Chapter Four

Is This A Dream ?

Kwangmin POV

I can't help but stare at Kristi. 

"Hyung? Can I talk to you in private?", I said to Jeongmin. 

"Yeah. I need to tell you something too", he said. Leading me to another room. 

"What do you think about them?", I asked him. 

" May looks annoying to me", he answered. 

"Why? did she do something wrong?", I asked  

" Yes! She bumped into me at the airport one time! She should watch where she's going", he said with an annoyed tone.

"Well. I like Kristi. I wanted to tell you that", I said nervously.

"HEY! I got an idea to help you get Kristi why don't I sacrafice my night and be on a double date with you, Kristi, May and I? You like her right? How bout I help you get her?", he said.

"What are you planning Jeongmin?", I asked.

"Oh... Nothing", he said grinning.

We came out of the room and asked them to go out tonight to get to know each other. Both of them smiled so wide. And accepted it. Jeongmin and I got ready and the girls told us to wait for a while.  30 minutes later they came back out of our hotel room all dressed up. May was wearing a girly outfit while Kristi was wearing just regular shirt under and purple shorts.

Kristi POV 

Aw going to the movies with Kwangmin! :D im excited. Good thing May told me to change into different clothes. 

May's outfit.

Kristi's outfit.

















Kwangmin kept staring at me. What is it? Do I have something on my face? Or is it my clothes? I don't know whats going on in his mind. We stepped out of our hotel room and knocked on Chinda's room. We wanted to tell her where we were going so she won't worry. We asked her to come with us but she didn't want to since she' s having fun messing with the 4 other boys. Well she's entertained.

The Movies

We're watching a scary movie and after the movie we go walk around the mall or go eat at a restaurant. Kwangmin was so scared he held onto me without even noticing. AWW!~ my heart was beating so fast! I wonder how May's going? She is in the second row behind us with Jeongmin eating popcorn. When I was looking at them, Jeongmin was being selfish and not sharing. I hope May isn't heartbroken? -Sighs- Anyways, Kwangmin was still holding onto me. AHHH, I wanted to scream so badly. The other girls in the movies were staring and gave me looks like I did something wrong. My arm was hurting but I didn't want Kwangmin to stop holding onto me. I kept smiling. 

When the movie ended and Kwangmin was shaking. 

"Ahha, wimp", I said smiling.

He smiled back.

"Im not a wimp!", He said.

"Then why were you holding onto me?", I asked.

He just walked away blushing. There was a bunch of fans coming up to Jeongmin, May, Kwangmin and I.


The fans pushed Kristi and I away from them. I stared at Jeongmin. He just signed some autographs for them. No big deal...

When all the fans walked away with their happy face we came up to them. I stood next to Jeongmin.

"What are you doing?", a girl I never met before scoffed at me.

"What did I do wrong?", I asked her.

"Okay, I know you're just a fan so back off because Starship doesn't allow stalking ugly fans like you to be hanging around Jeongmin all the time", She said glaring at me.


"Excuse me? But who are you talking to? She's my little cousin and you don't have the right to tell her not to do anything like that. And for your information we're here at the movies because THEY asked us to go to the movies so we could get to know each other. Oh by the way, did I tell you? We are making a song with Boyfriend so back off little lady. And if you're asking her to leave Jeongmin alone which she wasn't even bothering him, don't assume something like this. I don't know you and I think you're just a fan to him that stalks him where ever he goes", Kristi said interupting me.

"WHATEVER!", the girl said.

She walked away glaring at me. I looked down. Jeongmin just laughed.

"You're stupid. You shouldn't be beside me or you're getting into trouble again", he said to me with a cold voice.

I looked at Kristi and didn't speak at all. Why was he being a jerk to me all of a sudden? Is this the real him? Is his personality like this? I hope hes just joking. I tried to hold in my tears and pretend that didn't hurt.

"... O-Okaay..", I said stuttering.

I stepped away from him and followed Kristi. We were going to the restaurant. 

In the parking lot

"HEY! May, sit in the front with me", Jeongmin said with a blank expression.

I did as he told me. There was silence between Jeongmin and I. Kristi was in the back seat having fun talking to Kwangmin about Pikachu. At least she's happy. I looked down not focusing on anything. After the ten minute ride from the movies to the restaurant. The waiter sat us down to the tables and asked us what we wanted on the menu. I ordered Bibim guksu. It smelled delicious. I ate the noodles. I was so happy until Jeongmin ruined my moment.

"Why did you order bibim guksu? That stuff is nasty and I hate it so much!", he said so rudely.

I looked at Kristi, was open with shock. Then all of a sudden water was dumped on me. I looked it was that girl from the movies again.

"You're sick! How dare you disgust Jeongmin like that?!", then she left the restuarant leaving me wet.

I wanted to cry. But I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of Jeongmin.

"Well that showed you right to not eat this gross thing", he said taking a sip of his water.

I stared at him. Then I got up and ran out of the restaurant.

Jeongmin POV

The way she looked down and I couldn't tell if she was crying or not. Kristi got up and wanted to follow her.

"No Kristi. She'll arrive at the hotel when we come back, I just know it. She's a smart girl right?", I said.

She came up to me and made a puching position but Kwangmin stopped her. She glared at me. 

Okay I know this is harsh but I dont care she's soo annoying!

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