Bitter Yet Sweet (Taemin OneShot)

My Friends and Their Oneshots


I didn’t know I would be drowning right now. Nor did I know that I would be saved by a pretty boy, but for some reason, I didn’t get to see his face clearly at all. All I remember was crying for help, someone rescuing me and waking up in a hospital. Thanconstantly asking the doctors who saved me but they didn’t know who. I was determined to find out who it was and thank that person...But I never expected it to be so hard…


Today was the day. It was the day that I’ve been looking forward to the most. The day that for the first time in a while, my father came to visit. You see, right now I live alone, in an apartment in Gangdong-Gu. I’ve been living here, by myself ever since I was 16 until now, and this year, I’m turning 18. My father is in a special hospital in Myeong-dong, Seoul, because of cancer and my mum… she’s in America right now. Every month, she sends me a good amount of money, but I have to earn it by myself. Of course, it was pretty hard for me to make a living of my own, so I decided to help at a few markets here and there and I got a healthy amount of pay for living by myself. I still go to school because I want to become a nurse.

Today was a Saturday, so I had to buy my weekly groceries and some extra because of my father coming over. I went to change my clothes into a black baggy shirt and a blue pair of jeans. I was wearing a pair of white sock and sneakers. I had a white and black satchel bag with my personal belongings like my wallet and keys. Quickly grabbing some toast with jam and quickly zooming out to shop for food.

The journey to Gangdong-Gu market was a thirty minute walk so I decided to think about what to cook up. I thought maybe fried kimchi, or may some bibimpap! Yummy! Anyway, while I was walking I noticed this new deep pond thingy I’ve never seen before… ever. It looked like a pretty peaceful are to think for a minute of two. From here, I thought this pond was… deep. Just plain deep, the depth is way TALLER than me… I’m short I would like to say so myself and I have no worries about that.

“Oh, look who we have here.” A tauntingly annoying voice pierced my ears. I sighed and decided to stand up and look behind me, it was her. As usual, she had dirty blonde hair and meek eyes. She was wearing the most ridiculous outfit I’ve never seen before, and her group of friends... were the same thing. Idiots.

“Hello, Hyori.” My voice said with a small amount of sassiness in it. I did not want to talk to Hyori. Hyori, let’s just say, was a VERY annoying person. When we were in high school, she would constantly bug me and bully me as well because I was different because they have ‘normal’ lives.

“It seems that missy over here doesn’t like our company... shall we teach her a lesson?” Hyori looked back at her friends and they smirked at her or with her. I was confused for a moment until they started walking up to me. I had no escape... they were going to murder me through drowning. I didn’t know what to do. I wasn’t very strong so how was I going to magically get through them? I just didn’t know what to do. They somehow ended up a few centimetres close to me without me realizing, I froze. One of the girls hit me on the leg with something and it hurt and fell to the ground. The pain was spreading and my leg was now throbbing, I winced. The girl that broke my leg was holding a hammer. They planned this...

They knew this would happen. They knew that they would and could seise an opportunity when I was truly alone. No one was even in there at all. I’m such an idiot... I knew this would happen. I knew they would do something to truly hurt me. Then, out of the blue, another girl smirked at me and carried me. I screamed my lungs out, even though nobody could hear me. Wow, I’ll have to say, she was pretty strong. She suddenly threw me into the water and I felt the water, and the water was extremely cold. I tried to swim out but it wasn’t working because of the pain on my leg.

I then saw a blurry vision of the girls smirking and walking away. Even though I knew my efforts were fruitless, I kept trying. I kept on going because of my father, mother and my future. I kept on trying until I couldn’t take it anymore. I started yelling but it still wasn’t working. I couldn’t see anyone because I kept on splashing the water. A wave of coldness and tiredness swept over me and I fell in, giving up. I couldn’t breathe and I knew that I would disappear soon, so I closed my eyes, letting myself go away.


I realized that I was hearing voices of people I didn’t know... Was I dead? Could I hear spirits? Or was it just my imagination? I heard yelling, talking and people even whispering. I could hear beeping sounds of some sort. I could hear my own breathing. Breathing? I thought I was dead... From drowning, but I had this feeling that someone saved me but who? Last time I checked, there was NO ONE there at all... So how?

