「 Sonny ♡ Jonghyun 」

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「 Sonny ♡ Jonghyun 」

Author's Note: Yeah, I said probably my last update until January 26th. (Typed this up the 20th.) I still have finals, but I scribbled this in the margins of my AP Euro notebook. And I just had to! Really short one-shot, but I was inspired. (:

I think I might do that once in a while, you know, the whole "author-adding-her-own-chapter-one-shot" kind of thing. I won't do it too often though! Requests come first! X: I just wanted something to make myself smile. Teehee! Sorry guys!

Besides.. I don't think  C.N. Blue  gets enough love♥ I just had to share! Isn't he so CUTE?! Homg. -Fansself-




♪ Let's get retarded it started! HAWT! Let's get retarded it started! In here! ♪

Yonghwa's singing in English or Korean; you decide! Hahaha! X:

I just had to! LOL. iloveyoujonghyun♥ .. This song is REALLY fun to play! (:

-Jams out as best I can with them on an acoustic guitar-

Ow. (ㅠ.ㅠ)

- - -


"Baaaaaabe," I drawled stupidly before I could stop myself. "I-I wanna -hic- s-see y-hic-y-you!" I slammed my fist into her door.

Stupid Jonghyun. Stupid gig at a bar. Stupid alcohol. Stupid girl. She'll be the death of me, I swear.

"Come back later." Sonny called from the other side. "When you're sober."

"Ayy, boy! Shut up!" Her neighbor opened the door, peeking through a tiny crack.

"F-hic-fuck off, gramps!" I leaned on the wall, flipping off the old lady.

Whoops. I giggled, looking down. I watched as the floor loomed closer to me.

"Whoa. T-hic-that's.. tr-.. trippy."

Thunk. I out, I think.



"Aish," I woke up, hearing someone's angelic voice. "I'm in love with an idiot."

Cool hands wiped my forehead and pushed hair out of my face. Light humming started and slippered footsteps faded in a distance.

Something. Smells. Fruity. Sonny's perfume? My nose twitched, and I realized I was in her bed. I sat up, finding myself shirtless. Swinging my feet off her pocket-sized bed, I rubbed my head.

One hell of a headache.

"Jonghyun-oppa." Sonny glided through the doorway, wearing one of my t-shirts, which looks fashionably over-sized on her, and a pair of shorts. "You're so stupid. Like, really? Drinking? What would Yonghwa-oppa say?!"

I'm pretty sure she kept on talking, but I just couldn't concentrate anymore. I stared at her, clutching my thobbing head.

The way her cheeks fire up when she's annoyed. The way her hair swishes this way and that. The way her big eyes get all wide, like she's looking into my soul. The way she stands like she's oh-so tall, when she's over a foot shorter than I am. The way her lips move when she talks. Those lips.

Before I knew it, I found myself standing in front of her. I was about to lean down. About to kiss those lips.

"O-oppa?!" She poked my chest. "Are you even listening to me?!"

That snapped me to attention. I straightened up, yawning.

"Babe, got any Tylenol? This headache's killing me." I flexed, taking advantage of this little shirtless moment, enjoying the longing stare that lingered over her face.

"N-n-no." She stuttered, turning red. Aish! You're so cute! "Hey.. Jonghyun-oppa?"

"Mmm?" I bent down, staring straight into her eyes.

"Y-yo-you.." She began, turning redder. I thought she was gonna, y'know, fling her arms around my neck and kiss me.

Instead.. her nose wrinkled. "You smell. Go take a shower!"

Yup. She'll be the death of me.

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These one shots are really wonderful. Especially Junhyung's one. That got me laughing out loud during the dare. Keep writing these beautiful stories!
kyniam #2
really good
Im loving the one shots :D
lazycharms #4
Aw~ I don't remember requesting at all!!! hahaha. I was SUPER surprise when I saw the note. haha. And I totally forgot what i asked for! :P but I'm happy! VERY happy! haha. hope you have fun with your other request. and again Thank you VERY MUCH! :D
Thank you so much for writing my oneshot!!! I really liked it!! ^^ *huggies* <br />
I can already imagine the baby! hahahha xDDD <br />
Thank you, again :)
lazycharms #6
awe...I love babies!! *super tight huggie*
thank you for the awesome one shottt ^^ omg it is just so super uber awesomely sweet.<br />
it has a simple plot but it just melted me like nobody's business! thank youuu dearest sonnydearr, you're loved <3<br />
more great works to come!
AegyoWookie #8
I read the two stories about Cho Kyuhyun, and I immediately loved it! It was amazing how you wrote it! ^_^<br />
Subscribing ~
awww...i wish i could apply as well...hehehehe
Take your time, we all know that youäve got a real life too so you possibly can't update all the time. :D ♥<br />
<br />
Oh, and btw. Is there any chance I could change my partner for my oneshot, seeing as to how it's not the next one on the list?