「 MinRin ♡ YeJun 」

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「 MinRin ♡ YeJun 」

[Listen to: 친구졸업 (Wanna Be Your Love) by F.cuz]

Author's Note: One-shot for jongrish_shin. Sorry for changing things around, your request was a tad bit vague.
Credits to JpopAsia for lyrics/translation.

Must. Share. Lee U = So. Cute.

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우린 여전히 좋은 친구 사이야 / 가장 친한 친구 이자 / 연인인 너만을 사랑해

( We are still good friends / You’re my best friend / My love, I love only you )

Stretched out on her bed, Minrin glanced at her cell phone. The incessant buzzing and ringing indicated an incoming call. She perked up, hearing the ringtone. One of her best friend's new songs off his band's latest album—set for him and him alone. She smiled, hearing the giggle inducing lyrics. Also a bittersweet reminder of what can never be.

"Yobosaeyo? (Hello?)" She flipped it open.

"Minrin-ah! Saengil chukha hamnida! (Happy birthday!)" Yejun sing-songed into her ear.

"Oppa!" Minrin laughed. "You too!" She grinned at the calendar sitting on her bedside table: February 4.

"So, what's my little Minrin-dongsaeng doing for her birthday?" Yejun asked, although he already knew the answer.

"Supporting my Yejun-oppa at his concert, duh!" She squealed into the receiver.

"Oh?" He asked, a smile evident in his voice. "At what time?"

"7:30PM!" Minrin jumped off her bed, making sure her outfit for the occassion was all ready.

"Neh! (Yes!)" Yejun started, then he added more seriously, "If you're not here by then, you owe me an extra birthday gift."

"That all?" Minrin cocked her head to the side.

"And, you don't get yours."

"Oppa. You're so lame."

He laughed. "7:30 sharp! Or bad things will happen!"

"Neh! Oppa!" Minrin whined. "Don't make me change my mind!"

Click. They hung up.

Minrin giggled to herself, excited for tonight. It's the first time she gets to see her Oppa performing, and he promised her something worth remembering. She wondered what could be even more worth while than their friendship.

Maybe he'll sing me a love song like in one of those cheesy movies! She held her hand to her face, sighing dreamily. Realizing her fantasies, she shook her head. Oppa doesn't see me like that... She twiddled her fingers.



"Neh! Jong Minrin-sshi!" A security guard called out to her as she strolled in casually with the crowd.

"Eh?" Minrin turned, hearing the sound of her name. She saw a pudgy man in uniform beckoning to her. "Neh, ahjussi? (Yes, mister?)"

"Come with me." He gestured to a door leading inside.

"Neh." Minrin followed, glancing at her watch. 7:28. Aish! I'm already running late as it is! She played with the edges of her scarf, cautiously following the guard.

"Jinon-sshi and Kan-sshi," The guard greeted the members of F.cuz as they walked by. Kan winked at Minrin as the make-up artists touched up his already handsome face, Jinon grinned while the stylist was throwing clothing off the rack at him. She waved nervously, looking for Yejun.

"Minrin-ah!" Someone brushed past her, touching her arm. "Hope you enjoy the show!"

Minrin turned, seeing Lee U smile at her as he ran to the restroom. Something was a little off about that smile, like he knew something she didn't.

"Minrin-sshi." The guard paused abruptly. "Wait here."

"N-neh." She muttered, watching the chubby guard waddle away. The concert was beginning, judging by the crowd's screaming. Minrin rubbed the back of her neck. Not my fault that I'm late. This is probably Yejun's doing. She sighed, leaning to her right. Minrin nearly stumbled forward, realizing that the thing she was leaning on wasn't solid. Pffft. What the hell kinda wall is this?!

"Annyeonghasaeyo! (Hello!)" She heard Jinon talking on stage. "Today's one of our closet friend's birthday. Yejun-ah!" Minrin paced back and forth, wondering what's going on out there. "Bring her out here!"

Mwoh?! Minrin froze, hand at her chest. The black "wall" opened up, revealing a hallway of curtains leading down to the stage where Yejun motioned for her.

Oh, hell no. Minrin wrung her hands, getting ready to beat up Yejun for her "gift worth remembering."

