Lost and Found *Part 1* (Jonghyun TwoShot)

My Friends and Their Oneshots

She was lost and in all places it had to be Seoul, South Korea. Now, she didn’t have a map (because she was pretty clumsy) and the fact that her phone, out of all day, ran out of battery. One MORE problem was that she couldn’t read Korean! So, what to do next... ask someone of course! But, everyone looks strange and creepy. That was until... she saw a guy. He was short, chubby looking and he looked... different. Someone she could easily trust maybe but she didn’t know for sure. She mustered up as much courage as possible and went up to him.


Today was her first time going out alone, her in South Korea to do some shopping for the group, but well… she didn’t want to. They knew that she wasn’t good around the streets and they still made her do it. You see, right now, they were on an exchange student thing; you know when they bring students to a different country or school, yeah that thing. She knew the reason why she had to go alone… it was because of rock paper scissors. She couldn’t help at smile at the fact that she lost every SINGLE time. She would always tend to get annoyed and start ranting at them but today, she couldn’t. She had to go out quickly or else it would be nighttimeand she didn’t want to be by herself at night. Quickly checking that everything was there, she looked at the mirror and tidied herself up a bit, and not that it would matter anyway. She wasn’t trying to impress anyone.

 If she remembered carefully, she was in a hotel room in… she couldn’t remember.  She was in this room with three of her best friends, Lara, Abigail (they were both Filipino), Cassie (she’s Burmese) and her (Filipino…). In the room next to theirs, it was Kelly, Mary (both Korean), Maryjo and Gabby (Filipino). As you can see, they were all Asian and Pamela couldn’t help but giggle a bit at the thought.

“Pamela! If you have time to go into ‘weird’ mode, go buy us our food!” she heard a yell outside. She knew it was Lara; it was pretty obvious to her.

“Pamela~ Hurry up and go~” another voice wailed causing Pamela to sigh in annoyance. Smiling at the fact that she wore a red pinkish t-shirt with a big love heart and it says inside it ‘Saranghaeyo~ (in Korean)’. She was wearing black jeans; dark pink shoes and had a pinkish-reddish bag with her personal belongings in it. She went outside the room and saw her friends doing nothing. Lara was studying, Abigail was blankly looking at the T.V. and Cassie was in the bathroom, having a shower (she knew this because of the fact she wasn’t there).

“Well… if anyone cares… I’ll be leaving…” Pamela said, trailing off from time to time. Lara then randomly stood up and went next to Abigail, who was watching T.V.

“Go Pamela and have fun now~ Oo~, what show is this???” Lara told Pamela then randomly bounced to Abigail.

“Whatever!” Pamela mehrong Abby and Lara without them looking and started walking to the door. Pamela opened the door, was about to storm out.

“Make sure you don’t get lost!” Abigail yelled causing Pamela to sigh in annoyance.

“I won’t! Geez, I’m not a child!” Pamela yelled, took the trolley for the food, slammed the door shut and started to walk to the elevator. She knew this was going to be one random shopping trip.


Pamela was wandering aimlessly while she was desperately looking for the grocery items. Again, she took out her shopping list from her bag and scanned through it again.


ü  2x  Peppero Boxes

ü  5 Fish Cakes

·      Potato Chips (Any Kind)

·      Chicken


·      Fried Chicken ;)

ü  Peppero :D

ü  Instant Ramen Noodles ;D

ü  Tteok (rice cakes keke~)


ü  1 Nuts and One Choc Peppero

·      1 Container of Fermented Kimchi

·      ½ a kilo of Samgyoepsal

·      ¼ of a kilo of Pounded Rice Tteok

She sighed in annoyance and started to think about their harsh requests. Lara’s one was so specific that she didn’t know what to say to the owner of each market, Abby’s one was Fried Chicken and Cassie’s one was vague in a way. She sighed as she kept on looking around. Even though she was supposed to be able to read Korean, she was never good at it when it came to the messy printed ones. She could only read the neat, straight lined ones, not the messy ones. She could only rely on speaking the Korean Language and smelling and looking for the foods that they wanted.