I really wanted to open my eyes, but I felt so weak and tired so I decided to open my eyes when they didn’t feel so heavy. Someone kept on shaking me, very furiously, I decided to open them. When I opened them, everything was white but in a matter of seconds, everything became clearer. My surroundings were white and I saw my best friend, Kelly. You could see that she was extremely worried about me. We were best friends ever since we were neighbours (about… 15 years… we were about 3 I think) and she would always help me and I would help her.  I saw her panicked eyes turn into relieved eyes when she said (she’s still shaking me).

“Mary! What happened to you??? The doctor called me through your phone and said you had mild hypothermia and a broken leg! Sheesh! Be more careful!”

“Stop shaking me.” I scolded her and she did.

“Whoops…” she said laughing slightly.

I decided to sit up on the soft bed and I looked at her. As usual, she was wearing a black shirt and said in white ‘I’m a colour!’ and a pair of dark blue denim pants. She was wearing a pair of sneakers (I don’t know why though) and she was carrying a light green satchel bag with flower designs on it.

“Ok… so explain slowly… how did I end up here exactly…?” I asked her. Kelly sat down on a brown wooden chair and started to explain the following:

“Well, what the doctor told me is that you were drowning, and some random guy saved. He said that no one knew who he was, as he left as soon as the ambulance came. He said that you were bleeding and you were soaking wet! They took you into the van brought you to hospital and made sure you were alive. They said that you could’ve died if the mystery man didn’t save you in time. They told me to tell you that you shouldn’t move around too much and that you can leave at about…” She looked at her watch and back at me “in an hour or two which is 10.37am.” I looked at her, surprised by all of this… who could’ve saved me that quickly? Why would someone save me?

“Do they know who it was?” I asked her, curiosity tinted in my voice.

“No” she shook her head “They said they saw a figure of a guy though. They didn’t chase after him because you were the first priority.”

“Ah…” I said in disappointment. I really wanted to know who saved me so I could thank that person. I guess I won’t be able to… Unless, the doctors are faking it! Maybe, he told them not to tell me!

“Well, I’ll be taking of now… I have a meeting you know… and a life to live” she smirked at me and I just decided to ignore that. Then I idea struck me.

“I was wondering if you could pass me those crutches” I asked here, pointing to the crutches next to the door.

“What do you need that for?” she asked, curiosity in her voice.

“Oh, nothing… just feel like walking” I told her, hoping she wouldn’t see through my lie.

“Ok, whatever” she walked over to the crutches, picked them up and gave them to me. “But make sure you don’t walk too much, I’ll be departing now” She said without looking back at me. Now, the crutches were in sight so let’s go. Grabbing the crutches in my hands, I decided to make sure I could stand up properly with them. After struggling for a very long time, I somehow got the hang of it and started… what the word is… pushing me to the door with the crutches supporting in a way. When I got out the door, I saw people running, crying, playing or just waiting, patiently, for what’s to come next. I sighed and started to go to reception, wherever that was. Anyway, moving on… I decided to look at the signs and when I found the sign that said ‘Front Desk’ I decided to follow that arrow and look I found it. I walked up to the Front Desk and saw a girl, no older than 20, on the phone with someone.

“Umm… Hello?” I say to the woman who looked at me for a second then looked away.

“Well, I’ve got to go, work” I hear her murmur and then she puts down the phone. She walks up to me and asks “So, what do you need?” she asks, in a ‘none happy way’.

“I was wondering which doctor I had… for Mary Park” I told her and she started typing on the computer that was in front of her.

She looks up at me and says “Doctor Pamela Dy, in the staff room right across the hall.” she points to the right and says “Go over there and you’ll find her Miss Park.”

“Yah, thanks” I say to her blankly and started walking (or in this case hoping… I think) to that area. While I was doing this, I was thinking about everything so far.  My father, the fight the drowning and the bright light I felt as if I couldn’t hold onto it.  Was that light the person who saved me? Who knows…? Without realizing, I was in front of a door that said ‘Staff Area’ on it. I decided to knock on the door first and some random guy opened it.

