The Secret *Part 1 (Minhyuk Two-Shot)

My Friends and Their Oneshots

LALALALALALALALALA! I’M NOT LISTENING!” I yelled as I ran around my room. No way was I listening to his so called “reasoning,” Of someone they knew being his secret girlfriend.
“BUT ABIGAIL! SERIOUSLY! SHE WAS LYING TO YOU! STOP BEING SO STUBBORN!” He yelled through my loud barrier. I sighed and stopped yelling and sat down on a soft, black chair. 
“If that’s true, then what’s this?” I challenged him, showing him pictures of him and her. They disgust me.

“WHAT?! That never happened! Notice that they changed the camera angle!” He said, sounding surprised with the photos but I’m still unsure of whether he’s lying or not.

“Prove it then. Kiss me.” I said daringly to him. His eyes widened for a second but he walked up to me, leaning closer and closer and then he did something I thought he would never have done.


“We’re going to be late Abigail! Hurry up, you don't want to miss your lover’s concert do you?” Pamela, my ‘bestie’, asked in a teasing voice, which I swear, I will murder her for doing. But still, she’s right though. I didn’t want to miss my boyfriend’s concert. After all, I am what Mary would call ‘crazy in love’. I should tell her I’m not that in love. She’s the queen of exaggerations and squealing every time she sees my boyfriend and I, which I feel sorry for him hearing it every time. He says he’s fine with my friends being themselves, but I have a gut instinct he’s not.


“Of course I won’t miss my Minhyuk’s concert you bum! I’m coming! And it’s not even his concert, it’s just a concert with lots of K-POP idols there.” I yelled back at her, quickening my steps, as I made sure didn’t drop any of our group’s bags. I knew I should have chose rock instead of scissors, curse you life!


“We’re lucky you’re boyfriend is letting all of us bums go through backstage or else we would be waiting in line with waiting fan girls ready to eat all of the groups.” Pamela said with a humorous tone in her voice. I, on the other hand, found that comment extremely strange.


“Isn’t that something Lara would have said?” I asked her in a curious yet tired voice. These massive bags are hard to pull. It’s like trying to pull a whole house with you. Or maybe that’s just me. That probably means I am extremely unfit or feeling extremely sleepy. It could be both.


“Yah, hurry! And yes, if Lara was here, she’d probably say that in an unemotional voice and have an unemotional face.” Pamela said in a voice that was about to laugh.


“Hehe, I can imagine that.” I said with a big grin on my face. Lara was an unemotional, monotone woman. She’s not even ticklish and she loves to murder people. She’s probably killed me one million times. Anyway, we kept on walking until finally, we saw the place Minhyuk showed a picture of when he took a photo of him being at the front door. He had a goofy smile, like the one in Heartstrings. I think I died when I saw that beautiful photo of his face.


“I can see the light. Finally.” I said in an exhausted tone. I quickened my steps because of the fact that I saw Pamela almost there at the front door. Since when was Pamela this fast? Oh well.

Finally making it to the extremely large door, I put the heavy bag on my shoulder, which killed, I took out a small key so I could open the door, but I didn't have time for that as Pamela randomly squeezed my shoulder tightly.


“YAH! PAMELA!” I squealed in shock as I dropped the key because of her. Stupid woman...


“What was that for?” I said in an extremely pissed voice and I looked back to glare at her eye to eye.


“For being late. Why else?” Pamela said in an innocent voice. I just looked away and shrugged it off. I softly dropped the bags and picked up the small key carefully from the ground, stood up and opened the door with no problems.


“Let’s go now.” I said in a monotone voice. Sometimes, this woman… Aish. I put the key in my pants pocket, picked up the truckload bags and went through the door, hearing Pamela walking right behind and closing the door. We started walking around the backstage area of the concert hall. I must say that even though it looked small, it was huge!


“So, where is our exact destination exactly, Abigail?” Pamela asked in a bored yet worried voice.


“Minhyuk said that we should see ‘CNBLUE’ on some door I think…” I said in an unsure voice. Well this call was around a month ago… What exactly did he say…?



“When will he call?” I asked myself as I stared impatiently at my phone. He was supposed to call or text the details about where we need to go in order to go backstage. I waited, and waited, what seemed like hours until my phone started ringing. I grabbed it like a crazy woman and saw that was calling. It was Maryjo. Why… I sighed heavily as I picked up the phone.


“Hello, Maryjo?” I unconsciously said in an extremely disappointed voice. Whoops!


