u are the source of my "happiness" choi minho!!!!!

iF U aRe tHe anGel, I aM tHe deVil

"Minho ! " his manager is calling him


"u got a phone call"

"hello... this is minho"

"hello... choi minho.... "

"yah!!!!! how did u get this phone number?"

"it is a secret.. hahahha.... "

"ert stalker.... what do you want?"

"i miss ur voice.. but tonight.... i want to give a present to you... its for ur bithday"

"i dont want!... dont disturb me tonight!! "

" i know.. anyway happy birthday... (and there is a sound of kisses )" minho ended the call

"ert!!!!!! he always make me crazy"....

two hours after that......


the stage is shinning.. full of light....

the night is hot....

the fan is screaming (most of them is girls)

the stage is really huge ..... and

the music began....... standing at the center of the stage with dancers is the star - choi minho

singer, rapper, dancer, presenter.... actor  

known as a model for other idol...

and the concert started............... the concert also telecast live.....


somewhere in Seoul.....

he sit on the sofa.... watching the concert.....

"i really like that guy...... he is so hot.... mmmmm.... "

he is thinking...... his finger is knocking the table... (it is a habit when he is in deep thinking)

"i think.... i will make a move tonight...!!!!!!"

"choi minho!!!! i m going to make u a star tonight hahahha.... "


the concert is at the peak.... the fans still screaming.... and minho is singing his last song, the latest hit song....


somewhere in US

"sir .. we are having problem...there are broadcast signal intrusions.... targeted the  tv station in US, UK and Asia...   "

"cant u stop it?"

"no... it is done by professional"

"what is the content of the telecast?"

"every monitoring station is jammed, only those who watch through TV can see it sir"

"are we under attack again?????!!!! THE TERRORIST??? can u trace the source?"

"cannot sir, every line is blocked for the period of the telecast"

"may be some group want to take over the world?... i have to inform the president!!!!"

"we will report later, sir"


"hello,  chief secretary... inform the president that there is something  terrorizing the space through satellite for TV broadcast.... please turn on the TV "

"understand... "

5 minutes after that... the president of the united states is watching CHOI MINHO singing his last song of the concert in the cable TV.....

major newspaper and media the next day...

- CHOI MINHO terrorizing the world television with a great song

- NASA lost to MINHO fanatic FAN

-MINHO song in the white house

-Mysterious fan promote korean star

-Minho attract alien - the theory of space invasion


- and somebody is laughing loudly at his home..... hahahhaha.... this is FUN

he text a sms - " MINHO... do u like the birthday present?"


Minho iPhone is blinking ... he open the SMS "YAH!!!!!!!!.... if i know who u are... i m going to kill u" he text back



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Chapter 8: When you will updating this again???
Chapter 8: Hi... When you will updating this again??? You not abandon this story right???
hi.. please update soon... Really wanted more...
dominant Key n cutie Minho are so funny... :D
Hahahahaha... Key really can't stop to make minho have a heart attact and key is full with surprise...
skyabove #6
tq for all the readers.. i m sorry things a little bit slow becoz the final exam is approaching, tq again, tried to complete all my stories :)
hahahahaha..... key you make minho stress out with your action and right now minho just get by key.. ckckckckck... Key is really devil...
Hahahahahha..... Kibum really make me scare... He can doing anything to have what he wanted.... Poor minnie.... ^^
Hahhahaha.... Key really a man full with surprise he always can make minho surprise and he like to kidnap minho.. Poor minho he must tired with key action but i think he like that too... Update soon...
skyabove #10
tq!!! i i though no one like this story... that s didnt update it for so long, tq again... will update soon :)