What felt like hours of looking(for Pamela anyway) she sighed to herselfsoftly. She completed Abigail’s list with the chicken, Cassie’s chicken as well as Lara’s Kimchi but now, the problem was that Pamela didn’t really know what Samgyoepsal, Tteok looked like and she didn’t know where they would sell Potato Chips in a market. She looked around here surroundings, and saw the Tteok… she had a huge on her face as she remembered what it looked like. She remembers seeing it in a book once, and it was a thing she wanted to eat when she went to Korea. She smiled at herself for forgetting it even though Lara kept on talking about it, Abby smiling at the thought of sweets and Mary laughing her head off. Good times, good times…

She went up to the old women in the shop and asked her for ½ of a kilo of Pounded Tteok.  She got ½ a kilo because she wanted some of it to. She smiled at the shop owner and she smiled back. Pamela paid for the Tteok, bowed and left. Well, that leaves the Potato Chips and the Samgyoepsal (she still doesn’t know what it looked like). Suddenly a wave of epiphany went through her… Where was she?


She panicked. Where was she exactly? She had also forgotten the way home. She was busy into the shopping that she forgot to make sure she remembered where to go. She didn’t listen to what Abby said to her about NOT getting lost. She knew the address but she didn’t know where to go exactly. She didn’t want to ask anyone… for some reason, she didn’t want to. She felt like she wasn’t confident enough. She didn’t want to ask for directions and so decided to check out her phone. She took her phone out of her purse and tried to open it but all that came out was a black screen. She panicked even more but she told herself to calm down. She put her phone in her bag, zipped it and looked ahead.

“Calm down Pamela.” She whispered to herself in a soft voice so people couldn’t hear her. She looked for a map but didn’t find one. She looked at her watch and saw that the time was only 5.01pm. It had only been an hour and a few minutes, she guessed anyways. She sighed as she felt that it was hopeless. She then saw something familiar… she saw Samgyoepsal… She was frustrated with herself. Frustrated about the fact that she forgot that it was meat… weird. Quickly walking up to the sales lady and quickly buying the Samgyoepsal, she noticed that there was a packet of Potato Chips.

“Can I please buy that packet of chips?” Pamela asked, trying to be as fluent with her Korean as possible. She didn’t want to sound confusing even though she had done this many times before. The sales woman smiled and walked to where the potato chips were and walked back her.

“Yes, that will be ₩1,606 (AUD$1.38)” The woman said to Pamela in a cheery voice, causing Pamela to feel happy a little bit. She took out her wallet, paid her the money and smiled too. She gave Pamela the chips and the sales lady gave her an awkward. Pamela was a bit dumbstruck to as why she was smiling but smiled back anyways.

“Thank you.” Pamela said through the feeling of awkwardness, bowed and left. Putting the food in the trolley, she felt her arm getting weaker and weaker from dragging the trolley of snacks. She sighed as she kept on looking for someone to help her get home. She had lots of time before 7:00pm to look for someone for help on how to get back home. Everyone had the same aura seeping through them and she didn’t want to ask those people. They would probably brush her away like they never noticed her existence. That was until... she saw someone.

A guy, who looked year older than her at best, was wearing a black shirt and blue jeans. Even though he looked older, he looked like he was shorter than her, only by a bit though. He caught her attention. That’s right; the girl that doesn’t seem to like boys happens to find one that she felt was different. She always had though that boys were just annoying but this guy, his aura felt different, which was a rare case for Pamela. His aura felt calming, strong and his aura gave him the feeling of someone to rely on. She knew that he was about to leave from whatever he was doing, so she knew what to do. She mustered up all of her courage and walked up to him and alas, tapped his shoulder. The guy looked back and his features blew Pamela away. She couldn’t describe him... he was too perfect.

Jonghyun looked surprised as well. His eyes widened at the features of the girl who tapped his shoulder. He expected some strange tourist who didn’t know Korean or wasn’t pretty, but she looked different. She didn’t look from around here. She wasn’t from here and he didn’t want to deal with tourists but still, he wanted to know more about this pretty tourist, even though she wouldn’t know Korean.

“Excuse me…” Pamela trailed off a bit and Jonghyun was a bit surprised at the fact that she spoke Korean. “I was wondering… do you know this place very well?” Pamela asked, with shyness and at the same time, nervousness in her voice.