“You sound… sad? Is it Minhyuk? You want me to give him a piece of my mind?” She asked in a playful yet serious voice.


“Haha, of course not. Besides, why wouldn’t he want a piece of your mind, wouldn't it be delicious?” I asked, giggling a bit. Oh, Mary Park, the things I quote from you.


“Hahahaha... I get it. But still, if he’s doing something to hurt you, I WILL give him a piece of my mind. Ok?” Maryjo said in a serious voice, but in a playful way. Suddenly, my phone started to ring. I looked at who was calling, Minhyukkie.


“Oh, Minhyuk’s calling me. I better answer. I’ll call you again.” I said in a sort of cheery voice.


“Alrighttie. But remember what I just said.” Maryjo said and then I heard a buzzing sound, the indication she put down the phone. I then quickly answered the phone like I’ve never answered another phone before.


여보세요~ (Hello~)” I sang to him on the phone.


“Hehe, hello. Sorry for calling a bit late. Yonghwa hyung made practice longer.” Minhyuk said in an apologetic voice.


“If it’s practice then it’s fine by me!” I said in a non-depressed voice. Hey, if it was practice, I should be happy that my lover is working to the max.


“Anyway... it’s time to give you the information about where to go. Can't let you and your lovely friends be late and be pulverized by fan girls can I?” Minhyuk asked on the phone, causing me to smile even more.


“Very funny Minhyukkie… so details?” I asked him impatiently as I was tapping the pen I was holding in the hand for a long time to a piece of paper.


“Arasso. I’ll give you the details. Well, let’s see. People performing are us, FTISLAND, SHINee, Big Bang, Girls’ Generation, IU, Miss A, Infinite, Psy, 2NE1, 2AM, 2PM and a bunch of others. I haven’t gotten all the details about it but I’ll tell you once I find out.” Minhyuk told me in a tired voice as I was jotting down what he was saying. Are there that many groups, and even more?


“As for when, the concert start 7.00pm and ends at around 9.30. The location is at the ‘Olympic Gymnastics Hall.’  You should know the place by now.” He told me blankly as kept on scribbling down notes.


“Yup, I know that. How do I get backstage and what to I do from there?” I asked him, as I made sure I could read everything I wrote. One doesn’t know what might happen to their writing.


“Hmm... Let me just ask Yonghwa hyung.” Minhyuk said as I heard him put the phone on some form of platform.


“Yonghwa hyung! Yonghwa hyung!” I heard him yelling, it was getting softer and softer and eventually it was inaudible.


“Bored~ Hehe, what do for a few minutes... I know, let’s draw something!” I said to myself happily as I started scribbling at the back of the paper I’m using for the notes. I didn’t know what I was scribbling, I just was. While I was drawing, I finally heard Minhyuk’s voice over the phone. Stopping what I was doing, I quickly answered.


“Yo, Minhyukkie! Speak to me~” I said to him as I readied my pen on the paper.


“Sorry for taking so long by the way. There was a great heavy load of information hyung bombarded into my brain.” He groaned over the phone in a cute way, causing me to grin.


“That’s fine, so, info. Please?” I told him.


“Alright, here I go...” He trailed off but then he started to speak of the things that were happening. I was furiously writing down as he was speaking to me.


“As for what the backstage door looks like, I have to send you a photo of it on the day before or something. I’ll update you when necessary on this darling.” He sniggered on the phone as I snorted at the nickname he just gave me.


“Yah! That nickname is... argh...” I groaned at him as he started laughing.


“Mianhe~ I just couldn't help it!” He said to me in a fit of giggles.


“Psht. Whatever. Anyway, we should meet soon. Like, next week?” I asked him, hoping that we could meet up.


“Uhm... let’s see... we can meet up on a Friday afternoon. That’s when I’m the least busiest.” He said to me as he was flipping through his schedule.


“Ok. I can’t wait to see the man with the y body that Jonghyun oppa envies.” I snickered at him as I took my revenge.


“Yah!!! Hmph..” Minhyuk said and I could imagine him pouting. Then, I heard a door open and Jungshin oppa’s voice.


“Minhyuk. We have to go practice now~ Stop talking to your lover and let’s go.” Jungshin said in a playful tone as he hit him on the shoulder.


“I have to go now. See you soon.” Minhyuk said as I smiled a bit.


“Byez~” I said to him and he replied with a “bye” and put down the phone.



