… I ll be contacting u… !!!”


that crazy guy… he do what he want…..



so what he got in his mind… vacation…??? mmmm… where he want me to go with him?? … I wonder…  key is someone who will do thing unexpectedly….. later at the evening I received a bouquet of flower from him… aish… is he really think I am  a girl??? what happened with the screws in his head…. he supposed to be a genius…


he wanted me to go out with him for a few days??!!   this is not a date… this is more like a vacation… mmmm… will the company allows me to go with him… hehehhe… I can use the excuse… not to go out with him….


“minho…. are u ready?”

“what?”   -( he call again…)

“do u forgot.. we have a date..”

“ ah.. about that… I am really sorry.. we have schedule at that day .. there is the MBC Children Sharing Event(New Life to Children) at Seoul Women's University that day… I cannot go… the company didn’t allowed me to disappear that day… “ (hahahha… solid excuse)

“is that so… “  (why I got a wrong vibration)

“yea… I m very sorry key… I want to go out with u… but… work come first..”

“mmm…. so it is like that… “

“do u really mean that minho?”


“that u really wanna go out with me?”

“yea… I m sorry again… let meet another day ok..”  (no… I don’t want to.. )

“I m really disappointed… but .. ok…”


hahahaha… so… I had succeeded… why I am afraid of going out with him? because I don’t know what he will do… what if he bring me to someplace and force me to marry him… he can do it… ha almost do it last time… and the picture of he and I laying together under the blanket aish!!!! it is really dangerous…. weird…


2 days before the  events at the seoul university 29/04/2011


“manager… I ve to sleep early tonight… tomorrow is a big day.. so  can I left early… “

“ok… u can leave early… but don’t disappear ok, minho?”

“hahahaha… do u think I am invisible man… I cannot vanish into the thin air and appear in strange places”

“u are always joking… just go back early… and get some rest..”



I climb the van… waiting for the driver…. but the driver is not the same man… and the van is moving toward different direction…. and there is someone behind me… that is the last thing I remember….


somewhere ….. with 8 hours diff from korea


I open up my eyes… where am i??? key is standing near the window.. I am laying under the blanket… … on the big bed…. and the room is very huge…


“key.. w..w…where are we? Where is my clothes… ?”

“mmm… I am waiting for u to wake up… ah… ur clothes… I put in in the dustbin… “

“what??!!!... so what I am suppose to wear?? “

“this one… “

“key… did something happened when I asleep?? why the clothes is something like people wear to a wedding??”

“are u afraid… don’t be… I will take full responsibility… “

“w.www…what had happened? did u……. do…”

“hahahahhaha… u are really cute… nothing happened yet.. I just wanna play a little joke with u… but we are going to a really special occasion… so please wear this… don’t wanna be late.. there will be thousands of people there… “

“am I supposed to go with u?”

“yea… “



in south korea, at the main entrance of the company :


“manager…. minho… he vanish..”

“what???? how… where??? “

“we don’t know… but he disappear… so we have to put other idol in his place today”

“that guy… he said he is not an invisible man!!!... vanish?? “

“don’t worry manager…. there is always back up plan for problems like this… “

“mmm… ah… why they are so focused watching the tv today?” he asked..

“ah.. all people around the world watching it on the tv today… it is the royal wedding, prince William and kate”

“oh… I forgot about it… let sit and watch for a while..”


the manager phone is ringing …

“hello manager..where is choi minho??”

“ah president…  hello… mmm we don’t have any idea… “

“Is that so… so it is true.. I think I just saw him… “


“in the tv… at the royal wedding, London”


the manager turned his head… and he is looking at choi minho walking among the selected guest entering the church in London for the royal wedding…


“yah!!!!!   manager…. that guy look like minho!!!!.... hahahah but it cannot be him right??”


but they saw the guy turn to the camera and posing with his usual pose… the V fingers… and a smiling face




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Chapter 8: When you will updating this again???
Chapter 8: Hi... When you will updating this again??? You not abandon this story right???
hi.. please update soon... Really wanted more...
dominant Key n cutie Minho are so funny... :D
Hahahahaha... Key really can't stop to make minho have a heart attact and key is full with surprise...
skyabove #6
tq for all the readers.. i m sorry things a little bit slow becoz the final exam is approaching, tq again, tried to complete all my stories :)
hahahahaha..... key you make minho stress out with your action and right now minho just get by key.. ckckckckck... Key is really devil...
Hahahahahha..... Kibum really make me scare... He can doing anything to have what he wanted.... Poor minnie.... ^^
Hahhahaha.... Key really a man full with surprise he always can make minho surprise and he like to kidnap minho.. Poor minho he must tired with key action but i think he like that too... Update soon...
skyabove #10
tq!!! i i though no one like this story... that s didnt update it for so long, tq again... will update soon :)