“Yes?” He asked, looking down at me.

“Well…” I said looking up at him “I would like to speak to Doctor Pamela Dy.” He looked at me and sighed.

“Why do you want to speak with her?” He asks curiosity and annoyance in his voice.

“Well… I really need to ask her something…” I told him, unsure of what to say next.

“Well, follow me.” He said and started to walk away so I followed. I must say, this area is pretty crowded. There were people rushing, talking, eating, drinking, almost anything. Nobody wasn’t doing nothing like just lazing on a chair for example. I then realized that I needed to catch up to mister over there so I started to push harder (even though it was KILLING me) and I somehow caught up to him as we were slowly approaching a door. When we got to the door, he stopped so instinctively I did to. He knocked on the door and said in a monotone voice “Someone’s here for you.” Then, the door started to open and there was a woman, no older than twenty I presume and let me tell you know… she’s WAY taller than me. I saw her look me in the eyes for a second and looked back at the guy.

“You can leave now, Seung.” Pamela said to him and he left in a flash. “Come in.” she said, walking to her desk. When I got inside her office, I have to give it 8 out of 10. It was organized and spacious but it wasn’t… how to say… inviting… “Well, sit down now, Mary Park.’ She said whilst pointing to a simple yellow chair.

“Oh, thanks.” I replied to her and sat down on the chair, putting my crutches next to me.

“What’s the problem? Is it about something important or not?” she asked, looking out her window.

“Well… it’s about the person who saved me…” I replied to her but trailing of a bit.

“And you want to know who it is?” she asked me, staring at me in the eyes, causing me to flinch a bit. “I’ve had a case like this once… a few years ago… it was a car accident… and it was a pretty bad one I would like to add… but for some reason… the girl lived…” she told me, trailing off from time to time.

“How is that possible? How could she have survived an attack like that?” I asked her, with one eyebrow raised.

“That’s because…” she started walking up to me slowly then she sat on the chair that was almost right next to me. “…someone else took most of the blows for her.” I looked at her, surprised at what she said.

“What happened to this person who saved her life?” I asked her, with a hint of interest in it.

“He was never found at all; even the girl doesn’t remember him” she replied to her, sadness yet anger filled her voice.

“Was that girl… you?” I asked her in a more… curious voice.

She looked at me and replied “Yah that was me.” And then, she sighed.

I looked at her surprised and said, with a tint of shock in my voice “Really? Then, how long has it been?”

“It’s been… almost 5 years… and I never got to thank him…” she said, trailing of a bit.

Then, a voice rang through the room saying this:

“Mary Park, please proceed to the pick – up area. Mary Park, please proceed to the pick – up area.”

I sighed and thought about the fact maybe she was trying to tell me it will be difficult to find my saviour. So, I just sighed, picked up my crutches and stood up with them. I saw Pamela in a sort of deep trance so I decided to make her snap out of it by saying. “Well, I’m sorry, I should leave now…”

She then blinked twice and looked at me and replied with a weak grin. “Yah, I’ll see you soon.”

“I’m sure I will.” I smiled back and walked out the door. 10.28am



When I got to my hospital room, I opened the door and I saw my belongings all fixed and ready to go. But I wonder… who did this? I just shrugged it off for now, assuming it was one of my friends and TRIED to get changed… I took about; I don’t know 10- 15 minutes to actually get changed and to sling my bag on. Just then, the phone started vibrating in my bag only for a short time, so it was a message. I decided to check it out later and off I went to the door.

While I was going to the pick-up area, I remember something I shouldn’t have forgotten… my father. I sighed to myself and decided to tell him why I was so late when I get home. Without realizing,I was at the door that said ‘Sign Out and Pick Up’ and outside there was a girl sitting on a chair with a desk in front of her. On the other side, there was another girl, and it was pretty much Abby. She’s my half cousin and half because we aren’t fully related in a way. Her parents adopted her when she was a baby. She had brown curly hair, brown eyes and was mostly Filipino, I think.

“Hey Mary, how’s it been?” I saw Abby wave at me with a huge grin on her face causing me to smile back. I pushed the doors open and went to the lady at the desk first.