“Well… I guess so, I’ve here a few times if that’s what you call ‘knowing this place very well’.” Jonghyun sheepishly said causing Pamela to giggle a bit. She didn’t expect him to be shy at all, but it was interesting.

“What’s so funny? Is it I?” Jonghyun asked confused whilst pointing to himself. Pamela realised what she had done and blushed a bit. She had just randomly giggled at what this stranger said. “What? Falling for me?” Jonghyun said in a seductive voice and Pamela blushed even harder and glared at him.

“No! As if!” Pamela said in an annoyed tone, causing Jonghyun to be a little bit disappointed. Then, the awkwardness came...

“So anyway... You said you were lost?” Jonghyun said to Pamela, breaking the awkwardness and Pamela looked at him for a moment and sighed.

“Ya, I’m kind of lost, even though I’ve been here with my friends a few times...” Pamela said, trailing off from embarrassment of being stupid.


“Well then, do you have the address of where you’re going?” Jonghyun asked Pamela causing her to think for a moment. Will she really let him help her? These days, there weren’t much people to trust, but her instinct told her to trust him, so she followed that and hoped it was right. Taking out the piece of paper with the address that Kelly gave her, she gave it to Jonghyun and he took it and read it. His eyes widened for a bit but then he looked at Pamela with knowing eyes.

“I’ve been here before so... just follow me...” Jonghyun said, smiling at Pamela causing her to blush again. She was annoyed of the fact that she had blushed which causes her to blush even harder. Out of the blue, Jonghyun laughed causing Pamela to blink in surprise. She knew he was laughing at her blush, but she couldn’t help it. It was his fault, anyway, but she couldn’t tell him.

“Stop laughing!” Pamela said to him annoyed, causing Jonghyun to tone done his laughing into small fits of laughter. He kept on doing that until he was breathing slowly.

“I’m...sorry...I...couldn’t...help...it.” Jonghyun told Pamela whilst trying to breathe. He then breathed in really hard and out really hard. “Well, anyway... back to the main subject... just follow me.” Jonghyun took Pamela’s hand, strangely enough by instinct, and started to drag her, causing both of them to blush hysterically.


Whilst they were walking, hand in hand, Pamela really wanted Jonghyun to let go, but she couldn’t find the words to say that, that was until Jonghyun let go of her hand himself, causing her to be slightly disappointed, only slightly... ok?

“I’m really sorry for doing that.” Jonghyun looked back and bowed to her. Pamela jerked back in surprise. Did her really have to do that?

“It’s ok, it’s ok!” Pamela awkwardly told him, causing him to look upwards at her.

“Really? Are you sure?” Jonghyun asked in curiosity. He’d always thought it would be annoying or awkward for someone to be randomly dragged by someone he or she barely knew, but seeing from this situation, it was different. But it was strange; fan girls would go crazy for him. He even noticed that she had a ‘SHINee World” in English on her bag. He guessed that she never noticed but he just shrugged it off for now. Might as well tell her when they get to their destination.

“Yeah~ It’s fine~” Pamela said calmly, causing Jonghyun to blink out of his trail of thought.

“At least let me do something for you...” Jonghyun trailed of a bit, causing Pamela to blink in surprise. She wasn’t expecting him to say that. He really looked like he wanted to do something.

“Well... umm... drag my trolley for the rest of the way maybe?” Pamela slowly told him and shook her arm on where the trolley was. Jonghyun looked to that side and quickly took the trolley from her. He then walked next to her, trolley in hand. “Umm... thanks.” Pamela looked at him and he looked back, smiling.

“Well, it’s the least I can do, well, after holding your hand without permission and all... but why didn’t you ask me to let go?” Jonghyun asked, curiosity in her tone, causing Pamela to blush a bit. What would she say to him? That it felt like she felt safe whilst he was holding hands with her? No, of course not, it would be too embarrassing.

“Well... it was because of the fact that I didn’t want to be rude or anything...” Pamela said, wavering at her answer. Jonghyun looked at her for minute, and then sighed.