“Oh yeah! The piece of paper. I remember jotting the notes down somewhere on my phone.” I said stupidly as I put the bags on the floor and opened my phone. I started looking for where I put it. I’m so baka desu. I put it in around 2 weeks ago.


“Aish, this woman. Sometimes, I swear...” Pamela said in an impatient tone as I kept on looking for it. What did I call that note again? I can’t believe I forgot it. After what felt like forever, I had finally found it!


“Ok... it says that from the entrance, take a left once you come in, keep on going straight until you find a sign that says ‘CNBLUE’. It wasn't that hard! Whoops~” I said in a carefree voice as I put my phone in my pocket and picked up the bags and started walking to the entrance, hearing an annoyed and tired Pamela following behind. Since when was she like this? I guess people change without anyone realizing.


“I’m so tired Abby~” Pamela said in a voice that sounded like she was dying. That’s what I thought anyway...


“Yeah, yeah. We’re almost there. It’s not like I get lost that easily.” I said in an annoyed voice. I swear, this Pamela sometimes... I was looking at each door carefully as I read out loud each sign at the door.


“SHINee, EXO, Big Bang and Tablo, 2PM and 2AM, CNBLUE and FTISLAND! This is the room!” I said in a gleeful voice.


“Ok. I’ll go knock now~” Pamela said happily as she knocked on the door rather loudly. But that didn't really matter right now, I just wanted to see my Minhyukkie and squish him to death~.


“Who is it?” I heard Yonghwa oppa’s voice from the other side of the door. It felt like it was a scream as I hear a few other screams at the other side. I heard Maryjo and... Jungshin? I tilted my head sideways a little bit but shrugged it off.


“Mmm, it’s me and Pam-Pam. Let us in please!” I said to him in a loud voice to make sure he could hear me.


“Ohh! Minhyuk’s lover’s here~ Haha~” Seunghwan (FTISLAND) said in a cheery voice as I heard someone’s footsteps approaching the door. The door swung open as a hyper Minhyuk and a big mess just right behind him greeted me. I couldn't help but release a bitter sigh at that moment.


“So, Minhyukkie Oppa... please explain...” I said in a way that made Minhyuk horror-struck, judging from his facial reaction.


“U-uhm, let me explain... but first come inside... please?” Minhyukkie said in a pleading tone, so, being the nice person I am, stepped inside the loud and annoyingly noisy room. As soon as I stepped in (with my menacing aura), everyone immediately stopped their actions and stared at me as Minhyukkie took my bags from me politely and put it on the ground next to a chair. I observed the area and notice that Jungshin was holding something... is it a cup? Or was it something else? Hmm… I couldn’t help but grow even curious.


“So… what exactly is going on?” I glared at Jungshin and Maryjo as I saw them cringe at it.


“Abby unnie, I can explain what happened! It’s not that bad…” Maryjo told me as I sat down on a chair. “Well, what happened was that I decided to come a bit earlier than everyone else. So, I came here alone and that surprised CNBLUE and FTISLAND. Then, I did random stuff. Spoke to some of them, ate, and then I became extremely bored. So, I asked Jungshin if we could play a game. He said yes, so we played a truth or dare game. We played with a cup. You know, the one you see in Junghsin’s hand and-“ Maryjo kept talking and I cut it off.


“But then, Jungshin said a stupid question to you… right?” I told her in an annoyed voice. I knew it.


“H-how did you guess that?” Maryjo asked in a semi-shocked voice.


“Of course I knew it. I just guessed it.”  I told her with an evil smile, as she looked extremely scared. I walked over to Jungshin and told him to hand over the cup. He sighed as he gave me the cup.


“Sorry about the commotion...” Jungshin said in an apologetic voice as I threw the cup at Yonghwa for no reason. Yonghwa was on a chair, reading some weird book I don't know about. When the cup landed on his head, he looked up in surprise as he looked around the room. I walked up to him in annoyance. This guy... seriously... doesn't take care of s. When I went to him, I saw his eyes waver as he quickly stood up and faced me eye to eye.


“Yonghwa oppa, can you do me a great favour and make sure your members are in the right mind?!” I scolded him harshly as he outwardly cringed.


“I’m sorry... I’ll do my best!” Yonghwa saluted me as I groaned in annoyance. Well, that solves the problem that was happening a minute ago. Just then, a knock on the door was heard and a quickly went to the door and opened it. What I saw when I opened the door were all my friends.