“Umm… I’m her to sign out…” I said trailing of a bit each time. The girl looked up at me for second.

“Name?” she asked while scanning through her laptop.

“Oh, it’s Mary, Park Mary.” I told her, trying to sound as cool and collected somehow.

“Ok… M… N… O… P… here we are Park Mary.” She said to herself while she clicked the left button of the mouse. She looked up at me blankly and said. “You can leave now…”

“Thanks.” I said and bowed and headed over to Abby. We looked at each other for a second but then she hugged me, taking me aback a little bit. She let go of her strong embrace because she saw I was about to fall.

“OMG!!! I was so worried about you Mary! When Kelly told me you were at hospital, I was worried sick about you! Oh… and by the way…” she was slowly trailing off a bit at each of her final words, causing me to get worried very quickly. When she sounds like that, something usually bad has happened. “…You’re father… had to go to the emergency room a few hours ago so he couldn’t come and the doctors said their not sure if he’s gonna make it…” I looked at her surprised, yet dumbfounded by this situation. My father… is going to die…

“Well, let’s not get sad and hope for the best!” I said, trying to sound as happy as possible.

“Yah!” She looks and smiles causing me to smile back. “Oh, my mom is waiting for me and you to get to the car so… let’s go!” she smiles even more and starts running off.

“Wait for me!” I yelled at her in a happy, delighted way. 10.46am


When we got into the car, we put our seatbelts on (putting my crutches on my lap) and we headed off. It was kind of an awkward ride considering Abby’s mother and I barely spoke. You see my father and Abby’s mother have ‘sibling problems’ and that kind of affected the way we thought too. When we got to the house, I decided to quickly leave from the awkwardness but I couldn’t... so yeah... “Well, I’ll leave now...” I got my crutches, my bag, went out the door and I somehow managed to get to my room with the crutches AND walk up the stairs with them... from the looks people gave me there, it was not a pretty sight. So, right now I was on the couch watching T.V. while eating Pepero. While I was watching T.V, a familiar face popped out... I looked at the T.V with my eyes wide open... it was the person who saved me...



I couldn’t see anything clearly at all as I was struggling to breathe. All I could do was look at the person who saved me, from my death bed. From the looks of it, he was 18, had a kind of orange – brownish hair colour, I guess. He had deep brown eyes and had red soft lips. Did he save me? But how? There was no one and also for another fact, why would he save me? Doesn’t he know that I’m... different. I then heard sounds, the sounds of the ambulance ringing through my head. I saw him get up and just walk away. But why is he leaving? Is he going to leave me here to rot? Or is it something else? What is he hiding?

I blinked in surprise. I knew he was there, I knew that he left and I couldn’t stop him. But now I know who it is who save me... it was Taemin from SHINee... But the thing I still didn’t get was why? Why did he save me?And why does it feel like I’m forgetting something even more important?Snapping me out of my thoughts was the ad on T.V saying:

“Get you tickets now to SHINee’s mini concert! You can win them and go straight there tonight!” I looked at the T.V for a second and quickly got my cell phone, put the number in and called. Then, an audio message came in saying. “Congratulations! You win two tickets to the SHINee mini concert! Your tickets will come in an hour! So get ready! And all of the information is on the ticket.” I smiled to myself and called my best friend, Kelly and told her everything!

“Wow... I’ll be there in 30 minutes time to pick you up and to get the tickets in your mailbox~” she exclaimed at the phone, causing me to flinch a bit.

“Make sure you remember why we’re going there!” I exclaimed, happy and excied at the same time.

“Alright, I know.” She replied and put down the phone and I did as well. I sighed and decided to wait for my friend, patiently. 11.31am


While I was waiting for my best friend to come, I decided to think to myself for a bit. I decided to think about what to do when we get to the concert. Will I go to him when I first see him? No, he’ll think of me as a stalker... or maybe... no, using someone isn’t going to work or beating up anyone isn’t going to work. I sighed and decided to let my mind do it when I see him. It will come naturally... right?