“K then. Now, shall we go?” Jonghyun said as he started walking and at the same time, Pamela started walking and she was next to him too. For a few minutes, it was pure awkwardness. Pamela was blushing whilst Jonghyun tried to keep his “manly” posture, which was hard for him. Usually, it wasn’t that hard, but when he was next to her, it felt difficult for him. Pamela wanted this awkwardness to stop, so she cleared down and spoke.

“So... why were you shopping there in the first place?” Pamela asked him, curiosity in her tone. She had been wondering for while on why he was there and hadn’t bought anything at all.

“Well, its kind of a long story…” Jonghyun said, rubbing the back of his head. Pamela looked at him curiously but then looked ahead at the road.

“Well, considering the fact that we’re walking and it’s a long way, there, might as well say something or we’ll die of awkwardness.” Pamela told him bluntly, causing Jonghyun to giggle a bit. He thought that this girl was pretty strange. The way she acted, the way she spoke and even the way she smiled. It felt strange to him, and for some reason, he liked it. Something new, something fresh, he thought.

“Alright then, here it goes.” Jonghyun breathed in and started telling Pamela the story of how he ended up there in the first place.

Flashback to about 3 hours ago:

Jonghyun was dead bored. Groaning in annoyance, he rolled on his bed and ended up having his pillow on his face. Today was one of those days where him and the members could take a break from all that work. Usually, he would go on Twitter and take selcas or draw drawings but he didn’t feel like it today. He just felt like not typing or doing whatever and just relax, but he never realized how painfully boring it was. He sighed as he got out of his bed and started walking to the living room. He noticed that Taemin and Minho were playing video games, as usual.

“Argh!!!” Taemin groaned in annoyance as he had lost another game versus Minho, which caused Jonghyun to laugh a bit. It was the same 90% of the time. Minho would always go into his ‘flaming charisma’ mode and knock Taemin’s socks off with his gaming skills. But the other 10% was when Taemin somehow beats Minho, which causes him to go into ‘berserker’ mode. Jonghyun left them to do their thing and went to the kitchen. As suspected, Key was cooking whatever he cooks. He was good at cooking but didn’t like washing the dishes.

“Hey, Key.” Jonghyun said as he started walking up to him.

“Hey.” Key said blankly and not paying any attention. Jonghyun sighed as he noticed that Onew was missing.

“Uhh Key… Where’s Onew?” Jonghyun asked Key as he sat down on the chair next to the table.

“Well, Onew went out. I don’t know why though. It seemed like it was important so I didn’t ask any questions. Probably to get some chicken…” Key said to Jonghyun as he kept on cooking. Jonghyun sighed as he got up. “Why do you ask?” Key said, looking back at Jonghyun, causing him to blink in surprise.

“Well, because of the fact when he’s usually here, he’d be all loud and everything… I had a feeling that something was missing.” Jonghyun told him whilst rubbing the back of his head.

“From the looks of it… you’re bored.” Key told him in a voice that said the word “obvious.”

“Well, that’s true enough… so anyways, is there anything I can do or something?” Jonghyun asked Key blankly.

“Well, why don’t you go out? It’s been a while since you’ve gone out somewhere. Usually, you’d either be in bed, practicing or writing songs. So try going out for a change?” Key stated causing Jonghyun to think for a moment. Go out? Well, it doesn’t sound so bad. Besides he needed some time and fresh air to himself. He sighed.

“Thanks for the friendly advice Key.” Jonghyun said as he quickly went to his room, grab some stuff and went to the door. “Well, see you guys soon.” Jonghyun yelled across the dorm and went out.


“Well that’s what happened, pretty much.” Jonghyun told Pamela, causing her to blink in surprise. He was from SHINee? She never noticed. He looked pretty different without any make up on or in T.V.

“So… you’re Kim Jonghyun?” Pamela asked in shock causing Jonghyun to giggle a bit.

“I was surprised you never noticed, considering the fact that you were a fan.” Jonghyun told her and Pamela thought to herself for a bit. He looked different from T.V. He looked more... nicer? Manlier? Cuter? She didn’t know. All she knew that he looked VERY different from T.V. which amused her greatly. “Anyway... enough about why I went there in the first place, why did YOU go there in the first place?” Jonghyun asked Pamela causing her to remember why she was there.