“Hey Abby~ As you already know, it’s only us CNBLUE fans here who came to visit~” Gabby said in a cheery voice and saw that the people here were Mary, Lara and Cassie. That’s good, not that much people. I let them in and closed the door, making sure I didn't kill it. I saw them sit in a circle on the ground and they started speaking to themselves. I joined them quickly as I decided to ask Mary a question.


“Hey Mary. Where are the other ones?” I asked her in a curious tone. What can I say? I was worried about where the rest disappeared.


“Hmm? They flew somewhere around this place. I think Alicia and Kelly said they would go to the place we’re sitting at later on.” Mary said in an uncaring voice, as she was only concentrated at what the group were doing.


“Well, I’m going to go on a hunt and look for them all.”  I told her as I stood up and took my handbag to go on a hunt for them. As I was about to leave, I felt someone’s hand on my shoulder so I quickly turned back and saw Minhyuk’s beaming face.


“Let your oppa come with you~ I can't afford to lose you~” Minhyuk said in a cheerful voice and showed me his aegyo, not even giving the chance to argue against it.


“Fine. But don't do anything weird.” I sighed at him as I saw him smile at glee. I couldn't help but let out a small smile as I opened the door with Minhyuk next to me. I closed the door and started to look around for the others, Minhyuk right next to me.


“So, what are we doing exactly Abby?” Minhyuk whispered to me in a playful tone. I turned to the side and looked at him straight in the eye raising an eyebrow.


“Didn't you know why? And if you didn't, shouldn't you have asked before we left?” I asked, emphasizing the word “before” at him.


“Well to me, it didn't matter as long as I was with you~” Minhyuk said as he grabbed my hand and held it tightly. I had mixed emotions at that spot and stopped walking and stared at his face. He was grinning like a child as he held my hand.


“Wahh. I haven’t held your hand like this in a while. As always, your hand is really comfortable to hold.” He told me happily as he looked me in the eyes.


“And as always, your eyes are so beautiful.” He told me with a smile as I quickly broke eye contact and looked ahead.


“Yah! We have no time for your corniness! I need to gather them before the concert starts, which is in less than an hour!” I exclaimed at him as I started walking and looking around for them, dragging him along with me.


“Make sure we find them Minhyukkie oppa.” I bluntly told as I heard him sigh in disappointment.


“Yeah, yeah...” He trailed off, making me grin at his defeat. We first walked over to where we were sitting, in the VIP section. Not to my surprise, none of my friends were at their designated spots. I sighed in frustration as I scratched my head in a wild annoyance.


“So... are they there...?” Minhyuk said in a wavering voice as I shot him a sharp glare, making him wince softly.


“So they’re not?” Minhyukkie cried out as I clenched his hand in my hand. Argh... my frustration can’t be put into words right now. I angrily pulled Minhyuk with me as I heard him cry out in fear and shock at the back but I didn't care. Oh, when I find them... I will... aish.


“When we find them I will crush them for not listening to me...” I growled as I kept walking, Minhyuk’s hand firmly in mine. We just kept on walking aimlessly like idiots until I saw a female figure taking a turn somewhere. From implication, I thought that she was someone I needed to murder, so I followed her secretly.


“What are you doing, walking so secretly?” Minhyuk asked as he tapped me on the shoulder. I stopped walking and looked up to meet eye contact.


“I need to check something.” I told him blankly as I removed eye contact and dragged him along with me, making sure not to lose the girl I was following. As I followed her further, I noticed that there was a ‘toilet’ sign, which said to turn right. I then saw her turn right and quickly followed along, not losing concentration at all. I kept following and saw that she went into the toilet. So, she’s going to do her business... better wait, I still have Minhyukkie to take care of. If only he was a girl...


“A girl...?” Minhyuk tapped on my shoulder and asked me in a confused manner. I blinked in shock as I turned to face him. I must have said it out loud... whoops.


“That’s right! If you were a girl... I could go in their with you without any worries of you running away from me!” I told him in an annoyed tone.


“But if I was a girl... we wouldn't be in love~” Minhyuk said happily which pissed me off. I glared at him and crushed (not really) the hand I held.


“Ahh! Yah, Abby!” Minhyuk cried out in slight pain from the amazing force that I place on his hand.


“That’s for saying that... and also for being really weird today.” I told him straight out as I loosened the grip on his hand and let go of it, causing him to frown a little. Hehe... me evil sometimes.


“But you love the weird me~” Minhyuk sang, ignoring the fact I let go, as I groaned. Well, at least we’re passing time for her to get out of the toilet.