While I was thinking, there was a knock on the apartment door. “Coming!” I yelled and started to TRY to get to the door, and you should know by know that it was pretty hard. When I managed to get to the door, I looked through the peep-hole and saw my friend, holding the tickets, so I opened it of course.

“Mary!” Kelly exclaimed and smiled at me, causing me to smile back.“I have the tickets!” She gave me a cocky grin while holding up the tickets at my face.

“So… what time is the concert?” I asked her awkwardly.

“Well…” she looks at the tickets and back at me. “It’s at five so… what to want to do to pass some form of time?”

“Why don’t we catch up a bit? We’ve been busy with being studious and all and I think…” I pushed Kelly from the door with my crutches, causing her to fall on her . She looked at me angrily but I just grinned at her. “…we should go out!!!” Kelly got up and brished herself quickly.

“Well, if that’s what you want… let’s do it!” Kelly grinned at me and I grinned and so we went out.

When we got to the bus station (which was close to my house) the bus was already there and quickly went there and we each paid for our bus tickets. We went to the closest seats so we sat down. We looked at each other for moment and decided to just keep quiet. We knew where we were going, COEX Mall. We’ve been there a few times, did this, and did that, whatever really. I was hoping that today, we’ll be able to hang out more and be weird. Whe we got to out stop, we went out the bus doors and started to go to COEX Mall. The stop was only a street away, so it was pretty close. When we got to the front door, we looked at each other for second and plastered huge grins on our face. “Let’s go!!!” I yelled and we both went in slowly, because of my broken leg.

Let’s see now… what did we do for the past 4 hours… eating food, shopping, went to the photo booth and got a few photos. I put a photo of me and Kelly on the back of phone and one on my bag and she put on her phone. All, in all, I must say it was one heck of a four hours. Right now, we we’re waiting at a line for the open concert of SHINee. I must say it was LONG, but lucky us, we get to push through the line because of our awesome V.I.P tickets! But the V.I.P line is long too I guess but much shorter than the general line. “So… what ARE you going to do once you see him?” Kelly asked me for about the hundredth time now. While we were out, she kept on asking me when she had the chance to. I sighed and looked at her for a moment.

“I just said… it will come to me soon enough…” I told her blankly. She looked at me sadly but mumbled to herself a ‘fine’. When we finally got to the front of the line, we gave this guy our tickets and some other guy escorted us to our seats.

“Here are your seats.” The guy said in a blank tone and left.

“Do you need help sitting down like at lunch time?” she looked at me with an evil smile. I just glared at her. You see, at lunch, Kelly sat down on the chair and when I tried to, I miserably fell and failed.

“Oh, shut up!” I looked at her angrily and pulled my tongue at her.

“Well, if that’s what you want.” She said cockily, sitting down while doing so.

“Humph!” I huffed as I sat down slowly. When I managed to sit down (with my crutches on the ground) I smirked at Kelly while she looked disappointed.

“Whatever!” She said angrily, looking at the stage instead of me. I sighed and looked at the stage and thought about stuff. What do I do once I meet him after his performance? I know I tried to think of a solution before… but that hasn’t work before now has it? I decided to check my watch for the time. 4.58pm. Two minutes. Now, this is when I have to be certain that he’s the one. Suddenly, lights went out and all you could see was the stage, the bright stage and out of nowhere, five guys came out of the ground. This was my chance to find out if he was the one…

“Annyeong!” I heard one of them yell and they all waved, causing a major ruckus around the area. That person who waved was… him it’s definitely him, I’m very sure now because… my heart said so. I looked at Kelly for a second but she was standing up and screaming just like everyone else. Too bad I can’t stand up, so I decided to enjoy the concert. SHINee are amazing and breathtaking. For the past two hours of watching them, their dance moves are amazing and their singing is beautiful. It’s like they never got tired at all.

When the concert was over, SHINee left the stage were going back to their dormitory. Of course, there were tons of fan girls screaming and watching them leave. There were also photographers, so there were guards of course. How do we know this? It’s because we left the concert two minutes earlier because the guards said we got to go to the front of the fan girls. Then, we saw SHINee coming this way and I saw Taemin come along this way. When they were extremely close, somehow our eyes met and his eyes were wide open, so did mine. For a few moments, it felt like it was only us there. But, Kelly started shaking me and I snapped out of it.