“Um... Let’s just say it involved scissors-paper-rock, food and losing.” Pamela told him, feeling a bit embarrassed for not emphasizing like he did. She had a feeling he would get it.

“So you’re saying that you had to buy food because you lost scissors-paper-rock?” Jonghyun asked and Pamela nodded, out of pure embarrassment. She thought he would laugh of something but he did something she didn’t expect. “I know how you feel. One time, we all played rock-paper-scissors when we were playing Jenga, but I lost and I then I became last place which was a disadvantage for me.”

Pamela looked at him for a moment then sighed softly. She was starting to feel a bit tired of walking and talking but, for her anyway, it was fun, talking to Jjong and all. “I was wondering something...” Pamela trailed off a bit, causing him to look at Pamela for a minute. “Can I call you Jjong?” Pamela asked with her down, not looking at the fact that Jonghyun was blushing. No one had called him that before which surprised him a bit. Shaking his blush off his face and said.

“You can but you have to let me call you Pam.” Pamela looked up at him in surprise but smiled at him causing him to immediately smile back.

“Sure!” Pamela told him, in pure happiness that she had made a new friend.


“Well, we’re here.” Jonghyun said as he pointed at the building of where Pamela lives in. Pamela smiled at him and looked at the building.

“Well, thanks and sorry for saying this but… I actually thought that you were tricking me or something.” Pamela scratched the back of her head. She could’ve sworn that Jjong blushed a bit but she just shrugged it off. She then noticed that Jjong still had her trolley. “Uhh, well, you still have my trolley.” Pamela said, pointing at her trolley.

“Whoops, sorry, I almost forgot. Here, take it.” Jonghyun said, walking over to Pam and handing over the trolley. Out of the blue, a sound came, ringing on the spot where Jjong was.

Sumgyeodo twinkle eojjeona

Nune hwak ttuijanha

Beire ssayoe isseodo nanuen twinkle tiga na~

Jonghyun blushed a bit out embarrassment and quickly took out his phone. He looked at the caller I.D. and it was Key. He sighed as he pressed the green button and out the phone on his ear.

“Yobseoyo?” Jonghyun said to the phone. Pamela noticed that his voice had changed into an annoyed tone.

“Jonghyun... You’re late and I HATE that. You should know that much. Give me TWO good reasons why I shouldn’t kill you when you get back.” Key said in a loud, angered voice, causing Jonghyun to flinch a bit. He never had noticed the time for some odd reason. Was it because of Pamela?

“You shouldn’t kill me because… I'm the main singer of the group and I helped a girl that was lost?” Jonghyun asked Key, causing Key to blink in surprise. Him helping? THE Jonghyun was helping a girl that’s lost?

“Prove it then.” Key said in a challenging voice. Jonghyun looked at Pamela for a moment and gave her the phone, making Pamela extremely confused.

“Talk to Key for me and tell him that I’m taking you home.” Jonghyun told Pamela blankly.

“Ok then…” Pamela said awkwardly and put the phone at her ear. “Yobseoyo?” Pamela said, not believing the fact that she was talking to THE Almighty Key.

“OMG!!! JONGHYUN WAS TELLING THE TRUTH!!!” She heard Key screaming extremely loud, causing Pamela to flinch a bit and remove the phone from her ear. She looked at Jonghyun for a minute then asked, “So, do I just put down the phone?”

Jonghyun just sighed. “Just hand over the phone and I’ll do the rest.” He held out his hand and Pamela gave it to him. Jonghyun pressed the red button and put his phone in his pocket.

“I’ll have to go know because Key will start interrogating me soon.” Jonghyun said, with a tone of sadness in his voice.

“Ok… we’ll meet again…” Pamela said, trailing off a bit because she was upset. Upset of the fact she couldn’t be with him longer.

“I’ve…got to run now…” Jonghyun said giving her a sad smile but then ran off. Pamela sighed softly and smiled sadly as well.

“Too good to be true… I guess.” Pamela looked down at the ground in sadness but then quickly noticed something that stood out. She bent down and picked it up and noticed it was a wallet. She wondered of who would have owned it, so she opened the wallet and noticed the fact that there was a licence card in it. Reading the name on the card, she gasped in surprise as she read it.

“Kim Jonghyun…”

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