“I know I love you... you don't have to say a million times... besides we’re in public, you can’t say it here.” I told him in an uneasy voice as he sent me a goofy grin.


“Does it matter? No paparazzi, no fans, just people I know. Just the way I like it~” I smiled softly as he said that. Same, old Minhyuk. Just the way I like him.


“Anyway, why is the girl we’re following so slow? Are women always slow like this?” Minhyuk asked in a comical fashion. Of course, I got really annoyed but I didn't care. After all, he’s always like this...


“Haha, very funny Minhyuk.” I told him dryly.


“I thought you’d try to attack me... you’re no fun yobo~” Minhyuk hit my arm playfully as I exhaled a tired sigh. I was about to reply to him via tickling him but then I heard the door the toilet door open. I quickly looked back and finally saw the girl I was following coming out the door. She was extremely elegant and beautiful and that confirmed something important... that it wasn't one of my friends.


 “Hello there.” She said as she greeted me with a warm smile. But, that warm smile felt so... cold. Lifeless, formless, nothing. I felt a chill run down as I gave her a small smile.


“H-hello there.” I tried to say calm but it wasn't working. Why did I feel so scared all of a sudden? I have a bad feeling about meeting her...


“Nice to meet you. My name’s Hyunjung. But people call me Grace. Nice to meet you.” She enthusiastically said as she reached her hand to me. You know, for a handshake. I let out a fake smile and walked up to her calmly.


“Yes, nice to meet you…” I trailed off I shook hands with her. Wow, her hands feel like Antarctica…


“Hehe. Anyway, is that Minhyuk I see~?” She said as she quickly let go of my hand and walked up to Minhyuk.


“O-oh, it’s been a while, Hyunjung noona.” Minhyuk lets out a strained smile but Hyunjung didn't seem to notice that strain as she let out a small pout.


“Yah~ You know we have been best friends for such an extended period amount of time, ever since we were born~ You know, we were even in love once. I can’t believe we even broke up in a dramatic fashion~” She told him playfully as she softly hit his shoulder. I felt my face turn icy cold and pale at her harsh words. We spoke about having exes before but he said no… so, who is she?


“Don’t say things like that noona! I told you, we never even thought of each other like that…” Minhyuk oppa trailed off and his eyes showed a glint of sadness in them.


“Is this true, Minhyuk-ah?” I said informally, trying my best to hide my disappointment in him. He could have just said the truth when we spoke about it to each other. He’s lucky to have a girlfriend who’s not like in dramas… Hmmm… I saw Minhyuk oppa make a weird face, and then it quickly turned into a face filled with anxiety. Haha, it always works…


“That’s not true yobo~ Haha…” Minhyuk quickly grabs and softly squeezes my hand, giving me a small sense of reassurance. I then casted my eyes onto Hyunjung-sshi (that’s right… I call her sshi now) and saw here emitting an utterly frightening aura as she threw dagger with her glare at our intertwining hands. Even though she had this evil aura, she let out a plastic smile. That was the most frightening part.


“So… you’re dating huh? Didn’t know you could make fast moves Minhyuk.” She spat out the word ‘dating’, which sent shivers down my spine. Wanting to not make Minhyuk speak to her any longer, I squeezed his hand tightly, indicating I didn’t want to stay here in this suffocating place any longer. How did the situation turn out like this? Minhyuk gave me a soft stare, realizing what I wanted.


“Sorry noona, we’re looking for people. We’ll be going now.” Minhyuk said in a demanding tone that I’ve never heard, bringing out a sense of uneasiness in me. Minyuk professionally dragged me off to nowhere as I felt the horrible aura slowly disappear.


We didn’t speak after that. The air was extremely heavy as we walked back to the dressing rooms. It also felt like the air had suddenly dropped to freezing point, causing my body to shiver a little. What's wrong with Minhyukkie? Was he tense after that encounter?


“M-“ I was about to say when he quickly interrupted.


“We’re here.” Minhyuk said in a blank manner as he knocked on the door. Minhyuk… I want to support him but he feels so… far…I couldn't help but cringe at that fact as we walked in. When we got in, I quickly put on a façade as I saw all my friends, happily chatting away with no worries at all. I properly placed a fake smile as I sat on Pamela’s leg. From there, I scolded them and not much happened after. The concert was amazing, as expected. I was cheering like a mad woman, wanting to forget about what happened with Minhyuk. When CNBLUE went up, I had suddenly remembered the incident, causing me to slightly cringe. But right now, I had to support them the best I could.



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