“From the looks of it… he’s the one.” She said in a serious tone, causing me to look at her in surprise. The last time I saw her serious was when my father got ill.

“Yeah…” I replied to her trailing off.

“Well? What are we waiting for?” She asks me causing me to blink in confusion for a second. Was she going to do something outrageous?

“What are you-” I was about to ask her but she just started walking off causing me to go after her but I couldn’t keep up. She was too quick for me to keep up with her. I had this feeling I knew where we were going… to the end of the line. Kelly’s going to hurt someone again! Dammit! Using all my strength, I tried to keep up but failed. When she stopped, I knew she was already there but I kept on going until I was right next to her.

“Taemin! How dare you leave her alone when you were the one who saved her!” Kelly yelled, causing the group that was about to go in the car look at us. They looked at us confused but only Taemin looked shocked. I looked at him shocked as well, knowing that he knew what was going on.

“Do you know her?” I heard Key ask Taemin, despite all of the noise. The thing that surprised me is that Taemin went to the guard and whispered something to his ear. The guard walked up to us and whispered to me.

“Go to Seoul-si Gangnam-gu Samseong-dong 159on the actual street in 30 minutes, he’ll be waiting for you.” Then he went back to his position as a guard. I looked at Taemin for a second in the eyes and then out of the blue, he showed me a warm smile causing me to smile back for some reason. Then, I saw him go into the car and leave with the rest of the members, causing the entire ruckus to die down. Just then, I heard Kelly’s phone ring so I looked back at her. She picked it up and mumbled a few words like “What?” and “Really?” When she was finished with her conversation, she put her phone in her bag.

“I have to go home because of family problems… I’m sorry but… I can’t go with you.” She said, disappointed.

“Don’t worry! The place is close to here so… yeah.” I smiled at her and she smiled back.

“Well, okay then…” she said as she walked away, causing me to frown a bit. Then, I started to go there alone…


When I got there, it was about 7.40pm, I guess and surprisingly, there was no one here at all. It was pretty strange. I decided to look around but Taemin showed no signs he was there. I sighed and decided to just maybe give up. Wouldn’t it be better if I did? Now that I think about it… did he save me because it was out of good courtesy? Maybe, but if he did, then why did he leave? Was he trying to hide from something? Then suddenly, someone tapped me on the back, causing me to try to quickly look back and I saw the colour orange… no wait brown?

“You came…“I heard the person in front of me say… it was Taemin. Right now, he had a calming smile which made me feel at peace and relaxed somehow but at the same time nervous.

“Um… yeah…” I said, feeling awkward. “Why don’t we sit down?”

“Yeah, sure…” he also said awkwardly. We both went to the closest bench and sat down next to each other. Then, I snapped for some reason and punched him in the face, causing him to look at me, in momentary shock but quickly snapped out of it.

“You’re crying…” Taemin said, with a tint of sadness in his voice. I didn’t realize but yes, I was crying.

“Why?! Why did you leave me there?” I yelled at him, choking each word I said.

“I…” Taemin looked at me; a tear ran down his face. “The first time I saw you for the very first time was at elementary school. I only stayed there for a year and I was different from everyone else. No one spoke to me, until you came and said hi to me and held you hand out and asked me to join you.” I looked at him, taken aback to what he was saying. I met him before? How could I have forgotten… he was my first friend that was a boy.



He was all alone again, sitting there, eating his lunch. There, I saw him, with his black hair and innocent face. Is that why he didn’t have any friends? Was it because he looked like a girl maybe? I felt very sad and horrible because no one would go up to him. I walked up to him and he looked back at me, surprised. “Would you like to be my friend?” I asked happily, extending my hand to him.

I looked at him, upset that I had forgotten. “From that day, I swore that I would help you in return, help you from being sad of hurt…”

“But… that still doesn’t explain why you left.” I told him, with a little bit of hurt in my voice.