"Saengil chukha hamnida! Saengil chukha hamnida! Saranghaneun Minrin geurigo Yejun-ah! Saengil chuka hamnida! (Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Our beloved Minrin and Yejun-ah! Happy birthday to you!)" Kan and Lee U chanted, rushing through the third line as they led on the audience.

Minrin took Yejun's hand as she stepped out on stage. Lights and cameras clicked feverishly and her grip on Yejun's hand tightened. She looked up threateningly at him, eyes on fire. I'm gonna kill you after this, her eyes said it all. He merely smiled as the introduction of a songthe songbegan.

좋은 친구로만 날 대하는 니가 밉기도 해 / 더는 그만 하고 싶은데 난 그게 아닌데 / 내 맘 몰라 답답해 더 이상 못참겠어 / Wanna be your love 내 말 듣고 놀라지마 ♪

( You only treated me as a good friend and it’s killing me / That’s not enough anymore, I don’t want this / I’m frustrated because you don’t know my feelings, I can’t take it anymore / Wanna be your love, listen to me and don’t be shocked )

Yejun sang his part, swinging their intertwined hands back and forth.

W-what?! Minrin gasped. He's singing to me?! She smiled doubtfully.

He winked, pulling her closer to him by tugging lightly on her arm.

My best friend, my baby / 이젠 친구는 싫어 난 사랑을 원해 / My best friend, my lady / 걱정마 난 어디 안가 자 내 손을 잡아 / 좋은 친구는 여기까지해 / 대신 내일은 사랑을 시작해 / My lady, my best friend / 난 자신 있어 무슨 말이든 해봐

( My best friend, my baby / I don’t want to be friends now, I want your love / My best friend, my lady / Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere so take my hand / Good friends can only go so far / So tomorrow let’s start begin our love / My lady, my best friend / I’m confident, say something )

Minrin held her breath as the instrumental continued and the singing stopped. She looked up at Yejun, he was smiling brightly. She glanced at Jinon and Lee U, they motioned for her to do it.

She blinked. Do what?! She looked questioningly at Kan, and he half-nodded towards Yejun.

He mouthed to Minrin, kiss him!

The music went on endlessly, as if this whole thing were planned. Minrin glanced shyly at Yejun, emotions in a whirlwind.

The song.. He knew her feelings.

The audience sat in rapture, as if the performance were a drama, not a concert.

All this time. All this time, he knew.

Minrin inhaled deeply.

He knew, and he felt the same way.

"OH! JUST DO IT ALREADY." Lee U said exasperatedly, sighing dramatically into the microphone. 

Jinon and Kan simultaneously hit him upside the head and poked his stomach. Behind her, Minrin felt Yejun laughing. She had barely turned to look up at him when he mashed his lips upon hers. Her arms s themselves around his neck, his around her waist.

The crowd went wild and the other F.cuz members cheered along with them.

"About time, you two!" Jinon yelled his congratulations.

Minrin and Yejun broke apart, gazing at each other as if for the first time.

"You're late." He said breathlessly.

"Yeah, well, too late to take back your present now!" She laughed, kissing him again.

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These one shots are really wonderful. Especially Junhyung's one. That got me laughing out loud during the dare. Keep writing these beautiful stories!
kyniam #2
really good
Im loving the one shots :D
lazycharms #4
Aw~ I don't remember requesting at all!!! hahaha. I was SUPER surprise when I saw the note. haha. And I totally forgot what i asked for! :P but I'm happy! VERY happy! haha. hope you have fun with your other request. and again Thank you VERY MUCH! :D
Thank you so much for writing my oneshot!!! I really liked it!! ^^ *huggies* <br />
I can already imagine the baby! hahahha xDDD <br />
Thank you, again :)
lazycharms #6
awe...I love babies!! *super tight huggie*
thank you for the awesome one shottt ^^ omg it is just so super uber awesomely sweet.<br />
it has a simple plot but it just melted me like nobody's business! thank youuu dearest sonnydearr, you're loved <3<br />
more great works to come!
AegyoWookie #8
I read the two stories about Cho Kyuhyun, and I immediately loved it! It was amazing how you wrote it! ^_^<br />
Subscribing ~
awww...i wish i could apply as well...hehehehe
Take your time, we all know that youäve got a real life too so you possibly can't update all the time. :D ♥<br />
<br />
Oh, and btw. Is there any chance I could change my partner for my oneshot, seeing as to how it's not the next one on the list?