“It was because…” he looked me in the eyes and our faces were only a few centimetres apart. Then it happened, our lips met passionately and it felt so amazing yet familiar…’


I knew trying to breathe would be useless, but I felt this very light feeling in my chest. I didn’t know what it was but I knew it was something I should savour. Suddenly, I felt some form of respiration happening in my system again. Deciding to now try and open my eyes, I saw a guy with orange brown hair, giving me CPR, even though he was doing it incorrectly, but it worked. But then, he stopped. Does he know I’m half-conscious or maybe it’s because he was tired? Whatever the case, it was something I have never felt before. I never thought my first kiss would be taken by CPR by a handsome guy.

Then, our lips parted and we both started huffing a lot. Who knew mouth to mouth kissing would feel so tiring? “…I loved you and I couldn’t afford to lose you.” Taemin said, finishing his sentence from before.

“It seems it’s the second time we’re had our kiss.” I said, smiling and blushing too.

“Yeah… but…” Taemin said, sounding upset, causing me to be too. “I can’t stay here anymore… let’s pretend to not know each other…” Taemin stood up and started walking away, slowly, causing me to sit still, trying to process it all in. After that, he just left? After the processing, I took my crutches, and got up and yelled.

“Taemin!” I started crying again, only harder this time, but he just kept walking. Then, I saw something, something shiny. I knew what it was… from watching too many movies, it was a glint of metal. Someone was going to kill him and he doesn’t know it. I knew he wouldn’t listen so I went after him. If you didn’t have crutches, you'd be able to get there in a few seconds, but me, it would be two minutes too late. Even though I knew this, I kept going, in deep pain from going too fast. Then, the saw the glint of metal move causing me to move faster. I decided to drop the crutches and drag myself, feeling so much pain. Then, the guy was only a metre away from him, causing Taemin to look to his side in surprise.

“Ahh!” the man yelled and I was almost there. So close… Then Taemin was stabbed in the stomach… He fell to the ground, yelling in pain and I cried even harder, he was bleeding, the he closed his eyes. When I finally got to him, I got down on my knees and I opened my bag and looked for my pressure bandage. Before I did that, I decided to see if the guy was going to hurt me, but he looked shocked too. “I killed him… he wasn’t the one I was supposed to…” he was pulling his hairs out going nuts. Well, he wasn’t going to hurt anyone until he recovered from his craziness. I went back to checking my bag and I found it. I knew it would come in handy one day! I saw Taemin, his face in deep pain which gave me motivation to help him in any way I can.

Like what I learnt in training, you slowly wrap the bandage around the wound, checking every now and then on the person you are bandaging or in this case, Taemin. Then, I heard Taemin’s wails of anguish and I started to feel the pain in my leg as well. Then, I heard a gunshot ring behind me and I looked back and saw the guy with his knife in front of my face, and he fell to the side. Was he about to kill me? And who helped me?

“Hey. Are you guys okay?” I heard a girl yell at the left, causing me to look to the side, running over. I let her come here, and deciding to only concentrate on Taemin. I looked at Taemin, he looked better, and from the looks of it the pain lessened a bit.

“Ma…ry…Help…me.” I heard Taemin mumble unconsciously and he was crying it causes me to also tear up a bit.

“My name’s Maryjo and I work I’m a trainee in combat. I’m here to help in any way I can.” I heard a voice say next to me. I decided to quickly have a glimpse of her. She was wearing all black. She has a black shirt, black baggy jeans, black shoes and a black gun. Everything is just so… black.

“Then... look for help, my phone’s dead and if you have a phone… can you call someone?” I asked her, with seriousness in my tone. She looked at my blankly and replied.

“I don’t have my phone with me today… so I’ll look for some help…” she said, walking off. I sighed and looked Taemin sadly.

“I’m sorry… I couldn’t protect you very well…” I started crying so much and held his hand, tightly.

“No, Mary… Thank you.” Taemin said half-conscious yet he was smiling at me. “You’ve saved me a lot… like right now…” I smiled at him, also crying at the same time. It was so crazy, even for me. I decided to lie next to him and he held me tightly somehow and I did to. I snuggled into his arm and smiled.

“I…love…you…” I said, savouring each word and eventually falling asleep.

What would happen after this? Who knows but after this I promise… I’ll protect him and I’ll protect myself…










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